Motorola Smartactions :: Location Not Based On WiFi
Jan 13, 2012
I love Smart Actions, when set-up correctly, it truly makes my smartphone, a smart phone. I do have a question though. Why is it that WiFi MUST be enabled to use location services, and is there anyway to use location services to turn off WiFi when I'm not in range of a usable network? I have WiFi at work and home, but when I'm not at work or home (driving for example) my phone is constantly searching for wifi. Considering that I'm on the road a lot and I go to school at night, that's a lot of time that my phone is both on 4G and Wifi, which almost defeats the purpose of a battery-saving app.
I love the idea of smart actions, but I constantly seem to have issues. I always have problems here and there with smart actions on the GB software, but I recently upgraded to ICS and I was hoping it would be improved. I see there is now an option to allow the phone to detect its location without needing wifi which is nice, but I still cant get it to work.
I have a "Work" smart action set up, but even right at this very moment I am at home and it thinks I am at work. I am even connected to my home wifi on the phone, still thinks I am at work. So I manually shut off the work smart action, and then re-enabled it. A second later it pops up that I am at work again. I open up the "Map" App and it shows me at home, why in the world would it think I am still at work.
Why do we have to constantly keep our Wifi connection on thoughout the day for Locational Smart actions to work properly? Why cant we have Location in Trigger and Wifi(on) in Actions since its also using our GPS location to location us and Wifi for more accurate location?
I have SmartActions set up to trigger when my location is home to turn on WiFi and turn off data. Similarly, I have a trigger when I connect to my Bluetooth in the car to turn off WiFi and turn on data.
The problem is when I am leaving the house but not going to the car. Is there a way I can determine that I am leaving my house or disconnected from my home Wifi so that I can turn WiFi off and data on?
So I have a Lollipop updated D6633. From what I understand Sony got rid of the Location based wifi support with the new Lollipop release. However I keep on getting an error message every so often as attached, showing that location based wifi has stopped. I also attach what I think is a logcat.
After upgrading to ICS and being forced to do a FDR, I eventuallly realized my Smart Actions were no longer woking properly. I deleted them and was adding them back one by one. The ones that are not location-based work okay but I cannot actually get a location trigger to save. I press on Location, it shows me my one location I have set up right now, I select that one, press done to go back out to the smart action page, but the location value is not set. I tried clearing the cache, system and app, already but nothing changed.
I just realized I can set a location if I am not editing a sample action. Starting with a blank rule, it works but I still hae so save the action and then save the trigger.
I've just updated my Razr Maxx to ICS several days ago and ever since then the Location trigger I use for work is completely unreliable. It's constantly turning on and off all day long. I mainly use the smart action here to make sure my phone is automatically on vibrate throughout the day at work and I can't really rely on it at this point. Prior to updating to ICS it worked perfectly.I noticed you do not need to leave WIFI on anymore for location triggers to work, but at the same time I see wifi in my battery usage while wifi has toggled off. Is this new version manually turning on WIFI to determine location? I've tried leaving WIFI on and it doesn't seem to make a difference, it's still inconsistent.Also, I've already tried resetting Smart Actions to default and wiping out all smart actions and starting from scratch.
I upgraded to ICS recently on my Verizon Droid Bionic & am trying to figure out Smart Actions. I want to set an action based on my home location, but I can't complete the setup because SA can't find my address, even though it can find my position exactly. If I try to attach my home location by selecting "Current Location," then the map is displayed with a correct "Your position" marker, but the "Finding address" process never succeeds. If I try to attach my home location by selecting "Search," the process also fails. However, in the separate Maps app, my address can be found.
The problem is with the location identification (name). The address resolution can fall to a Range of addresses and blocks out the ability to use it im 1/2 mile increments at our work location. My phone appears to be accurate on gmaps to within 20 feet of my actual location. When I go to add the additional locations they all try to use the same app provided name. they are anywhere fromm 300 yards to one mile apart. Why can't it use a user defined name to stop the conflict? I have business uses for this if it is possilble. Like security guard tracking. The application finds the locations using GPS coordinates in place of addresses correctly but then converts to a street address thats not correct for a name...
The location setting in smart actions doesn't seem to work when the display is off.I have set the phone to turn off bluetooth when I am at home or work. If the display is on, it works fine, but if the display is off, the smart action is not triggered. The smart action doesn't start or end if the display is off, it just stays in the mode it was in when the display was last on.I had a smart action that turned off a few things when the display is off, but I disabled that smart action and I still had the issue of the location based smart actions not triggering.
Anyway to change the vibration mode when I reach work based on my location? On bb10 , the geo profiles app did this perfectly. Change settings based on location.
i've never got to make location based reminders to work on my iPhone 5s on iOS 8. It did not work either on iOS 7 and ir surely didn't on my old iOS6 iPhone 4. i have everything turned on under location services ..
I used the Toysoft app Location Profiler on my Curve to automatically switch profiles when I arrived at work and then again when I left. It doesn't appear as if the program is compatible with the Tour. Are there any programs that do anything similar? I have found a few options for changing by time but I'd prefer if it was specific to when I am coming into my office.
I use SA to turn off my Ringer Volume, Cellular data and start VIP caller mode. The triggers are Timeframe and Wi-Fi connection. I use two different ones, Sound Weekend and Sound Weekdays. Both have different time triggers but the same Wi-Fi connection. They do turn off correctly but here is the issue, they do not return the Ringer Volume back on. I had both the time triggers on one SA then when this happened separated them as above. I did not have this issue until ICS was installed.
This is somewhat counterproductive if a person wants to set smartactions based on location, unless we want to leave Wifi permanently enabled. Is there a workaround? I have several location-based smartactions set up, but they fail if I dont leave wifi on, which I don't want to do.
Recently, my location shows as Texas but am actually in Maryland. If I am using wi-fi, the location shows correctly. It shows incorrectly when on 4G. I tried rebooting, de-selecting location services settings and rebooting but still have this issue.
I am unable to connect to applications like Facebook, App world, Twitter etc. through 3G or Wifi both while web browser works quite fine with both, 3G and Wifi.
I have noticed that the searching location comes on and stays on even when location is turned off the only way I can stop is by turning location on then back of again. How do I fix that?
Is there way to send myself an email if I miss a phone call?When I'm at home my razr max is hooked into my housephones with xlink. Both the cell phone and xlink are located in a closet. Every once in a while a call doesn't go through to my house phone or answering machine - just my cell and I end up not know about the call for quite a while. I always have email turned on so I thought having my cell phone email about the missed call would be a good way to be notified. I tried texting to my gmail acct but smart action is looking for a phone number to send the text to.
I very recently purchased the RAZR MAXX after much research and reading regarding the phone, battery life (of course), and the Smart Actions feature. Thinking that I can downsize from two smartphones into one. Unfortunately, this is not going as well as planned.I am a small business owner and needing the ability to silence the ringer on incoming calls; except for those from certain contacts that I need to be audible after-hours...I've gone into Smart Actions and done the following:Create a new rule "from scratch" named "After Hours"The only trigger is "Timeframe" and specified as the following:
Mon, Tue, Wed & Thu from 8pm until 8am.Fri from 1pm until 11:59pm.Weekends: Sat & Sun (all day)Actions are specified as the following:Ringer Volume is specified as "Silent"VIP Caller Mode: and the specified contacts I wish to activate an audible ringer during the specified times listed during the timeframe trigger are in this list. Ringer volume is set to MAX and the vibrate option is selected/active.The rule has been successfully saved and is showing as being active as we are currently in the time specified for this rule to trigger.Now the heart of the issue: After receiving a call from a number that is not on the VIP list, my RAZR MAXX will no longer sound an audible ring on ANY incoming calls until the "After Hours" rule timeframe has passed. This is including calls from individuals that ARE in fact, in the VIP caller list...
My personal mobile is in the VIP caller list as a way for me to test the audible ringer. A test call from my mobile phone does activate an audible ringer and the phone vibrates.Now, if I receive a call from a business customer while the After Hours rule is activated, of course the phone does not ring nor vibrate. The phone only lights up for the duration of the ring time until the caller is sent to voicemail.After receiving the call from the business customer, I placed a test call from my personal smartphone. Incoming calls from this my personal mobile WOULD trigger an audible ringer previous to receiving a call from a number that was NOT on the VIP list. Now, the phone remains silent, no vibrate alert, no audible ringer. The phone only illuminates until the call is routed to voicemail.
I've tried basic troubleshooting: uninstall updates and reinstall updates for the Smart App. Have deleted and recreated the Smart App rules. Restarted the phone. Nothing seems to work...Could someone please give me a clue as to what may be the "smoking gun" for this. A quick search of the web features others that had mentioned the same issue with their handsets but no real resolution to this problem. And, I really would like to be able to use this feature of the new device, otherwise I just purchased a new $300 phone to carry around beside my Droid X. In that case, I may as well just return the MAXX and return to my previous Droid X.
I have a Atrix HD. The app used to mostly work, now I'm having major issues. Everytime I try to change any setting, the app crashes and I just get a message "Unforunately, SmartActions has stopped."
There a fix for this so that I can make changes or this app is no longer supported?
I have set up the SmartActions app with the Caller ID option set up for phone calls only, no text messages. I have the Motorola RAZR MAXX HD paired with a Motorola H720 Bluetooth headset. Is there a setting that directs the announcement of an incoming call to the Bluetooth device only? I don't want to announce to the world that I have a call coming in via my phone speaker.
If my Bluetooth is turned off, I would expect the audio to be directed to the phone speaker. But if my Bletooth is on and active, shouldn't the announcement go to the Bluetooth?
I want to create a rule to set the phone to ONLY 3G when the display is off, saving battery. If I'm not using the phone, I have patience. I'm less patient when using the phone and want 4G.
Is there any talk on including a new action to turn off/on LTE? Turning LTE off automatically when battery is low can really help save on battery power.