Nokia :: 5230 - Cant Download Ovi Maps
Jun 8, 2010
I have a Nokia 5230 which I have made sure has the latest firmware, downloaded Ovi Suite, installed the latest free version of Ovi maps. Now I connect to my PC and go to maps on Ovi suite and it won't let me doownload any maps, what am I doing wrong? I have tried deleting the cities folder and the other file on the handset first and then retrying etc but nothing seems to work.
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Mar 2, 2010
I recently bought my Nokia 5230 and it came with the programm Nokia Maps (Version 3.03 (246)) installed on "C Telephone memory" using 9MB there.Then Nokia gladly announced "free world voice guided car navigation". In order to get this free car navigation I followed the Nokia instructions on the internetpage and installed Ovi maps (Version 3.03 (246)) which is now in "D Telephone memory" using 7 MB there.(That is the information shown when I look into the details of my installed programms.I then loaded the necessary maps and the voice file with Nokia Map Loader from my computer into my micro SD card (E) . Navigation is working extremely well! But: What is "D Telephone Memory"? According to the filemanager of my phone no D exists! More important: May I safely deinstall the preinstalled Nokia maps now that I have Ovi maps installed? phone is set to german and the designations above are translations into english and may not correspond exactly to the english designations of Nokia phones set to english.
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Jun 14, 2010
I am a new owner of a Nokia Nuron 5230 (via T-Mobile USA) and I am extremely happy with it. Still, I have a couple of issues which I would like to solve with your help:
a) is there a way to turn off or, better, totally eliminate the idiotic T-Mobile jingle when the phone is turned on, and off? At the very least, can I somehow kill the sound of this horrible commercial?
b) in the OVI maps manual it says the following on how to save a place:
Save a place
1 In the map view, go to the location. To search for an address or place, select Search.
2 Press the scroll key.
My N5230 does not have a scroll key. What can I do?
c) still in Ovi Maps; I noticed that when I search for a place, it is a good idea to repeat the exact same search at least three times. Ovi Maps often finds nothing on the first or second try, but does find it on the third. Why is that?
d) again in Ovi Maps: when I am in the 'drive' mode and I have entered to point to drive to, I noticed that when a swipe my finger from right to left I get a 4 different kind of map views. Where can I find details about these views? (they are not documented in the manual I have)
e) last Ovi question: what is the best way to create a route and then look at it in a way similar to what GoogleMaps offers: a map covering start and finish, with the basic data (time, distance, etc.). I have not found a good way to create a route.
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Jul 6, 2010
i recently got a nokia 5230, and i have to give my colpliments to nokia. its an amazing device for the money
but, i have a problem. i used the vodafone sim card i have for the maps, and after some help from the store, i hav managed to get them working. they are fantastic.but here lies the problem: if i use my o2 sim, the maps application refuses to connect, stating a connection failure. however, the web browser works fine.are there any particular setting that i need to make to make the maps app connect when i am using the o2 sim?
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Jul 29, 2010
How can I delete maps on Nokia 5230??
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May 31, 2010
I have downloaded OVI maps 3.04 and I still get the message "Online connection required to enter the shop".
Do I need a license # or do I have to uninstall something?
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Mar 13, 2010
I have trouble getting maps om my new 5230. I have expanded the memory with a Scandisk 8 GB card. I have downloaded the mapsinstaller and installed it on my phone using PC-suite.I got the blue worldmap menu on my phone, but when I tries to check my position I only get a red dot on a blank screen and my GPS position, no maps.After I have downloaded the mapinstaller, must I download maps from somewhere else? Should I use the phone or the PC(PC suite to download maps? Is the mapinstaller and the maploader two different downloads?Iv'e been to and done the download at least a dozen times.
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May 8, 2010
I have had my 5230 since Dec and have tried to use the maps but with no success. I have followed numerous instructions fron these forums again with no success.My prob is that when i attempt to use the Ovimap, I get to the main menu and press Position the map shows for a couple of minutes, yellow bar at bottom blinks then phone restarts.Any help would be great.
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Jan 28, 2010
have a 5230, I installed on this phone OVI maps (3.03) and I downloaded the map of norway. When I try to find an address (any address) I can't find it. I set the telephone to not use GPRS connection to dowload data.Any suggestion. Message Edited by gaingi on 28-Jan-2010 08:43 AM
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Jan 22, 2010
i just dowloaded ovi maps 3.0 on my 5230 and it works fine. but i'm in iceland and i thought that there was supposed to be street maps of iceland in there the ad from ovi on Internet f.x. they show a map of countries that have been mapped and iceland is on that map but i just can't find it. all i can see is names of towns and cities and the main roud around iceland but no more than that. but when i navigate to london f.x. i get all the streets and street names.(and yes i know iceland isn't that big so i should not get lost but gps can come in handy here like anywhere else)
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Mar 10, 2010
I have recently bought a 5230 with Ovi maps supposedly installed and since re-installed several times. It has proved impossible to access the maps and despite e.mails and phone calls to Nokia, Carphone Warehouse, and Talk Mobile, no one is able to resolve this problem, or reply to e.mails.I have also spent nearly four hours, in two visits to a branch of Carphone Warehouse, and despite the best efforts of the staff, no one can come up with a solution. Every time I try to connect, I receive " connection failed, please try later," no maps, nothing but empty screens.It would appear that it is impossible for this phone to achieve "what it says on the box."
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Jun 24, 2010
Would someone be able to advise me on how to remove Maps v3.04?I already had v3.03 and thought I would try the latest version. There are some features that I am not happy with (not realising it was a beta version!!)
I then tried to downgrade to v3.03. It goes through the installation and then my phone reports Unknown error -5.I tested again - it believes I have v3.03(246) already, and again error -5.I check in maps and the version is v3.04I have obviously confused matters.
Do you know how to safely remove all versions so that I can start again with v3.03? I have read a few topics where people have been able to uninstall - but then still can't get v3.03 to install. I dont want to be in that situation
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Jun 19, 2010
I found that even if I set Ovi maps to "offline", it still sends and receives packet data while the gps is in use. I started a route and after stopping it, I checked the "Log' and I can see more data send and received recorded. I do not have a data plan and would like to know if I am incurring charges in this case. I have a-gps and gps set, so I'm guessing these packets might be due to a-gps? Without a-gps and with gps alone the performance will be pretty bad, right? I have t-mobo and nokia 5230.
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May 5, 2010
i have recorded directions in my daughters voice and uploaded to ovi maps. after that i downloaded and installed. But when u try to search for the voice guided navigation , i do not see that option in my choices in Navigation of driving.I m using Nokia 5230, Ovi maps V 3.04.Please advise. i m all too excited to use voice navigation of my 5 Yrs old Daughter.
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Jul 8, 2010
Latest firmware. New install of maps 3.04, only integrated gps choice and still waiting for position. I have a red light on the top left of the screen.Where is the locking meter of satellites. I am waiting waiting but nothing. All I see is a white screen and the red light.
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Jul 18, 2010
When trying to install the latest version through Nokia Ovi Suite I receive a message saying "Failed to install [...] Internal error [...]
I have tried to remove the older version of maps that was on my phone but instead of being uninstalled, the icon of Ovi Maps was only vanished from the Applications' list without actually being removes from the phone; I can still access it using a shortcut I had made.
I own a Nokia 5230, firmware version: 21.0.004
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Apr 27, 2010
About a month ago I bought the Nokia 5800 as I wanted the free Sat Nav, I have version 3.01 on the phone, when I phoned Nokia about something else I asked them about version 3.03 and they told me I could not install this until I had used all the days of my 10 free trial, then I was to ring them again and they would help install it for me, after 55 minutes on the phone we had no joy, so I decided to try myself and did it first time. Now the question I need answered with your help is, I am going to Italy in June and when I open the GPS (offline) it works fine in the UK where I live, and when I input the town Pisa, Italy it finds it on the maps, does this mean that the Sat Nav will work in Italy or is this just a map?
When you download version 3.03 does it download all the maps?Also is there anyway I can find out which maps I have on the phone?
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Jun 26, 2010
I have a problem with my Nokia 5230 Navigation Edition: when I launch OVI Maps application and choose desired route, I have only a message: "Waiting for GPS" - all the time, no matter where I am - in the big city, in the countryside, on the field - still no fix caught. I have latest OVI Maps version installed and all settings set to rely on built-in GPS module.Do You have any ideas how to make my 5230 NE to be really NE?
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Feb 17, 2010
Do I need to install a memory card to use OVI MAPS on Nokia 5230? I installed MAPS, and when starting the application on the phone, it does start and shows the GPS info, but on a blank screen, no maps.Anyone?
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Jun 12, 2010
When I start Nokia Map Loader application for dowloading maps on Nokia 5230 I get an error message saying :
The following errors occured while transferring files. If the error is not permanent, you can try starting the file transfers again.
config.cfg file couldn't been found. operation forbidden
config.cfg file couldn't been found. operation forbidden
I can't download maps on the phone because the region list is empty (it is not supposed to be).This happens every time I try to use the Map Loader.There are screenshots of the same problem on another forum: r-mac/bugreport/configcfg-operation-forbidden.
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Jun 30, 2010
I've been using Ovi Maps for a few weeks, and I'm a little confused as to how Ovi Maps (3.04) works alongside "Landmarks". This is on a 5230.Ovi Maps has a section called "categories" which are selectable for display under the Ovi Maps settings menu. If I select a category from here, an icon is shown on the map representing the location. So I have chosen useful ones for me - cash dispensers, fuel stations, tourist information etc and these display properly.Outside of Ovi Maps, there is also the "Landmarks" under "Applications" "Location". Landmarks are sorted either alphabetically or can be allocated to categories. I have chosen to add some specific locations to a category called "Geocaches". I don't appear to be able to make this category of custom locations appear in Ovi Maps, or be searchable in Ovi Maps. How do I make the category "Geocaches" appear as a category in Ovi Maps? How can I choose which icon to display in Ovi Maps representing these landmarks only? Or does Ovi Maps simply read all Landmarks and completely ignore the category assigned in the Landmarks app? there no way that I can add points of interest directly into the Ovi Maps file structure? (Just for reference, on TomTom devices this is very straightforward. The TomTom reads file with a specific filename extension and adds it to the categories that are searchable and can be displayed on a map. Additionally it allows a warning sound to be played when you arrive within a certain distance of location in a specific category - TomTom calls them POIs - and this would be a very useful feature for Ovi Maps particularly for my hobby of geocaching).
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Jun 10, 2010
I just upgraded my 5230 phone software and can no longer connect to the maps in ovi suite on my pc. I just get the error message that my internet isn't working, which isn't the case.I've rebooted my pc, and restarted the phone, same problem. I can access ovi maps on the phone but just can't get it to connect with my pc.can anyone help?
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Jul 31, 2010
I have a Nokia 5230 which I have updated the maps via Ovi suite on my PC,. However when I go to Ovi maps on my phone it always says connection failed, if I try to go to my location I get the red dot flashing searching for position then will go solid for a short while and start to flash again, it gives my location about 1 mile from where I am. Also from the OVI maps screen if I try to sign into my Nokia accost,(To get A-GPS I think) I get the message saying this requires you to go online, 'yes' brings up the connection failed message. I can browse the internet and go to face book etc.
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Mar 10, 2010
I have recently bought a 5230 with Ovi maps supposedly installed and since re-installed several times. It has proved impossible to access the maps and despite e.mails and phone calls to Nokia, Carphone Warehouse, and Talk Mobile, no one is able to resolve this problem, or reply to e.mails.I have also spent nearly four hours, in two visits to a branch of Carphone Warehouse, and despite the best efforts of the staff, no one can come up with a solution. Every time I try to connect, I receive " connection failed, please try later," no maps, nothing but empty screens.
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Oct 14, 2012
What is the most current ovi maps version for Nokia 5230? I have ovi_maps_installer_3.06_11wk7_b11_s60_5.0_nocs_beta and it is incredibly slow locating a position on the GPS. I don't use a data plan so I need to know where I can download the current version to my PC.The GPS on both my son's and wife's 5230 seems to snap to position in seconds. They both have one of the 3.03 versions. My 3.06 version takes several minutes in the same location. I had a lot of trouble in the Dominican Republic and in Colombia with 3.06. Could I switch the SIM card and memory card with my son's phone? Maybe it's the GPS circuit on my phone that is so slow.Is 3.09 available for the 5230? Ovi and Nokia seem to make it very difficult to find the latest version for a particular phone.
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May 31, 2010
I have read somewhere that there is a proceeding to calibrate the magnetic compass on the 5230, and my questions are:
1) The 5230 has a magnetic compass built in it? Where it is documented?
2) It is used in navigation using Ovi Maps? How and when?
3) How I can calibrate it, making the 360 turn, as suggested elsewhere? On what screen/menu is the function selected?
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Jan 21, 2010
Have a new Nokia 5230 the Maps application was working fine and now get this on the PC Ovi. Cannot find maps or voice guidance on your device. This is due to either of the following reasons:Your device does not support the Nokia Maps application. The maps and voice guidance files are corrupted Ok then went to help and deleted the files as advised.
If you see a notification in Nokia Ovi Suite Maps that your device's maps or voice guidance files may have been corrupted, switch the device's USB mode to the mass storage USB mode. Then, from your device's memory card, look for a folder named Cities and a file named qf, and delete them. After that, switch back to the PC Suite USB mode. Refer to the user guide of your device for more detailed information on selecting or changing the USB mode.
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Feb 18, 2010
Has anyone tried updating software on Nokia 5230 and instaling Ovi Maps 3.03 for free sat nav? I'm planning on buying one in Ireland under O2 and was wondering if there could be issues with updating this device to the latest Nokia firmware and maps that have been just made available by Nokia.
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Nov 3, 2011
I recently bought a nokia E7 (Blue) US Version but I am using it in Canada. I updated it to Symbian Anna and so on. Everytime I try to add new maps from the cell phone itself it says (downloading list, please wait) this takes FOREVER, then i try to do it by nokia ovi suite, well that is even worse, sometimes it says THERE SEEMS TO BE A PROBLEM WITH CONNECTING THE ONLINE MAPS, sometimes it says some crazy errors (COULDNT CONNECT TO THE SERVICE, ETCC). I deleted the E:/cities folder + QF file, I opened the Ovi map apps and they got restored and so on but still nothing happens. Is there any other way to add some map I mean MANUALLY? I need the USA and Canada map, (voice guidande male us), I read some discussion from Ovikudy on how to do it manually but i need theses files.
BTW, I regret buying this Nokia E7 big time I should have listened to my friends and go to ANDROID. I know nokia is killing symbian but please fix those MAP serverS.
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Aug 30, 2011
I have nokia 5230 and a serious problem. After about one year of usage, the offline search of street names just did not work any more. I have made a complete software update yesterday. The new navigator said, there were no maps on my phone. When trying to download country maps, at about 40 % the grey downloading indicator at the bottom disappears and green download clock starts turning and turning and turning, nothing happens any more (every time same scenario). I have the newest ovi suite, even uninstalled and reinstalled it yesterday. Naigation was actually the only feature I use frequently.
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Aug 4, 2010
How to download POI(points of interest) for my nokia 5230's OVI MAPS? For Romania map
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