IPhone :: Supported Push Mail Accounts

May 7, 2012

My iPhone4 has been re-fetching emails which I had previously deleted, causing me to have to delete them again, at which point another 200 old messages show up. This is eating into my data allowance.

iPhone 4, iOS 4.1

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IPhone :: IOS: Supported Push Mail Accounts?

Jun 11, 2012

I emailed photos from IPhone 4 to my email address & it won't go through. The phone symbol is still in the top bar & has been for almost 24 hrs.

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1

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Motorola Droid 3 :: Is Push For Yahoo Mail Actually Supported Through The Built In Email Client

Jul 14, 2011

Is push for Yahoo Mail actually supported through the built in e-mail client? I have it enabled in the preferences, but it doesn't seem to work. I thought it was working when I first setup the account, but I may have been imagining things. I've gone through the process of deleting the account multiple times and also clearing the mobile settings/permissions in my yahoo account profile.

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IPhone :: Is Gmail Push Supported By Apple?

Jul 25, 2010

I am currently using an iPhone 3Gs running 4.0.1. I am trying to get Gmail push email working. As far as I know Apple does not officially support this. Is there a way to get it working flawlessly?

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IPhone :: Mail By Two Different Accounts

Feb 10, 2010

I'm on the 3gs (it's new-2days, I've had my old iphone for 2+yrs and didn't have this trouble). I have 2 email accounts set up on the phone. When I create a mail and send it from one account it gets sent by that account AND my other account. People "reply" to that other email account and it gets me all confused as I'm waiting for a response in my other account. How do I fix this? The account that I initially sent the mail from is already being set as my "default" account.

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IPhone :: How To Setup Up PUSH E-mail On IP4?

Jul 5, 2010

I switched over from my blackberry bold 9700 to the iPhone 4 and as much as I love it, I can't stand being without my push e-mail. I have my g-mail setup to push my e-mail which works pretty well, but with my bold 9700 I was using BIS and I was able to get all of my 5 different e-mails pushed to my phone. Is there a service or something I have to sign up for that will instantly push my e-mail to my phone? Right now I set it up so my other e-mail accounts are retrieved by my g-mail account but it takes a while for the g-mail to retrieve the e-mails from my other accounts using POP3 and then it finally pushes them to my phone.

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IPhone :: Push Email Off But Still Getting New Mail

Jul 8, 2010

It started happening yesterday, I have push email off but I keep getting new mail in the Inbox. Is it possible that if you have mail app in the multitasking bar it will keep checking for new mail?

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IPhone :: Push Mail Not Working

Jul 17, 2010

Have noticed recently that my Mail is not pushing properly. I just opened my email and I newly received 2 emails from 8:50 over two hours ago. I have been using the phone off and on during this time, in fact about 10 mins in the App store for 10 mins prior surfing around.

Have it setup to my yahoo account, but it only refreshes when I actively open my mail. What am I missing here?

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IPhone :: IP 4 And Push Mail Failed

Aug 7, 2010

so I've notice that push mail on iphone isn't working. I'm using mobileme and i notice that i would only get push mail IF mail is open in the background. is this the way its suppose to work? I'm jb and this morning i restore -> jb -> setup as new phone and the push with out mail open seem to work for a few hours than its back to not getting any mail until i manually open the mail app or leave it on in the background... phone problem or mobile me???

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IPhone :: Push Mail With Dovecot To It?

Apr 6, 2012

I'm using dovecot as imap-server and an iphone 4S. How to configure dovecot (Linux) to push mails to the iphone? Is imap idle possible and how to configure it?

Info:iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Email Accounts Dropping From Push To Fetch?

Dec 22, 2011

I've had my RAZR about a week coming from a Droid X, so I know this worked before.I have 2 corp sync accounts with my home broadband provider, Frontier. Initially, one of my accounts kept falling out of Push into Fetch.Last night I did a factory reset to see if that would help. Of course, to make things interesting, this morning I had the new firmware update waiting to be installed, so I let that go in.Strange enough, now both my accounts are falling from push to fetch. Im a long time DX user, so I'm sure I have my settings correct. When I run that "verify server" it comes back with "success" Doing some searching, I got a hit on the Bionic forum, but no resolution....[URL]

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Data Push For GoDaddy IMAP Accounts Not Working?

Apr 28, 2011

can't get the Data push feature to work on my two GoDaddy IMAP email accounts. When I first turn on Data push, it appears not to change mode, and no test messages get transmitted until I force it to fetch. After power cycling, the accounts no longer receive any mail at all. The green "throbber" circle, at the upper left, next to the account name, never stops spinning, and no mail ever shows up. I do not receive any more mail until I turn of Data push and reboot the phone. K9 works perfectly, on the same two accounts, and receives new messages immediately. I would really like to use the native client so that I can take advantage of the Motoblur messaging widget, but timely arrival of mail messages takes precedence for me.

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IPhone :: IOS 5.1.1 Mail Accounts Preferences

May 29, 2012

Apple, provide our iphones with the same possibility to set the preferences for a Standard account. I only use my alias me.com mail account and if writing a new mail i always have to change the "sender" account. os 10.7.4 has this as standard feature.

iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone :: SB Settings Push Mail Toggle

Aug 29, 2010

After I installed and used the push mail toggle to turn my push "off", for some reason now I can no longer get push to work again. I have removed the push mail toggle, and I have rebooted. Any idea's what may be going on?

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IPhone :: How To Enable Push - Mail On Yahoo

Jul 11, 2010

Even-though I have push enabled I only receive it from gmail but never from yahoo so how can I enable it?

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IPhone :: Jailbroke Lost Push Mail

Aug 23, 2010

I don't understand why but I noticed I don't receive any emails anymore unless I launch the mail app.. I went in the settings and it's still set as "push".Does anybody know what could have caused this issue?

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IPhone :: Yahoo Push Mail Not Working

May 9, 2012

i have a serious problems with the push mail of yahoo.

the push not working The problem lasts since 2 or 3 weeks I have everything tries Reset the e-mail parameters of yahoo reset parameters of network... i have a icloud mail and alls is good with icloud

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1, push mail not working

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IPhone :: Yahoo Mail Won't Push To 4s And IPad

May 17, 2012

As of today, Yahoo mail won't push mail from my Yahoo account to either my iPad or my iPhone. I can open the mail app and manually refresh to get new mail, but mail won't push on it's own. I tried the basic trouble shooting steps of removing my Yahoo account from my iPhone and iPad and re-added and also turning push off and on, neither fixed the problem.

I wanted to see if it was a global problem so I created a dummy Yahoo account and added it to my iPhone and push worked for that account, so I know push is working. Now here's the weird part. When I added the dummy Yahoo account to my iPhone, push started working for my actual account. I repeated this with my iPad and it worked there as well.

Thinking things were fixed I removed the dummy Yahoo account and push stopped working on my real account. I added the dummy account back in and push started working for my real account. So basically I need to have a dummy Yahoo account on devices to get push mail to my real account. The opposite is not true, I can delete my real account and the dummy account will still get push mails. I tried leaving the dummy account on the phone, but turning mail off, but that too causes my mail account to stop receiving push notifications.

It looks like when a Yahoo account is added to an iOS device, a message is sent to Apple's push servers indicated the Yahoo email address that was added. Similarly when an account is removed a message is sent to indicate the email account was removed. That way Apple knows if any Yahoo Mail accounts are on the phone and if there aren't any it won't push. That or it can tell Yahoo that there are accounts on the phone that need push email.

At this point I don't know how to get things working without using my work around. I can tell the iPhone/iPad is sending info to Apple when I add my main Yahoo account to the device, but the push to check for new messages isn't coming in unless I add a different Yahoo account to the devices and turn mail on.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1, AT&T 32 GB

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IPhone :: Possible To Enable Push For Mail Client Only?

May 28, 2012

I would like to be notified within a timely manner of receiving new emails without manually having to open the mail client. However, I do not want to enable push for all my apps as it is a significant drain on the battery. Currently, my mail schedule is set to fetch, but it does not show me new messages without opening the mail app. I used some of my other apps this morning to make sure the wifi was up and active and it still did not fetch anything until I opened the mail client.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone :: Does The Mail Program Support Push

May 31, 2012

My iphone is not notifying me when I have mail.... Does the mail program support push? I have push enabled in mail settings but I am still not receiving notification unless I touch the mail icon at which time it searches for new email.

iPhone 4

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IPhone :: Unlock The Locked Mail Accounts?

Jul 6, 2012

I have one problem with e-mail.When I go to settings>mail,contacts,calendar my accounts are bleached and I can not do anything with them.They are locked. How I can change that?

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone :: Yahoo Push Mail Not Working Today?

Feb 1, 2010

I'm not receiving any push notifications for Yahoo mail today. I've tried two different accounts with the same results. Push notifications for other apps work fine.

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IPhone :: No Push Emails If Mail Is Running In Background?

Apr 23, 2012

Either on my iPhone 4 and iPad 2 with IOS 5.1 when Mail is open in background iCloud push emails aren't working, if i double tap the home button and close Mail App email notification works correctly again.

It seems like Email App is freezing in background, anyone else is having the same problem with iCloud email push service?

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IPhone :: Hotmail Does Not Push Or Sync On Mail (iMac)?

May 25, 2012

My hotmail account does not push or sync, it works fine on iPad, iPhone but I don't understand why it doesn't on Mac OSX Lion

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IPhone :: 4 Mail Push Notification Does Not Work For Any Email

May 30, 2012

Suddenly, I stopped receiving any push notifications from mail. I tried reset, deleting and adding account, toggle through all notifiction options, restarting the phone. I also have problem receiving notifications from facebook. rest of all app notification works fine.

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone :: Mail Push Notifications Stop Working On 4S?

Jun 30, 2012

So strange but ~2 weeks ago on my iPhone 4S stop working iCloud (@me.com) email push notifications. When I open Mail program it's start receiving all the mail. I checked all the settings and there is Push notifications turned on!

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone :: Two Email Accounts - Cannot Create New Folder In Mail Box

Apr 29, 2012

I have two email account, one is google and other is Other POP3. And I cannot Find the Mail Box List to create new folders.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: 3gs - Yahoo Mail Push Notification Broken In Ios4

Jun 25, 2010

Any one else having issues with push notifications not working on their 3GS running os4? Any find this issue on iPhone 4? I've tried restoring the os, deleting and restoring the mail account.... Nothing....

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IPhone :: Fetch New Data And Push On / Off Settings In Mail Account?

May 24, 2012

I have just got my iPhone configured to receive emails from the same accounts that I receive emails from on my MacBookPro. When looking at Settings/Mail Accounts on my iPhone there is an option to Fetch New Data and further option to Push On or Push Off? What Push and Fetch are all about.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iPad 2, iPhone 4S

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IPhone :: Push Notifications Not Working On Any App (Whatsapp, Beejive, Mail) After Update 5.1.1

May 9, 2012

I'm gonna try to be clear with my problem. I have a Gmail Account working on Microsoft Exchange, for IM messaging I'm using Beejive IM with Push and I'm also using Whatsapp. Before Updating it to iOS 5.1.1 all Push notifications were working flawless, however, after I upgraded it to 5.1.1, I began having troubles. After 1 minute of having the Iphone locked, I don't get any push notification, nor on the email, nor on the Whatsapp, neither on the Beejive. If I unlock it and I re-open one of them, for ex, I go to check my contact list on Beejive, I get all the mails, and all the instant msgs that people had sent to me after I locked my iPhone; it's like, my iPhone was locked for 30 minutes. In those 30 minutes people sent me 4 msgs on whatsapp, 4 msgs on beejive and 4 mails. Once I unlock my iPhone and I go to one of the 3 apps (mail, whatsapp or beejive), I get the 12 items (4 msg from whatsapp, 4 msgs from beejive and 4 mails) at that exactly time. It's crazy, it's like, with this new update push notifications got disabled for every app or what happened to my iPhone on this upgrade? I really need help. WIthout Push, none of them apps works cool for me. I'm using Iphone 4 on a 3G network. I tried restoring it x3, I unistalled the apps, mail, etc and nothing worked.

iPhone 4

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IPhone :: ITunes Doesn't See Address Book Contacts & Mail Accounts?

Mar 31, 2012

I trying to sync my iPhone 3G but iTunes (10.6.1) doesn't see Address Book contacts & Mail accounts.

I have MacBook 13" (Late 2007) and OS X Lion 10.7.3. And iTunes doesn't send any error message.

MacBook (13-inch Late 2007), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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