Motorola Droid 2 :: Manual Download Gingerbread?

Sep 21, 2011

I have been waiting for this update for some time now, and I am sure there are plenty of other people that have been. I personally love my droid 2, but I am something of a IT guru, and have worked out all the bugs for myself and my friends... took me 3 SBF's to do it as I broke a feature or 2 my phone a few times in the process until I fully grasped exactly what kind of structure that android runs on... You should really consider allowing the tech junkies to download it with a big warning that things are still in process of being fixed. I am sure that anyone that goes digging this far for the update will understand the risks, and be glad to help give debugging and q/a support to the team. Android is an open source based system, and as such the community that uses it is on the whole a tad more savvy than that of other systems. Just open up a thread where we can all come and check in with issues, and workarounds and sticky it so everyone can find it easily.

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Motorola Droid :: Razr M Operating Manual Online?

Jan 4, 2013

I am looking for a detailed operating manual on line and having trouble finding one. there is a lot going on with the M that should be easy for me to look up.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Manual Corporate Sync Setup?

Feb 22, 2012

Is there a way to force manual corporate sync setup?Our corporate email settings (for phones) have just changed and they recommended (requested) I delete the prior corporate sync and re-input all settings.Foolishly, I followed this advice...Now, repeated (dozens!) auto-discover attempts have failed and no manual input option is being offered.

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Motorola Droid X :: Not Droid But Milestone Gingerbread

Jan 22, 2012

I have the Motorola Milestone X, an exact clone of the Droid X, but for the wireless company Alltel. I am wondering if I will be receving the gingerbread update like the Droid X users are?

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Motorola Droid X :: How To Get Gingerbread

May 17, 2011

Don't do crimes, hack or otherwise color outside the lines.Piracy, device hacking, unauthorized unlocking and posting of illegal content is forbidden. This includes: the posting or recommendation of the use of "hidden menus" and commands not generally accessible through a phone's main menus; unauthorized redistribution of Motorola software; links to and excessive discussion of any non-standard software loads for locked devices; and any discussion, links or instruction for updating Motorola device software other than those sanctioned by Motorola or in the areas designated for that activity. We will remove links to hacking instructions and excessive discussion of hacking locked devices, as it is a practice we can't support and don't encourage. We judge what is excessive. Any discussions of non-Motorola software for unlocked devices must remain in the areas created for those discussions, and all other site rules apply in those areas. Please note that a device running a non-approved software

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Motorola Droid X2 :: Gingerbread Update For It

Jun 1, 2011

When is it reasonable to expect the X2 to receive the update to Gingerbread not that the Droid X is receiving it in the field? As a consumer I would have expected the newest model of the Motorola family to have been shipped with Gingerbread but seing the old model Droid X receive it before the X2 is a little puzzling.

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Motorola Droid X :: Cannot Get Album Art With Gingerbread?

Jun 13, 2011

With froyo I used to plug my phone into the computer, then insert a jpg named albumart.jpg into each music albums folder, along side the songs from the album. This would be recognized by the stock music player. I'm trying to do this now and cannot get it to work.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Why It Will Come With Gingerbread Rather Then ICS

Oct 27, 2011

why the Razr will come with Gingerbread rather then ICS?

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Motorola Droid X :: Run Gingerbread With A Dual Processor?

May 16, 2011

I was told the Droid X 2 is due out around may 22/23 buy a Verizon sales person. It will run Gingerbread with a Dual processor. Has anyone else heard about this???

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Motorola Droid 2 :: D2g Light Sensor After Gingerbread?

Sep 6, 2011

after i installed gingerbread for my phone, the light sensor seems to be acting funny. it will light up the soft keys and my keyboard in low light conditions, but once it is pitch black the keys will not light up at all.

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Motorola Droid X2 :: Gingerbread Update Keeps Failing?

Aug 3, 2011

This morning I was prompted to download & install the new update OTA. I have attempted to do so 4-5 times now. Each time, it completes the download, reboots the phone to start the update, then when the update progress bar is about 1/2 of the way through, an icon with an exclamation point appears & then the update stops. The phone proceeds to boot up like normal. After it finishes booting up it displays a message stating that the update failed.I really would like to NOT have to do a factory reset to my phone just to get the update to install

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Motorola Droid X :: Pairing Car Bluetooth With New Gingerbread

Sep 6, 2011

My car's bluetooth (2011 Honda Odyssey) was working perfectly with my Droid X (which had "FroYo" 2.2 software). Due to problems with my phone, Verizon had me update to the newest software (2.3, called "Gingerbread"). I now cannot pair the Droid with the car. I have called Verizon and Motorola both, who both stated that the most likely culprit was the car. Honda states that it is compatible with "Gingerbread" on newer phones, but not certain if it is on the original Droid, and Motorola has not sent a sample for Honda to test for the original Droid. What do I do? Is there a fix available here? Should I ask Verizon or Motorola to put the previous version, 2.2 or "FroYo" back on my phone?

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Motorola Droid X2 :: Gingerbread And MS Exchange Syncing?

Aug 2, 2011

When I had Froyo Microsoft Exchange syncing was spotty at best. Sometimes the emails would be instant sometime it would take 10-20 minutes for them to sync and it didn't seem to matter whether data push was enabled or not. On my old DX1 GB seemed to fix this issue but now on the DX2 with GB I haven't noticed any improvemnt. Does anyone else run exchange though DX2 and what is your experience, im running SBS 2003 and all other phones on our system ie. windows phones, blackberry and some other phones all seem to work great usually the e-mail shows up in the phone about 30 seconds before the outlook inbox.

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Motorola Droid 2 :: Linking Contacts In Gingerbread

Sep 28, 2011

Say I have a contact that is a family member and they are on Facebook. How would I link that info with other info such as their phone number so that their profile pic from facebook comes up when I receive a call from them or even a text from them? I had the pics like that show up on my last Droid 2 (before I lost it and received a refurb replacement).

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Motorola Droid X :: Gingerbread Update Texting?

Jul 29, 2011

I recently updated to 2.3 about two weeks ago. Everything was fine at first recently while typing every time I hit the space bar it takes the keyboard away. I've tried clearing the message cache.

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Motorola Droid X :: Gingerbread Turning On After Turned Off?

Jun 7, 2011

After gingerbread my phone will turn back on after about five minutes When i turn it off?

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Motorola Droid 2 :: Gingerbread Browser Caching?

Sep 14, 2011

I've have my Droid2 for a year, and just got the GB update. I'll keep some browser windows open for a couple of days, just to keep state. With the update, I've noticed that the browser updates the window/tab _every_ time I leave the window. If I'm in a place with great 3G, no problem. But, I'm not always.Is there some setting to keep the browser from having to hit the website _every_ time? (I mean, it even looses the icon in the window listing).

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Motorola Droid 2 :: Cannot Find Gingerbread Update

Sep 14, 2011

Noticed that vzw started pushing the Gingerbread update to D2's and I decided to un root and try it out for myself. I recived an update after I un rooted and reset to factory settings but nothing Gingerbread related even after searching manually through the update check in "about phone". I am stuck on 2.2

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Motorola Droid 4 :: Push Email (IMAP Protocol) Manual Sync Working For Few Hours

Feb 28, 2012

I'm using the email app for my work email. It's using the IMAP protocol. I'm not using the corporate sync functionality. After doing a manual sync by pressing the refresh icon, I would get emails pushed to my phone fine. However, after some time emails stop getting pushed to my phone. The period of time when push seems to be working varies around a few hours. When it stops working I have to do a manual sync again in order to get push to work for another few hours.

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Motorola Droid 2 :: Gingerbread Getting Shorter Battery Life

Sep 7, 2011

One thing I was really hoping would change with the update was an improvement in battery life. I know it is too soon to tell -- and I'm playing with the phone more, so that has an impact -- but, if anything, I think I'm getting shorter battery life than I was before. Anyone else have any observations regarding battery life?

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Motorola Droid X :: OTA Gingerbread Update Fails On Boot?

Jun 1, 2011

I'm using a non-rooted device. I pulled the OTA update for gingerbread and it downloaded successfully. When it restarts it loads up to the boot screen and begins installation. It gets about 1/4 of the way before I get an exclamation error and the phone restarts. I've tried it multiple times and even formatted my phone before trying it.

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Motorola Droid X2 :: Lockup After Charging Since Gingerbread Update?

Aug 4, 2011

I got the Gingerbread update the end of last week and for the most part everything is great. Phone is much more responsive overall and the Motoblur updates seem good as well. I am having one new problem though. Three times now I've unplugged my phone from the charger in the morning and it has been locked up. The green notification light is flashing so it's not totally dead. No combination of keys will wake it up though. Have to pull the battery to reset it (which is a pain with the Body Glove case).

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Motorola Droid X :: Gingerbread Alarm Clock App Too Bright?

Jun 1, 2011

Who's "bright" idea was it to re-skin the alarm clock app in white? I'm generally already in bed with the lights out when I set my alarm for the morning.

update this app with an option to return to "night" mode, ie dark screen with white text, like it was in 2.2

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Motorola Droid X :: Gingerbread - Pics Not Saving To SD Card

Sep 18, 2011

I intermittantly have a problem with my camera/video camera not saving my files. I just took a ton of awesome pictures at an art festival, got home excited the check out how good they were, and ALL but 2 are gone. Never saved. I have no idea why, I didn't close out the camera app too fast, each photo moved down to the bottom left as a thumb before I took another, or closed the app. Any idea what's going on? Any way to recover these great pics? This is really a pain as I have also lost great concert videos as well.

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Motorola Droid X :: Gingerbread Patch In Testing Phase

Jul 22, 2011

This is the response I just received back from AE at VZW on twitter. Looks there is hope for us after all. Hang in there as I am also with some issues.

VZW Support Twitter response: There are updates in the testing phase by VZW and others Motorola is still investigating. A patch should be released soon.

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Motorola Droid X :: Weather Widget Not Updating Since Gingerbread

Jun 9, 2011

The stock Motorola Widgets/Weather widget has taken a nosedive since the OTA Gingerbread update hit my Droid X. The stock widget uses data and it always previously behaved correctly with Froyo.

The problem I'm facing is that even though the Current Location/Show current location on widget green box is checked, the "current location" doesn't automatically update as I travel from town to town, as it used to do with Froyo.

I have the Settings/Location & security/Google location services green box checked. I have the Settings/Location & security/Standalone GPS services and VZW location services grey boxes unchecked.

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Motorola Droid X :: Cellular Service Disconnects After Gingerbread?

Jun 8, 2011

A few days ago, I updated my phone to 2.3.3. Since the update, which was successful, the celluar (3G) connection has been dropping and not reconnecting. My only resolution has been to power down/up the phone. I tried forcing the phone in/out of Airplane mode in hopes that that action would force a start of the 3G stuffs but no luck.

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Motorola Droid X :: Conference Dialing Update In 2.3.3 - Gingerbread

Jul 9, 2011

The release notes for Gingerbread make note of automatic dialing of conference call codes from the calendar entry:

Easy conference dialing allows you to dial the conference number and the meeting code will be automatically entered directly from your Calendar.

I have not be able to get this function to work, nor have I been able to find any references to it in the manuals or support sites. how the numbers have to be formated in the calendar entry?? Is the a 'special' field that they have to be entered?

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Motorola Droid X2 :: Logcat Recurring Error On Gingerbread

Aug 3, 2011

I'm getting a error 3 or 4 times a second in my logcat, it wasn't there in froyo it's only started since the gingerbread update. I've tracked it to vold but I have no idea why its occuring. [code] Like I said it happens several times a second, all day, everyday.

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Motorola Droid 2 :: Gingerbread CRT Screen Off Effect Missing?

Sep 13, 2011

I had to perform a factory reset to get the gingerbread update. Everything is working fine but I've noticed that the CRT screen off effect isn't there. I thought that was a stock part of gingerbread. Has anyone else noticed or is it somehow missing from my phone? I have full animation on.

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Motorola Droid X :: Gingerbread Constant Sync Symbol

Jun 1, 2011

I downloaded Gingerbread this morning and all seem to work well except for a constant sync issue I've been unble to get rid. I shut my phone down for nearly and hour, I've also rebooted it after that, but the sync symbol remains on the task bar.

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