IPhone :: Stop Apps From Running In The Background On 3gs?
Mar 21, 2012
I was told that apps could be "turned off" in the iphone, which saves on battery life and removes the apps from the main screen, placing them in a scrollable line at the bottom.
i still have a fair few apps running constantly even when i close the apps out with the recent apps button or when i go into settings, apps, running, and close them all manually there. Is theres any quicker better way of doing this? I don't want to disable these apps
My phone and my husband S5 keeps coming up with message 32 or 50 apps running in background - draining battery. Then you optimize and half hour ago it is back doing the same.
Iphone 4: Is there a way to turn certain apps off once you exit out of the app instead of double tapping the home screen button every time you open an app to turn it off?
My home button is very tempermental. Took it into the store and they showed me how to turn off apps running in background and that helped for a while. Now I have to touch it upwards of 20 times to get it to work.
Well the day after I got my 5.0 update on my s5. I noticed that my gallery was running. (according to the task bar), so I stopped it. I go back on it a few seconds later and it is running again. How do I stop this!!!
Are there any reliable apps for allowing background running of apps on a 3gs 3.1.3 jailbroken with spirit? I've seen a couple mentioned via google but they seemed to have disasterous concequenses for some.
Ok so I am an ex android user, so this is a question is coming from an ex user. Anyways... ever morning before I start my day, I go in and close all the running app in the background one by one. Is there a way to not have to close them down one by one?
You know how when you open an application, and just press the hangup / power key, it exits the application from the screen but it still keeps running in the background memory. I have noticed that such applications in the memory can drain the battery real quick. I was wondering if anyway on the phone you can check which applications are currently running in the background memory? If i can find that out, I can just exit all the apps and save my battery life. Let me know if anyone knows a way to do so.
In Lollipop there used to be a section under apps in the settings where you could see what all was currently running in the background. It looks like in Marshmallow this feature has been removed or moved to a different location in the settings. Where it moved to and how to find this in the settings?
I am using Advanced Task Killer which I'm finding really useful. I have an ignore list set and it kills the apps that aren't being used regularly. However, I'm wondering why these apps keep restarting again. The sort of things that keep restarting are Gallery, Messaging, Yahoo! Messenger, Email, Skype, Maps, etc. I'm sure that I'm signed out on all of these apps and have the settings set such that they shouldn't keep restarting/synching. Are there any apps similar to 'msconfig' in Windows where you can tick which things you want to start up and what you don't?
In setting/battery there are several apps shown. Are these the apps running in the background and consuming battery? If NOT how could I find out what apps are running in the b/g?
I stopped some of these apps (not the ones for android services) using "Force stop" but they were still appears here. So how could I stop them to save battery?
Ever since I upgraded my iPhone 4S to iOS7, it has basically become a brick. It constantly freezes, and the home button becomes completely inoperable. People have suggested a number of fixes for the home button problem ("calibrating", tightening screws, etc.) but none of the fixes solved the problem. Through trial and error, I've come to realize that the problem is that the phone doesn't have enough computing power and that too much of its RAM gets used up by background processes, causing the phone to freeze. Â
I have found an app that stops unnecessary background processes currently running, frees up RAM, and lets the phone function properly (Free RAM 1.3). Once I've run this app, the phone functions perfectly. Â
However, this clean up only happens each time the app is launched (ie: it does not continuously free up RAM). So, I constantly have to run it (and sometimes am not able to because the phone is frozen and the home button won't work). Â
When it is running, the app displays the background processes that are running. Looking at the list, there are many processes for which I have no need, such as processes related to automatic checking for app updates, processes related to iCloud (which I do not use), etc. Preventing these processes from running in the first place would go a long way in making my phone more useable (being able to return to a previous iOS would be a better option, but Apple won't allow this).Â
Here is my question:Â is there a way to prevent unnecessary background processes from running at all?Â
I'm on my second iPhone 4, since my first one had the yellow screen blobs. The battery was great on my first one, but not so good on this one. I restored the same backup, and even did a settings reset to get rid of anything that may cause an issue.
What's weird is that when I check the usage in Settings > Usage, the standby is correct but the usage is creaping up without me actually using the phone. For example, went to bed last night and usage was around 3 hours and battery level 55%. This morning, it was 3.5 hours and battery was down to 47%. I'd even restarted the phone before going to bed so that nothing was running in the background.
I'm just DFU restoring my phone to see if that helps. And I might delete and re-add my Google Apps Exchange accounts incase there is something going on there.
Either on my iPhone 4 and iPad 2 with IOS 5.1 when Mail is open in background iCloud push emails aren't working, if i double tap the home button and close Mail App email notification works correctly again.
It seems like Email App is freezing in background, anyone else is having the same problem with iCloud email push service?
I have my application supporting the background modes (GPS) , and I can see that location updates are printed regularly in log. I have a NSTimer running which will send the location updates to my server every 1 hr. It is strange that the timer is working for many hours and suddenly it got stopped. I have two questions in my mind which I keep on asking me ,even-though I have read some apple documents. 1 - Is it possible to run a task infinitely either in background / foreground using timers ? if the timers aren't the option , what API I can use to run task infinitely . 2 - If the user have an option to disable Location Services for my app, I am gone . I don't want the user to disable the Location service for my particular app.
My iphone is stuck in the recovery mode, it is not coming out of the mode after the iOS upgrade failure. I can hear the beep sound of the USB connectivity when i try to switch on/off the phone connected to my windows computer. But it is not being listed in the itunes devices. Is there a chance that the recovery is running in the background without showing up on the iTunes?
How can I tell how many applications are running in the background? The Application Switcher always shows at least five applications. Options > Device > Application Management > CPU shows a lot of applications that are using <1% of the CPU, but I don't know if that means that they are actually running. Is there another way to see which applications are running?
i unlocked my screen and opened up the sms app. The screen went totally black and Android running in the back ground. The phone vibrates when i touch the screen but no respons from the screen. I booted it with vol+power button, did not work. I ran the sony connect application on my pc and got the phone reset and upgraded my software.
The IM service is always running in applications. I have never even opened the IM application or set it up. It usually is using up between 3.1 and 3.7 MB in the memory, which isn't a big deal. It is running one process and two services. Any way to disable the IM app from constantly running in the background. I had disabled it in the Task Manager to shut off two minutes after the screen goes off but whenever the phone wakes it turns back on and seemed to make my data issues worse. I can't say for sure that adding it to the auto kill list directly affected the data connection because it may have just been another bad day for the Bionic.
I've been using a C902 for sometime and I had to reflash the phone about 3 times the version it had when I first bought the phone even enabled me to play and add .amr files in the media center. I really found it useful because the I could even fast forward or rewind my recordings. I can't remember the version I had then. My current firmware version is- R3EG004.
And I can't play my recordings through the music player and the phone really slows down when the music player is running in the background. I tried the update service option in the settings tab and said that the phone is running the latest software. Please everyone, I would like to know which firmware version has less lags and the best tweaks. This really is irritating because it slows down a lot when listening to music. So please help me to know the most preferred firmware version.
I'm an avid app-hopper.. on my 32Gb 3GS, I have a tendency to hop from app to app, into safari, then into another app etc. What I'm finding is that after doing this, some titles (usually games such as Airport Mania and Monopoly) start running really slugglishly (and Monopoly starts complaining that it's running out of memory) until I open the taskbar and start closing everything there.
I may have missed it but is there any way to tell which apps are 'running' in the background and which aren;t - or do we assume that all apps in the taskbar are doing so? (although when I have restarted an app from the taskbar, most load up again from scratch).
So I'm just wondering if there's a way to disable this feature so that when I press the Home button, I know the app is actually closing properly?
The background feature single-handedly killed every other smart phone on the market. I realize other phones can run apps in the background, but Apple did it properly.
To see one app roll off screen to the left as another quickly rolls on from the right is just simply pleasing to watch. App switching on the 3GS is hitch free, I'm excited to see how well my iPhone 4 will do with twice the RAM.