Motorola Cliq XT :: Error "The Blur Service Is Temporarily Unavailable"
Oct 18, 2011
I recently got a Motorola Cliq XT and i'm having trouble creating my motoblur account. Every time I try to log in it keeps saying "The Blur service is temporarily unavailable"
Ive been trying to log-in to my blackberry onto Blackberry Protect, it will stay a while on Verifying email then it says: the Blackberry ID service is temporarily unavailable.I AM able to go to and on the top-right sign into MyBlackberry with no problem Also tried to download some Applications, when I get the screen to log on - keep getting ANother error. says email contains incorrect info. So I tried to register with a different email with Only letter and numbers...
Protect doesn"t seem accessible on my Curve 9300. I get a message saying the Blackberry ID service is temporarily unavailable. the phone carrier is airtel (India) and I have reinstalled BB Protect about 8times with the same problem. The phone is personal and not on enterprice solution
Service temporarily unavailable. The constant message when you use the sirius app on a torch. Anybody know what is going on between blackberry and siriu?.
I've recently begun to have an issue with my CLIQ XT. When I looked at it and turned on the Wi-Fi, it began to take a long time starting up with the "Turning On..." prompt on it. After a while though, it would then say "Error" or "Unable to Start". I've already Factory Reset the phone and that doesn't work at all. When I click on WiFi Settings and went into the Advance Settings, right below the MAC Address, it said "Unavailable".
why is it that after updating my iOS to 5.1.1 from 4.1.1 my phone can't complete the activation process error: activation server is temporarily unavailable..
I've changed my mobile network carrier. Since then my BBM will not work. I've done a Security Wipe. Still nothing. I cant even access Blackberry Protect from my mobile. The status always reads "The Blackberry Protect service is temporarily unavailable".
So i've been at this for two days now and i even went to my local t-mobile store.I've updated my phone via my computer since the wifi broke some time ago. Great, but I still wanted to update my phone.The wifi isn't place specific either. i've tried over 10+ locations with wifi (various friends houses, etc.). The message i get is unable to start wifi. what gives?But, after the update, i need to log into motoblur for my phone to be of any use to me at all. Guess what, the wifi doesn't work and I don't have a data plan.So do i have to pay for a data plan just to get this expensive phone to start working again? don't tell me yes because i know this is a solution. however, i don't have the money for a data plan otherwise i would have one already. and no, i don't have the money to even subscribe to one month just so i can "activate" my phone when i've already paid for all those fees.
I've tried doing a hard reset by holding the camera button and power button while the phone was off, then pressing down on the volume key followed by alt L/W. After the reset, the wifi doesn't work. not that i expected it to.I've checked my warranty. it's up. I find it a little peeving that it happen to run out near the same time the wifi broke.any fixes? Because i don't like to spend $400+ on my paper weights when i can go outside and find a rock.
I had an issue sometime after the XT came out and called Moto and they wanted me to reset my phone and a few days later the issue was fixed well a few days ago BLUR said that my Myspace account was invalid.I kept ignoring it but accidently removed it instead of pressing back and I've been readding it but it keeps saying my accout is INVALID or some crap! Which is odd because I can login to Myspace through the app preinstalled on the phone but why won't BLUR work.. should I wait a few days and try again?
I just got a backflip... when I first boot it it needs me to create a blur account while trying it fails with service is temp. unavailable and theres no way for me to enter the I have to wait until servers is ok again??
I just tried to upgrade my 3gs to ios.5 and have a message saying the iphone cant be activated because the server is temporarily unavailable... also, although the sim card is inserted a message says it is not inserted ??? no idea what to get phone working again. help needed.
I changed the sim on my phone and ever since I have the blackberry protect highlighted on my phone.It says I need to log back in in order for my phone to be protected however every time I attempt to log in the message "The Blackberry ID service is temporarily unavailable".This has been going on for weeks now and my phone is not protected! Is there any reason it says unavailable?
If I go to the internet icon, click on it and then type in a web address, I get an error "http error 503 service unavailable the server is currently unable to handle your request". But if I click on the bookmark for google and type in the web address I'm trying to get to, it will go there.
I recently got the 9360 and I synced my old 9300 to it so all contacts, emails, texts, etc., went across. Since I've starttd using my new phone no emails have come through and every time I went on email setup it keeps saying 'the email application is temporarily unavailable try again later'. So in the end I did a security wipe but did a back up before. After the security wipe I went to email setup and again it read the same unavailable message, I then went to back up my phone and I cant even do that now!
Your iPhone is not activated because the activation server is temporarily unavailable. try connecting your iphone to iTunes to activate it. or try again in a couple of time .Â
When playing a song I get a white notification block saying:
"Music temporarily unavailable. Couldn't play the stream you requested" DONE
Been having this error on/off for a month now. Sometimes it works on wi-fi but not on cell, most of the times not at all.
Right now at home I can play from my other devices (win7-pc, chromecast, Nexus10) without problems. I can browse music fine on the phone and play moview works fine - so the account is not the problem.
All hits I've had searching gave just different settings to try with caching, dl'ing etc. They are to no avail. Tried all combinations.
About 10hours ago my phone shut itself down and when I restarted it I had a "zero" for signal. This hasn't changed at all. And several reboots and even popping the battery a few times hasn't helped.
I downloaded facebook version 1.7 for my BB Bold. couldn't get it to work.. it won't recognize my email and password... it keeps on saying " connection error, service data missing unavailable" can someone enlighten me on this matter? what am i missing? i'm using wifi connection to access facebook.
I was having wifi connectivity problems and my phone was really slow and the screen wasn't as responsive as it used to be. I restored the phone a couple times but I didn't help at all, i even went to AT&T but the guys couldn't help me much but they tried to. As I was searching I found the--Removed-- It gave a failed error and when trying to reboot, it gives and 0x1000 error.
When I view my contacts and pull up the menu to choose settings. I go to choose AT&T Address Book - You can change your address book settings. When I choose it I get the error : The application Contacts (process com.motorola.blur.contacts) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again. The only thing odd I can find is that com.motorola.settings.anr.
I am using Motoblur Cliq XT unlock phone from T-Mobile, while I am with T-Mobile I have 3G service on my phone after some time i removed data plan and using only voice plan. Recently I moved to AT&T Carrier and get into two major problems.1 . Very frequently I used to get this message "122 Error Invalid Number. Please resend using a valid 10 digit mobile number 06050407100000535441545553"2. For new carrier I have 3G data plan, but mobile network is using Edge service instead of 3G. I check at my area 3G service for AT&T is working fine. If I use my sim in another phone I Can get 3G service.
After doing a factory reset, I get the following:"Error Signing Into accountThe request timed out waiting for a response. The account may have been incorrectly created."The device IMEI = 356914021419769I know there was a discussion on this a few months ago. The device does display 3G.
My cliq was a 2.0. something and i wanted to upgrade to the 2.1 (Eclair). But you can't upgrade to the 2.1 from the 2.0. So i downgraded to the 1.5 and now when i turn on the phone and it says create new account or use existing account. I choose existing and when i type in my motoblur id and password it keeps saying error creating account.
I just got this phone from someone who upgraded up. If I only want to use it for calls and texting and nothing else, should I update from its current system version 1.6 / Firmware version 1.5?If I wanted to do this manually, are system and firmware updates done separately and where are the download pages to do it manually?There are threads talking about how updates slowed down CLIQ MB200 phones. Do they slow down the basic functions of this phone? I see there are Android platform versions all the way up to 3.2. Is version 2.1 the last version compatible with MB200?Some threads compare updating this phone to installing Windows 7 or Vista on older computers - they would slow down basic functions on them so it's really not worth it to update. Is that comparison true when it comes to this first Android phone?
your iphone could not be activated because the activation sever is temporarily unavavailiable. Try connecting you I phone to Itunes to activate it, or try again in a couple of minutes, I have but this keeps on happening?
i purchased a Unlocked BB it worked fine for the last 5 days now it just wont make calls or text and says there no service currently unavalible.I have googled it and there seems to be alot but no answers.I have done everything told its definatly not my contract i can still conect to the internet and use bbm.
I have a Motorola Cliq updated to 2.1.5 through T-mobile.Up until this weekend, I had no problem getting Data pushed through whether I was in my area or my boyfriends area (his is non 3G and he does NOT have WiFi) ...I was at his place this weekend, and my Data ONLY pushed through when I was in a WiFi area and I had WiFi enabled.he problem is, now that I'm home IN A 3G AREA my Data STILL only pushes through when WiFi is enabled. I get NO INTERNET CONNECTION at all.I can't even get my phone to be recognized through the Motorola Troubleshooter now when it IS plugged into my laptop via USB ....Hoping to avoid a reset, even though I have everything synched through my Blur acct and Gmail
I inherited a Cliq 2 from my father-in-law and I have a T-Mobile sim in it right now. When I look at the system version, it is saying 1.1.28. From all the info that I've read, the latest version is 1.1.30. I've tried doing a system update from the phone, but it tells me that I am up to date.
I purchased a Blackberry Curve 9300 yesterday on pay as you go from Orange. I have activated my new sim card but when I put it in it says I am recieving Orange signal but I cannot make any calls/send any texts or set up my e-mail on there. When I try to do this it says 'Service Unavailable' but yet it lets me go on the internet browser. I have also tried my old Orange sim card in the phone and it's exactly the same.