Motorola Xoom :: Buzzing / Electrical Noise Being Emitted
Jan 3, 2012
I have just recently noticed a buzzing/electrical noise being emitted from what seems like a spot just above the micro usb port on my xoom fe. It seems to become louder while charging yet quieter while charging when off and discharging. Is there something I can do?
The last several days I have begun to hear an intermittment buzzing noise when people that I am speaking with on a phone call on the Droid Bionic are talking. The noise does not appear to occur when I am speaking - only when the other party speaks and this has happened on several calls with several people from different phone numbers and it does not matter whether they call me or I call themI had thought that noise issues were relegated to the audio portion of Zumocast, etc. through headphones, etc. as reported via other discussions, but now this issue has come up. I have one day left to return my phone and this is one thing I can not deal with.
My iPhone five makes a buzzing noise every time I call someone. My issue is that I am now outside of my one year warranty and so even to talk to them on chat they may charge me £25. I would go into an apple store but nearest one is a two hour drive Â
I've had my Samsung Galaxy S6 since launch and everything has been fine up until the past few days or so when everytime I open up either the camera or snapchat, the phone makes a weird buzzing sound that only stops once I tap to focus. It makes the noise everytime I re-open the app, the camera also struggles to focus on occasions but is fine most of the time.
It's faint, but whenever I plug my phone into the charger, the charger makes this high pitched buzzing/whistling noise. I checked with multiple outlets and it does it for each one. Is this normal and/or safe? I just don't want the charger not be fully charging my battery, and have my overall battery life be affected, and I want to know if it's a safety issue.
i was using my phone then later i went to get something i heard a buzzing noise coming from my phone and when i clicked the home button the screen was black it wouldn't come on.
i tried switching it on by pressing the home button and power button together but it continued to make the noise and the screen is black. Also i did put it on charge to see if it would come on but it didn't.
I just had a buzzing noise coming from the top back of my phone and i was wondering what it was. I have a Blackberry Curve 8530 from sprint. It was kinda weird because even after turning the phone off it was still doing it. I decided to take the battery out and put it back in and see if it was going to still do it. After doing that, it didn't do it no more but im still wondering what it was that caused it. When i was messing with the phone before it started doing it i was playing music and then stopped it. The battery was on half. Could someone please tell me what caused this. I just got the phone from sprint and i really don't want to take it back.
So I just recently got a S6 edge and I love everything about it ! But often times when I launch the camera it starts to make a buzzing noise and the screen gets all wavy and doesn't focus for a while.. What could be wrong.
I'm wondering if anyone is experiencing this. When there is wifi activity, I can hear a slight parasite noise if i'm listening to music (using wire connected headphones).
Yesterday my sound on my Photon became distorted to the point of sounding like a distorted buzz. This includes system sounds and anything else that plays even when I pull out the battery and then boot into safe mode. I thought it may have been due to a bug in an update, but everything is up to date and I don't see any other complaints on this or any other forums. Oddly enough, everything sounds fine using headphones. Maybe it is a speaker/hardware failure, but that would seem very unusual. Everything else seems to be working OK.
For the record, here are the software versions running currently: Android 2.3.4 Kernel
I had a piece of electrical tape over my phone for a few days and I swear it makes the signal harder to pick up somewhat. Prevents death grip and can pick up the signal and sustain it, but getting that signal seems tougher. Can anyone attest?I think I'm going to keep it off and just deal or use the pIxelskin.
is the battery electrical power charger for curve same as Pearl? I have a pearl and if I purchase a curve then would not need the car and electrical charger.
IPhone 4s gives out minor electrical shocks while charging and touching the top edge. It feels like tinkling/buzzing in the finger. The same thing with my daughters Iphone 4s.
Can the electrical charger that comes with the Torch 9800 be used with 240 volt systems that exist in Europe or do I need to use an adapter or currency converter?
So I had music on my xoom but accidently deleted it. I tried going in my computer files to copy and paste songs from my itunes into my folder on xoom called music but says wrong format. I don't know what to do.
I bought the device few days ago and on very same day updated to Android ver. 3.2. I use internet over my home Wifi and have a Netgear - WGR614 router. The browsing speed is very very slow and most sites dont open.The signal strength shown in xoom is - (-105 dBm 3 asu).Is this a issue with Android 3.2 update or my home wifi is weak? Would i be able to reset the tab to the original version?
Has anyone had any success with using Wifi that required user certificates? I'm trying to get my Xoom to connect to the corporate network (EAP-TLS) and followed the instructions for the IPad and imported my certificated into Android correctly. But when I connect, it hangs at the connecting state for minutes, before finally giving up.
I would like to buy the XOOM speaker dock and play music from my XOOM on a daily basis.... I'm worried about having it plugged (and charging) in too much and that I might GREATLY reduce the battery life by charging my XOOM too much.
I've got a question/concern. About a week after getting my X2, I've noticed that the camera seems to make a lot of noise. It clicks when I open the camera app, and clicks louder when I hit the "Switch To Video/Cam" button as well. I've had it say sometimes "oops, the camera can't be used right now!" before too! Only once has that happened. But the clicking is persistant.
On two occasions now the phone has been making an odd 'alert' tone both after unlocking the screen and while the phone screen is active.
It's not an application doing this because they are all closed. The phone is only supposed to make a click sound for locking and unlocking as per sound settings.
I upgraded in July from a LG enV Touch. As the Verizon rep. so correctly pointed out, Verizon currently offers no feature phone that isn't a massive downgrade from the enV Touch. It's probably safe to assume that this isn't going to change anytime soon. Kind of dissapointing. The closest thing to my old phone that Verizon offers is the Droid 3. I remember lusting over the Droid 1 when it first was released, so the 3 seemed like the natural choice.So far I have been happy with the phone. Android has taken some getting used to but beyond that it's a massively better phone than my old enV! I have had a couple of issues though which would be nice to see resolved:- bluish tint from camera. I make part of my living as a photography, so this one bothers me quite a bit. I'm very used to using camera gear that either has very good auto WB or at least lets you tweak the WB for specific lighting conditions.
- Noise reduction settings for the camera. The camera defaults to some pretty aggressive(smeary) noise reduction. I'd rather have some luminance noise than the water color effect. Phone locks up when activating the camera. I have to removed the battery to reboot it. This is one that has sort of been solved, but not in a great way. It was suggested to me that I have photos saved to the internal memory rather than my Sandisk microSD card to avoid this issue. It did work but i'd rather be saving to the SD card from the start.- Airplane mode doesn't work correctly. Once the phone is in airplane mode it will not come out of it. I have to turn my phone off and back on again.- When powering on the phone in silent mode, the phones still makes noise while booting.- Battery consumption seems high all around. I feel like it is even excessive in stand-by.
- This last one is probably not doable... it would be nice to have the option to remove all the garbage Verizon puts on the phone that I will never ever use. I could say the same thing about my enV Touch! Verizon had tons of crap on it that is absolutely of no use to me but obviously consumed system resources on some level.I realized from looking online that a lot of these issues have been brought up before. I don't think it hurts to reiterate that they are actually glitches that many of us experience in day-to-day use.
ok i just got my droid 4 an i am hearing background noise during calls an the person on the other line can here it they descripe it as i am outside during a windstorm when ther is no wind an can hardly hear me sometimes so i thought i would bring this up to moto an see if its a bug or if i just have a bad phone.
I talked to Verizon they sent me 2 refurb phones that both did it. We got Motorola on the call and they wanted to ship my phone back for repair but I'd have no phone so that wasn't an option.The local manager at the corp. store near me let me get a brand new one. He had never heard of it but it took us 3 brand new phones before we got one that didn't rattle. Even the floor model rattled as well.Yes I know the phone works and camera.
(very low) noise similar to a rotating motor. It seems its the camera motor noice. My question is that is it normal to hear such sound or something is worng with my camera hardware. This sound is coming siince I have purchased the mobile, but never took it serously though I am afraid now if its a hardware problem.Also is there any way to improve the image quality, I can see that the by default Android camera app store all the images with 90% quality, can we make it 100%.
I was using FaceTime when my screen when black, I then shut it down and plugged in to the charger and it just started buzzing. I couldn't get it to stop. I tried holding down the home button and sleep button and it just kept buzzing. I let it die down and tried pugging it in again and got nothing but more buzzing every time I plugged it in. I am sending it back to Apple.
I've recently bought a Defy+. Now that can hear a flickering noise when I turn on the camera. I tried tweaking the settings and everything but the problem is still there.
I frequenly charge my phone in my car while listing to music, through the car's AUX port. It worked flawlessly with my Droid2, but with the Razr M, there is noise when music is not playing. When music is playing, even with a very quiet passage, there is no noise. It is only when the music app is not sourcing music (I can't remember if there is noise if the music is just paused). When sitting at the home screen with no music app running, there is definitely noise. The noise I'm hearing sounds like CPU interference noise. But, car electircal noise must also be coming through the charging circuit. I do not have any issue while charging on AC power.
i was wondering if anyone else had the problem with a high pitched noise in the background of a video recording during the playback of the video? I couldnt really find any good explanation over the web. i can only hear it after ive recorded the video and ive tested it in a quiet room with no interference but its still there in the background.