IPhone :: New Update Is Draining The Bettery Faster?
Mar 26, 2012
after the new 5.1 update my phone battery is dying much faster than before !I left it for 13 hours ,and when i got it from 50% i had only 4% battery life left ,, and this is without using the phone.I mean I've turned off most the notifications ,location ,wifi,Bluetooth, ive even tried turning off the data (4G) to see if it'll make any difference (NADA) nothing changed still losing battery life without suing the phone! my old Iphone4 lasted 2 days of regular use,the new one is suppose to have bigger battery which means more juice ,, not the case !
I'm used to the fast battery drain on this phone, but today it started acting up. I charged it at work to 100%, I took it off the charger and immediately it dropped to 99%, 15-20 seconds later, 98%, a few seconds later, 97%. It's slowed down a little, but it's been 8 minutes and I'm at 92%. Nothing major running in the background, brightness is around 40%. I can't figure this out. I did a soft restart, still rapidly draining.
I am sure there are a lot of posts about this, but my question may be a little harder to find. I had issues with my phone and called warrenty so they sent me another one, I feel like the battery is draining a lot faster in this new phone, but its the same battery? Does that make sense? I didnt think it did...any suggestions
Few days ago i updated my phone software from 6.0 Bundle 1306 v6.0.0.359 to 6.0 Bundle 2475 v6.0.0.546. After the ugrade and reboot, i am facing problem with battery draining too quick. I removed all application but still facing very less battery life. i even charge my phone full and usage is same as with older version. Or shall i downgrade to previous version??
I charged my phone to 100% last night and unpluged it last night before going to bed. 10 hours later, when I got up, my battery had went down all the way to 68% and with no apps running in the background... All while my iPhone's currently running on IOS 5.1.1. I never had this problem with IOS 5.1, when the battery would only drop to around 97% overnight.
I finally broke down and installed the Atrix HD update yesterday. What a mistake. Prior to installing the update, I could drive from home to work and have the battery drop from 100% to 95% in about 20 minutes or so (which, is terrible as well). Today after installing the update my battery went from 100% to 87% in the same 20 minutes. I can't believe that an update that was presented good for battery life actually makes it worse! I can say however, that the performance of the phone is better (touch responses, less laggy, etc, but I am sure that is at the cost of battery life). Other than a hard reset is there anyway to get this update off of the the phone?
Charged my iPhone 4 16GB Black unit at 7.50 a.m. The battery shows full 100% at 12.30 p.m. 30 minutes of music, 1 minute of safari browsing, & received couple of phone calls. After use my iPhone 4 for only this usage and just few hours of standby, at 7.00 p.m. on the same day my battery shows 45%. VERY WORST BATTERY AFTER UPGRADE TO iOS 5.1. Does anybody else who is iPhone 4 users face the same problem in their iPhone 4?
I had my iPhone 4 32 Gb for 5 moths and I love it but I just installed the update 5.1.1 and the battery life drop in half. I used to be able to charge the phone every other day, now does not live to see the end of the day.
Should i upgrade from 5.0.1 to latest update 5.1 does this help battery draining issue?Or shud i bury apple and buy samsung's watermelon i.e., Galaxy S 2??Fed up of charging 3 times a day.
Since a couple of weeks ago my battery started to drain very-very fast. It used to last all day long, now it's over before lunch. I checked the Battery Replacement Program and my battery serial is not included.Â
I also ran all the recommendations in URL... but it is still the same. My only guess is that some updated app is taking away the battery but don't have a clue of which one.Â
I recently updating my Galaxy S5 to Android 5.0 (Lollipop) and since then have being having problems with the phone overheating and draining the battery. I fully charged the battery and within 2 1/2 hours the phone went from 100% battery life to 8% without me using it. The phone itself also became very hot to touch, both front and back.
I updated the software on my Droid 3 about a week ago. Ever since the battery life on my phone has been awful.Lucky to last 4-5 hours.I have noted that when I turn on to flight mode (but still use the GPS) the battery life remains reasonable. If I have any sort of network coverage the battery just drains. I get the feeling that the new software now polls all the time and the constant network traffic it is generating is draining the battery.
I guess this seems like a good problem to have, but since I got the stage fright update, I've been having these small spikes of battery gain when my phone is off the charger. It looks good on the surface, but I don't know if it maybe indicates some issue with the battery?
Am I missing a way to delete mail that seems more intuitive than what we currently have? I've read through the tricks and tips thread but if it's there I must have missed it. So far I haven't seen anything in iOS4 that makes it any easier than it was in the past.
For instance, Facebook emails. I can't turn them off because I'm OCD about status updates and I want to see all comments, and receive mail in case someone deletes one they have posted. Plus, it's easier to read emails than to go into the Facebook app and look at every status and notification that I've commented on.
Anyway, when I'm done reading them, sometimes I have upwards of 50+ emails and the only way I can find to delete them from the mail app is to tap every single email one by one, which is tedious and annoying.Is this really the only way to mass delete emails? I think the least Apple could do is make it like the photos app where you tap one photo, and if you just drag your finger along the photos it selects them as you drag.
My iphone 4S drain the battery too fast.Bought the 23 dicember 2011, it has just 4 months of use and the battery should be gone? I think there is a great software problem.and Apple had to fix it definitevily. A product like this, with this price MUST CAN BE USED AT LEAST 2 DAYS IN ALL HIS FUNCTION!This is a device thinked to be connected everywhere at everytime, but the hardware seems not to follow this intent. I used the phone for calling, sms, web, mail and music, NO GAMESail has no push notification.Yesterday I've disabled all notification and some other things to see if the battery could be better, tried to not recover the old back-up
I charged Both my iphone 6 and my ipad (whichever one was new three years ago) at the same time to 100% i noticed not using both and looking at the batter my brand new iphone 6 battery is dying faster than my three year old iPad. They both run the latest IOS so if
I have iphone 5s and recently I upgraded it from ios 7.1.2 to ios 8.1.1. I noticed that iphone is heating when no hard processes (like programms or games) launched, and the battery discharges much faster.
Over the past week or so, I've noticed that my Iphone 4 battery seems to be depleting faster than it had been previously. I've also noticed that my usage time seems quite high, based on my actual usage.To test this a bit, I unplugged my phone at 100% this morning, confirmed that the "time since last full charge" counters were reset, and left my phone untouched for the next 3+ hours. After that time:
I do have 3 email accounts configured, with the polling interval at 30 minutes. Push email is disabled.How would I have racked up 73 minutes of usage without touching the phone? I've tried rebooting the phone, but that didn't seem to have much effect...
Upgraded to iOS 5.1 a couple weeks ago and since then battery drain has been horendous. Have problems on my iPad 1, have problems on my iPhone 4S, but iPhone 4 seems not to be affected as badly. I have disabled options and disabled apps (though they should be paused and not draining the battery) to no avail. Disappointed and think I'll go back to my iPhone 4.