Nokia :: Quick Contact Search On The N97?

Jan 13, 2010

I must be partially daft, but for the life of me, I can't find any way to quick-search contacts. When I go to the dialpad, dialing a number doesn't bring up any contacts; and attempting to press any keyboard buttons (i.e. "M" for "Michael") does absolutely nothing either.I am sure I must be missing something. Could anybody suggest what I'm doing wrong?

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Nokia :: E72 Contacts Quick Search Doesn't Work

Jan 21, 2010

I have over 1,500 contacts in Outlook and has successfully synchronized them with Nokia E72 (last firmware). But quick search in Contacts application simply doesn't work - I can find only few contacts - others just dissapear when I start typing correct letters.

I tried to kill the process of this app and restart Contacts. Voila, it works correctly! But then in 5 min. I tried again and got just the same problem.Desktop quick search doesn't work too.

I've already tried to reload all the contacts in my phone - no results.

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Nokia :: 5800 Add Button For Quick Contact Function Was Large

Feb 16, 2010

About a month ago, my new nokia 5800 which i recieved on a plan using virgin fell into water. I bought a new one from a website called, which came from Hong Kong, although claimed to be made at the same factory as all the other phones. When i received my new phone, i was suprised to see that everything seemed to be in order, and that it all looked fine.When i started the phone i noticed many problems with my layout. It all seemed very awkward, and the Add button for the quick contact function was large. I also had 2 buttons saying telehpone and contacts at the bottom of the screen instead of the 2 icons that were there on my older phone. I also do not have the full screen qwerty keyboard available, or atleast cannot find it, when i want to text. Another small thing i noticed was that when i scrolled through with the stylus, for example through the messageing menu, instead of stopping at the top or bottom it would keep scrolling untill i stopped.

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IPhone :: Quick Search Contacts On 4S?

Mar 16, 2012

I cannot find quick search in contacts

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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Nokia :: E72 Contacts Search Does Find Existing Contact

Mar 9, 2010

I am experiencing strange behavior of E72 contacts application.My contacts are synchronizes via Exchange (as is email, calendar and tasks).When I enter Contacts and seach for a specific name (starting H today, but it was a different letter) no contact is found when in fact this contact exists and I can find it by scrolling thru all contacts.I find that restarting the phone solves the problem for a while.

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Nokia :: Application - Extend Contact Search Feature?

Aug 15, 2010

great new application which extends the searching capabilities within the conacts to include
display names
nick names
phone numbers
IM names is safe and quick without flaws. works automatically. if you have rootsh installed
open xterm
sudo gainroot
apt-get install extended-contacts-search

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Nokia Nseries :: 808 Pureview Contact Search Not Working?

Aug 7, 2012

i am unable to get contact search to work even after enabling it on the call screen. adaptive search under settings has also been turned on.

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Eseries / Communicators :: E72 - Contacts Quick Search Doesn't Work Correctly

Jan 21, 2010

I have over 1,500 contacts in Outlook and has successfully synchronized them with Nokia E72 (last firmware). But quick search in Contacts application simply doesn't work - I can find only few contacts - others just dissapear when I start typing correct letters. I tried to kill the process of this app and restart Contacts. Voila, it works correctly! But then in 5 min. I tried again and got just the same problem. Desktop quick search doesn't work too.I've already tried to reload all the contacts in my phone - no results.

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Huawei Nexus 6P :: Blocked Call List Quick Access - Search

Feb 12, 2016

This question is not specific to the Nexus 6P, but that is the phone I carry. I add 2 or 3 phone numbers (telemarketers) to my blocked call list every week. When a telemarketer calls, I

(1) hang up,
(2) go to the call log,
(3) tap the call record to expand it,
(4) tap "call details", then
(5) select "block number."

That's all very simple.The issue is that now that I have dozens or hundreds of blocked numbers , when I miss a call, there's no easy way to see if the missed call was from a number on my blocked list. A missed call from a blocked number looks the same as a missed call from an un-blocked number (unless they're in my contact list). I can scroll through (but not search or sort) my blocked call list by

(1) opening phone app,
(2) tapping "Settings" in the primary menu, then
(3) tapping "Call Blocking."

This presents a list of all of the numbers that I've ever blocked, but I can't search it and I can't sort it.

in a perfect world, the Call Log would somehow show a flag for missed calls from blocked numbers so that I don't have to search the list to see if the number is blocked. In an even more perfect world, a tap on that number would take me to a detail page showing all the times that number has called and been blocked. Finally, the blocked number list would be both searchable and sortable. I think that most/all of this could be accomplished by a 3d party app - for which I'd gladly pay five bucks. There are lots of call blocking apps on the market, but they all appear to operate separately from the Android native call blocking function.

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Nokia Nseries :: 808 Contact Search In Dialler And Contacts In Messaging?

Oct 5, 2012

For the past few days my 808 dialler no loger does Contact Search while tapping the T9 keys. I've checked that the setting is enabled.I've also found that Messaging no longer displays my contacts, just their phone numbers.The timing of this seems to coincide with the recent Social update for FP2, but it could be coincidence.

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Nokia Nseries :: Unable To Perform Search/call A Contact?

Oct 26, 2010

On the N8 user guide page 37 & 38, it is written that we can call/search for a contact by entering the contact first or second name characters by selecting each number key once for each letter but I am unable to do that on my N8.

There isn't any soft key to activate/deactive the "Contact search" under option which is also written on the user guide.

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Nokia Nseries :: Contact Search In Dialler And Contacts In Messaging?

Jun 1, 2011

For the past few days my 808 dialler no loger does Contact Search while tapping the T9 keys. I've checked that the setting is enabled.I've also found that Messaging no longer displays my contacts, just their phone numbers.The timing of this seems to coincide with the recent Social update for FP2, but it could be coincidence.I've tried switching Contact Search off and on. I've re-synced my contacts with Nokia Sync.

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Xperia X10 Mini/pro :: Unable To Search Contacts With Touch Screen Using Quick Text?

Nov 21, 2010

When I click on the touch screen to make a call and want to quickly find a name in the contacts I have to type in the name onle letter (and a few presses) at a time or open the keyboard. I can't select the 'quick text' option.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: When Create/edit A Contact And Hit Save, Then Search For That Contact In Contacts Can't Find?

Jan 25, 2012

I am facing a very frustrating problem. Sometimes when I create/edit a contact and hit save, then search for that contact in my contacts I can't find it!! Or sometimes I can find it but with all the contact information deleted.I am using Verizon Backup assitant to manage my contacts. I wonder if anyone else have the same problem. That problem is not only frustrating, but also embarassing, especially when you are entering a new friend's contact while showing off your phone

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BB Software :: Quick Add SMS Contact?

Nov 17, 2010

Is there any way to quickly add an SMS contact to bbm.Possibly similar to clicking on the context menu - add to bbm for a message that includes something like this: pin:ABCDEFG,Does anything exist to do something similar to include phone numbers in your BBM stream with as few clicks? The only method I know of is very tedious.

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Add A Quick Contact?

Sep 10, 2011

I recently purchased an Atrix and on the second default page of the phone is four icons to add what I call quick call icons. I had no problems adding contacts to those icons but I would like to have more that 4.

1. What is the proper name for those "quick connect" icons?

2. Can I have more that 4 and if so how to I create more?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Disappearing Quick Contact Pictures?

Mar 5, 2012

Is there a permanent fix that anyone is aware of for disappearing quick contact pics every time you shut off and restart your phone? I can delete the widget and set-up a new one and it fixes the issue but only until the next time I shut the phone down.

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Cseries :: C7 - Contact Search Not Working?

Oct 13, 2011

Its been a year now since I have been using C7-00. For the first time I am facing this problem. THe problem is that the contact search is not working ie, when I open the dialer and enter some numbers, the phone does not search any contacts with those alphabets.The same was working fine few days back. Just wonder what happened to it.The contact search option in the settings is switched ON.

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Eseries / Communicators :: Direct Contact Search Is Gone From E72?

Dec 29, 2010

For no apparent reason the direct contact search is gone from my E72.I used to be able, from the main screen, to type in the names of contacts and they would automagically appear, for me to choose between hits.

That functionality is gone now, and I can't seem to find where to re-enable it..

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BB Curve 8900 :: Search Contact List

Mar 19, 2010

I have a blackberry curve 8900 which I love but which I think may have broken my spirit this time.When I go into my contacts to search for a contact it just goes on to 'Add contact' - when I type the contact name into the 'find contact' option it then decides to add a new one instead.It will let me search my SIM card contacts but, not being the cleverest of people, my contacts aren't all on my SIM.If I go through the Search icon on my desktop and search through contacts it will let me find them through there but I don't understand why my contacts bit has changed, and how to reverse this?

The contacts are there when I go to SMS someone but if I am trying to send a message through MMS (ie a picture) then the same contact search problem occurs.I am not the most technologically-minded of people but I really love this phone and I don't know what I have done wrong!!

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BB Curve :: Cannot Use Search Contact Option On Messenger

Aug 2, 2012

my device 9360 i cannot use search contact option on my blackberry messenger,if i use that just get my blackberry messenger Hang/not responding.

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HTC One M9 :: When Delete Texts And Search Then Contact Info Isn't There

Jul 20, 2015

I have a few contacts that as long as I have texts from them they show up when I search for their names in the "people" section of the phone app. When I delete their texts and search for them the contact info isn't there. However, if I enter their number instead of their name on the dialer their contact info shows up. I'm so confused as to why this would happen.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Contact Search Capability

Jun 8, 2012

I have over 3000 contacts. When entering a name in the search field, the Razr only seems to search for the FIRST word in a contact field. Because I have so many contacts, I input key words in contact fields. Either in first name, last name or company. I may have the persons name in the last & first name fields and in the company field I may input their company name and or simply input several key words to remember them by... such as where I met them, how I remember them, etc. Now, my iphone will search for ANY of these words in the contacts fields, however my new Razr seems to only pick up the FIRST WORD in each field. With as many contacts as I have, I cannot depend on searching this way! COME ON!?, Really? Am I doing something wrong?

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BB Bold :: Automatic Email Contact Search Doesn't Work?

Jun 9, 2011

When i type a mail or forward a mail their is TO or CC, i write to a mail's first word but there is not auto search the mail deatils are as follows :Black Berry modal 8520V5.0.0.592I am using yahoo, gmail and corporate enterprises account.Total 4 nos. of mail pushing on my handsetmy defalut messaging service mail is my corporate mail i.e.

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Motorola Droid Turbo :: Why Won't Phone Find A Contact Using Search

Sep 19, 2015

the contact is in my google account.. i can scroll to it. but when using the phone's search contacts.. it doesn't find it.

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Galaxy S5 :: Dialer / Keypad Contact Search Can't Find Certain Contacts

Mar 16, 2015

All I did was modify my contacts settings to display contacts according to "custom settings" (instead of displaying contacts from ALL ACCOUNTS) and random contacts seemed to be ignored by the keypad lookup. When I would switch to the "Contacts" tab of the dialer and type out the name/ keyword, the same contact I was searching for WOULD be found. I even changed back to "All contacts" in the select contacts to display settings, but that didn't work.

An example of what I'm experiencing: when searching for a restaurant called "Second Grill", I would type in Grill using the keypad, and 6 other restaurants with Grill in their name popped up, but not Second Grill. When I typed in "Grill" in the contacts tab, "Second Grill" did show up as expected. Before changing the contacts settings at all, I know the lookup for Second Grill worked because I used it regularly.

I next went to Settings --> Applications --> Application manager and found 3 different "Phone" apps and cleared the cache of each one. Still didn't work. I did not try "Clear Data" for each one, as I was warned this would delete the application files (that didn't sound like what I wanted to do).

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BB Curve 8900 :: Quick Dial / Quick Finding Contacts

May 30, 2010

So i've had my blackberry 8900 for a year now & it's very convenient for me to just press the clicking letters of a contact name and have it narrow down my contacts to the person i want. That way, i don't have to click on the contacts icon and start finding a name.I just took out the battery of my phone & put it in a couple minutes later because of some other issues, & now i can no longer do that anymore! I press buttons when i'm on the home screen and nothing happens; there isn't the convenient shortcut to finding/narrowing down a contact anymore.

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Eseries / Communicators :: E5 - Contact Search From Home Screen Stopped Working?

May 18, 2011

When I got my E5 I could start typing a name of a contact and the search worked nicely. But now nothing happens as I type - it just shows the text/numbers that I have entered. I'd like to get this back as it's a really nice feature. Is there something I should be turning on/off to get this to work?

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BB Bold :: 9930 Search Feature Not Working With Stored Contact Data

Jun 4, 2012

I previously had a BB Curve. I store a lot of information in the notes portion of my contacts. With the Curve I could search for items stored in notes and it would display any contact that contained the search criteria. I currently have a BB Bold 9930. When I do the same type of search it doesn't retrieve the contact. I spent a lot of time and energy to store needed information for quick reference and now it is useless.

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Nokia :: E72 - Quick Way Of Accessing New Notification

Mar 25, 2010

I just picked up my E72 phone and I was wondering if there was a quick way to access notifications that come at the bottom of the screen when a new SMS has come in or there has been a missed call. Its really irritating to get an SMS, then when I unlock the phone and scroll using the opti-pad to the tab with new SMS it keeps going passed it. So maybe there is a way around this? Like a shortcut key?

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Nokia Nseries :: Can't Get My Quick Office And PDF

Aug 23, 2011

The installation log shows both these programs installed on 18/08/11 when I upgraded to Symbian Anna but their icons don't appear in my apps.ACTION TAKE SO FAR

1) tried reinstalled firmware through Ovi suite - failed to have programs

2) advanced date on phone to 22/10/11 and using software update on phone... updates appeared for Symbian Anna 1/2 and 2/2 and installation appeared to take place. However, no icon for Quickoffice or PDF.

3) If I go to settings > application manager > installed apps then Adobe Reader LE version 10.00(245) is listed as being on C: phonememory and Quickoffice 6.04(460) on C: phonememory

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