Sony Ericsson :: K850i / Unable To Start Via PC Suite
Sep 19, 2010
I have Sony ericson k850i its not starting. when i press start button its keypad illuminates and nothing else.When connected with PC its says the phone is in Mass storage media.The PC suite can not access the phone.I tried the repair tool in the Sony Ericsson PC Suite but it didn't work.
im not able to send any texts from my vivazpro. it remains in my outbox. i checked with the network people. they said its nothing to do with my sim service.
Could anyone help me set up a POP3 account on my K850i I have set up the incoming server and that works fine I can receive emails. I cannot send emails so the outgoing server is the problem. I have tried several different email addresses with no luck. I used the same settings as I use on my PC to set up the SMTP settings. When I try to send the screen doesn't respond and the mail stops in the Outbox.
someone please help me on that:my sek850i was working properly just a while ago, but then it suddenly turned off by when i try to turn it on, its not working and when i plug it into the charger, a red light is coming out from the top near the on button.and the screen did not turn on.someone please help or tell me what happened
i recently unlocked my K850i and it was originally on orange so when every time i go into games or the menu it says "orange browser" and "orange games" "orange downloads" and is there anyway i can update this to three?
Today i have found second secret menu in my K850i. I have searched here for it but could not find any. It can be accessed by clicking By pressing that you get the second secret menu namely 'Personalize'. There are two options under that. 1. Network 2. Network Subset. By clicking any one you get another menu titled MNC Length. Under that two options are there. MNC2 & MNC3. By clicking any one you get password request.Can anyone know or explain me the use of it.
how to connect with internet on k850i through the pc, which is always connected with bordband please give me idia i have blutoth and usb boths of then so tell me that, how to connect internet on my mobile via pc
Few days ago,my phone having a problem. The screen goes blank but my keypad still got light. I still can receive call from my friends but i cant check the sms because the screen blank at all. Anyone can help me? Is it software problem or hardware?
I have just bought a used SE k850i and are very disappointed! I had a k750i before and were expecting a much better camera. The photos taken with the k850i are just grainy, grey and blurry! And I know how to fix settings and so on, and I have the latest firmware installed and everything. This is a photo i took today.And here is a photo I took with my K750.
I recently bought a new K850i (because the last one I bought had a bad camera). On my last phone I used the Laser Precision theme, and the Menu was those neon-blue icons. I don't have them any more. Ok, so searching around the forum, I found out that I have to debrand the phone? I have no "PlayNow" icon in the top left corner. Only a "Netcom" icon, which is a provider(?) here in Norway. Can someone please tell me how I do this? Do I have to "brand" it or whatever after I have debranded it? I don't understand this. I just want to get rid of the Netcom icons and get back the flash menu.
My k850i only works with a few sim cards,but when i try to use other sim cards it shows "insert sim".I've searched the whole net.Does anyone got a solution for this?
I've got this really annoying scratch on my phones screen. it's not like a normal scratch where you only see it in direct sunlight, but it's got different colours of white light. It's the same it you ever sneeze on you're computer screen and the colour dots. It's really off putting, so I was wondering what fix there is for this? Without having to replace the whole screen. K850i It truly is an amazing phone.
What's better? I now that they are different mobiles but what would you choose? I know that the K850i takes ugly Photos (sharpness) and has some problem with its "OS" (you have to reset it every time). I had no knowledge of bad opinions about the W595.
BATTERY CANNOT BE CHARGE PLEASE USE A SONY ERICSSON BATTERY. after flashing my phone. i got this error, i've tried changing my battery but the error is still there. my phone is K850i
today i brought k850i branded (o2) unlocked phone. now i need to mod it (camera,acoustic, etc..) before mod, i need to backup gdfs because few years ago i killed my k750i forever. please tell me are there any free way to backup gdfs on db3150 cid53 phone?
I have a 2 year old k850i phone which was never a perfect phone like my k800i but that I liked a lot. A few months ago the loudspeaker stopped working and then the screen just a few days ago. So I ordered a replacement for both things in ebay and I opened it to replace it. The ringer now works perfectly. The screen however is very dark (low contrast) probably due to the low quality. No complaints here. However, everytime I start the camera in picture or video mode (not replay) the shutter opens and the phone freezes. The typical camera display comes up but no image (from the lens) is displayed. Do you have any idea of what I may have done during my "surgery" to the phone? I have tried reinstalling the firmware with SEUS with no luck. I also reopened it again and all connections seem ok.
I just dropped my cellphone and it turned off. when i tried turn it back on, appeared a white screen and nothing more. the keyboard is normal and the screen blinks between white and black. I tried to update via SEUS and flash with a2uploader tool and aerix application BUT nothing happen.
Congrats K850i, you finally made your name proud. That K850i had potential when it came was no doubt about it. Most people who had K850i understood that it weakness probably was software related (weak color, weak quality, etc.) and look at K850i now.
K850i pictures, they have higher quality (clearer/sharper/deeper) then most new phones such; Elm, Hazel, Yari, c901, X10, you name it. K850i is back from the Dead and here for stay.
I've been having some difficulty in sending sms messages lately. most of the time i get the messages sending/operation failed. at first i tried to turn it off and take out the battery. it worked the first few times but now nothing i did worked. then i tried using the master reset which supposedly takes only a few minutes but for some reason it's taken a really long time.
I have just recieved a new Vivaz Pro phone. Im a novice as I previously had SE K850i which I loved but sadly has died! Today, I have spent hours and hours trying to "add" my Contacts via the Sim Card to the Vivaz. It wont work and I keep getting a Fashing Envelope to say the Sim Card is full I have 4 messages from my old phone in the message box. How can it be Full ANYONE KNOW HOW CAN I FIND THE SIM CARD WHEREABOUTS ON THE VIVAZ PRO So I have no Phone Contacts list,a phantom Full Sim Card and no Idea how to access the Sim Card details?
Does anyone knows a method for reducing the grainy pics captured by k850i.? Can it be done by reducing the sharpness..? I have seen pics with my n82 much smoother and vivid colors, and overall LESS THAN 1.5 mb in size. How is that possible? Here we have two 5 mp cameras, both takes the same pics, but the picture with smaller file size is better than with higher one. Is it the amount of grains/distortion the reason for more 'mb' in pics with k850i? Is there any way to take a pic with less than 10% grains?
I love the K850i. I could take a picture of a desk fan turned on with it, and it would look like it was off. Its image stabilizer was simply amazing. I never go down mega pixels. I currently have a w995. But, how good is the C905 for image stabilization? I tried the Satio. No good. Nor was Aino. I guess my question is what phone has got image stabilization the same as the k850i with over 5mp.
All cam driver that I have tried which has manual focus, requiring the user to set the focus to infinity. This is quite uncomfortable for me, so i look into the codes and edit several lines. Finally I've managed to solve the problem. Now you don't have to switch to infinity mode to use manual focus. You can use the code on your own driver with proper credit to me. Is it the lines that you need to change. Find the lines that control the focus operation (property 10) Change the code for this property with this.
First we need to know which property that we use to turn on the manual focus. (I'm using cybershot experience 8 for example) seq_set_prop_a_1 = //* Start AF $p4 08 //put value of property 8 to register 4 $c4 04 //if the value is 4 #CHANGE_MODE(31,02) // stop the auto focus process immediately $cl //else #CHANGE_MODE(31,06) // start auto focus process $cx $sf.02 0 // Not in draft mode; I use K850i to test this code but it should work on others.