IPhone :: Unable To Sync It With PC
May 21, 2012I can't get my iphone 4 to sync to my computer so I can save my stuff before i update. When i pull up itunes i don't have a 'choose a device' option.
Any advice?
I can't get my iphone 4 to sync to my computer so I can save my stuff before i update. When i pull up itunes i don't have a 'choose a device' option.
Any advice?
Something strange is happening: my iPhone connects to iTunes, but won't sync. After a minute or so of trying, iTunes tells me that sync failed to start.
Info:iPhone 4S, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I can't sync my iphone 3Gs with iTunes.. But the iTunes can sync with my sister's iPhone.. But it doesn't work with mine.
Info:iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1
When I try to sync my iPhone to my Mac I receive a message indicating that my iPhone could not be synced because the sync session failed when satrted. How can I fix that?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), HD just replaced
whenever I convert any file to .m4r through a apple app and try to sync it with my iphone 4s it doesn't get added to the ringtone list. I have tried converting any song to ACC format from itunes however the option is grayed out.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
i have added a new contact to my iphone 4s but unable to sync it to Outlook. though any editing to existing contact is getting synced.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
I was syncronizing my iphone4 with the itunes 10 installed in my old computer. But this computer broke and I lost all the data. The security backup's I was doing in iclouds.
Now I have another computer where I installed itunes but when I try to syncronize it appears a message alerting me that the sync will substitute what I have in my iphone (contacts, music, photos, notes, etc, ALL) by the empty library of this new itunes...
I accessed iclouds online and I can also see the back up of my contacts. Not manage my music or photos.
How can I do to have my stuff again in itunes and freely sync without reseting what I have saved in the iphone4??
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
unable to sync apps to iphone 4
iPhone 4, Windows 7
I have tried all the advice on the site but still cannot get my iphone to sync with my laptop
Samsung Laptop Windows 7
While trying to sync photos between my iTunes on windows with a new iPhone I get this err message: The iPhone "Your iPhone" cannot be synced. You do not enough access privileges for this operation. How can I correct this?
iPhone 4S, Windows7
I installed iTunes to a new computer and restored all my media from a backup. Everything seemed to be going well until I tried to sync my iPhone. Everything seemed to sync except for my music. I have 27GB of music and only 2.6GB is making its way onto the iPhone 4S (64GB)- and no playlist.
iPhone 4S, Windows7
I am unable to sync my iPhone 4s with my pc with the usb cable. I have tried using icloud but have turned it off and now I am unable to sync at all..
iPad 2, iOS 5.1.1
I am unable to sync my iphone 4 with itunes. the phones does not show up at all. i have restarted the computer, uploaded latest version of itnues, powered down my phone, all to no avail.
Info:iPhone 4, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
i have iphone 4 ios 5.0.1 it cannot sycr applacation and i use itunes 10.6 also please answer my Question and i restart my Iphone and also computer but its not Sycronize my applications and game
iPhone 4, iOS 5.0.1
After connecting my iPhone 4 to my computer the itunes detects my iPhone 4 but it doesn't syncs any music, apps, videos, etc. me wat should I do now?
iPhone 4, iOS 4.3.3
i can plug my iphone into my laptop and it can charge and stuff but it wont let me put music on my phone..
View 1 Replies View Relatedive turned my iphone on and off and it syncs for a little but then it stops working a message pops up saying it cant be found?they both are up to date. here a picture of what i get,
iPod touch, iOS 5.0.1, ipod touch 4G
I cannot sync my iphone it says "the sync session failed to start"
iPhone 4
My iphone wont sync or backup because i need to delete the last backup how do i do this?
iPhone 4S
I just finally upgraded from iOS 4.x.x to 5.1.1. My music is still in my iTunes library on my Mac. And I Still have a folder full of music. But it disappeared from my iPhone. When I click on the iPhone and click on the music tab there's nothingthere so I can't sync it on to my iPhone. it works fine on my laptop but I can't put it on my iPhone. Also most of my apps disappeared. Any got any ideas?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I link into itunes, I am told that my phone is not registered. I have had my phone for less than 6 months. It worked through the itunes up until May and then I was unable to get it to connect to sync with itunes. I am able to buy products but not share with my other devices.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
I had an iTunes library saved at another location, but I moved and I don't like going back and forth just to update my iTunes library. I decided I just want to do on my home computer (where I moved). However when I try to sync it, a message appears that says "iTunes was unable to load data class information from sync services. Reconnect or try again later".
iPhone 4
I am unable to synch my iphone with itunes
iPhone 3GS
Why am i not able to sync my apps and when syncing it says failed to startncing it says sic failed to start after updating ios 5
View 1 Replies View Relatedi added a movie to my itunes that was mp4 format but it couldnt sync to my iphone. i tried playing it on my apple tv directly from my itunes and it didnt work. i think the problem was the resolution (i think it was 1000 something X ?) should i convert the video? if i should what application should i use? i plan on regularly syncing movies to my iphone4 and airplay them to my apple tv (newest one). i dont mind airplaying them from my mac ps. can i airplay and avi file from my mac to the apple TV?
Apple TV iPhone Airplay Mac
I have just recently received a replacement iPhone 5 from my phone store, however when I have come to restore it from a back up, everything returned to normal apart from my music. I therefore, using my USB cable, connected it into my Apple Mac Air, to try and sync my music this way. All products have the up to date software and all settings are set to sync automatically. I've tried resetting all warnings and cache but this hasn't worked, and I have also manually checked all songs and again this didn't work either. I ensured my wifi was turned off like suggested in previous comments but this isn't working either.
iPhone 5, 16Gb storage, Version 7.1.2
Computer - Mac OS X 10.7.5
iTunes - 11.3.1 (2)
I am unable to sync my iPhone4 on iTunes...
iPad 2, iOS 6.1.3
I'm unable to sync my iphone with outlook 2010 windows 7 64 bit,
iPhone 4S, Windows 7
I recently updated iTunes, now my iPhone 4 and my iPod will no longer sync with iTunes. I am running OS X 10.7.3 - I when I attempt to sync- it stops at syncing photos and quits- giving me an error page.
iPhone 4, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I can't sync my iPhone 4s!! The last time I synchronized my iPhone, there was a mistake. Itunes were hanged-up. So i unplug my iPhone. The next time I wanted to sync my iPhone therr is always a window to reset it to factory settings because iTunes can't read the data on my iPhone. What can I do except resetting?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
When a computer hard drive crashes, you can't do anything about it. Now I have a ton of photos on my iphone that I just can't get off it when I want to sync it with my newly purchased Macbook Air. This is one area where controlling everything end-to-end is too much.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1