IPhone :: 4s Showing Call Is From An Email Address?
Jun 10, 2012
When my sister calls or texts or face times me it shows up as coming from her email address instead of the phone number associated with her iPhone 4s.When I text her phone number it does not register as iMessage but when I text her email address it does show iMessage.Similarly, I can FaceTime with her via her email address but not her phone number.Lastly,when I factime or text her email address it shows up on both her iPad and iPhone when she is on wifi. What is going on? This seems really really strange to us.
I have a brand new 3GS. For some reason, when I type in the letter M in the "to" field of a new email, my contacts who start with M will come up, along with a third random email address that starts with an m. I don't recognize it (it looks like a spam address actually) and I've never written to/from it on my iPhone.
Where did it come from and how can I get rid of it? I've tried restoring and then re-setting up my email accounts but that didn't get rid of it. If it makes a difference, the phone was purchased brand new from the Apple store. I'm the only one who's touched my phone.
All my friends have been telling me that when they receive a message from me (sent as a text message), my email address shows up at the top of the page instead of the name they put in their contact list.
I have configured both Gmail and Yahoo on my Bold 9790 (OS 7.0). But when I try to do a remote search on the server I only see my GMAIL account and not the Yahoo account? This is really annoying.
I am try to add my gmaill account to my Torch 9800 but keep getting a message "Invalid email address or password. Verify your email address and password.If error persists, contact gmail.com."
My netgear router is generating and other wireless devices are connected to it. My iphone 3g is also connected to the same network but IP address shows 169.254.xxx.xxx. And does not browse or connect to internet.
I'm trying to set up my email account on the new Blackberry Torch 9800 - but when I type in my email address, it says Field Full before I finish typing in the address.
I like my E72 but I have two problems that really annoy me.
1. In the past when ever I would write a new email I would get list of suggested email addresses in the "To" field. For example, if I would was to write the letter S I would get the email address of the people in my address book whose name starts with an S (sam, Sofia etc). for some reason this feature stopped working on my phone and I can't find how to make it work again. if I want to send an email I need to manually write the email address in the "To" field. The auto suggestion feature works perfectly on my wife's phone (an E72 with the same firmware - 22.007) but on my phone it won't suggest email addresses from my contacts.
2. Another problem is that my Gmail that is synced to the phone, through the Nokia Messenger server is locked on "hide emails older than 2 weeks". Now, I have hundreds of emails stored on my phone that dates to February 1st - the day I got the Phone.
Is there a way to delete these emails automatically, without deleting them on the Gmail account itself? It makes my phone really when going through the emails.
I finally purchased an iPhone, after using a Macbook Pro (before that, a Powerbook) for years. I'm trying to add the number of a recent call to a specific group in my phone's address book, but can't figure out if this is possible. At present, I can add it to my address book, which contains approximately 1,000 entries, but can't add it to my current contact list, which is the one I use for the phone. If I need an app for that, recommendations welcome.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7), 2.4 GHz with 4 GB SDRAM
I had my iphone in call forwarding mode but the iphone did not have the call forward icon showing at the top of the iphone. Any ideas what caused this? I missed several calls because I did not know my iphone was forwarding messages. When I turned call forwarding off, then on again, the call forward icon showed up. Was this a one time "glitch"?
Using 9700 on Vodafone UK - Software Version has happened a few times now. At first I thought it was just me not reading the screen properly. And it only happens now and again.
What happens is that sometimes when I get a call the screen shows the last callers details as if they were ringing again - but it is someone else.When I hang up the call or if I miss the call - the details then show the correct persons details - weird.
If I pull the battery out it all works fine then for a week or two and then starts happening again. It is not a big deal or anything - just a bit strange.
I have a 3gs. When I want to send an email to my girlfriend I enter the letter "Y", the first letter in her name, and two email addresses pop up. One is hers, the other is my previous girlfriend's which comes up because she had a Yahoo account. I have deleted this email address and all her contact information from every computer and phone I own. Yet, it continues to show up on this iphone when I enter the letter "Y".
How do I get rid of it? Why is it still there? Where is it stored?
need an email address for apple reason why is bought my iphone4s in ireland since moved to australia speaker now is not working for call have to put it on loud and apple retail stores here will not replace it as different zone to where i got it. i am not happy with this as it means i would have to send the phone all the way back to ireland and go with out a phone witch is bad custmore support on apples behalf i think.
I bought an iphone online and to my surprise after resetting the iphone, i'm stucked on the activate iPhone screen the email address on the screen. the only thing i see are the first and last characters of the email address. ios 7.1.1 is the version.i want to know the email address and contact the user to ask if she can remove the iphone from his find my iphone devices.