I am now on my 3rd droid 4, all have had issues with the ear speaker (speaker used when making calls and holding handset to ear) The 1st phone was the worst but I also had it for the longest. All phones started out perfectly clear but progressed into poor speaker sound. If you switch it to the hands free speaker during a call the persons voice sounds perfect but the ear speaker produces a static scratchy noise whenever someone is talking to you.I absolutely love the phone except for these speaker issues, I just want the thing to work correctly. Again, it is the speaker, not a connection issue seeing as the hands free works fine, I have also tried changing the bands in the program menu (##program)Im to the point where I am about ready to jump ship and give the razor maxx a try but I would really rather keep the 4 as I WANT a physical qwerty.Looking for answers, others that are experiencing the same problems, and possibly hearing that motorola is aware of the issue and has corrected it hopefully stating which serial #'s may have new better equiptment (speakers)
poor quality of the pictures and video that come off the Bionic? This came up in a review at PhoneScoop.com as well. I have comparred the photos and videos taken off of the Bionic to my wife's HTC Rezound and the Rezound pictures are far superior? The Bionic produces pictures with very little contrast and performs badly in low light conditions. The Bionic also produces a white haze around the borders of pictures in some photos. See photo below. I am wondering if this is a defective camera or a problem on all bionics?
Voice call quality is very poor on my E51.The Device software version installed is 100.34.20.Do I get any application to increase quality of voice call ?
My partner and I have just gotten Xperia Z5 Compacts and are both experiencing really bad call quality. The caller on the other end is mumbly and sounds far away and during the call it jumps from being really loud to really soft, and the whole time unclear.
Ever since I upgraded from 5.0.1, my 4s has had the worst cal quality on At&t. It makes calls fine however once in conversation my voice drops out for 2-3 seconds about 10 times a min according to the folks I am speaking with. And when my voice does come through it sounds muffled. I always have at least 4-5 bars. I have traded in my 4s now four times but every phone I get in return comes pre-loaded with 5.1. Is there a way to drop back down to ios 5.0.1?
My photon is my first Android phone. I'm generally happy but have to say that voice recognition is atrocious. It's effectively unusable. It can't even recognize me saying "yes".My previous phones were a WinMo Treo Pro, preceded by a Palm OS Treo 750. Both had decent voice recognition. I was actually impressed with the WinMo recognition quality, although the functionality was limited.
i don't want posts stating this has been reported before-the search enging sux on here.
as soon i turn off the wifi, the call quality goes back to normal. is this yet another bug? will it be fixed with an update? what's the story on this moto?
Has anybody else noticed that when you are on the phone, you are unable to adjust the volume while the phone is next to your ear.. I have went through 3 bionics and all of them have had this issue, in order for me to adjust the volume during a phone call I have to pull it away from my ear, let the screen light up, and then it will let me change it..
Does anyone have poor signal quality on their phone? I frequently have 1 or two bars, and then the next second I have 5 bars and then down to nothing... all when standing still! Is this just a HTC feature, as I see other HTC phones have the same issue.
The funny thing is that any signal monitoring App that I've installed tells me I have 25% signal, when the phone won't connect to the network!
I set an mp3 song as my ringtone for all profiles. Actually its a good quality song. But it s gone very less quality when phone rings.but the Nokia tune does well. Any software or settings? And finally when will my phone taste that belle os?
I owned my Desire S one week when I brought it back for repair with a very annoying problem. I noticed that the bottom of the touch frame is differs from the plane of the metal case. The different is ~1mm. I also noticed that there is a gap on the top of the frame under the frontal camera. When I put my DS on the charger the gap is more visible. I attached an image of this stuff. I'm waiting for your opinions.
I bought a new n97 mini. Everything is working fine except the camera. The image looks foggy and blurred. Its not only with the camera pictures but also with the video recordings. When I do a half-press (focus), the preview looks decent but the picture taken is bad. Looks like a picture taken in a 1MP cam! I have tested some N97 mini's camera in some shops and I was impressed. Hence I brought it. But unfortunately it looks like a problem in my mobile!
Any help would be greatly appreciated. My main usage is Camera and its very frustrating to see images with such bad quality!
All photos and videos are very poor quality, somehow blurred, like always to be out of focus.I tried in different light situations, different modes, but no improvement. Maybe I expect too much, but the N900's photo engine is complimented a lot.Here is a photo of better quality shooten with my n900:
http://picasaweb.google.com/saso.celarc/N900Photo?feat=directlink#5430450751711864050 Often they are much worse, without details.
I have owned the nokia 6600 slide for 3 months now and I have to say it is the worst mobile phone I have owned. I have never had a mobile phone that has such poor signal quality,and it drops calls due to this.Just a question to nokia I quote:When designing this phone and you located the antenna at the bottom of the phone where 90% of the time when you pick it up it gets covered, did you not think it would have an affect on the ability of the phone to pick a signal up.When I turn the phone upside down I get a brilliant signal and the 3g network is a lot stronger. I can't cope with this anymore and using a phone I had 3 years ago only because it works!Come on nokia help us out as am tied into a 18 months contract with a phone that is useless even though all the other features are good. I believe there should be a recall on this phone as I have compared signal strengths with other nokias and makes and they are far better.
Every MMS that I receive is tiny like a thumbnail and is poor quality. I've read others have experienced this issue as well, but has anyone found a fix yet?
when i make or receive a call, the person on the other end says my voice is breaking up.I went to Apple and received a new phone 4 days ago and it starting happening again today.
I have recentley noticed a problem in Video quality when the video is sent as a text message. I wanted to send my friend a video of something neat I saw on my trip, and After it sent, I played back the video inside the text message and the quality was that of the iphone 2g. I'm not sure if this is normal or just my phone
I loaded "Fallen" by Evanescence onto my phone. Initially I was pleased with the audio quality, but the instant the bass cut in, I was horrified. It was noticeably distorted.
It wasn't playing particularly loudly, so it wasn't a volume issue. Turning the volume down didn't help.I was listening with Sennheiser EH1430 headphones, which are perfectly adequate.The audio tracks are 320Kbps VBR from Amazon MP3. The music sounds great through my HiFi, so the tracks are not distorted.I compared the MP3 files on the phone with the originals; identical. So, am I just out of luck, or is there anything I could try?
Does Motorola intentionally make their new products inferior at release?I've been using a Droid and a Droid 2 for about 18 months.I shoot a lot of pictures outdoors, some macro, lots of nature and concerts.I also shoot indoors under challenging conditions (concert lighting.) They have both prtovided a passable point-and-shoot camera.The Droid 3 camera is dissapointing in that several important features have vanished:
-There is auto white balance, only a manual and difficult-to-use control. -The user can no longer set ISO -The user can no longer set EV -Focus is iffy under a variety of conditions -Photos have a bluish cast under most conditions, with and without flash
So instead of getting pretty good shots with a convenient camera, I'm getting washed-out, bluish garbage.(Issues with the video vs. Droid 2 also, in a separate post.)I want to know if Motorola intends to make the experience of this camera catch up with the spec soon, or if i should return my phone while I can still get something else from Verizon.
Recently purchased a x03-02 and I am quite disappointed with the sound quality (mostly bass) when I use to play music via bluetooth in the car, had a sony erickson and notice a huge difference from one another in the same song
i have taken some picture from ELM. quality of camera is very very poor campare to 2MP my preivious w910i.color in camera very less.it takes picture as white color.i tried all setting but nothin changes plzzz someone help me i have replaced it. but both set have same problem.i have attached photograph watch it
The audio quality in videos was very impressive after Cyan update which introduced surround sound option in video settings (Nokia Camera). However the GDR1 update seems to reduce the audio to mono on my phone. Compare your videos before and after GDR1 and see if there is a change in audio quality.
I have a Bionic, stock .905 software. Among other things, I make extensive use of the GPS, which until recently was excellent - even post-905 it was extremely accurate, locked almost instantly, etc.Since approximately the leap second (correlation does not not necessarily imply causation, but it's not a bad first guess), GPS has been problematic - much slower locks, longer to get an accurate fix, and fewer satellites (GPS Status often shows 3 or 4 locked, when before it would show at least 8 or 9 locked)When using navigation, it used to lock within a few seconds. Now I'm often driving a mile or two before I have a lock, but once I have a lock, it's working fine. I've tried clearing the cache, re-seating the SIM, multiple power-off and power-on cycles, and verifying that I have the absolute latest AGPS data. I could try a warranty replacement, but there's no point if this is a known issue, especially given the hit-or-miss nature of Verizon's refurbished phones.