Motorola Xoom :: Way To Monitor Hotspot

May 26, 2011

I would like to be able to see which users or devices are connected to the hotspot at any given time. I would really like to be able to see how much data each device is using. I can't seem to find anything even close

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Motorola Xoom :: HDMI Output To Computer Monitor With DVI Input?

May 26, 2011

I am interested in using the miniHDMI to HDMI cable with an HDMI to DVI adapter to drive a standard computer monitor with the Xoom.

I have the pieces, and have verified I can do straight HDMI to a monitor that supports it. When I try to run the signal to DVI on a different monitor, I get nothing.

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Motorola Xoom :: Hotspot Turning Itself Off

Jun 28, 2012

Has anyone noticed their hotspot turning itself off? It has happened to me a few times in the past 24 hours.Once when I was right in the middle of a skype conversation on my laptop (using the hotspot).

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Motorola Xoom :: Cannot Reconnect To Public Hotspot

Oct 4, 2011

I've successfully connected to a public hotspot (hotel, MacDonalds, Panera) of the type that redirects you to an "agree to our terms" screen before you can use their internet connection. The first time I use the connection it works fine. The next time I try to use the connection, the connection either goes to "remembered" but never connects, or it connects but the browser won't redirect to the "agree" screen, so I can't actually use the connection.

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Motorola Xoom :: 3G Constant Disconnects When Used As Hotspot?

May 10, 2011

A similar issue has been brought up before in the forum, but not quite the same issue I am having... I have seen it discussed at length on the Droid X orums, no resolution... so, maybe some of you know some tricks to get the 3G connection stable when using the Xoom as an mobile hotspot...I originally had a 3G MiFi device, that worked great for about 6 months... after which time, it would drop its connection if there was moderate usage by any more than just one connected device... and that has been well documented on Verizon forums, although they had no solution for it.

I had this device because regular high speed connections are not available at my house, and I'm less than a mile from a Verizon tower, in a low density population area... when connected I usually have over a 2Mb connection, and great signal... not bad for being on cellular...So, all that being said, when the Xoom came out, and I saw that hotspot was available at no extra charge, I jumped at it... a great new tablet to use, and, what I thought would be, a hotspot that no longer lost connection, unfortunately that was not the case, and I think connection issues are worse now with the Xoom, than they ever were with the MiFi.If I enable the hotspot, have only one computer connected to it, and only browse 1 tab at a time, while not downloading or doing anything else internet related, the connection holds up just fine... yesterday my wife got a new laptop, and I was able to run all updates, and get all her software downloaded and installed without issue, and that was over 600MB of data, at least, but, while doing the downloads, I made sure that I did nothing else on the internet.

When I finished, my wife started surfing the internet... both of us use tabbed browsing quite a bit... but she had only opened maybe 3 tabs, and at that point the 3G symbol on the xoom went away, after a couple seconds came back, that after a couple seconds went away again... and this repeated over and over until I reset the xoom. Then the Xoom was fine for maybe 10 minutes, before it started doing it again. And, this happens regardless of what device is connected.After trying numerous things from the Droid X forums about this issue, and discovering that none of them work, I thought, well... maybe the tower has issues... so I brought it to work today... same issue, I opened and opened about 10 tabs from there, just various news stories that I wanted to read about... and it was fine at first, but, after looking at a couple stories, I decide to visit this forum as well, but when I tried, I could not... so I looked at my Xoom and saw that the 3G icon was going away and coming back again, just like before.

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Motorola Xoom :: 4g Phone With Hotspot Tether Usage

May 13, 2011

can i use a 4g phone with portable hotspot tether to get 4g speeds on my wifi xoom?what is bluetooth tether and how do i do it? bottleneck speed is good, right?

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Motorola Defy :: 3G Mobile Hotspot Alternative For Creating WiFi HotSpot?

Jul 16, 2011

I was always using on other phones with Android 2.2 FroYo that 3G mobile hotspot feature, which was included right in the Android system under Wireless Networks settings.Now in Defy there is no option like that under settings in FroYo. Defy includes own app called 3G Mobile Hotspot, which should work like that option for creating mobile WiFi hotspots in other Android phones. But here is the problem.On my older phone with Android 2.2 I could create 3G WiFi hotspot wherever I needed and it worked. But now, with Defy, when I use that application 3G Mobile Hotspot, it writes me error when creating WiFi hotspot "Cannot set up data link, please contact your service provider" I suppose it is something with my carrier (Vodafone_CZ), but when I used 3G WiFi hotspots on older phones (which had that feature included right in Android settings menu) it worked without problems and I a used mobile phone for 3G internet sharing with my laptop.Now I remember, that I have deleted some DUN profile under APN Internet profiles, could it be that problem, that 3G Mobile Hotspot app is not working?how to create WiFi hotspot on my Defy for example with some other app?Or if not, how can I use Internet Tethering in Defy Mobile Networks menu via Bluetooth (my laptot has BT). I dont know, what should I set in my laptot to use Defy like BT 3G Internet provider and I dont know, if Internet Tetherig via BT is not charged at my carrier (I know, that the 3G WiFi hotspot feature was not extra charged..) so for that reason I would like to make it working on my Defy.

My ROM: original 34.179.2.MB525.Retail.en.CEE
Android 2.2.2

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Motorola Motoactv :: Cannot Monitor Cadence Or Speed

Dec 22, 2011

I just got my MOTOACTV and I love it.. I ride a stationary bike both at the gym and at home and I have yet to purchase the bike sensor.. while I understand I cannot monitor cadence or speed, I am trying to monitor my HR. I selected eliptical trainer for a ride just so that my HR would show up.. is there any way to simply monito your HR?

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Motorola Motoactv :: Not Connecting Heart Monitor To It?

Jan 22, 2012

I've not been able to connect my Motorola heart rate monitor chest strap to the Motoactv device. The device keeps trying to connect and never connects. I wear the heart monitor, including wetting the contacts, but the device never connects. I'm assuming the the new heart monitor has good batteries, since it's brand new. Are the batteries installed in an inactive manner for shipping? I need to get it working or else I need to return it for my $70 plus.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Get A Heart Rate Monitor Strap To Go With It?

Sep 1, 2012

I want to get a heart rate monitor strap to go with my Motoactv, which I love by the way. I went to the Motoactv site and to Amazon to get a Moroactve heart rate strap and they are out of stock. What should I do? Buy a Garman Ant+ HRM strap?Wait for a Motoactv HRM strap Or maybe sometime in the future we might actually be able to get the SF700 again?

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Motorola Motoactv :: Heart Rate Monitor - Low Readings?

Jun 10, 2012

I recently sold my Garmin 405 CX and bought the 16 GB MotoACTV. With it I purchased the Motorola Heart Rate Monitor Chest Strap. The main reason I sold the Garmin was because I was having trouble with the heart rate monitor. So after a couple of weeks of testing, I am having the same problem with the MotoACTV as I did with the garmin. When I first put on the strap, it seems to be reporting the correct Heart Rate. With in about 15 minutes of my workout, my heart rate starts to fall on the MotoACTV. Usually reporting somewhere around 45-50 BPM. My resting rate was around the mid 70's. I have tried all of the suggestions on many Internets sites including the link I referenced below. I even tried using a Polar Strap with the Motorola Transmitter to no avail. I've tried using the ultrasonic gel. Different placements on my body.[URL]I really like the MotoActv Device and all its features but I really need a heart rate monitor that works. I would prefer to not return the device. Several years ago I have a Polar and its Heart Rate monitor worked fine on me.I would not discount that fact that something about the ANT+ technology doesn't like my body. Since both the Garmin and MotoACTV both use this technology. And both has the same results.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Heart Rate Monitor Usage

Apr 10, 2012

I have been trying to use the heart rate monitor, and it keeps reporting my heart rate a lot lower than it actually is. Where is the best spot on the chest to put the monitor? below or above the boob area. I normally have it between my boob and stomach (i am a large guy) and it will show my heart rate at like 80 when it is over 150. Also, is there any suggestions that can make this more accurate? Is it because I am large the monitor is not reporting accurately?

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Motorola Droid Razr :: How To Adjust Monitor Resolution When Using HDMI

Dec 15, 2012

How can I adjust the resolution on my computer monitor when viewing videos from my Razr? The picture seems a little fuzzy. Do I adjust thru phone or monitor?

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Motorola Motoactv :: Heart Rate Monitor Using Jaybird Bluetooth Headphones

Feb 18, 2012

I go out for a few runs and I noticed that me heart rate read very low and erratic (25 bpm then 60 bpm) this only happens when I use my Bluetooth headphones with the chest strip HRM. I have tried it with the stock headphones whith great results.

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Motorola Droid 3 :: Connecting To Heart Rate Monitor And Wireless Headphones?

Jan 13, 2012

I want to know if the D3 can connect to wireless headphones and a bluetooth heart rate monitor simultaneously? I am thinking about purchasing a bodymedia link arm band and I would like to use this while also using LG HBS-700 bluetooth headphones. How does it work?

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Motorola Droid Razr M :: Battery Monitor Constantly Showing WiFi Usage

Nov 8, 2012

I've been having problems with my battery monitor constantly showing wifi usage while it's never even used on my phone. There will then be sporadic times where it will show that wifi is "off" and then kick back in.

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Motorola Xoom Unlocked :: How To Copy Music On Xoom

Oct 2, 2011

So I had music on my xoom but accidently deleted it. I tried going in my computer files to copy and paste songs from my itunes into my folder on xoom called music but says wrong format. I don't know what to do.

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Motorola Xoom :: Connect Xoom To Laptop Dock?

Apr 18, 2011

How can i connect the Xoom to the laptop dock. its telling me it wont recognize

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Motorola Xoom :: Wifi Very Slow Xoom 3G With Update 3.2?

Jan 12, 2012

I bought the device few days ago and on very same day updated to Android ver. 3.2. I use internet over my home Wifi and have a Netgear - WGR614 router. The browsing speed is very very slow and most sites dont open.The signal strength shown in xoom is - (-105 dBm 3 asu).Is this a issue with Android 3.2 update or my home wifi is weak? Would i be able to reset the tab to the original version?

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Motorola Xoom :: Does Wifi With EAP-TLS Work On Xoom

Apr 16, 2011

Has anyone had any success with using Wifi that required user certificates? I'm trying to get my Xoom to connect to the corporate network (EAP-TLS) and followed the instructions for the IPad and imported my certificated into Android correctly. But when I connect, it hangs at the connecting state for minutes, before finally giving up.

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Motorola Xoom :: Overcharge XOOM On A Dock?

Jul 7, 2011

I would like to buy the XOOM speaker dock and play music from my XOOM on a daily basis.... I'm worried about having it plugged (and charging) in too much and that I might GREATLY reduce the battery life by charging my XOOM too much.

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IPhone :: Do A Portable Hotspot To Use Kindle Without Having To Go To A WiFi Hotspot Place?

Jun 29, 2012

I have the iPhone 4 3G and also have a Kindle Touch. Can I set the phone to do a portable hotspot so I can use my Kindle without having to go to a Wi-Fi hotspot place?

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Motorola Xoom :: Powerpoint App For Non-US Xoom?

Jul 29, 2011

Can anyone recommend an app that will allow me to show .ppt files diretly on the Xoom non-US model? I had an idea it was possible with an app included in US Xooms but not to us outside the USA.

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: How To Activate Hotspot

Dec 28, 2011

How do I activate the "hot spot" use with the Atrix? There is a tethered hot spot and wifi but cannot get them to work

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Motorola Defy+ :: Hotspot Not Working?

Jan 11, 2012

I have tested the Defy+ Hot spot on 3 phones now and none are working. Previously had no problems with an HTC model. All updates are current. Anyone have any ideas as how I can get this to work. Was the major requirement of a smartphone for me.

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Motorola Droid Turbo :: Can't Enable Hotspot

Aug 2, 2015

Whenever I enable it, it closes automatically and then tries to enable over and over again. It was ok when kitcat 4.4

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Motorola Droid 4 :: Mobile Hotspot Drop Out

Jan 14, 2013

I will turn on my mobile hotspot on my droid 4 and i will connect it to my motorola XY board tablet, and i will be in the mist of using it when all of the sudden i will lose internet connection on my tablet. I know it is not a problem with my tablet, because when i am at home i will be connected to my home internet and i wont lose connection at all. So i am just wondering if there was a firm ware update for the phone?

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Motorola Droid Turbo :: Hotspot And WiFi At The Same Time

Feb 19, 2015

I have a Droid Turbo and I want screen cast to my Chromecast some TV recordings I have on a hard drive. My tablet struggles to keep the hard drive spinning over OTG, but my phone powers it just fine. Problem is, the Chromecast needs a WiFi network to connect to, so I turn on the hotspot on the phone. When I do that, I have to disable WiFi on the phone, so it can't see the Chromecast.

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Motorola Droid 4 :: Hotspot Dies When Hopping Towers?

Oct 2, 2012

I have a strange issue that I've never seen before, nor can I find examples of it here in the forum. I use the hotspot feature on my DROID 4 LTE quite a bit. Unfortunately, it's not very useful when I'm on the road or on a train. Whenever the phone hops to a new tower, the data stream dies. The wifi portion of the hotspot stays active -- it's just that all data stops flowing. I spoke with VZW Level 2 and they had me pull the SIM so they could do a "network reset". Took it out for a test drive and no go. As soon as I drive far enough to hop to a new tower, all data stops flowing through the hotspot.

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Motorola Admiral :: Software Update/hotspot Error?

Mar 28, 2012

I did the software update on my Admiral, now when I lose 3G I get a hotspot tethering error display. I don't have this enabled. Called service, was told the update didn't take properly. Went to a Sprint store, was told all was correct. DC works better, but phone keeps trying to do the hotspot connect and it's eating my battery like there's no tomorrow.

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Motorola Defy :: Blur From Public Wifi Hotspot

Oct 31, 2011

I never have found a clear indication of the safety of using MotoBlur from a open public Wifi Hotspot.

That's an issue I stumble upon everytime I want to use a standalone application like Hotmail on my handset. I presume that the communication from my handset to Motorola servers are encrypted, but I have no documentation about it.

I wonder if my mail account is directed in a similar manner, from my handset to Motorola server when I send a SMTP message from an account registered within Blur.

How does it work. I would like to know. Is there any white paper from Motorola somewhere available to the consumer.

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