IPhone :: How To Fix Yellow Tint Screen
May 24, 2012
Recently i compared my iphone 4s to my friends iphone 4. His screen was perfect and mine kinda lagged color, i noticed a yellow tint to it, is there anyway i could fix this?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
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Jun 12, 2012
My iphone 4 has a yellow tint on the screen.the warranty is due. does apple repiar for free as it is an aledgely fault on their part?
iPhone 4, yellow tint
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Sep 15, 2012
I've been looking for this (because i want to buy this phone), and I found that if the phone goes over 40 Celsius degrees the screen will get a yellowish tint, for the Xperia S, I believe the answer by Sony was to replace the screen, but I have not find nothing related to Xperia pro. I live in a really hot place (basically 45 Celsius degrees all day) so this is a big problem for me. Is there a solution or was there a change on manufacturation process or something to fix this?
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Mar 6, 2015
I got a replacement galaxy s5 on Jan 28 and I've noticed the screen has a yellow and blue tint during white backgrounds. If i look straight at the screen, the white has some yellow tint over the mid to top portion of the screen. However, if I move the phone up, the yellow moves down the screen and a blue tint appears on the top to mid part of the screen. The tint isn't heavy as I can see still get good colors out of things.
Is this normal for the s5 screen? My old phone had a yellow tint to the white as well, but I don't know if the tint changed from yellow to blue when I moved the phone up and down.
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Apr 16, 2012
I compared two iphones and mine has a yellow tint and looks washed out. I went to the authorized service center and they are denying the problem and saying that they cant replace my handset!
Info:iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
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Dec 6, 2012
I noticed a yellow tint at the bottom of my screen (little difficult to notice, but it exists). The problem appears when you put the brightness at full with white background (into the display test at service menu).
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May 29, 2015
I understand that AMOLED screens tend to run warmer but it seems my device has some rather annoying color shift. When I look at the phone headon there is a bit of a yellow tint. However if I change the angle just slightly there is a blue/purple tint across the screen.
The yellow I'm seeing might be a true white but the color shifting to blue/purple is quite annoying.
This was a replacement device and I'm not sure if I remember this or not on my old device.
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Dec 23, 2011
I bought a Xperia Pro today. So far I'm very impressed with it, with one exception.The screen's white color temp appears to be quite low, giving whites a yellow-ish tint.I'd say white color temp is a little lower than 6500K.is this normal?Or should I try and have the phone replaced by the store (DOA policy)?I compared the screen with both my old Motorola Milestone and my sister's Xperia Pro Mini and the whites are indeed yellow-ish, at least compared to them...Unfortunately, the Xperia Pro is not officially available here in Greece so I can't just walk into an electronics store and compare my pro's screen to another Pro demo unit...
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Feb 12, 2014
How can I remove the US holidays from the calendar.
Second us about the yellow tint on photos. Shouldn't Black have removed that? I'm still getting that Crap.
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May 8, 2011
yesterday appeared on my screen an icon just like the one when you have a missed call.I looked arround and searched discussions .I tooked the battery out,hard reset,...i looked into messages..call log....and i didn't found anything. I called my provider and tried ##002# but nothing.I am starting to regret that i bought myself a blackberry. My model is BB 8310 Curve.
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Aug 17, 2010
This may sound like a bit of a thick statement but I got my iPhone last week, it's a week 31 build, it has a bit of a yellowish tint on the screen compared to my dads who get his launch week.
When comparing both side by side, the display on his is a lot clearer than mine, I cannot see a single pixel. However on mine they are visible, not individual pixels but more like horizontal bands when changing the viewing angle. How is it possible to see them on one iPhone but not the other? Could it be a cheaper display, the yellow tint making them more visible or a fault?
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Apr 6, 2012
What to do when you have a yellowish tint on your screen? My screen is yellower than my daughters (also iPhone 4s) and much more yellow than my sons iPod touch (4th generation). Is there any solution? Itīsnot the glue, I had the phone for three weeks now.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
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Jun 4, 2014
I just bought my iPhone 5c a few months ago, and a few minutes ago I just realized that the color on the screen has changed colors. The colors on the screen vary depending on how the screen is angled. The colors vary from purple, green, and pink tint. I've tried turning my phone on and off as well as resetting it, and nothing is working. The color tint is just in the middle of my screen from the top to the bottom of my screen; not on the sides, however it is still very hard to see my pictures in my gallery or even use social networking sites or anything for that matter.
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Apr 17, 2012
why my iphone 4s' screen is yellow,and who should responsible for it ?
iPhone 4S
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May 17, 2012
I have an iPhone 4 for like 8 months SN: JF124ZDNA4S , 1 week ago a yellow spot appeared on the upper left corner on the screen... i left it like that so maybe it will disappear but it didn't? how i can fix this problem please! and what cause it?I live in Egypt and buy it from Mobinil.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
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Dec 28, 2012
Id like to get your opinions re my Xperia Neo's screen. As you can see below, a bluish tint appears on the upper portion of the screen and extends a little sideward to the right (depending on what is being flashed on the screen). The tint goes off whenever something white is flashed. What could have caused this defect/irregularity? My phone was bought from an online reseller and it has 2 more months of service warranty remaining.
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Apr 6, 2012
I am currently using a refurbished black iPhone 4 that was given to me as a replacement phone at an Apple Store back in July 2011. As of last week, the a yellow mark has appeared in the upper left side of screen. I went to the Genius Bar and the only option I was given was to throw down $149 on another refurbished phone that, for all I know, will mess up in another 8-9 months.
iPhone 4
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Apr 30, 2012
I bought an iphone 4s (the black one), and I noticed that my screen is a little yellow. I compared the iphone with friend's white iphone 4s and my screen looks washed out and yellow, and his screen looks more bluer and clean.
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Nov 26, 2015
Several users have reported that the screen on their new 950XL has a reddish tint, turning a little whiter (more bluish) when tilting away.But as I rotate the phone vertically towards me, it starts to turn reddish and while looking at straight at it, the white is reddish. As I continue to turn the phone, it becomes truer white. I did check the Color profile and it was standard. Changing it to vivid made no difference. I am worried if this is a hardware defect or nothing much to worry about. When held at my normal viewing angle the bottom of the screen has a red cast. If I tilt the top towards me the red cast goes away and the whites are truer. So the question: does your shiny new 950XL have that as well?
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Jan 3, 2015
The phone was working perfectly , after I plugged the phone to charge then this all started ( if your wondering ; the charger is the factory Samsung charger , came with the phone )
Yeahh ; I noticed after I left it to charge ! The screen had changed , it was like it had a yellow / greenish tint . I found out when I increase the brightness to full , the color goes back to normal but when I dim the brightness ; instead of going dimmer or darker , the color changes . There's a different array of colors , it starts of with dark green then to orange , red , dark red before finally dimming at a dark blue .. Its really pointless since I cant see half the time when this colors are there and who wants to view their screen in full brightness all the time ..
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Feb 8, 2016
I want to set my lockscreen wallpaper to a pure black one, but when I do, it is not actually black. I have read others on androidcentral having the same problems but have yet to find a solution.
Please see attached screenshot for the issue I am having. Note that the wallpaper used in that screenshot is 100% pure black, but appears grey.
If I change the screen lock to "swipe", it is pure black, but I prefer to have the security of the fingerprint...
My device IS ROOTED and I have xposed/custom ROM installed, and I am sure there must be a config file or something that I could modify to remove this tinting that is occurring.
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Jul 1, 2014
My iphone5 display had yellow strip on right screen since 15 days. whats the problem. how it remove yellow strip
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Nov 29, 2011
I finally bought a N8 and receved it yesterday after wanting to get one for a year now. I had always held back as I was hoping they would sort the purple screen issue out. I specifically wanted to buy a phone from a proper Australian dealer as I wanted it to be A tick and have 24months warrenty. First thing I did when I got the phone was charge it, turn it on to the analogue clock screen saver, lock the screen and then press the menu/home key. There it was, half the clock was purple! So I was sure I had the fault I was hoping not to get. I was gutted/disappointed. I really thought it could not happen to me. I have not even put my sim card in, used the phone or removed the protective shipping stickers yet
I do not know how to tell the age/build date of my N8 but when I ordered it last week, the dealer was out of stock and had to get new stock In from Nokia in Brisbane I believe. The box/packing looked the same as what I had seen 12 months ago. The phone did not have Anna on it. I do know that the latest N8 from Hong Kong are shipping in newer packaging that show the pink coloured N8 on the box.
I spoke to the shop today and they said this was the first time they had heard of this purple screen issue and that they have had no one else mention it to them. I could not believe it as this is a world wide spread issue. They rang Nokia in Brisbane and Nokia supposedly knew nothing about the 'faulty purple screen' issue. So they are either denying it and there is this huge cover up or they have honestly never heard of it.
Since the shop said it was news to them, maybe that's a good thing and I got 1 in 100 faulty one or something. I know this shop has sold about 37 on ebay plus more from their online shop and retail shop too, so if what they are saying is right, then all those buyers must be happy. I actually bought it from their online store and not on ebay. It gives me hope that mine may have been a one off, but i doubt it.
So I am trying to work out what to do. I think I have every right to get the phone swapped for a new one. Its definitely faulty but what do I do if they send it to Nokia in Brisbane and they say its fine?
-What I want to know is how have other Australian buyers delt with the faulty screen issue here? Has Nokia Australia officially acknowelged the problem? has anyone made them aware of it? Are there any known online shops in Australia selling good nokia N8's with known good screens? Has anyone had a screen replaced with a good one recently? I believe there is a new one with part number MP40 that fixes the purple tint screen, but i have only hear of people in europe getting this screen.
I specifically want to know information and experiences and opinions from Australian N8 buyers and owners who have bought a N8 with pruple screen fault in Australia.
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Mar 19, 2015
I have purchased brandh new Xperia Z3 Dual from Dubai and after few seconds of use i realsied something is not right.
I did compare it with my wife Xperia Z3 and also another Xperia Z3 Dual and find out that my phone is giving bit of blue tone ( tint ) in general and brightness it bit low as well.
I did factory reset and also updated software using computer but nothing is changed.
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Feb 27, 2010
My Curve has developed a camera issue.It worked fine within the last 2-3 months (but I havent used it for a while) and has been working up to that point with no issues.When I go to take a picture, I can see the image, but it has a red, "negative" type tint to it.Also, it appears that the "low light" function of brightening the image up does not engage or work.When I take the picture, the flash will flash, but the image displayed on the screen at that time displays a solid white (blank) screen. I can not take another picture from there. it seems like the app might be locked up.The only thing I can do at that point is to press the red cancel button which brings me back to my home screen.The picture is not saved. I can then take another picture, but the same thing happens.The video camera works, but has the same "red tinted", negative type of image on it.It will record, and playback but the image appears as it is ciewed in the viewfinder. With the red tint/negative type of image. Sound is fine. I can also view previously recorded picture and videos with prefect clarity.The pone works properly in all other aspects and the only issue I have ever had with it has been a battery. I replaced thre battery two weeks ago because it would go dead quickly. The new battery works well.I have done a full battery pull. No change to the camera issue.Any thoughts?
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Jun 6, 2014
I have yellow spot in my screen higher left corner iphone 4.What can i do!?
iPhone 4, iOS 7.1
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Jun 9, 2012
just bought it today, no more stock to exchange throughout Malaysia, now I've to go to NCC to get it fixed the purple screen... WTH! it's a repeated problem, it already haunted many N8 (including one of the 2 I own), now this one again... quality dropped..
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May 28, 2012
in the upper left corner of the screen appeared a yellow spot. how repair?
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
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Aug 21, 2015
I got the S6 Edge yesterday and it's my first Samsung phone. I've notice a faint blue tint on the bottom half on the screen. If you open a new tab in Chrome you can see it there against the white background. The top half of the screen is a nice white color.. there is definitely some kind of darker difference on the bottom half.
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Mar 4, 2014
When looking at something white on screen, do those white areas have a redish tint at lowest brightness setting? I notice this with my Lumia Icon, but not with other Lumia Windows phones. I just want to be sure that this is normal, as I'm still within the return window with VZW. If I set the brightness to medium or high, whites lose their redish tint and look normal.
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Nov 7, 2014
My screen is yellow in this phone(z3 dd6), It's look terrible in the corner of cell phone....
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