My Droid 2 Global started doing that today. I would press the button on top that turns ON the display, and the login screen appeared, as usual. Then, when I attempted to insert my password, the display would suddenly turn off before I could go any further, and when I pressed the top button again, it had returned to the initial login screen. I couldn't get past the password entry! I typed faster, got my password in, then went to settings to confirm the display time: it was set for 2 minutes to display shutoff. I then removed my password, just in case I couldn't get back on! Periodically, again, the display turned off very quickly for no reason, during the next hour or so. During that time, I turned my Droid off, then on, but it still didn't cooperate. Next, I removed the battery, and replaced it. Still no luck. The phone wasn't overly warm (that's ANOTHER question--why does it get so hot!), as it has been on other occasions.!
I have a XOOM WiFi I bought from Staples on launch day. A couple of days ago the screen started turning blue. If the device sits unused (such as overnight) the next morning it is fine for about a minute or two. Then it turns blue again. The blue corruption moves. If I try to scroll up on a list that is already scrolled as far as it can go a blue "halo" appears at the bottom of the screen for as long as I hold my finger on the screen. It disappears after a few seconds. I've already tried a soft reset. I haven't tried a factory wipe yet as I was hoping to avoid that.
There are times when I do not have access to the 3G network, and I would like to know can you turn off the 3G setting so the phone can send/receive texts, phone calls? I have the Motorola Droid 2 Global.
I have noticed a notifier in my status bar that says position fixed by gps. This is preceded by the gps icon turning on briefly, though in some buildings gps may remai on for some time. In app apps besides maps and nav I always set finding location with network and uncheck gps. I would like to know which app or service is turning on gps draining my battery in the process. Trial and error is unsatisfactory since I have over 100 apps. Is there a way to trace specifically which app has just turned on gps? Maybe some sort of log or app or something?
As of a few days ago, my screen keeps flashing on for maybe a 1/2 second every few minutes or so. I don't think it always happens 24/7, but I've caught it happening a lot. It does eems to happen shortly after a reboot as well. The screen goes off nearly immediately. It definitely doesn't time out and go off after 1 minute, like it would if I manually turned it on.
Perhaps it's an app update gone bad or something else, It doesn't appear to be drastically affecting battery life.
I have the betterbatterystats app and with 5 hours since counters were reset, awake time doesn't appear to be abnormal (it's at 30% right now with 16% screen on time). If I look at partial wakelocks, the largest one is AlarmManager at 13m and 55s. Nothing else is over 4 minutes.
I do have Yahoo Sportacular giving me sports score notifications and K-9 giving me email notifications, but I'm nearly certain that I've caught the screen coming on plenty of times when I didn't have any notification come in.
How can I figure out what's causing my screen to come on by itself rather frequently?
Just gonna ask because it has happened so many tines and I don't know what is going on: has noticed the notification volume turning itself down/unexpectedly lower than last set?
I turn my phone off at night, watch it go through its shut down procedure and in the morning it is back on again. My wife's also does not stay off. Can't say if it is everytime or just some. I know many of you do not turn your phones off but if you could check this it would be great.
Unfortunately, now it won't turn on. It gets as far as checking SD card, then the screen shuts off and won't come back on. I tried going into safe mode but there it just hangs on the Droid Eye screen and never gets past it. I tried clearing the cache to see if something had gone wrong there, and the problem persists. Am I right to assume this is merely an SD Card corruption issue?
I don't have another SD Card handy at the moment, and probably won't until I get home tonight
My WIFI keeps turning itself off at random times. It's very annoying since I depend on using wifi to get better battery life in situations where I don't get a good signal.
I've noticed this only on the 2.3.4 update. I'm getting a replacement X2 from Verizon on tuesday so hopefully this and the random reboots are fixed in that phone...not holding my breath though...
I don't know if this has been reported on yet, but I've noticed that when I shut the phone off and then immediately lay it down flat it will reboot itself. If I turn it off and then hold it in the upright position for 2-3 minutes it will stay turned off.
When navigating with Google maps, my screen turns off when time out expires, even when charging from my car power adapter. Is there a way to keep the display on while navigating and charging? 64 gb Droid Turbo.
This may or may not be a Turbo-only issue, same qualifier for Lollipop as well. But, it is noticed, so I ask.
When I put an event on the stock Google Calendar, I specifically have my settings to say NO notifications. I look at the event when created and it has NO notifications. Yet 10 minutes before the event like clockwork, boom, notification.
I'm going to go into the desktop version of Calendar and see what I can do there, but this notification stuff is annoying.
Less than a minute after putting my phone in the Dock, the screen saver comes on making it very difficult to see the digital clock at night, even with the screen brightness set to max. This makes the Dock applications almost useless.
For the last few weeks my GPS has been basically useless. Sometimes if I let it sit and hunt for 30 minutes it finally picks something up. This means it's very hard to use Google Navigator or RunTracks. MapMyRun would sometimes get a lock after letting it hunt for half an hour. Letting my phone sit to do that just drains the battery though.My phone has the latest updates. I used an app to see how many satellites it "sees", and it finds about 7 or so but doesn't recieve any positioning info from them. I've tried turning location services on/off and rebooting the phone. Tried the same thing plus also removing the battery.
I recently broke my droid. The phone still turns on, but the screen is disconnected. I know the phone is working and I know that I have text messages, but I cant read them because the screen is no longer communicating with the phone. Is there any way to display the Droid screen onto the computer so I could navigate and use the phone just to check some text messages that I know I've missed and need to see?
I have received several MMS Picture messages and the picture will not display. The cloud where the picture and message are displayed is blank. I see a message "Loading" then it goes away and the cloud is left blank
I updated my profile to show I now have the RAZR Maxx HD, but it doesn't seem that I can change my display name. It shows up as ***, doesn't like the nickname for Richard I guess. Any way to change display name.
I had strange apps using up my battery after I did the upgrade.I managed to get them under control using the cache clear, restart, and *288 option 2 but now I'm seeing my battery life fading quickly again and noticed my screen is using up 50%.Is that normal battery usage for Display? I have my display set to auto brightness, no auto rotate, no roaming banners and time out 2 minutes
Droid Turbo Ballistic 64G (running v5.1). Since the last 2 Android upgrades, phone has stopped displaying a Groups tab in contacts (Favorites & All Contacts are only tabs shown)
I haven't found any settings to fix this, and validated that other brand phones did not lose Groups tab after the upgrade!
Note: phone allows contacts to be assigned to groups (as always); but haven't found a way to utilize groups & would like that capability back!
I'm probably just blind, but where is the setting (If it's still there) in the contact lists to have it only display contacts with a phone number? Otherwise I end up with every person I email on my exchange account on my contacts list.