IPhone :: How To Truly Quit An Application In Multi Tasking Tray?
Jun 24, 2010
Is there any way to quit an app without it going to the multi-tasking tray? e.g. I'm using safari, I quit it, but it's still running in the background. Any way to REALLY quit it? I know how to quit it once it's in the multi-tasking tray, but I'd like to eliminate the 'middleman' so to speak.
It seems like my battery is getting drained semi quickly. I noticed when I go to the multi tasking menu that pressing and holding an app makes them shake and have a delete logo. When I delete the apps like games, and reopen them it looks like it does close out of the app.
I am just confused as to whether I am on the right track here? It seems like simply pressing the Home button on Pandora now doesn't close out of the app competely because it auto resumes the music playing when you reopen it..What exactly does deleting the App icons out of the multitasking bar do?
I'm considering getting an iPhone 4 and leaving my Blackberry. I currently have the first generation iPod Touch. My question is about multitasking/app switching. Let's say I'm in an app such as Tap Tap Revolution. On the original Touch/iPhone if you press the home button (once) in the middle of the game you are brought to the home screen and the game quits. When you go back into the game, it boots up from the beginning and you are not where you left off. Is this the same on iOS 4? Or is it set up so that when you press the home button (once) the game pauses in the background and you are sent to the home screen and then when you return to the game it is where you left off? I'm talking about single tap of the home button, not double. Sorry if that was confusing.
Instead of holding on an icon for a second to bring up the little red circle button to close the apps, Apple should implement a gesture to just drag them out of the multi-tasking dock and have a little poof animation to go with it.
I know it can be done on the 3GS, but is it possible on the 4? I'm probably the .001% of people that don't really care about multitasking. I'd like to disable the stock multitasking and install kirikae for launching my apps.
I'm sure this has been posted before, but, does anyone agree that it's a bit clumsy how multitasking is handled? I mean you have to manually close each app that you don't want running in the background.
Wouldn't it make more [sense] to be able to choose which apps will multitask and which will not, say in settings with a maker next to each app or something?
When you double-click the home button you have the option of holding down on one of the icons, much like on the homescreen, and they will start to jiggle with a red minus sign on the top left corner.
I have noticed that when there are a numerous amount of apps running, and I attempt to clear them, my phone sometimes freezes. Does this happen to anyone else?
I have just signed up for Skype because of the multi tasking aspect of it to make life easier when talking to family in other countries, but when I open Skype after a couple of hours since using it then it shows me as connecting.
Is there a time limit of inactivity before Skype signs you out? I was under the impression that you were 'online' until you signed out?
I want to know if there is a way to turn off multi-tasking. For those that don't realize it yet, every program you open stays open in the multi-task bar until you close it manually. My phone got to 20% battery in 4 hours today with decent use. (new iPhone 4)
About 10 minutes of web surfing. 93 minutes of talking. No streaming video 2 Pictures 1 Recorded Video for 3 minutes.
My only guess is that since I forgot about multi-tasking that it left everything running. (12 apps)
Is there any way to turn it off, and only enable it when I actually want something to multitask? I can't see any reason to have ANY apps multitask now especially since most apps are not updated to support it.
In a perfect world, I would have a menu that I can select which apps I want to be able to multitask.
I know its a little thing but is anyone else getting mildly frustrated that, since your apps are all running "frozen" in the background, when you open them up they're in exactly the same state you left them?
Drives me nuts with phone! If I call someone from my contacts, then hang up, the next time I go to make a phone call I have to back out of the last contact I called and go back to the main phone screen.
And Facebook has to be manually updated when you open it now.
I know...little things, but the phone contacts is driving me nuts!
I was moving along with some apps this morning, and it seems lately when I enable Multi Tasking then try to close some applications, my phone just freezes, I can not turn it off, basically can not do anything shy of putting it down and waiting anywhere from 2-5 minutes for it to come back to life.
This happens at least once per day but I am not sure if this is something related to the software or if someone else has seen this?
Another discovery about iPhone iOS.. You can't access the missed calls list or call log while your on an active phone call .. Example: you get a phone call from someone .. Then you hang up ... You call his manager and tell him, this someone called me .. The manager requests that someone's phone number .. You multi task iPhone while on the line to find the log list of recent calls Can't access the log list !!! Why??!! Because it's part of the "make a phone call" function and you can't access that because your already making a phone call .. Log list should also be part of the contacts or anywhere we can find the log while on a phone call with anyone !
So here's a fun problem. Minimize any application - such as Ovi store and it goes away. Is this is a problem with the Ovi Store app or a problem with Symbian Anna?
Yes, I've already updated the ovi store program. I've noted a similar problem with Ovi Maps.
I've noticed that when I tap the multi-tasking button, not only does it show all the apps I have open, it also show all the google searches I've done. This means there's lots more things to swipe away!
only had my Atrix2 (first Android phone) since February. One issue I have is that I thought multitasking was supported in Gingerbread? Maybe I just don't know how to use it right? I listen to a radio station stream online and I've yet to find an app that streams it as well as straight from the site, problem is is if I'm streaming it from the site I can't close the window and do other things on my phone. Also, multitasking in general seems like it doesn't really work right. I came from the "evil" that is Apple and sorry to say the multi-tasking on that platform was almost flawless.
Second concern is clunky pre-loaded apps. Specifically the messaging, music player, and camera app. The messaging app just isn't intuitive. There are far to many steps involved to include photos and things into the message. The music player, wow, where to start. It seems like more of an afterthought. Works more like a file manager than a music player. And the camera app, just seems buggy and hangs up on menus and in between taking photos. Well, we'll see if any of that improves when ICS comes out. I haven't played with any demo phones to see if the new stuff is better.
The multi tasking and back buttons are not illuminated on my s5. Yes,I have turned off the power saver. I have tried it with the LED indicator lights off and on. I have tried turning the brightness adjustment off and on.
My FB application icon is inaccessible and is displaying "waiting…….", below the icon for over a week now. I cannot delete the application by pressing down and holding the application and then touching the "x" at the top left of the application. The "x" does not appear when I hold down the icon.Â
I have tried powering off/on, but that did not work.
Managed to upgraded my N95 to the latest firmware V.35.0.002.Also successfully installed v.3.01maps application.And it's running without any serious problem. Except, I did encounter a problem ; backlight problem.The screen and phone keypad will be turned off after a while.
I tried as per cjlim's instruction :/discussions/board/message?board.id=topfaq&message.id=161#M161.The thing is I even can't get to the navigation menu in the map application(the application will quit without any error message
While replacing the sim card I may have damage something inside On my 4s Iphone Had got few months back What are my option to get it fixed Do I take it to apple store or send in for repair
Totally stupid question but I have been sitting here with my iPhone 4 for an hour now and I'm still figuring out, how to get the micro-sim tray open? I'm using the pen that was in the package, yet it seems the port is totally stuck. What to do?
I am wondering I need a new sim tray is there a place where I can order an authentic one FROM APPLE or do I have to order the replica offered on [URL]?
i just bought an iphone 3gs and the sim tray got stuck because i put it the wrong way and when i took it im scared i might broke something because now it doesnt read my sim card.. I dont know if the warranty covers my stupidy, should i try apple store?
how do i quitt an app? I get that idea that if press the home button I'll just suspend the app and it will keep running in the background. How do I do the equivalent of command + Q? I've seen online you should hold the home button for about 4 seconds, but if I do that I just end up activating the Voice Control....
I have an iPhone 4 and recently the phone quit going into landscape view when tipped on its side. My eyes are getting too old to read emails and web pages in the regular portrait view. I don't think any settings have been changed and I have installed the latest updates. What's up with this?