IPhone :: Android - Apps That Can Report Data Usage By App Or Process
Jul 9, 2010
I believe this is a built-in feature in Android (or at least available with an app, or maybe from rooting, I can't recall from my Nexus days)...But is there an iphone app that can track data usage down to which app (or process) was using the data? My iphone is hemorrhaging data overnight, and I need to find out what is causing it...
i've got my Sensation XE 2 weeks now... and its a very nice phone, but some things are oddly wrong :S
first thing is, i looked at 3G watchdog thismorning, and my device had been eating 200 MB's of internet WHILE I WAS SLEEPING this is not normal use and i have no clue what caused it (i installed 3g watchdog pro this morning)
second thing is, my android system process seems to be eating away battery life rapidly, its using up to 40% cpu (according to watchdog) and com.htc.bg is using roughly 20% okay, i just saw something happening, i restored a backup, watched my cpu, and then my virus scanner said something about com.android.vending being installed, and i saw my android system process skyrocket in cpu usage
yes, i have rooted my phone, and yes i deleted some system applications (like facebook, htc facebook, and some other crappy useless stuff, nothing that should harm my phone)
I have been using excessive amounts of data 6gig month for an average user. I installed an app to show me whats consuming the data and at an alrming rate, it's a process called Rich ClipboardWhat is this and how do I stop it from using so much data? it's killing my battery!!!
I installed onavo a few days ago and have noticed this process called «Android OS + others« using like 50 mb of data in just 3 days.....so what is my phone doing that its using that kind of data?? Can anyone help me figure this out? Im pretty sure all my social apps and stuff arent set up to auto sync and if thsy were it would be listed under the apps name not android os...
Now that unlimited data is a thing of the past this might be a concern I've not seen discussed, do the apps that are now running in background like Facebook twitter etc stay connected to the 3g signal to get updates if so will that now mean we will have higher data usage than we did before? Or do they just start using data when they are opened as the main app being viewed?
I've had my Xoom for 3 weeks now. It worked okay with no error messages until last week. Everytime I turn it on, it displays this message:The Process android.process.acore has stopped unexpectedly.Please retry again.Forceclose Report?I have chosen Report and filled that out, but now just hit Forceclose and it resumes and I don't seem to have any problems.
My husband and I both have the iPhone 3GS. My husband's phone however will count on the phones data usage 20mb over night while it is charging and on our wifi. it is counting this towards his 3g usage and not wifi. We have already had APPLE reset everything at the store. it is still doing it. so he has to turn off all cellualar data usage at night or it keeps racking up the usage even though it is on our wifi. I plug my phone in at night as well and mine is not doing this
I keep getting this error since the latest update." the process android.process.media has stopped unexpectedly. try again"it will pretty much pop up when ever, but especially when I try and go to my gallery or try and take a picture or video. It is also even stopping for from doing simple task like letting my alarm clock on my xperia.I have tried to repair my phone through the sony companion but it always comes up with an error with about quater of the way too go.
When I try to use applications such as the camera or music, I receive a screen saying Force Close, "process.android.process.media has stopped unexpectedly, try again" why this has occured and how to rectify?
I checked out my data usage on the att website and it turns out surprisingly that i consistently use under 200mb a month.
1. I beejive im every work day for at least 2 hours on edge(don't tell my boss) but it suprisingly only comes out to only about 4mbs per day (if i used 3g would the data consumption be higher?)
2. I maybe use slingplayer 1 day a month on 3g (sad) about 10mbs i think
3. I grab email manually by opening up the mail app maybe twice a day max.
Do you think i should switch asap? or is it best recommended to view iphone 4 data usage first in case i upload 720p video (which i doubt they will let you do)
how do I disable data completely avoid data usage and only keep wifi. I have Background Data in Off and wi-fi connected, but I still getting charged for data usage.
Since 2/23, I have had massive data usage at random times. 1GB here and there, sometimes in the middle of the night.My Data Sense shows that the "Restore data" app has used 8.17 GB in the last two days. All of my other apps are using negligible amounts of data.What is the "Restore data" app, and how do I tell it to stop using so much data?
One additional bit of info: 2/23 was also the date that the Microsoft Health app updated. I use a MS Band. It seems like there may have been some type of update pending on the band. When I called Verizon's tech support, they said that the pending update might have something to do with the massive data usage. We completed the update to the Band, and they said to give it another day to see if the data usage continues. What this "Restore data" app is, it doesn't sound like it has anything to do with the Band.
As as august 18th I have sent:1.5GB recieved:14.7GB average that out over 10 months that is roughly: 1.6GB So I am way over the new data caps that o2 has introduced.
After latest update to ios phone will not restore data. I get an error saying 14 apps were not found . (I don't think this is why my phone wont restore, but its the only error im getting during process)....
I had my original 2G iPhone for three years before updating to the iPhone 4. During that three years, I only used about 4 GB of cellular data, so I thought the whole "no more unlimited data" business was blown out of proportion.
Of course, with my old iPhone, I didn't have 3G, so I didn't stream a lot over the cellular network. I decided to try streaming music in my car for a few days on my one-hour-each-way commute to work and back.
I used it for about a week, before switching back to my iPod. I just checked my data usage, and in the three weeks or so that I've had my new iPhone, I have used 4 GB of data already!
That's right, in three weeks, I used the data that I took three years to use on my old iPhone! My data usage multiplied by 52!
That's crazy! Streaming certainly does make a huge difference.
How much data do you use? I just thought I would pose the question.
I'm trying to figure out if I really need unlimited data or if I should choose a cheaper plan. Problem is I don't know which is my true data usage. The first is from the "Settings" app and the second is from At&t's app.
Question: I've used my iPhone exclusively on wifi so far. Yet, I have around 200 kB of data used under my usage details. I haven't even used the phone while on 3G yet.
For those of you that have tethered your phones to the computers using mywi after jbing your iphones...If I have access to wifi at school, and would only use the tethering when not on campus, would I approach the 2gb data usage much? People who use mywi often, do you find that you were approaching above 2gb/month quite often?I know you can't give exact usage rates since it's different for all, but still an estimate would be nice.
Did anyone else here buy the iPhone 4 on an Orange contract?I have the Your Orange app and there was an update for it this morning, and it now shows your data usage since your last bill. However, in my settings it says I have used 23.5mb + 168mb, and in the Your Orange app it says I have used 305mb! Quite a big difference
I know this was really big when the new data planes were announced but i didn't have an iPhone so i wasn't paying attention. My cousin has an unlimited plan now but she has no idea how much data she uses per month... i vagely remember reading about finding out via text ....how can i do this?
for some reason I went over my data usage limit and noticed two large data downloads/uploads (dont know which) that occurred overnight while I was not using my phone. The ATT rep said that the iphone reverts to 3g when going to sleep but this does not account for the usage. is there a setting or an app that is doing that?
I am currently with Vodafone in the uk and about 6 months ago I recieved a text message saying I was close to my data limit of 750mb and that they would provide me with an extra 250mb charged at £5 per shot. I downloaded a data usage app to monitor my usage and it was climbing at a ludicrous rate. As imaginable when I contacted Vodafone to inform them of the issue they didn't want to know and were not the slightest bit interested in the problem at all. I decided to return the phone to apple who after literally 5 minutes of using the phone said that there was defiantly and issue with the handset and that due to it still being under warrenty they would replace it free of charge.
Now this problem seems to have reoccurred where as I very nearly went over my limit last month I put this down to playing draw something through 3G and susiquently deleted the app. I decided to reset my data usage on the iPhone I have this morning already used 20mb + in just under an hour. It isn't as through it climbs when not being used it just seems to use loads or recieved data when I'm surfing the net.
When I am near home, in my own country, my wife can use Find iPhone on her iPad to check where I am (with my iPhone) when I go out for long extended bike rides and she will normally do this in case I have a mechanical fault which cannot be fixed. It also gives her a decent ETA for my return.When I am holiday overseas, I want to do the same thing - she will be in the rental on a wireless network so will have no problems with internet connections, but I am going to have to turn international roaming data to 'on', on my iPhone to allow her to track me, but I don't want to be fleeced by the carrier, so I want to minimise the data usage while I am out on the bike. When I get back I can just turn roaming data to 'off'I guess the way to do this is to; turn my email accounts off completelyturn notifications offturn iMessage offturn iCloud offtrun Twitter off Is there anything else I should be doing so that just the FindiPhone App is using data ?
Recently upgraded iPhone from a 4 to a 5s and holy cow... My bill upgraded as well!! No change in daily routines so I am wondering what is running in the background that I don't know about..