IPhone :: Connect To Itunes Screen After An Error Occured During Update
May 19, 2012
i was in the midst of updating my phone and now i have the connect to itunes screen on my phone. have tried turning computer on & off but itunes won't recognise iphone
I've tried everything.. I tried putting it into recovery, DFU, and it won't show up in iTunes. Re-installed iTunes, and the AMDS, nothing. What else is there that I can do? I've run out of options and i'm hoping I don't have to take a trip to the apple store..
A friend of mine has a 3GS, hes had it for 2 years and hasn't connected to itunes since day 1. He turned on his phone today and it came up with itunes plug in logo, he doesn't have a laptop/Pc so i said i would restore it for him, whilst installing the new update 5.1.1, at the end it said The iphone "iphone" cannot be restored. An unkown error occured (-1) This is the 6th time i've tried to restore and its still not working.
My phone said to download update so I did which then lead to the itune connect screen. I connected my phone to the PC and opened itunes which gave me the message that it did not recognize my phone and would have to restore factory setting. I tried to reboot my phone by holding down both buttons (no red slider ever appears) until it turned off. Once I turned it back on it went right back to that screen. I tried to restore factory setting and it gave me an error.
So for 2 months I have not been able to update any of my apps due to the error code "cannot connect to itunes store. I can download new apps, buy music, itunes works fine but I cannot update anything. I have tried resetting, logging in and out of id, turning wifi on and off. Pretty much everything that a not so technical person can do.
I'm trying to upgrade my iphone software to version 5.1.1 and I receive an error message (-5000) telling me an error occured while backing up my iphone. What's my next step?
when i connect my iphone to my pc i get "itunes could not connect to this iphone. An unknown error occurred (0xE8000012) i have the correct itunes i also tried to reset my phone, i did this before i went to bed and it was still trying to reset when i woke the next day should it take this long?
I recently have set up my new iphone and everything was working fine until i set up my ituens account. I can access the app store and itunes but when I try to download any app (free or paid) I get a message saying "cannot connect to itunes."
i restored my iphone4 to factory settings because it was running slow and some apps werent working. My phone is now stuck in repair mode and is continually rebooting itself. I know the usual solution would be to restore via itunes but itunes will not allow me to do anything as i get the error "itunes cannot find disk"
I have been trying to connect to the itunes store for the first time since upgrading my iphone software to IOS 5.1.1 and am getting the error : Cannot Connect to the iTunes Store.
every-time i try and download something from itunes an error message pops up telling me : can not connect to itunes store. i've tried doing it over wifi and same outcome.so i thought maybe someone hacked my account.so i went to itunes to change my password and itunes wont send me the password reset instructions to my email. Info: iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
i cant connect itunes in my iphone 4s..iam getting an error "cannot connect itunes store".i can able to use app store in my phone..iam using wifi connection..whats the problem with my phone..i disabled restrictions in settings..but still i cant access itunes store.
I have iPhone 4G when I connect to iTunes its showing error and error is "iTunes could not connect to this iPhone beacause an unknown error occurred (0xE8000001)".
I reset my iphone 4 now it told me to connect to itunes I did that it restored and everything but it still saying counted to itunes and my computer shows a error ....
Last night my iphone randomly had no signal, so i turned it off and then on again, to be shown the "connect to itunes" recover mode. It is a jailbroken 3G running custom 3.1. When i try to restore in both recovery mode and DFU mode it does so before returning an error code 1014 at the final stages,(due to conflicting basebands or something). Have tried downgrading to itunes 8.2 and tried pwnage but still no further forward. Any suggestions?
After I updated my iphone to iOs 5.1.1. I want to restore back my iphone, but it couldn't connect to itunes saying : "ITunes couldn't connect to this iPhone because an unknown error occurred (0xE8000065)."