Motorola Defy :: The Home Screen Did Not Change After Upgrading To Froyo?
May 30, 2011
Upgraded the update and the home screen and the icons in the bottom for Menu, Dialler, Contacts did not change. why is that so? when I saw the Android Users guide on Google for 2.2 it has changed from eclair,
How to change it to Froyo from the screen itself they are saying that you are running Eclair Not froyo. After upgrading to Froyo the battery is not so good. How to calibrate the battery
Is there any way for this (or) i have to do a discharge and charge the battery a couple of times. Now also My battery goes from 20% to 70% when i switch on the phone.
I updated to Froyo via Motorola website but it hasn't worked. My phone still shows firmware 2.1.1. Tried to update again via Motorola website but it now tells me that there are no updates for my phone.....I presume that it somehow detects that my phone previously downloaded froyo update.
When i go to recent calls in the calling menu instead of saying what time the call was made or recieved it simply says roughly how long ago it was made.. this is annoying.
Ok so after having to replace the earpiece under warranty I thought would risk another outage to my Defy. It was bought sim-free and I use my work SIM in it from Vodafone. So ran through the upgrade, and it worked first time ... until wifi. Wifi does not connect or rather from what I can determine I cannot actually obtain an IP address. For it to actually connect to the hub I have to force the settings to toggle the "Enable Auto IP" setting and manually set the channel to the same as my hub. (not had to do that with any other phone ... ) by the way, this still does not give me a data connectionAlso tried setting a static IP address and related settings and that does not work either Did a factory reset as recommended on the other pages - no avail.My hub runs WPA/WPA2 and I have a variety of devices connecting to it, trouble free, including 2 other Android 2.2 phones (HTC Desire Z and LG Optimus One), Windows XP, Windows 7, PS3 etc etc ... oh and once I had a Defy running 2.1 Eclair connecting trouble free?
The update is great, but if we make a list of all bug and glitches that we find, it might help Motorola to fix these issues!I donīt have MotoBlur on my phone. Only the launcher.
a) When using the "search" button in the application's list; com.motorola.home crashed (I have a popup telling so) b) Very often, when I'm not on the Home Screen (an App is in front, the phone is locked, ...), the home screen is doing the full, long, refresh (takes times to draw the icons, reload widgets, etc.); I suspect that there also, com.motorola.home crashed but I don't have any popup telling this (and I don't know how I could prove thisAs it is not rooted and their is no way to make any application data backup (, I do not wish to make a full factory reset.Is there anyway I could make that process more stable (I added it to the white list is "auto memory" application, without success) or is there
After i upgraded to FroYo, my camera no longer does the auto focus. The image will be blurred. When i press the soft key on the cam screen, it starts focussing and get a clear picture. Also there is a delay bet image capture and flash.
After the update i want to restore to its original settings but when i press those buttons (power + volume down) it shows an android and ! which suppose to bring me in an options when i press the lower left of the screen but not, it doesn't work anymore
this week i updated my defy with froyo through local service center Nothing seems to be fine in Froyo!Here some of my issues list after update to froyo
1.)Unable to turn on data connections.(resolved after hard reset)
I've been having issues since I did the Froyo update on my Blue Tick upgraded Telstra defy. Australian users will know what I mean by that. I did a hard reset soon after the froyo update because a few strange things were happenning. The hard reset seemed to resolve my issues.
But now I need to reboot my phone on average once per day. I get google system processes force closing randomly. It usually happens when I'm not even using the phone. I'll pick it up to use it and there'll be a force close message. Stuff like Swype will also randomly force close. When this stuff starts to happen, a heap of my apps won't open. They just force close straight away. When I reboot everything is fine for about another 24 hours, then another google system process will force close and it all starts to happen again.
Has anyone had anything similar happen? Is there any point in doing another hard reset? I can't really see why it would make any difference doing it again. I'm currently in the middle of reformatting my sd card to see if that makes any difference.
when i turn my phone on, the display screen stops working. also the touch feature has stopped working, i can receive calls, but not make any calls as the home screen doesn't respond at all. the model is motorola defy plus.
My Defy has an odd problem whereby every so often I am not able to move apps around the home screen, or add new ones. If I click and hold on an existing app icon, or an app in the drawer, then I get the vibration as normal and I can drag the app around the screen but:I never get the green highlight showing new places where I can put the icon, andI can't drag to another page of the home screen: the side bars never turn green to let me flip to the next page.I also can't resize widgets like the clock or weather when it gets in this state.The only way I've found to clear this fault is to reboot the phone, which is a bit of a pain.
My phone has multiple resets ad the direction of Motorola, and has been in for a circuit board replacement.Now the screen still freezes and the reception is hopeless.I am sure this handset is a lemon.It is still under warranty, 11 months old.
At home I have a wireless router and a modem. When accessing the internet via a netbook running Windows (XP and 7), I first connect to the router and then log-on to the ISP, which I've set up as a network connection with the relevant username and password.Despite a favourable tariff for data, 3G connection here is not great. So when at home I'd like to improve browsing speed by linking to the broadband/DSL. So far I can get it to connect to the router, but I haven't yet found a way to log on to the ISP, or even somewhere to put in the account details.I'd be very grateful if some kind soul could point me in the right direction in how to configure my phone, which currently appears to be smarter than I am.
I have Motorola Defy. from last 2 days i have been facing problem in my phone. i am not able to chnage the ringtone. whichever ringtone i select it will play the default ringtone line telephone rig.
My email was compromised and now I am drafting everything from that google mail account and moving to another. How can I change my motoblur login google email to another one?
I've gone home and wanted to change my SIM card to the home one. Now MotoBlur wants me to put in the password and stuff. Did that and it says: "The phone radio is unable to connect to the network. Make sure the radio is on, or move into a better cover area". Same story when I put my UK (the orginal) SIM card in. Tried to connect to wifi, that won;t work either.
I have a 8520 and would like to know how to change my home screen display so that emails, and SMS messages are in a list on my home screen, is this possible? If so how do you change it?
I know it is possible to change the default screen which is displayed when you press the Home Button on the Samsung Galaxy S5, because I did it accidently. But it happened while I was trying to get the ringing phone out of my pocket. I do not know how to change it back. Suggestions for other types of phones have not worked
Is there a way to change the links/options shown under home screen ? For instance on my E72 I get following options: @Set Up e-mail <Mailbox1> <Mailbox2> ,Calendar Events WLAN scanning off Search I want to now change @Set up e-mail option with something else of my choice . Is that possible?