LG :: Should Get Env3 Or Env Touch?

Mar 29, 2010

Should I get an LG Env3 or LG Env Touch? I've tried both phones out in the store, but can't decide. It seems like the Touch is a better phone, but large for carrying in a pocket. I've read on forums, that is has a terrible battery life. The LG Env3 has a great batter life, and I like the number dialing pad. Supposedly both phones have bugs in them, that haven't been resolved.

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LG :: EnV3 Not Charging

Feb 15, 2010

I have the EnV3 and sometimes the battery does not charge. After having the phone plugged in all night the phone still has the flashing charging icon. The phone has recently been replaced so I am guessing it is either a battery or the charger. Is there an easy fix for this or should I just get a new battery and charger?

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LG :: ENV3 Where To Download DLL?

Mar 9, 2010

I am trying to Flash an ENV3, and an EnV touch with Lg download. I cannot find where to get the DLL's from, is there a website to go download them..?

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LG :: ENV3 Shuts Off Randomly

Feb 12, 2010

While using the ENV3, at times it will shut it off by itself. I could be in the middle of a text message or just having the phone sitting on the couch next to me, but the next thing I know, the phone powers itself off. Does anyone else have this trouble??

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LG :: Bitpim Features To Work With Env3?

Jan 7, 2010

Is there a way to use Bitpim with an Env3 and use the features on the far left side of the bitpim program, like Call Lists, SMS, Ringtones, Calender etc?I set Bitpim up to recognize my phone as an Env2 as I found in a thread related to ringtone transfers.

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LG :: Env3 Flipped For Speaker Phone?

Jan 12, 2010

is this the only way to use the speaker phone have the phone flipped open?Kind of a drag really seems like a little bit of a deficiency in the user interface...

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LG :: How To Dump Firmware From Keybo2 (enV3)?

Jan 16, 2010

I would like to know if there is software or a way to dump the firmware of my LG CX9200 (VX9200). It would like to save it on my pc then flashit back in my other CX9200.It screw up my 1st one when I went in the ##lgservicemenu and played with the COLOR VARIATION -LG setting.I can't undo the changes I made, my display in some menu is screwed up

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LG :: EnV3 Deleting Saved Notes

Jan 18, 2010

My 6 month old enV3 suddenly began deleting saved notes from the notepad.Verizon claims it's not a known issue and issued me a replacement. My hunch is that there's a limited amount of space and I had too many notes but I don't know. I don't even know if there's a way to measure the space my notes take up (without counting characters!)I LOVE this feature on my phone and won't trust the new one until I figure out a little more about what happened.

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LG :: EnV3 Sowftware & Forwding Pic Messages

Jan 25, 2010

I recently picked up an enV3 phone, and have found that (unlike my old razr) I can not edit the text from a picture message I wish to forward. It only says "Original Slide" under Attachment. A friend of mine has the same phone, and his allows this. I called Verizon tech support, and he wasn't sure about that function, but thinks that I might have a newer version. My buddy's phone has SW version VX920V05, mine is VX920V06. If this is the problem, is there a way I can upload the older version? The tech guy says no, but I know there are always ways around things on phones. If not, does anyone know if the Alias2 does this? It's still within 30 days if I wish to exchange.

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LG :: VX9200 EnV3 Theme Hack

Jan 30, 2010

Ok, bitpim works and all, but i can't find any of the res files that create a theme. There are .vis files, but i have no programs that are capable of opening them, let alone editing them.

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LG :: Charging Cable For Env3 Vx9200

Mar 13, 2010

The charging cable that came with my Verizon lg vx9200env3 has a usb connector, can you use this to transfer data?

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LG :: Forwarding Text From ENV3 To Email

Apr 3, 2010

Can anyone give me a way to forward texts to email so they can be printed off. I called Verizon and was told there was no way. I can get some of them to randomly forward but most of them result in this msg: Unable to forward enhanced text to email.Has anyone used the "treasuremytext" website?I've got about 55 texts I need to get printed off for possible use in court:/

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LG :: Hard Reset Code For An Env3

Apr 29, 2010

i would like someone to tell me what the hard reset code is for the env3 please

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LG :: Env3 Ringtones Are Listed Backwards

May 14, 2010

Updated my env3 last night to VX920V06 as well as my fiance's and now our ringtones are listed backwards. Instead of going from A to Z they go Z to A. Not a huge deal but just annoying when you are so used to it the other way.Oh and I should add this happened after I added a ringtone using bitpim. So maybe it is a bitpim related issue not the update. Or a little of both.

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LG :: SMS Not Working On Cricket With Verizon Env3

Aug 10, 2010

I recently flashed my Env3 (VX9200) from verizon to cricket. I got the phone activated, calling and receiving texts works, but I can't send texts. The phone stalls on the "Sending..." screen and cites GENERAL PROBLEMS as the reason the text failed.Is there a setting I missed while flashing that exclusively hits text sending? Does anyone have any experience with this?

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LG :: Verizon EnV3 Where To Find Drivers For USB Cable?

Jan 1, 2010

I have a Verizon LG enV3. It came with a usb data cable and my XP Pro 64bit PC does not want to recognize it. I think I need the lg-vx9200 drivers, but am unable to find them.So I pose a few questions.

1. Is the cable that came with the phone able to be used with bitpim & for charging?

2. Where can I find the drivers for the usb cable?

3. Will bitpim, and the cable drivers work with my XP pro 64 bit?

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LG :: Env3 Anyway To Keep Text Messages On Screen All Time?

Jan 16, 2010

Is there anyway to keep the text messages on the screen all the time? When i get a text and respond they dont stay on the screen.My old lg phones always stayed on the screen. And if you are texting 2 or more people at the same time and they send you a text in the middle of what you are typing it automatically sends what you are texting to the drafts folder. Is it suppose to do this?

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LG :: Env3 Doesn't Show Character Count For 0/160

Jan 18, 2010

When I'm replying to a text on my Env3, It doesn't show the character count for 0/160. I did my first text over 160 characters and I received a text from Verizon saying I went over my character limit. It didn't send it in two texts and it also didn't tell me where it cut off. I had to get on my computer, Open a character counter, Retype the text to see where the 160 mark was. Is there an easier way to do this? Can I send the text in two pieces instead of retyping half the text?

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LG :: List Or Note Pad For Env3 That Uses SD Card Memory

Jan 19, 2010

DH and I just got new LG Env3 phones through Verizon.Say what you want, we both like our new phones and are pleased with many of their features.We both do indeed like the notepad except that we rapidly ran out of memory and were unable to find a setting that would store our notepad texts to our microSD cards. I have been searching for 3rd party list, text or notepad applications.I'm not adverse to paying for an application that would be used.Unfortunately, my limited knowledge has me wondering if the available applications would work. We'd also like to be able to save our notes onto our computers.The program I like the most is Listpro http://www.iliumsoft.com/site/lp/listpro.php but again with my limited knowledge, I'm not really sure it would work on our phones. Our pc's are Windows XP and Home Vista (looking forward to our next purchase which will be Windows 7). Any advice you offer would be appreciated.Is Listpro comptible with our phones and computers? Is there another similar program that would be? Free can be good, but I am willing to pay.

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LG :: EnV3 Transferring Music Files To Phone

Jan 28, 2010

I am happy to report success in copying music files to my LG enV3 (VX9200)! I have now loaded 2000 music files onto a 16Gb Micro SD card and gotten the phone to properly read <title>, <artist>, <track>, <album>, and <genre> for all of these files. Unfortunately, this was only after much trial, error, pain, and suffering.Here's what I have deduced about how the enV 3 wants to see music files organized:

1. To avoid silly mistakes, do use the phone to format your Micro SD card.

2. But to save time and achieve reliable transfers, move your music onto the formatted card using a USB card reader, plugged directly into your computer. Putting the phone into USB Mass Transfer mode, or trying to use the 'Sync' routine, is slow at best and ends up in failure more times than not.

3. Music files go into the "my_music" folder on the card.

4. Within "my_music", what works well is the following directory structure: my_ music /<artist>/<album> /<track>_ <title>But you have to follow some special rules:

5. The enV 3 doesn't seem to like like spaces or special characters in directory or file names, and I think it wants only one period (the one before the .mp3 extension). Special characters include the 'usual suspects': . ^ $ | ? * + [ ] ( ) { } /

6. The enV 3 doesn't seem to like directories or file names to be longer than 32 characters

7. Finally, to have album art displayed, it wants to see the file "AlbumArt.jpg" in each <album> folder.

I may be wrong about some of the rules -- but I can report that when I followed the rules, things worked as they never had before.My guess is that other Verizon LG phones work the same way. (You'd think that Verizon or LG would document this somewhere, but NO!)

Now -- you'd better believe I wasn't going to manually edit the directories and filenames to meet the enV 3's picky requirements -- not for 2000 files!Instead, I worked with the freeware program Mp3tag (available here) and wrote an Mp3tag script (available here) to do the dirty work.
Step 1 was to 'clone' my music files by copying my entire music library -- all of the mp3 files, which had been organized by iTunes -- into a new directory which I labeled 'Music_Backup'.
Step 2 was to read this cloned library into Mp3tag.
Step 3 was to run my Mp3tag script, which parsed/renamed/moved all the music files under a new directory on my computer (called 'Ready-For-LG-Phone')
Step 4 was to copy this new directory structure onto the Micro SD card

From there I popped the card into the phone, and at long last it has become a usable music player.(The one thing I haven't figured out is how to get playlists into the phone.)To use this process, you're going to have to get familiar with Mp3tag, or come up with a way using the tagger of your choice to meet the requirements I've listed above.But I can tell you that there's light at the end of the tunnel. Best wishes and good luck!

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LG :: EnV3 New Text Message Emoticons / Graphics?

Feb 9, 2010

Hi! I have a friend who just LOVES to use smileys, graphics, icons and emoticons in her text messages, and she has an LG enV3. I was wondering for any of you cell phone gurus out there, is there a way to get new graphics for this phone so that they can be used in a regular text message?

I know how to save them as pictures and send a pic/video message, but I was wondering if there was a way to send them in a normal text message, or even add them to the "add" list itself. Perhaps a way to hack the phone? I'm surprised searching Google didn't render any results, that usually works, but if any of you guys can help out on this I'd be forever grateful!

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LG :: Env3 Ideal Contact Photo Dimensions?

Mar 15, 2010

I was prompted to join the forum when searching for ideal wallpaper dimensions for the enV3; this thread served me beautifully, thanks to all involved.With that in mind, I figured you folks would be the best to ask a similar question--what are the best dimensions for a contact's profile photo? I would like to create/modify them on the PC and don't necessarily want phone-taken photos for them all, so if anyone has the golden dimensions for this, I'm all ears and all thankful.

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LG :: Transfer Bluetooth Call Audio On ENV3?

Mar 26, 2010

When I've dialed or received a call on my ENV3 using my Bluetooth headset, I sometimes would like to stop using the Bluetooth & transfer the call/audio to the phone itself.I searched the ENV3 Users Guide and done a lot of Googling, but I can't seem to find the answer. The only info I've found that's even remotely related is located here pertaining to a bug fix in the v05 firmware:

"Open the flip and press keypad during a voice call à audio transfer to phone à Close the flip and try to put audio back to the Bluetooth headset by using audio to device option on the phone. The phone fails to transfer audio."It's not very clear, but from reading this I assume that you can switch back 'n forth between a Bluetooth device & the phone by opening/closing the flip? What is the "audio to device option" it's referring to?

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LG :: Env3 Using Bluetooth To Transfer Music From Macbook

Jun 26, 2010

Just got this phone yesterday, so I am still learning the ins and outs of the env3. I am a mac user and figured out how to use bluetooth to connect the phone to my macbook. I transferred pictures and music. Both worked and showed up on the phone. I did this until the battery died and plugged it in to do a full charge. After charging, the pictures I had transferred were still in the picture file, but the music did not show up in the music file. When I connected to my mac again the music file shows that the music is still on the phone, according to the computer, but the file on the phone says no music. What do I need to do? Where is the music?

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Motorola Motoactv :: When Device Did Wake Up, The Cap Touch UI Would Not Accept Any Swipe Or Touch Gestures?

May 16, 2012

Problem Description I was in a middle of a workout with the MOTOACTV. It was connected wirelessly to my heart rate monitor. During the workout the UI became high latency and almost completely unresponsive. It would take 3 4 presses to the Power Key to get the device to wake up. When device did wake up, the CapTouch UI would not accept any swipe or touch gestures. I finally was able to power the device down hoping for a graceful reset. However I was concerned that I was never going to get to the point of getting to the power down screen. seen this issue on other Android devices and know that there are times when a battery pull is needed due to a deadlock or a process gone haywire.

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Nokia :: 5233 Can't Use Touch Button That Apper On Touch Screen

Feb 12, 2010

I just bought the new Nokia 5233 phone.Whenever the phone is locked and I set a alarm. There is no way i can stop the alaram other than to reset the alarm manually by alarms-> edit.

There will be two touch buttons that apper on the otuch screen. One to stop and other to snooze the alarm. Even If press them, it wont work. The alaram keeps ringing. I even tried clicking on the green button and the menu botton at the bottom. Still no use. I cant even unlock the phone. Only thing i can do is press the red button at the end, which will snooze the alarm. After this, I have to manually change the alarm time.

The same thing happens even with phone calls. I cannot use the touch button that apper on the touch screen. I have to use the green and red button at the bottom.These problem come into picture only if the phone is locked. Otherwise it works fine.

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HTC :: Touch Pro 1 How To Change Touch Keyboard Back To Qwerty?

Apr 8, 2010

some how my touch keyboard went to keyboard mode and not qwerty style. I cant figure out for the life of me HOW to change it

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HTC :: Touch Pro Touch Screen Doesnt Work Anymore

Apr 18, 2010

My HTC Touch Pro (XV6850) screen no longer works when I touch it. Is there an replacement digitizer for it? Its the XV6850 version for Verizon.

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HTC :: Sprint Touch Pro Touch Screen Unresponsive

Mar 30, 2010

I posted this in the wrong forum earlier like an idiot. If you see it please disregard. I didn't know how to get it deleted, I'm still a newbie as if you couldn't tell. My Sprint Touch Pro's touchscreen slowly died today. And I was wondering if anyone had any advice on what I should do. I bought it on eBay and apparently the warranty is non-transferable so that's void. I have it on Boost so I'm guessing going to Sprint is out of the question also.

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IPhone :: Adjust The Touch On The Touch Screen?

Jun 4, 2012

iphone has been very sensitive to my touch. Is there a setting or function to adust the touch on the touch screen?

iPhone 4S

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Nokia Nseries :: 5800 Touch Screen Is Not Responding Well Like Any Touch Screen Should

Nov 30, 2011

My 5800 touch screen is not responding well like any touch screen should. Compared with my friend's phone and he said there is definite problem with touch. Now is this rectifiable? Or better to go for an exchange? I dont trust Nokia Care because my e72 is still with them for some error which they are not explaning properly. Poor customer service.

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