Motorola Droid Bionic :: Screen Locking Up After The Screen Times Out?
Sep 17, 2011
I have been having issues with my screen locking up after the screen times out and shuts off or when I turn the screen off. This dosent happen every time but at least once or twice a day. The power button will turn screen on and off but the screen is totally unresponsive to my inputs. I have tried factory resting it to no avail.
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Oct 17, 2011
Got the bionic gps locked instantly and withing 6-10 meters. This morning i tried navigation to find dentist new location. The gps never locked so it was useless to me. I did not change anything either. I left gps on entire time i was in dentist office when i came out still no lock. Just now after about 20 minutes screen on it locked but one problem its off more than 3/4 of a mile.
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Nov 13, 2011
i also got a threatening private message from him stating i'm not to talk bad about the razr, but it's ok for others to diss the bionic all day long rather rude and uncalled for, considering i'm a moto customer.the post in question that he deleted was indeed in the razr forum too.thought this was a discussion forum for opinions?
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Jul 19, 2012
The Razr Maxx lets me operate lock screen controls like the drop-down notification bar and other things like BeyondPod control screen (with Previous, Play/Pause, and Next functions), but operating anything on the screen other than the lock does not prevent the screen from timing out and turning off. I don't know if the ability to operate anything other than the unlock function on the lock screen is a feature of the Razr or Android, but timing out while using other things that are available is annoying and doesn't make sense. Is this Motorola's bug or Android's?
Also, does Motorola development read issues on these forums or do we need to go through customer support for problems like this? I'm not sure which way is more likely to get through.
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Nov 30, 2012
So, for the past few days, when I wake up in the morning, I have found that the lower half of my screen is flashing. I use the AlarmDroid app and have done so since I got the device in February, so I didn't think that this would be the cause. It will flicker for a while, then eventually stop, so I can't just take it to erizon and show it to them. It only seems to do it first thing in the morning when I wake up (plugged into the charger). I uninstalled the app and reinstalled it, but no change. The only thing I can think of is that a couple of weeks ago my phone would not restart, so I had to reset to factory defaults. This started after I did the factory reset.
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Mar 26, 2012
How do I do a screen capture on the Bionic?
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Sep 10, 2011
Bought new Android Bionic on Sep 8. On Sep 9 on two occasions, screen went black. I had to remove and reinstall battery and boot to restore service.
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May 16, 2012
I want to use Bionic as MP3 player ala iPod. How does one lock the screen during playback if I put it in a pocket?
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Jan 21, 2013
On top right side of phone, (droid bionic) the running system information is visible and constant. It is over everything else that is on screen. How do I hide it. It all of a sudden showed up one morning.
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Nov 22, 2011
On my Bionic, I am using the pattern unlock, and have my device set to automatically lock after 20 minutes. However, there are times where I want to be able to lock my phone immediately, wihtout having to wait 20 minutes.On my blackberry, there was an easy way to do just (hold down the a key for a few seconds)
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Oct 19, 2011
other smart phones (IPhone) have the ability to send a screen shot to your computer so you can easily manage/move widgets and shortcuts. How can you do it with a Bionic?
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Nov 1, 2012
after the ics update my screen suffers from a flicker. trying to pin down the cause, i have noticed it is fine after i reboot my phone. but, once i go into my flipboard app, taptu app, or watch a video on Internet is when it starts acting up. i can play games just fine. i can view most webpages just fine. i can use all my other apps just fine. i've uninstalled, reinstalled these apps, i've pulled the battery, i've changed settings, i've cleared cache. i just can't figure it out. the phone ran just fine before the update. now, after the update is when i have problems. i ran into another person online that has the same issue so i know there is at least one other person in the world having simular issues. this forum is my last resort before calling verizon support and either getting a replacement or upgrading to a different phone.
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Feb 3, 2012
My phone locked up/screen went black during a phonecall yesterday. It was at night. So, it was dark where I was. I tried to access the screen. It would produce a faint light, but would not let me access the screen, phone or any apps. I was talking on a bluetooth headset at the time. Normally at the end of a call, I could hang up the phone by pushing a button on my headset. That wouldn't work either. The only way I could hang up the phone was to pull the battery.
how to diagnose the problem or stop it from happening again? Or, is this just a BSOD (black screen of death where phone locks up and requires a battery pull) that happened while I was in a phone call?
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Nov 27, 2011
The calling screen has disappeared from my Bionic. One day it was there, the next day it was gone. How can I restore it?
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Sep 9, 2011
Sometimes when I turn the screen off on My Bionic, it immediately comes right back on.Now, it doesn't happen every time and I can't repeat the problem on demand.Seems as though it has a mind of its own.I don't believe it is a bad app causing the problem either.The phone has been doing this on and off since I activated it yesterday.Not sure why it does this, but I wanted MOTO to be aware of this issue.I'm not sure if it is a hardware or software problem, but it didn't go away after a battery pull and reboot.
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May 2, 2012
If i get a phone call or use dialer or contacts at end of call screen returns to home screen. But after screen shuts off for about a minute turn phone back on and is at blue screen. like screen behind making a call. return button does not clear it but home button does until phone screen times out then it does same thing again. Have to turn phone off and back on to get back to home screen working normal Using Go Launcher-Ex .Uninstalled and went back to stock launcher Still doing same thing.
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Feb 14, 2012
I have some blemishes that don't seem to be scratches, but can be seen at certain angles. I say this, because it feels smooth to the touch, but noticeble all the same. I wonder, is it possible to buff away such imperfections on the glass screen?
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Oct 28, 2011
I'm at work posting on the bionic so making this short. I let my phone charge over night with oem wall charger i unplug it to go to the gym. Well i usually turn the lights on in my room. This morning i did not as i unplugged the bionic the backlight light up dimly. I let it sit i finally got tired of testing it the backlight stayed on indefinitely. I let it sit 5 min still on i have to push power button to wake and again to lock. So i was wondering if anyone noticed this it can drain battery i sometimes put phone in gym bag after charging without waking phone.
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Sep 29, 2011
Does anyone know how to get owner information into the phone to appear on the home screen
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Oct 26, 2011
I had this happen every time on my X2. And now on my Bionic as well. But, anyone type a text messate in landscape, select the 'Send' button, and then rotate it back to portrait and see that your last word is still in your text field? This happens in any website text field as well. If this has been covered somewhere.
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Sep 15, 2011
I am not the only one to have had this happen. ANother poster over at has had the same thing happen to them. The screen after disconnecting from the HDMI port will go dim like it is about to shut off but it won't. It will stay dim until you manually turn off the screen with the top power button. It is a glitch and battery killing one to say the least. Anyone else have the issue or remedy other than rebooting like I had to! I mean why do I have to tear apart an Otterbox case everyday? If the HDMI glitch doesn't bother me then it is the black screen of death requiring another battery pull!
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Oct 13, 2011
Settings/display/Auto-rotate screen IS CHECKEDBionic will auto-rotate screen when docked in standard dock or car dock. It will also auto rotate screen when in an app. But it won't auto-rotate screeen when in any of the 5 home screens
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Nov 2, 2011
Normally when you are on a call and put the phone close to your ear, the screen goes dark because you are on a call, but when you move it away the screen comes back on. My screen when I am on a phone call stays dark as soon as I answer it. It does not come back on when you move it away from my ear, and to get it back on I have to press the wake button. Additionally, I am unable to answer call waiting either- when another call is coming in, even pressing the wake button does not wake the phone until after the second caller hangs up.
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Mar 6, 2012
So - one of my dumb animals knocked my phone off a table (which they weren't supposed to be on in the first place) and it landed on the table foot (brass) face down and cracked the screen. The crack is down near the bottom (not on main viewing screen). Although the phone still works great, the crack is driving me crazy, and would anticipate it getting bigger at some point. I have the Verizon full replacement warranty, but don't really want a refurb as my BIONIC works perfect and don't want to get one someone returned that wasn't.
Just don't think Verizon will do anything except give me a refurb, and I don't have an upgrade coming for sometime.
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Oct 23, 2012
A new feature in the Security and Screen Lock settings is the ability to add your Owner Info.(Settings/Security & Screen Lock/Owner Info)The owner info then displays (it scrolls actually) across the top of the lock screen (if you don't use a lock screen, it doesn't display). For my info, I have my name, my google voice number, and an email address.I previously had an app to do this, but with ICS I no longer need it. I mention this feature because of something that happened to me this weekend. I have an Android ICS tablet on which I've also entered the owner info. I left it in a public place this past weekend. Before I had even gotten back to my hotel, I had received emails and phone calls from the person who found the tablet, turned it on, and used the Owner Info to contact me.Saved me at least $300 it would have taken to replace it. Which wasn't the worst thing - I had taken the memory card out of my camera and put it in the tablet. I would have been extremely upset at losing of days worth of very important photos that could have never been replaced.
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Sep 21, 2011
I know from what I read on the forums that the camera and video have some issues. I wish I would have read this before getting rid of my revolution but I needed actual use of my phone and not constant rebooting and a nice camera.This is something I noticed last night when recording a clip of our new puppies. While recording at default setting the screen would keep flickering black approx every minute or so. I thought maybe it was due to a low battery and never thought that is was actually being transferred into the video itself. When I played the video back on my computer though, I noticed that it was recording that way and it was not just a simple timeout of the screen as I once thought.
I tried the next day with both camera and video on a FULL battery and got the same results. It seems like this may be linked to the autofocus problem/bug I have been reading about. I checked and cleaned the lens too just to make sure that nothing was causing the cam to focus in and out all the time.Wondering if anyone else is having these problems or is it just me. If so has anyone found a correction or app that can fix these issues while waiting for an / if any / for motorola.The cam and video can take decent photos if the subject is sitting still with no problem, however try taking a baby or puppy running around and no luck at all.Any internal settings that anyone has found that can control the auto focus time or an app that can change it?
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Jan 4, 2012
5.5.893 Lost connectivity. I could not get Wi-Fi or 4G. I have been doing restarts instead of battery pulls and that has been working until today. It totally locked up on the Power Off Shutting Down screen. I tried to force it off by pushing the power, up/down volume buttons and nothing happened. That may not be the correct procedure, I only find that to be a starting procedure after shutdown. I pulled the battery and it restarted fine. I also had missed a call while it was locked up because I had a voicemail after restart. I have been thinking of getting the RAZR only because it is slimmer. Am I comparing apples to oranges? What would I have to do if I couldn't pull the battery?
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Dec 1, 2011
ok i am bored at work finished my stuff early i must kill 30 minutes. anyways i get on Internet to watch some hdnet fights my phone that im still waiting for its replacement to get here as usual battery down to 40% witih little use. i have to put it to charge im thinking cool the charging hookup is on the left side so i can lay phone on therightet side and watch videos cable pointing up. well it plays full screen upside down why put the usb port on the side and not let video play in full screen landscape mode with usb port facing up. is there a way to fix this because its so lame. i have to hold the phone rather than lat it there because the usb crable is in the way when trying to watch in landscape mode. in top of it my touchscreen is still acting erratic while charging.
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Nov 29, 2011
I recently noticed that my Bionic appears to disconnect from wifi when the screen locks. When I unlock the screen (and I have the dot pattern unlock), there's no wifi icon for a few seconds.
I have unlimited data, but still keep my DB on wifi all the time at home and the office. I'm guessing the DB goes into 4G or 3G mode when locked, which could be problematical if I had a measured data plan. Anyone else notice this behavior?
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Oct 3, 2011
I miss the ability to push the top wake button and be able to slide slider over to move from Vibrate to Ring like I used to be able to with my Droid X and Droid D1. You can only switch from Ring to Vibrate that way now.
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Oct 2, 2011
Has anyone found a way to easily have the text messages identified on the home screen?
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