IPhone :: ICloud Syncing Puts Too Many Contacts On It?

Jun 15, 2012

I synced my iPhone contacts with my iMac via iCloud, which was great because I had duplicate info with variations that needed to be sorted out. But I don't want to KEEP every single contact on my computer on my phone. How can I limit the contacts that sync to the iPhone while still using iCloud? I liked being able to be selective about contact groups when syncing with iTunes, but iTunes always made my duplicate info worse rather than better!

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1

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Contacts On IPhone Not Syncing With ICloud

Jun 23, 2014

I just created a new contact on my phone yesterday (iOS 7.1.1 / iPhone 5s). But it's not showing up in iCloud when I log into iCloud.com or when I look in the Contacts.app on my Mavericks iMac or in Contacts on my iPad.Â

I seem to have about 30 contacts in the contacts group "On My Phone" that only exist on my phone and not on iCloud. (I assumed all contacts I create on my iPhone are synced to iCloud??)Â

Why are these "stuck" on my iPhone? How do I move them to iCloud?

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IPhone :: Changes On ICloud Contacts Not Syncing To Outlook 2010

Jun 22, 2012

When I update/change a contact on my iPhone 4 the change shows on iCloud but doesn't download to my computer Outlook 2010. I don't have this problem with the calendar.

iPhone 4, Windows 7

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Google Nexus 5 :: Syncing Contacts From Apple ICloud To Android?

Jun 8, 2014

Syncing contacts from iCloud to Android.

There are plenty of instructions out there, but they all vary to a certain degree, so I'd be grateful to hear from someone who has actually done it. Up to now I have been using an app called Smoothsync, but I've had many problems with it.

I think I'll have to go the Google way, but there are so many different instructions that I don't know which to follow, and the last thing I want to do is screw up my contacts database.

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IPhone :: Contact Syncing On IOS 3.x And ICloud?

Mar 18, 2012

I am trying to get my Mac contatcs in sync on my old iphone 3G (not "S") without updating ditto phone any further than iOS 3.x as that makes the phone unbearably slow and practically un-usable. You know the story.

I don't mind connecting the iPhone to my mac and make a "wired" sync of all contacts but with OSX 10.7.3 installed, MobileMe contacts transferred to iCloud and WiFi sync activated for my other iOS devices I can't find a way to do so and sync this older iphone.

The problem appears to be with a "mixed" environment of WiFi syncing and wired sync.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 1 tb TimeCapsule, AAX, Apple TV2

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IPhone :: Re-Syncing A Replacement 3GS With ICloud?

Apr 30, 2012

I have just had a replacement phone and was led to believe that my texts and photo's were backed up and although I can see that I have used up 1.7gb of the 5 gb space in iCloud I can not find a way of re-syncing these items back to my iPhone.It has pulled back my notes and calendar items but these are not the equivelant of 1.7gb.

iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Syncing Calendar To Icloud?

May 16, 2012

I have one calendar that is in a different section when I look at the calendars list that says "on my phone."It doesn't sync with icloud like the ones in the section below it called "Untitled Account".The phone made it the default calendar for some reason and now a BUNCH of appointments don't show up on the other calendars. How do I fix this.I want all the calendars accessed everywhere!

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IPhone :: Syncing With Computer After ICloud?

May 24, 2012

Can I sync my iphone to the computer after I have synced with iCloud? There are some deleted text messages we are trying to recover, and I need to backup and sync to the computer to retrieve the file from what I have found. Can I then sync back to the backup in iCloud?

iPhone 3GS

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IPhone :: 4s Calendar Isn't Syncing To Icloud

Jun 4, 2012

All were syncing and now, nothing is syncing.Iphone calendar is not syncing to Icloud. Microsoft outlook is not syncing to Icloud. Not sure what is going on, but I need this working!

Toshiba Satellite, Windows Vista

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IPhone :: ICloud Email Not Syncing On Any Device

Mar 31, 2012

For the past couple of days my iCloud email has not been working fully. I can still receive emails but all mail stored in folders will not download to my phone and I cannot move emails around in folders. For example I cannot delete mail or move mail from inbox to other folders. I keep getting an error message saying "Cannot get mail the connection to the server failed".

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Syncing Videos To IPad Using ICloud?

Jul 6, 2012

How do I use iCloud to sync videos taken on my iPhone to my iPad? Photostream seems to only update photos.

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IPhone 5 :: Calendar Not Syncing With ICloud In One Direction

Jun 5, 2014

If I add a calendar entry on iCloud or on my laptop (Win 7, Outlook 2010) the event shows up on all my devices (iPhone, iPad, laptop, and iCloud). However, if I enter an event on my iPhone 5 (iOS 6.1.4) calendar it will not show up anywhere else. My iCloud login is set up with my ID login on all my devices. Also, my iPhone is set to sync Calendars and under "Mail, Contacts, Calendars" my "Account" is correct, "Calendars" is switched "ON", and I have tried setting "Fetch New Data" to both Push and Pull. Still, whenever I enter an event on my iPhone Calendar it will not show up anywhere else.

iPhone 5, iOS 6.1.4, Verizon

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IPhone :: Stop ICloud From Syncing With ITunes For Music?

Jun 20, 2012

How do I stop iCloud from syncing with iTunes for music. My storage is extremely low

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone 5s :: Calendar And Address Book Not Syncing On ICloud

Sep 12, 2014

I find that if I enter something on Outlook (using Windows), an entry in the Contacts or in the Calendar, it does sync with my ipad/iphone. But when I enter on the ipad/iphone, it does not sync with Outlook at all. I have resorted to emailing myself and then entering it when I'm at the computer. I've read here on the forums and tried various things but it doesn't seem to work.

iPhone 5s, iOS 7.1.2

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IPhone :: Syncing Two 4S On Separate ICloud Accounts With Single Computer

May 17, 2012

I have 2 iPhone 4's, 1 is my personal phone, the other is my business phone, I want 2 different iCloud accounts, but both syncing to 1 computer, just so I can keep my personal and business life separate.

iPhone 4

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IPhone 3GS :: Jailbroken Frequently Puts Itself Into Safe Mode?

Apr 5, 2010

I'm running the PurpleRa1n JB (the 2nd release, the one that was more stable, RC2 I think it was called) on a launch day 3GS and it's 3.0 FW. For about a month now everytime I install something, be it from the official App Store or the "other" App Store (I'm mentioning it to give full details of the issue, not to be lectured on the rights and wrongs of said program and what it "stands" for please) the phone will reboot/respring itself as soon as the app installs and it will always be in safe mode and I need to restart it again to return to normal. Curiously enough, EVERY SINGLE TIME it does this my camera icon, which is just the stock icon (not any changed/themed icon), is always moved from my home page to it's very own page. My home screen will look the same except no camera icon, and then page 2 will be JUST the camera icon, then page 3 and on are the same as I had them set, they are just one over (since the camera icon is now page 2).It also does this upon updating apps through the app store, and sometimes when I'm just browsing Safari it will slow to a crawl or freeze up (like when I try to scroll around it will be unresponsive or just move the page SUPER slow) and then it will restart itself into safe mode. I'm not sure if it does it when installing/updating Cydia stuff, I haven't used Cydia in awhile.

Normally I'd just restore and re-jailbreak but that's not an option here as Im on 3.0 FW and do NOT have my files backed up in Cydia. Basically I held off on upgrading to 3.1 then re-JBing since there were reports that it was buggy initially. I pretty much forgot about it after that since I have the 3.0 MMS enabling network profile from Cydia. I hadn't used Cydia for awhile around that time and when I finally did I noticed the "make my life easier" thing but didn't click it because it said it was for 3.1 and I was (am) on 3.0. I didn't click "no" though, it still asks me everytime I open Cydia. Then I started noticing a lot of cool new games/apps require the newest FW, or newer than 3.0, so I decided to upgrade to 3.1.2 and re-JB, but I literally decided a day too late as 3.1.3 had just come out so I couldn't get 3.1.2 signed anymore.So that's the rundown of my problem. My 3.0 3GS JB reboots itself into safe mode every single time I install ANYTHING, apps, games, updates, whatever, and also occasionally (maybe 5 or 6 times since this problem started a month or so ago) when browsing Safari. Any ideas as to what it could be and how I can fix it (WITHOUT restoring/re-JBing since I cannot do that given the FW I'm running, the lack of files stored in Cydia, and the lack of a 3GS JB for the newest FW)?Sorry for the long post, I wanted to give as much detailed info on the problem as possible.

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IPhone :: Syncing "sensitive" Data To ICloud

Jun 13, 2012

I work at a hospital and we are exploring syncing our iPhones with our Exchange server....(we are already doing this on a limited basis).

I sync with my work email (Exchange), and say for example, I also have 2 or 3 personal pop email accounts on my iPhone as well. Now let's say I turn on the syncing email with iCloud....it seems to me this syncs ALL my emails accounts with the iCloud. Which means hospital sensitive data would be in the iCloud, out of our control....

I cannot seem to be able to find a way to say, sync my personal stuff with iCloud, but do NOT sync Exchange mail with iCloud....in other words, it doesn't look like you can cherry pick which email accounts sync to iCloud.

let me know if these concerns are valid, or if there is indeed a way to specificy certain mail accounts to sync with iCloud.

iPhone 4, Windows 7

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IPhone :: No Contacts In Icloud?

May 17, 2012

I have just got 4S. I have set-up icloud and can locate my phone, but none of my contacts are being synced to icloud. I have gone through and cannot seem to get it to work.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone :: Get All Contacts Archived To Icloud?

Mar 23, 2012

The "update" to iOS 5.1 says it will delete all my iphone data. How can I download or save all my contacts?

Info:iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1

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IPhone :: Transfer Contacts From 3g To PC Through Icloud?

Mar 27, 2012

I am trying to transfer my contacts from the iphone to my PC through icloud. Can I do this if I have Windows Live Mail and Windows 7?

iPhone 3G, Windows 7

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IPhone :: Still Cannot Update Contacts Etc. Without ICloud

Mar 31, 2012

Cannot update personal info (contacts, calendar, reminders) without being forced toive up all my private data to Apple via the iCloud. This really ***** and I'm sure probably illegal somewhere. Sometimes feel like just trashing my iphone and getting an Android. I am not the only one with this issue. Apple refuse to help saying I have to give up all private information to them by putting it on their servers (iCloud).

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IPhone :: Back Up My Contacts Using ICloud?

Apr 12, 2012

Ive backed my Contacts up on my 4S to iCloud and i restored my iPad but my contacts never restored? Is there any other app i can use? I cant back them up to my sim card as i have just over 1,700 contacts

Info:iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1, 16GB Black

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IPhone :: 3GS Won't Restore Contacts From ICloud

Apr 15, 2012

I purchased a new iPhone 3GS and started using it. I set up iCloud backup, and chose to save all my contacts etc to iCloud.The device was defective, so I had to exchange it. When setting up the new device, it doesn't seem to see the backup I made. It makes me setup a new device. After I setup the new device when I go to iCloud settings, I can see the backup I made earlier, but there is no way to restore it. What should I do? There is no apple store in my country.When I erase the phone and try to set it up it doesn't "see" the backup, and makes me setup a new phone.After setting up the phone it can see the backup (In iCloud settings I can see it), but there is no restore option.When I log into [URL], I can see all the contacts, so it has indeed been backed up. I just don't know how to get it on the phone.

iPhone, iOS 5

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IPhone :: Contacts Don't Sync On Icloud?

Apr 23, 2012

My contacts don't sync on icloud on my iphone some contacts disapear on iphone and some contacts hae been merged together to make one contact when they are not related.

iPhone 4S

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IPhone :: Icloud Backing Up Contacts?

Apr 24, 2012

I only have an iphone.(No other devices). If i back up to the icloud will this save my contacts in the icloud? Will I be able to restore them from the icloud?

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Can't Move Contacts To Mac By Icloud

Apr 28, 2012

I don know how to move my contacts to my mac it only moves the new ones but not the old ones

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Certain Contacts Don't Sync To Icloud

May 12, 2012

If I create a new contact on my iphone and I am not connected to either wi-fi or the network, the new contact doesn't appear on the icloud sync, even after I then am near a wi-fi connection. (I tend to keep my network connectivity off because I have a very small data plan)

I have tried a manual backup from the iphone at the time I do get to my wi-fi. That still doesn't recognize the new contacts.

If I then edit the contact, maybe change one letter or number, it is then synced up.

PS: The phone contacts says 380 contacts. Sorry I can't capture that screen to upload it here.

iPhone 4S

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IPhone :: Merging All Contacts To ICloud?

May 29, 2012

I feel like this should be a very simple task. I simply want all of my contacts (i.e. yahoo, google) to be merged and saved into iCloud. How can I do this?

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone :: Deleted All Contacts, While Using ICloud?

Jun 23, 2012

i was trying to create a new i cloud account because my other one wasnt working good. As i deleted the current account it deleted ALL of my contacts ! way to restore theese contacts! i dont have them syncd im my mac or anything

iPhone 4

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IPhone :: Sync Its Contacts To Icloud?

Jun 24, 2012

How do I get my contacts to sync to icloud and not just reside on my 4s iphone?

Info:iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone :: ICloud Contacts Duplicating On 4S (IOS 5.1.1)

Jul 2, 2012

My icloud contacts started to get duplicate by itself, but the duplication of contacts were not seen on the icloud website as well as on my laptop. The main problem started when I deleted the duplicate contacts from my iphone icloud contacts list, contacts which I deleted were also deleted from my laptop & icloud website. Now I cannot see the deleted contacts on my iphone, laptop & icloud website. Is there any way I can restore the deleted contacts from my icloud backup & also would like to know why this problem started all of a sudden.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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