After coming home from being overseas (where i used imessage through a Wi-Fi instead of activating an international data plan) all my texts look like they are from my email address, not my phone number. I have gone to Settings>Messages and toggled the iMessage on and off. I also changed the Settings>Messages>Receive At>Caller ID to be my phone number... Neither have fixed the problem. It even does it when I turned my wi-fi setting off and force it to use my data plan. The only way I could get it to work was to turn off iMessage all together.
My iPhone 5s won't receive any calls or texts, and I cannot connect to iMessage with my phone number. I recently got my phone last night and I don't know why it's not letting me recieve any calls or texts and not letting me connect to iMessage wiht my phone number.
My iPhone won't let me send texts to someone who used to have an iPhone but doesn't anymore. I can receive texts from them but can't send them texts. Says its an invalid number.
I just bought The Blackberry Bold, but when I get texts from contacts in my address book, it doesn't identify them by name, just by phone number. This was never a problem with my old Curve. Is there way to fix/adjust this?
I am trying to set email id instead of phone number i was trying to do that with the of example here.but it does not work.please could you tell me that exact step easy way
When I send iMessages, it just appears from my email address, not from my phone number. When, I go to settings > messages, I can only "Receive At" xxxx @ email .com as well, there is no option to add a phone number. How can I make myself available to be "reached for messages" at my phone number instead of (or, in addition to) my e-mail? I also have an iPad. iPhone is running 5.1.
I talk to someone who sends me imessages to my phone number from their phone, and also from their ipad to my email. Both phone number and email are under the same contact. But the mesages go into 2 different threads. Id like to combine them since being under the same contact they show up exactly the same in the messages list.. so i cant tell if im messaging the ipad or the phone..
ideally id like to write a message to that contact and it would go to both their ipad and iphone.
My wife and I both have iPhones and using iOS 5.1.1 We text routinely throughout the day. I randomly recieve her texts in two different threads, when I go to the top of the thread and click "Contact>" one of them highlights her phone number as the source and the other highlights her email address as the source. On her phone it all appears as a single thread with me, but when I send a text to her it I have to send it in both threads to make sure she gets it, she will only get one of them and I have no way of knowing which one she will get at any given time. Does anyone know why it switched back and forth? It isn't tied to WiFi vs 4g as far as we can tell, we both get the normal blue vs green to indicate SMS vs iMessage.
In case that was confusing, here's an example. If she sends me a text I always get it in one of the two threads, no issue. If I respond to something she just texted me in the same thread, she gets it. Again, no problem. If I send her a text a few hours later in only one of the two threads, she may or may not receive it. To make sure she gets it I send it in both, she only gets it once, and if she responds I know which one her phone is currently on.
I have an iPhone 4S, and just bought a new Android phone.A fair chunk of my family uses iPhones, iPads, and iPods, so I was planning on keeping the iPhone for iMessage and Facetime. However, my texts from said family (at least the ones using iPhones) are being sent as iMessages to the iPhone, instead of my new phone.I'm wondering if there is a way to disable iMessage/FaceTime on my iPhone for the phone number, but leave it active for the email addresses. or any other ways to achieve what I'm trying to do.?
This issue started with the last iOS update and has affected not only my phone, but my wife's and father in law's as well (we all have the exact same model) When I attempt to send a text message to my wife, my phone suddenly won't send imessages anymore. Only text. I have tried rebooting my phone, and my wife's phone. We have even tried wiping our phones and restoring them from backups. The problem still persists, wether we are at home connected to wifi or out of the house on 3G. The only way I have managed to send my wife an imessage was by creating a new contact with ONLY her e-mail address. That only worked once. since then, its trying to send everything as SMS again.
This is unacceptable as we live in an area with very poor celular coverage and rely heavily on wifi connections, therefore we won't receive an SMS until our phones get access to the celular network. All other apps and phone functions are working correctly across all 3 phones mentioned. On both my phone, and my wife's, I have double checked to ensure that iMessage is still turned on. I suspect that this is a global software issue seeing as it only started once we updated our phones to the latest iOS. My question is this:
Prior to the update, we were all able to send iMessages to eachother, regardless of where we were. The only time we'd have an issue is if someone's phone was turned off or not connected to either the celular 3G network or a wifi with internet access (which is natural).
Info: iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1, iMessages being sent as SMS instead
Whenever I sent a text message, it comes through as my email address instead of my phone number. When I went to Settings > Messages, under "Receive at", is at my email address as the default and next to my phone number it says Error.I upgraded my phone, is there a reason this is happening? No one is really getting my texts.
Since Apple released iMessage my friend and I have been iMessaging. As of yesterday, I can still send my friend iMessages as usual, but she can only send iMessages to my email (I have "Receive at" set to my phone number and email, Caller ID set to my phone number). If she tries to send an iMessage to my phone number, as she did before, it will only send as a Text. All of my other iPhone contacts can still send iMessages to my phone number. We've each tried rebooting and switching iMessage on and off (we both have iPhone 4, IOS 5.1.1) without any luck. I realise that iMessage is still technically working with her sending to my email, but we just don't understand why sending to my phone number has suddenly stopped working.
Have an iPhone 5s and for some reason last week whenever I start a new message/ conversation, the message comes FROM my email address and not my phone number. I've gone into settings/ messages/ send & receive/ start new conversation from: and for some reason my phone number is not listed. Just various email addresses.Â
Recently my phone began using my email address to send all my test through imessage rather than my phone number. So if I send a tesxt to my son my wife receives the text message as an e mail. How can I fix this?
Just got my GS6 about 2 weeks ago and then had my work email/outlook added to it. Now all of my texts are being auto-forwarded to my work email, which I do not want! How do I stop this from happening? I saw a similar thread about SGS2's, but I think the locations of settings must have changed a bit because those directions were not completely compatible. I want to make sure I can still view my work email on my phone; just don't want my personal texts going into my work's email/network.
My family has a lot of devices and they all use my apple ID which allows texts to go to all the devices because its registered in my apple id. I think my texts are going to other devices but i dont know which ones. Is there a way to see this without having the device just so i can see a list that is using my cell phone number.
I know how to turn it off but when i do it want to make sure its all of the devices that are turned off from my texts. Also is there any way to make sure that only my phone gets the texts?
Info: iPhone 4S, iOS 7.1.1, it involves iPads and other iPhones
My wife's S6 Edge allows multiple phone numbers and other contact info to be added. Her phone also has a plus sign on the side that allows more numbers to be added and she can assign different types such as Cell, work or home. Mine does not do this.
After transferring a number from a previous carrier to a new carrier, I can no longer receive iMessages from my telephone number. People can only iMessage me if they know my Apple ID. I've tried restoring the phone, but I'm always faced with 'error' in the iMessage settings window.
I have only one cell number that will show up in my text messaging with just the number not the name. I have deleted it and reentered it. It has a + in front of the number.
When u recueve a texy from someone, it puts their usual number, ex. 777-777-7777, and then adds a +11 to it, ex. +11777-777-777 It comes up as an unknown contact, and I cannot reply to that number. I tried restarting my phone, adding a 1 to the contact number, adsing BOTH versions of the number to a contact and setting the default one as the correct number, and even a different texting app. I have an AT&T galaxy s5. No root, just stock.
I have a Nokia N8 (0598980 )which I recently updated to Symbian Belle - 11.030.0609.00.01 2011-11-26.Checking my recent bill from Vodafone (contract) I noticed that there were a lot of texts to a number I did not recognise that I was being charged for £0.20 + VAT a time.The number is 358504877172 and happened twice a day - around 12:00 noon and again about 23:30 - these tets happened all through March & into April.Anyone else seen this ?odafone insisted that someone was using my phone to send these messages - after lots of "discussions" they refunded them