I want to play my playlist songs one after the other and it usually does it that way.However, once in a while it will only play the same song over and over again.I have to to tap the arrow in order to make it play the next song.Why does it do that? And how can I make it go to the next song automatically?
when playing a song in any of my playlist either on my iphone or pc, the next song in the playlist doesn't automatically play, is there a setting that needs to be done?
Whenever I play song over my iPhone using default music app, 2 kind of display i do see.
1. without songs navigation on time
2. With songs navigation on time with some text which has been added to the file.
Now, could anyone tell me how to edit the text displayed on the screen? I tried the lyrics and everything on itunes music file properties.
I have attached the screen shot. In that screent, some email address and website name displayed. How to edit it? Which property of the music file has been displayed here?
I open up iTunes select a song to play; and the bar on the top is moving however there is no volume at the bottom of the screen and the song is not playing
I only have purchased songs on my iPhone. The music player has jammed--won't play anything. I can see the songs but the play/pause button does nothing. I can advance to the next song (still doesn't play) but I can't move back to the previous song. I've tried resetting to no avail.
I've been using my new LG G3 for three days and I'm happy in general. However, I've noticed that, when I play music, sometimes the song stops and goes on. Like a very quickly interruption. It's not a big deal, but it annoys a bit because I listen to a lot of music during the day. The songs are original, copied from CD and they are stored in the SD card. The SD is a good one, I used to use it in my previous Lumia and it worked perfectly. It never happened anything like that with my previous phone. I use the google app Play Music.
I shuffle my songs, however, during the shuffle, a music video will play.Â
I have check iTunes and the music video was unchecked. Checked my iPhone 4s (iOS 7.1.1) and it shows the the videos aren't on the phone, but have the iCloud download symbol next to them.Â
I have even deleted them from iTunes and switched off "Show All Music", under Music in Settings and "Show All Videos" under Video in Settings.Â
However, they videos are still being played in the shuffle.Â
I hvae purchsed a new model blackberry curve recently,Now i am facing a problem of MP3,my download successfull but an error message display when play the song
I have a strange problem with the Blackberry Music Player on my BB Torch 9860.When pausing a song and then clicking on play again then suddenly there is no bass anymore even though I have no equalizers active.Another strange thing is that this problem doesn't occur when I activated "Repeat this song only".My 9860 has the latest firmware installed and I already reinstalled it and did a batterypull
Nokia 5310 XpressMusic Firmware ver 10.10 MemoryCard Micro Sd Card 4Gig Made Hungary (Black Edition)
*Phonebook Contacts When i Copy Or Move the Contact list from to Phone or to Sim The Phone will be perform Freeze and Restarting... *Music Player More Slower when i Browse the Music List. *Music Player Showing Error Sometimes After Playing the Song and Browse again the Music List. *Music Player Interface Text turns to Color GREEN? But The Normal Color is RED?..................
About the last week, my music player is working slow. Sometimes, the art cover and line (that show the song time) don't appear, play, back and next are there. Sometimes takes like 4 seconds to start playing the song... Also, when I am listening to music No phone turn so slow. I Have 369 songs, Nokia n8 with symbian anna, 25.8
The music "button" in the car dock does not update the song playing sometimes. I have to touch it to make it update. Then the song titles are in white not green. Purely cosmetic from what I can tell.
For two songs now i have bought on itunes it only plays for 30 seconds, which is annoying becuase im buying the song not just a preview and its a waste of my money. Its starting to get really annoying now and feel i should get refunfed for the songs that its doing it to. Why would i just want 30 seconds of a song...Can you help me in anyway or figure out why its doing that. I know its not a ringtone its the real song.
Info: iPhone 4, iOS 4.1, iphone 4 and macbook pro 13'
I downloaded this free music downloader app in the App Store and I downloaded music but, every time a song ends it doesn't switch to the next song!!Whys that??
I'm trying to remove the music demo-world traveller song from my bold 9700 but, i only want to remove that song. If i remove: net_rim_bb_medialoader_ringtones_480x360_03_b.cod
I remove all the sound in the phone that i have set for my different messaging services. Does anybody know if there is a way to do this?
I was sent a song through bbm, and then deleted it right after listening to itSuddenly, the song title reappears on my song list..AND when i try to listen/click on it, the next song plays (next song on the list)ive checked the miniSD card. the track is not therewhy is it still on my song list?why can't i delete the song title off?
My iPhone 4S sometimes stops playing music by itself while I am playing music. This occurs while my phone is on standby/locked mode; that is I am not using any apps.
i have a problem with video playing. i put some video from my pc via nokia pc suite and convert it to my n97. iit`s playing only few seconds and then the video stops but sound is still playing. i tried put the video without converting in mp4 formate but it`s the same. if i try to play some downloaded video from ovi or some carptured video it plays with no problems. i`ve already tried to reinstall my frimeware but it didn`t solve the problem...video : http://www.Internet.com/watch?v=ebhub4qetys
find the way to set a song that I love as fun ringtone for my iphone, I mean when people phone me they will hear this song. I am in Canada and I am using Sasktel service.
how do i put a song as a ringtone,ive downloaded it from itunes, also added a app where ive recorded my own recording of it and have downloaded it onto computer but please how do i put it as a ringtone on my iphone 3g
I have a couple of songs that show up twice, once shows up normal, and the other one looks like it stopped downloading. How do I get the stopped one off my phone?