Lumia 950 :: 24 Hour Clock In Alarm?

Jan 30, 2016

I have Lumia950 and Windows 10 and time settings is set to 24-hour clock and region and local set to Iceland (I've tried other region settings and all the same).

When I set an alarm I only have option to use 12-hour AM/PM format. Is there a way to have the alarm using the 24 hour format?

(Good news is that the calendar alarms now allow 24 hour format for reminders which was not possible on my 1020!)

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Nokia Lumia :: 900 Alarm Clock Does Not Work With Existing Alarm

Dec 18, 2012

Lumia 900 failed to wake me up this morning. The alarm just did not sound at all.

- Alarm was set and was shown to be in use. Even the Icon in the start screen was shown
- Tried multiple times afterwards setting the existing alarm a few minutes forward. None of the attempts alarmed.

How I set the alarm is that I always edit the existing alarm, edit the time and push the alarm on.When I tried creating a new alarm (a few minutes forward), that ringed ok. But the existing alarm failed to ring

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Xperia X10 Mini/pro :: Alarm Clock Sometimes Decides To Snooze For An Hour And 10 Mins Rather Than 10 Mins?

Sep 12, 2010

My alarm clock sometimes decides to snooze for an hour and 10 mins rather than 10 mins. I nearly missed work on Friday, what is going on!? I waited a long time for the X10 mini to come out and admit that I am a little dissappointed. I've had a SE W580i until recently and I am finding that there are a lot of basic things that my old phone could handle but my new one seems to struggle with.

I have used my phone alarm as my only alarm clock for at least the last 5 years. I really struggle to get up in the morning and if I turn the alarm off, I'll fall straight back to sleep again, therefore I rely heavily on the phone's snooze function to wake me up eventually after going off a few times. I was initially dissappointed that you cannot personalise the snooze duration on the x10 mini, the 10 mins is usually ok for me but in certain situations I prefer to shorten it. Please consider including this in the next software update, Sony Ericsson!But the pressing problem is the (massively) extended snooze. It happens every few days and seems to be quite random. The first few times I hit the snooze button, it works as normal. A picture of an alarm clock comes up showing the time, and a white segment of clock face is highlighted indicating how long the snooze is for (10 mins) and when it will next go off. Then, I stir due to some disturbance outside, notice that the sun is definitely brighter than it was when I was last awake, grab my phone in a panic and realise that I have been sleeping for 20 mins since the alarm last went off, and that I have less than 7 mins to get up, dressed, packed and on the bus or I will be late for work. Meanwhile my phone is cheerfully still displaying the clock face with the white segment showing that I have 40 mins left to snooze and all is well. I didn't even know it was possible for this phone to snooze for anything other than 10 mins. Unfortunately I am asleep whenever this has happened and I'm not sure how I've done it. I have tried setting the alarm when awake and then pressing various buttons, tapping the screen in various places, even pressing and holding the snooze button or swiping it. Most of these actions do nothing and the only way to stop the alarm is to slide to turn off or press the snooze button. My theory as to what is happening is that the phone snoozes for the normal 10 mins, but then when it reaches the time to go off again, it fails to go off and then the snooze time is displayed as 50 minutes (until it reaches that time again for the next hour). I think the white segment does initially show the 10 mins, I've started checking when I hit the snooze button after it happened a few times, but I might be doing something different in my sleep somehow

This seems a bit confusing so I'll give an example. If I snooze the alarm at 6 am, the white snooze segment displayed is from 6am to 6:10am. However, when I wake up again, for example at 6:20am, the alarm hasn't gone off after the snooze time has elapsed and the white segment is still showing snooze until ten past (so, the white segment is now massive and is from 6:20 to 7:10). Unfortunately I've not been able to just leave it to go off later as I've had to go to work and turn it off, so I have no idea whether it would then go off at 7:10 or whether it would cancel when the hour changed. This problem is really bugging me and I can't rely on the phone alarm any more. I don't want to spend a lot of money getting an alarm clock which I can personlise the alarm sound on and I often stay round at friends so having a phone alarm that works is very important to me. I am currently having to take my old phone along with my new one just for the alarm but it's annoying and I can't keep this up as a permanent solution.

I have downloaded a few free alarm clock apps from market but they are either ugly, even less functional than the Sony Ericsson one, unreliable or covered with irritating adverts ,so I am not considering that as a solution. To be honest having an alarm clock should really be a standard function for a phone this modern and expensive so I shouldn't have to download software to "get by" with my new phone. Overall I like the x10 mini and would like it to work as it should, then I would be very happy with it.One other thing, my calendar is working fine except that I like to set reminders for tasks, usually for 1 hour before the event. This worked fine until recenty, now for some reason (although I am still setting the reminder for 1 hour) it decides to remind me one hour before, then 15 mins, and then several times during the day until the event is finished. Mostly I use it to record work shifts so it's really annoying getting a notification every 10 minutes for 8 hours telling me to go to work, when I'm already there! If I cancel the notification alert at the top of the phone (by selecting the alert which brings the task up on the screen, then hitting ok) sometimes it reminds me again instantly (once, it did it 4 times in succession, ping-ping-ping-ping, which was a little noisy and embarassing). I don't know what's going on but if I can't stop it, I might give up on the whole smartphone calendar thing and just go back to using a paper diary. It's a shame though, I'm starting to wonder why I bothered getting an android phone at all if I can't even use basic functions on it.

Final comments - is it likely that customisable themes for your phone (like the ones in old sony ericsson phones) will become available for this phone at some point? Also does anyone know how GPS works? I've tried to use it a few times but it seems to think that I am usually located in the middle of the Firth of Tay which unless I have unknowingly developed the ability to walk on water, is definitely NOT where I am standing. Even when it manages to put me on dry land it's up to a kilometer out and has made the geotagging camera function (which I really liked the idea of) completely useless, as half of my my photos were tagged in Broughty Ferry where I've never even been and is not even in the same county. Finally I got a phone call recently and my phone died of battery before I got to it. When I turned it back on there was no record of the call or anything in missed calls and so I couldn't call them back (as I had no idea who it was!) Is this normal or is there something wrong with it?

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Lumia 950 XL :: Alarm Clock For Phone

Jan 24, 2016

Alarm clock app for 950XL with following attributes: can use customized sounds like Ringtone/Music each different alarm time can be customized for its own sound from Ringtones/music. Does not repeat at all if at each preset time when alarm sounds is not snoozed or cancelled, i.e., just sounds once at specified time and waits for next alarm time.

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Nokia Lumia :: 800 Alarm Clock Not Working?

Mar 21, 2012

I have a black nokia lumia 800. The firmware version in 1600.2483.8107.11501 (still waiting for 12070 one). Battery is ok, sound quality is horrible, but my real problem is the alarm clock - it just doesn't work! I rely on my phone to wake me up for work and it doesn't do the job. I've tried renaming the alarm, setting it to repeat on couple of days or just one time and it doesn't go off. The alarm worked perfectly on my HTC HD7 (the sound quality was also great on this device), but since I've switched to lumia I have to put up with more and more problems

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Lumia 950 :: Alarm Clock Not Ringing Anymore

Dec 22, 2015

The alarm clock on my L950 was ringing as expected when I first bought the phone.

Then I ran into the battery drain and low storage warning that was part of the botched .29 upgrade. I eventually did a hard reset and the revised(?) .29 upgrade automatically (and successfully) installed itself.

Since then my alarm has not rung once. Or rather, when the phone's screen is off (like when I am asleep), then the alarm will not go off. Instead, there is a useless notification about it. On the other hand, if my phone is in use at the time of a scheduled alarm only THEN will the alarm ring.

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Lumia Icon :: Alarm Clock To Be Louder

Mar 30, 2014

Is there a way to get the alarm sound to be louder? I can sleep right through it. I downloaded another alarm app and the same thing happens. When I listen to the alarm sound in the settings it sounds loud, but then when it goes off I barely even hear it.

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Nokia Lumia :: 920 Way To Snooze The Alarm Clock?

Nov 23, 2012

Is there a way to snooze the alarm clock without having to open my eyes and do it via the touch screen. I use to be able to press the red button on my previous phone.

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Nokia Lumia :: Alarm Clock On 800 Not Working When Phone Is ON?

Aug 12, 2012

I recently bought a Lumia 800, and found that the alarm clock only works when the phone is ON, but it doesn't work when it's OFF. Is there any way to change this setting? obviously it doesn't make sense to have the alarm which is only working when the phone is on, as I don't want to leave my phone on overnight.

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IPhone Clock Is 1 Hour Behind

Jun 28, 2014

My iPhone clock is 1 hour behind. How do I fix this?

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IPhone :: Reset 24 Hour Clock On It?

May 27, 2012

On my iPad, iPod Touch's and other Apple products (And releatives Apple products) it shows 00:00 as 00:00 and 01:00 as 01:00 but on my iPhone 4S, it shows 01:00 as 1:00. This only changed recently because I noticed. I don't know how to fix it.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1

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IPhone :: 3GS Alarm Going Off An Hour Early After BST Change?

Mar 26, 2012

After the clocks went forward again on Sunday morning my iPhone has yet again succumb to the bug of the hour delay in alarms. Has anyone else had this recentley happen again or is it just me? Also has anyone figured out a working fix for it

iPhone 3GS, iOS 4.3.3

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Sony Ericsson :: X Peria X2 / Change Time From 24 Hour Clock To A 12 One?

Mar 23, 2010

Sony Erickson X Peria X2. Just bought an X Peria X2 for $650 CD N, Yesterday having a few small problems questions. Question 1: How do I change the time from 24 hour clock to a 12 hour clock? I've gone into Settings -> System Settings -> Regional Settings and changed it from HH:mm:SS to H:mm:SS and turned the phone off then on. Tried other way around and it stays a 24 hour clock. The time style example doesn't change between the two options, it stays 24 hour clock.
Question 2: How do I access the Memory card on my computer. I installed Windows Mobile Center on Windows 7. I can access the Phones Memory but not the memory card itself where all the pictures and stuff are.
Question 3: The time of sending and receiving texts is different for me. I'll send a text at 13:33 and she replays 10 seconds later but the phone says she replied at 9:33, when it should be 13:33 as well as it was sent and received at the same time. This happens with everyone I text. Not a big deal but annoying as I wont know the correct time they text ed me back.
Question 4: Everything seems to kinda run a little slow when opening things etc.... I have checked task manager and nothing else is running data is off everything, but still pretty slow. I watched a video saying that It will receive an update this month but when I go to Sony website they only have the X1 on there not the X2 for some stupid reason.

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IPhone :: Calendar (after Clock Change On 26th October) Events Are 1 Hour Earlier?

Jul 12, 2010

Could anybody help me and tell me why all events from 27th October in the iPhone calender are 1 hour earlier as they should be (we have clock change on 26th October?
FYI: Apples's support hotline couldn't help - they didn't found the problem

MacBook Pro
Mac OS X (10.5.5)
iPhone 3G with Version 2.1

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IPhone :: Set The Alarm Clock On IP2?

Jul 13, 2010

I haven't had an iPhone since the 2g, and there used to be a clock. Now?I have looked in the settings but I can't find anything.

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IPhone :: Alarm Clock Bug?

Jul 14, 2010

I use my iPhone's alarm clock to wake up on weekdays. Twice now, it has failed to go off in the past week or two. When I look at it, it's "Off," but I haven't turned it off. In fact the only time I ever launched the clock app was to set up this alarm, except when I've had to turn it back "On."

Of all the bugs, this one really bothers me. I just deleted the alarm and made a new one. Hopefully, this doesn't happen again.

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LG G3 :: Alarm Clock Not Ringing

Jan 19, 2015

I am a long time Android user, but just recently got the LG G3 (32GB version) with Bell Canada. I had a Samsung SIII for the past few years and upgrade time came. So I did my research, found the LG G3, and so far I've been very happy.

There is one issue, though, that I have found with the alarm clock. I first noticed it Saturday (I got the phone Friday), set up the alarm clock app, and made sure it worked (by setting it 2-3 min in the future and waiting). Saturday morning, I found myself naturally waking up, I didn't think much of it as that is normal for a Saturday. Then I realized that it was around 9 AM (the alarm was set for 8 AM), I asked my wife if she heard it --- she said, "no". So then I set it for a few minutes in the future again, "must have slept through it", I thought (even though I could wake up to the SOUND of the display coming on).

Sunday morning I got woke up by the kids at 6 AM, but noticed that the alarm DID go off at 8 AM (the difference being that since 6 AM, I had the device unplugged and had been using it).

Today, I had my alarm set for 5:30 (my normal waking time during the week), I woke up to the sound of my wife's alarm at 5:45, mine definitely did not go off. I rolled over and opened the alarm app --- everything is set up properly. So then I figure that I'll set it for 5:50, do so, and it goes off at 5:50, I snooze it and it goes off at 6:00.

This morning I installed Alarm Clock Plus, but I won't know if it works properly until tomorrow morning. All my Stock alarm settings are correct, I DO have Quiet Mode turned on for the duration of the night (10 PM -- 6 AM), but some of the tests I ran (eg the 5:50 one) were ran during Quiet Mode. In Quiet mode I have "Block alarms" unchecked. Under the stock Alarm Clock's settings I have "Ring in Silent Mode" checked as well.

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HTC One M7 :: Alarm Clock Turns Off By Itself

May 2, 2014

I set my alarm the night before and by the time morning comes the alarm is turned off by itself. The icon goes away and I have to go into the clock app to turn it back on.

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BB Curve :: 2nd Alarm In Clock

Mar 21, 2011

I found this 2nd Alarm in my clock today and I am quite confused what it´s for, How do I switch it off.

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BB Curve :: Alarm On Clock Not Working

Jan 16, 2012

I am not able to set the alarm on the clock or calendar I don't know wats wrong because I have only had this fone 4 two weeks I have tried to pull the battry out several times and even went to the extent of updating the software and its still not working .

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BB Curve :: Find The Alarm Clock?

Jun 25, 2012

in the Applications folder but can not find the alarm clock, but in the main screen of my blackkberry curve is the clock symbol. So the clock will continue playing but I can not disconnect because I find the clock icon in the Applications folder.

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LG G3 :: Will Alarm Clock Go Off If Phone Is Powered Off

Jun 9, 2015

will my alarm clock go off if my lg g3 is powered off?

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Galaxy S6 :: Alarm Clock Not Staying On

Jun 21, 2015

Having issue with the alarm clock not staying on the alarm they choose. Today is the second time I chose an alarm and it didn't go off because the phone had a different alarm set.

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IPhone :: 3gs Alarm Clock Will Not Work For 2:30 Am

Mar 11, 2012

I can not set my alarm for 2:30 am since daylight savings time went into effect today. It changes to 1:30 - I can set it for 3:30 correctly. Will this correct itself after midnight tonight?

iPhone 3GS (8GB)

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IPhone 5s :: Alarm Clock Vibration

Sep 1, 2014

how to turn off the vibrate function on the alarm clock on the 5S without I must install other apps? Note that I still want it to vibrate for the other notifications.

iPhone 5s, iOS 7.1.2

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Nokia :: N900 Why Alarm Clock Not Working?

Jan 19, 2010

Since I installed the maemo update, my alarm clock is not working anymore. well, it's working, but it doesn't make any sound. I tried to change almost all possible settings concerning sounds on the phone, but it still doesn't make any sound.Does anyone else have this problem? Or a solution?

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Nokia :: 2700 Alarm Clock Not Working

Jan 17, 2010

When I set the alarm clock on my new 2700 classic, it does not sound or vibrate in the morning, and the alarm bell symbol indicating that the alarm clock is set has disappeared?My dad has the same problem with his Nokia, it may be the 3610 fold but I am not sure. We have both had many Nokias before and never had problems with the alarm clocks.I searched the discussion boards for similar topics but found no threads?

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Nokia :: How To Adjust Volume Of Alarm Clock?

Jan 20, 2010

I cannot seem to find a setting to adjust the volume of the tone that the alarm clock makes. The alarm volume is very soft and not loud at all. It doesn't wake me up.Could someone please show me how to adjust the volume of the alarm clock? Please?

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Xseries :: Adjust Volume Of Alarm Clock?

Oct 30, 2012

There are + and - buttons on the right side of Nokia X2-02 which you can use for adjusting the volume. Using these buttons you can adjust every application, accept the alarm clock. There isn't also an extra option in the advanced menu of Alarm clock for volume adjusting. While ringing the alarm cannot be adjust using the + and - buttons because when you press them, the alarm just snoozes. The + and - buttons while you are in the alarm menu don't adjust the volume too. But when you set the radio as alarm clock then it works - the volume is so loud as the phone ringing settings. There is also no extra option in the Settings menu for the alarm clock.

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Xseries :: X3-02 Adjust The Alarm Clock Volume?

Jan 25, 2011

I am using on of the song I have downloaded onto my phone as an alarm clock tone. The volume on the device is set to a minimum yet the alarm volume is extremely high - too high to be waking up to. How do I adjust the alarm clock volume.

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BB Bold :: Getting This New Icon With The Alarm Clock And A Plus Sign?

Mar 4, 2012

I just started getting this new icon with the alarm clock and a plus sign..

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