I thought I had read somewhere before that the locking security feature still allows someone to answer an incoming call, if it's set to lock. I tried it yesterday, and it's true. I don't know about anybody else, but I thought that if I locked my phone....I locked all aspects of it.
I have a Pattern Setup as my lock screen for my phone, and 2 out of the 3 times I try to unlock it, it doesn't work. I try to drag the pattern out, but it thinks i lifted my finger and the lines go red, like when you guess the wrong pattern, and the lines go crazy, shooting to random dots on the lock screen, making it very tempremental. When this occurs i just click the lock button to shut the screen off, and then try again. Even after I do this, it still won't work and the lock screen will go crazy.
Sometimes when I reboot my Atrix, I notice that sometimes one or two apps dont fully load. I normally reboot the phone once or twice and then they start fully. These are on my desktop. Is there a way to stop them and then restart them without fully rebooting the phone? and why does this happen? this is the only problem I have ever noticed on my Atrix and this is one of the best phones i have ever had. MB860 and is has 16 gb sdcard. Is there a way to stop them and then restart them without fully rebooting the phone?
Anyhow, out of the box, whenever he opened something that could have a landscape orientation - web browser, menus, etc - the screen would automatically turn to that orientation and he would have to turn his phone to use it, ie, no matter how he held it, it would *always* change to landscape.Going into the display settings and turning off "Auto-rotate" screen keeps the screen in portait mode, but then lansdcape doesn't work at all.We did a power off and battery removal and now the phone always stays in portrait mode irresepective of what the display setting is set to.
The odd thing is, the NFS game that comes on it plays perfectly?!Just wondering if anyone has had this issue and managed to fix it without having to return the phone? (it came from Amazon, so it's not as simple as walking into a store and swapping it)
I don't know if I am missing something, or if I am correct in thinking that the Charge Only mode, while the Atrix 2 is connected via USB to a computer, has been removed as part of the upgrade to Ice Cream Sandwich?
I can't undo autolock. If I go to:Tools > Settings > General > Security > Phone and SIM card > Phone autolock period and change from "User defined" to "None" I get an error "Unable to unlock phone".
The Copy and Paste Function in Froyo was bad already. It is extremely difficult to highlight text in webpages. Ever since the Gingerbread update, the highlighting and copy & paste function is totally broken and unreliable. I can hardly able to select the text I want to highlight or able to move the cursor around. I am very dissapointed in this Gingerbread upgrade.
I purchased the Sprint Blackberry Tour 9630 (without camera) the other day. When I went to plug it into my computer yesterday to back up my info, etc. it prompted me to upgrade to from 4.7 (I believe.)Question - after I upgraded, the lock device feature went away. I usually use the left convenience key to lock it. However, the icon is no longer there and I no longer have the option available in the keyboard/screen section. PLEASE HELP! I need to be able to lock my device.
I don't like the feature of being able to wave my hand across the lock screen and the screen turns back on, showing alerts etc... How can I turn this off?
I am useing nokia c5-00.02 mobile.I just want to know Is there any way tolock bluetooth feature completely ordisable bluetooth feature. orblock all outgoing data through bluetooth orset password for enabling and disabling bluetooth.set password for sending data via bluetoothi just want this feature because if i last my mobile or if my friends use my mobile they can only view the content and they cant copy the content.
Is there anyway I can lock ino r lock out my phone from jumping to 3G. I just moved offices and it keeps trying to jump to 3G but the service is horrible. Basicall my phone is a brick until I move 100 yards out of the parking lot.
I just got my upgrade to Atrix 4G , all the extras are overkill.....but that is not my problem...I set the screen timeout to 20 minutes, and when it goes to sleep (or what ever it does) to wake it up have to push on/off switch....that part is easy....but Then I have to slide that silly lock thing across the screen to unlock, by then the person is on voice mail.The other phones I have had you could disable the screen lock when at home (use as house phone)and then when wanted to go out lock it.....
First off, let me just say that I am very pleasantly surprised at how well the ICS upgrade went for my Atrix2. First off, the upgrade itself went smoothly and I lost no data. Second, the phone seems much snappier in all respects. Third, I like some of the new features that ICS provides.
One question I do have is whether it is possible to change the applications that are available on the lock screen? For example, I use a popular third party app for my camera (CameraZoom) and it would be nice to be able to access it from the lock screen instead of the stock camera.
i have just bought the atrix 2 a couple of days back and i updated to 2.3.6 (surprisingly) i have the stock lockscreen and wanted to customise it, as in it just has 2 options sound and unlock, i have seen someplace that you can add a 3rd and 4th option also as in some application on the top or bottom also another problem i have faced is with the facebook notifications, i donot recieve them at all, i have to manually check them on facebook application.
For the past couple of days my gps on my phone won't work. When I use the navigation it just says searching for gps but will not lock on and give me turn by turn directions. Have tried turn off/on. Especially when my buddy is right next to me in the car using google maps on his iPhone and his works great. We both have at&t.
After my Atrix was updated last week, I have been having problems (as with many others, it seems). My most glaring issues is that the screen does not go 'inactive' when I place a phone call and put the phone up to my ear.
Consequently, my cheek will press all sorts of buttons on the phone while I'm talking, and may times it turns out to be the Mute or EndCall button. When the End Call is hit, the phone actually locks up and needs to be rebooted.
It basically makes me have to place all of my phone calls on speakerphone in order to be useful.
I finally figured out why the pattern screen unlock is getting grayed out on my A2. I am using corporate email to fetch webmail from ky.gov. Tried a couple of "fixes" but every time re-setup the corporate, the pattern screen lock goes away. Is there a way around this? I tried setting up the webmail a different way, but that won't get the email. Since losing the fingerprint scanner, I really became partial to the pattern lock/unlock.
After updating to 2.3.4, I am not able to change screen lock to "pattern". Option for "Pattern" is disabled and says Disabled by remote phone administrator. I tried de-selecting all the apps listed in Device Administrators but no luck. I even removed my work email (Corporate Sync) and then restarted the phone...again...no luck. Right now I have PIN and Fingerprint setup.
Is there any way that I can stop the lock button from locking the screen. I find my left hand is to close to the button. Can the phone be set so that when the phone is put into the holster it would lock the screen.
I have really nothing done! After I have received the phone. I have used it some time... I have installed some free apps. Then the battery was empty after some hours. I didn't charged it! After a while the phone has turned by it self off. I used the usb cable to charge him.
I tried to turn the phone on, but there was no reaction. I only could seen that the green led goes on and off after a time when I pressed on the on/off button. I thought that battery was completely discharged, so I left it to charge.
After an hour, tried to turn the phone on, BUT it doesn't start! I really don't know what it is.. Only the green led goes on and off when I press on the button. Also when I put the usb cable in to the phone, the green led goes on and the after a while off.
I am currently having issues with my Atrix 4G since the start of the New Year (2012). I have had the phone since July with no problems, but not i hear and sense feedback, but it takes over a minute for the phone to reawaken from sleep mode (screen to turn on to the unlock screen).
Once it does, I see the cellular signal strength icon showing it was disconnected and trying to re-acquire the cell netwrok (not the wifi part, the AT&T part).
This long delay puts a real damper on how I can use the phone to make a quick call, or snap a random photo to capture a moment.
Once I'm in, however, it'll work fine for a while, and then if I am NOT using wifi, it may lock up the screen refresh (I get haptic and audio feedback on my taps until the buffer fills, but screen freezes and even turing the unit off does not shut the screen) and sometimes it'll be minutes before I see the cell signal thing do the same thing, or I just get tired of waiting and pull the battery.
if this is a settings thing or a hardware or OS issue. My phone is under warranty, but I don't want to swap it out without knowing if there's a fix. I hate to get a new phone and find out it's happening again.
Anybody know of an app or method to disable the screen lock when a bluetooth connection is established? It would be great if it would re-enable when the connection is dropped. I would find this particularly helpful when using my Atrix as a music player or when in the car so that I don't have to unlock with a pin or fingerprint (which can be difficult when in a dock).Perhaps, I have to disable the lock completely.
I have a Motorola Atrix 4G (US) and was wondering if it would be possible to show the lock screen from pressing up or down on the volume buttons. It worked for my previous phones and would be a great alternative for this phone.
I recently updated my Blackberry 9700 and ever since it's not as it used to be. I used to press the top left to lock button to lock it. When I did this the screen would dim, but now when I press the shortcut key the screen goes black. Then if I press the shortcut key again it unlocks it straight away even though I have the password option on. Before, regardless of which ever key I pressed it would always ask for a password. Now, the only time it asks for the password is when I take it out of the holster. This is really annoying me.Is this something that i can change or do i have to do a restore??
Prior to 5.1.1, every time the phone was idle for a short period of time the lock screen would appear and, when I was home, SmartLock left it unlocked, most of the time, but it always appeared. Since upgrading to 5.1.1, the lock screen rarely appears anymore and, when I am away from home, since the lock screen rarely appears anymore, my phone is often unlocked and unlocked without a lock screen and having my phone unlocked is a big security issue . I don't know if this is related to 5.1.1 or, perhaps, a recent Google Play Services update (since Google Play Services is responsible for so many things nowadays, I assume its suspect).
I work at a camp and I just discovered that my brown paper lunch bag with my iPhone was wet. Some kid's water spilled in the lunch bin and got my iPhone. The screen works but the home button won't work. Right now it's in a plastic bag with rice to try and dry up the water. I don't have any warranty and I get my upgrade in December. Will Apple replace it for free?
I bought the Atrix 2 today.Initial thoughts, the screen looks really nice, the soft rubber back feels better then the Atrix 1. I got the same internet speeds as the Atrix 1. Camera button convenient though pressing it doesnt launch camera app. On the Atrix 2 internal memory isnt accessible, even hooking up to pc you cant browse it, so you need a SD card to put music and videos, etc on it.HDMI mirroring worked as expected. I think the MHL mirroring from the SGS2 was better quality though.
I go to the Phone Dialer and make a call. Few seconds and or a 1/2 ring and then the phone goes "Boop" and reverts to the lock screen. Sometimes the slider will not work or the Lock screen freezes, until you reset via the power/reset button on the back of the phone.