IPhone :: 4S Wifi Drops And Refuses To Reconnect?

May 21, 2012

I think the content of this forum shows that there is clearly a problem with iPhone 4S / IOS 5.1.1 and Wi-Fi. My Setup: I live in an awful house for Wi-Fi - not only is it spread-out, but it also has metal sheets laid across every floor to reflect under floor heat upwards and, of course, to kill Wi-Fi signal dead. To get decent coverage I have 1 wireless router and 3 access points all using the same SSID and password, but using different channels (separated as much as possible physically and by frequency). The four units are connected by wire (over the power lines). This setup has worked fine for several years. It still works fine for my iPhone 3G, iPad 1, iPad 3, Squeezeboxes, MacBook Air, laptop PCs etc. (I program and use this kit for testing as well as playing).

The Problem: The Saturday before last I bought an iPhone 4S to upgrade to (as my trusty iPhone 3G was broken (I dropped it :-( )). The iPhone 4 connects to the Wi-Fi nicely (so its not a security issue) but drops out after a few minutes and then refuses to re-connect. I am current still testing, but I believe it also drops out if I move in the house from one AP's strong area to another's. I suspect it hangs onto the weak channel and refuses to change. If I walk back to the AP that I originally connected to it re-connects. I never had this problem with the iPhone 3G. I still don't (its repaired :-) ). And I am now testing by taking both phones with me as I roam about the house. Both phones are running IOS5.1.1 and the 3G works perfectly whilst the 4S drops out and throws a hissy fit. how to tell which Wi-Fi channel your iPhone is connected to? If I could find that information I could test my theory about the roaming not working. When making suggestions please remember that all my other devices work just fine, including my iPhone 3G which is physically touching the 4S that won't work. Therefore I may be a little sceptical if anyone suggests I upgrade the router (which I can't because its a Virgin one and updates automatically).

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1, Possibly to do with multiple APs

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: It Refuses To Switch Over To Network When Wifi Drops?

Jul 25, 2011

If Wifi drops or I turn it off, the remaining icons go white, and then if you go to settings, about phone, status, the phone states UMTS and then switches to HSPA, and it states on network "Connecting, or Disconnected" A power Cycle will sometimes help. If I turn wifi back on, I have a Blue wifi, white H+, and a Blue Network Signal strength.

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IPhone :: After Upgrading To Ios 5.1 On 4s Wifi Drops And 3g Network Suddenly Drops And Shows Edge Connectivity?

Mar 24, 2012

After upgrading to ios 5.1 on my 4s wifi drops and 3g network suddenly drops and shows edge connectivity

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: WiFi Disconnects In Sleep Mode And Never Reconnect

Mar 13, 2012

I can connect to my home wifi fine and it has great signal but the phone keeps disconnecting when it sleeps and never reconnects. The wifi network has a password and everytime it makes me enter it. is there away it can remember this password so that it automatically connects? and is there a way to stop it disconnecting maybe an app?

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: 4S Won't Automatically Reconnect To WiFi - Need To Enter Password

Mar 18, 2012

I just "upgraded" my wi-fi router to a Netgear WNDR3400. Everything seems to be set up fine, and I'm able to connect with our various iphones, ipads, and AppleTV. But our iphones won't automatically re-connect to the network after the connection is lost, and we have to re-enter the password when we re-connect.

iPhone 4S

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IPhone :: While Using Facetime My 4s Suddenly Dropped It's WiFi Connection And Will Not Reconnect

Jun 17, 2012

While using facetime my iphone suddenly dropped it's WiFi connection and will not reconnect.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1, WiFi failed while using FaceTime

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HTC One M7 :: Why Does WiFi Reconnect Fail

Jun 11, 2015

previous hardware with new Cisco DPC3941T. Ever since, my cel phone (HTC One M7 running Android 5.0.2) will not auto-reconnect after a timeout. Under the previous config, there was never an issue.

So let's start at the beginning --

1) I just chose to "Forget" my home network on my cell.

2) I scan for new networks & choose the 2.4 OR the 5 segment. Enter password, Connect first time.

3) Run variety of tasks just fine, let the phone go to sleep.

4a) Pick up the phone after just a few minutes, still connected. Good.

4b) Pick up the phone after more than just a few minutes (?), the reconnect attempt errors out.

5) The only way to reconnect is to repeat steps (1) & (2) above.

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BB Curve :: 8530 Won't Reconnect To Wifi

Feb 1, 2010

I have a Curve 8530 through sprint. I have a data plan, but I prefer to use wifi at home and school since it is faster, and I don't always have service in each building. When my phone is connected to wifi it works fine. But when I leave home and return, it won't reconnect to my home network unless I shut my router down, and turn it back on, after which my curve connects almost instantly. At school I have to login but sometimes I have to try manually up to 10 or 12 times before it will finally connect. Is there something wrong with my phone, or is there something I can do that will allow it to redetect those networks that I use each time, rather than have to go through all of these extra steps? If it is a problem with the phone I can still return it and not be charged.

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Xperia X8 :: WiFi Will Not Reconnect After Out Of Range?

Nov 4, 2010

Well a quick look at the volume on the Google forums shows this is not just my problem and it seems to be common to all Android phones. After moving out of range, the WiFi will not reconnect when back in range, i.e. moving between 2 locations that are remembered just shows the WiFi scanning then disconnecting all the time. Turning WiFi on and off causes it to request an IP address and then all is fine.I held off complaining about this until after the 2.1 update which I did yesterday, but no change.

In the interim I have installed a WiFi toggle app which does the job but this is such a fundamental issue it should have been 100% bulletproof from day one. After all probably 99.99% of all users are connecting via WiFi? and its the reason a smartphone is purchased. my daughters iPhone moves seamlessly between routers so its an Android problem.

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Xperia X10 :: WiFi Gets Disconnected And Not Reconnect Automatically

Jul 17, 2010

The wifi in the mini gets disconnected quite often. And the bad thing is that it does not reconnect by itself. If I go in the wifi menu, all networks shows as "Out of range", even after a rescan. The only fix is to disable and re-enable the wifi. Looks like a bug! The phone, model E10i, is updated to firmware 1.6, build 1.0.A.1.38.

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IPhone :: Wifi Drops Every 30 Seconds?

Mar 13, 2012

Wifi drops every 30 seconds we have a second iPhone 4s with same os and this one works fine? What can we do is this a hardware are a software problem?

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1, Wifi drops every 30 seconds

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IPhone :: 4S Selectively Drops Wifi?

Mar 21, 2012

I have an iPhone 4S purchased in November, 2011. After the upgrade to iOS 5.1, the phone will not stay connected to the wi-fi at work for more than 1 minute. My iPad has no problems keeping the link. All others that I work with have no issues staying connected to wi-fi. I restored the phone to it's original settings and tried but I still have the same problem. The phone works fine with my wi-fi at home. I've worked with several specialists at work and they have had me try many things to get this to work.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1, 32 G, black;

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IPhone :: 4S Drops Wifi After Update?

Apr 10, 2012

My 4S won't stay on wifi after updating to IOS 5.1. It will join my wireless network, but it won't stay on, it always reverts back to cellular data. I'm also having some issues with iMessage "send failures" whenever I try to send a picture.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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IPhone 6 Plus :: Drops WiFi When It Sleeps

Dec 2, 2014

My iPhone 6 Plus refuses to automatically connect to my WiFi at home almost every time it goes to sleep and I wake it back up. It is getting very annoying that I have to constantly reconnect it.

iPhone 6 Plus, iOS 8.1.1, AT&T Black 64GB

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Google Nexus 5 :: How To Get Phone To Automatically Reconnect To Home WiFi

Sep 5, 2015

I normally have my Nexus 5 phone WiFi connected to my home network and have Data turned off.

If I move out of range of my network obviously the phone's WiFi connection drops.

When I return to within range of my home network my phone doesn't automatically reconnect to my home network. I have to press the power button on the phone to wake up the screen and within a couple of seconds the phone connects to my home network.

When I first got the phone I never had this issue. The phone would reconnect to my home network even though the screen hadn't been woken up.

When I got the phone it was on an older version of Android .. before Android version 5.

I have run the phone in Safe Mode and the automatic reconnect still doesn't occur.

So on Lollipop 5.1.1 should the reconnect to WiFi be automatic ?

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IPhone 6 :: Connects And Drops WiFi Repeatedly

Dec 5, 2014

WIfi connectivity is working fine with other devices including an iphone5. New iphone6 auto connects randomly and disconnects randomly.

iPhone 6, iOS 8.1.1

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IPhone :: Needed To Reconnect To "home" Wifi Network Constantly?

May 9, 2012

After puchasing my iphone 4s last Sunday, the very first thing I noticed out of the box was that I needed to reconnect to my "home" wifi network constantly. After browsing the infinite amount of discussions regarding this issue, I realized this is not an isolated issue with my hardware. Monday, I attempted a connect to my "work" wifi network, and had absolutly no problems all day long. I determined that the only difference between wifi networks relating to my iphone was the wireless security setting.My home wifi was originally setup as WEP, my work wifi is currently setup as WPA2.Tuesday, I accessed my wifi router settings (Linksys wrt54g)> udpated wireless security settings from WEP to WPA2.Problem solved.Since I was not able to track down any easy solutions to this problem within all of the ongoing discussions, I wanted to share this info.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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Nokia :: N97 Refuses To Update / Refuses To Allow Anything To Install

Mar 30, 2010

I have an N97 on Vodafone in the UK. I upgraded the firmware to version 2.0 and now want to upgrade to ver 2.1..The update seems to work OK, but when the phone is rebooted, even after a hard reset, it still shows version 2.0..Also it will not allow any additional application such as Ovi mpas or google maps to install.

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IPhone :: Wifi Drops But Shows Full Signal?

Jun 12, 2012

just got rounf to updating my iphone 4 to 5.1.1 from 5.0.1. ever since i have experienced a problem with the internet.

the wifi symbol will always show when near the several wifi spot that i visit. but when i try to use emails/safari/Internet/apps(that access the net) it will say no connection or internet. if i turn off the wifi and then turn it back on the emails/safari/Internet etc. will work for a while till i leave the phone for a couple of mins.

when using safari and mail the the circle(next to wifi) cycles around but then shows ("cannot open page...safari could not open the page because the server stopped responding".)

never had a problem before till the update. i have tried reinstalling a fresh copy of ios 5.1.1 while in dfu mode. clearing network settings, setup the iphone as a new iphone(not restoring from back up)

iphone 4 (8gb), ios 5.1.1, t-mobile

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IPhone 5s :: IOS 7.1 / WiFi Drops After Frequently But Shows Connected

Jun 2, 2014

Since the time I purchased my iPhone 5s, I have been facing this problem with Wi-fi. The first two times I went to the customer service, I was told it could be a problem with my modem. Even I thought my modem is the problem, but my andriod mobile does not give any issues as such. The problems I am facing with the Wi-fi is listed below.Â

1. Wifi shows connected, but actually it is not connected. I have too reset my network connections to use the internet. Even then, after some time it stops working.

2. After resetting my network, it works fine for some time, then it disconnects automatically.

3. The wifi speed is very slow compared to my low end andriod phone also.

4. Because of this, I cannot use apps like Facebook, WhatsApp, iPhone AppStore properly. I need to renew lease or rest my network.Â

I have been to the AASP (Imagine, Forum Mall, Bangalore) three times now and everytime they tell is the problem has been rectified reinstalling the software and tested using multiple wifi networks. All they do is reinstall the software and reset the network. It works fine for a day or two. Then the problem starts again.Â

Is there a software to identify if the Wi-fi is connected or not (Other then the icon on the home screen). I want to monitor when it drops, so that I can actually report this the customer service, so that they rectify the problem. Reinstalling the OS is not the solution for this, which solves the problem only for a short period of time.

iPhone 5s, iOS 7.1

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Lumia 1520 :: WiFi Refuses To Connect To Available Network Until Reboot

Oct 23, 2014

Don't know if it's just me, but occasionally I'll get my Wi-Fi tab (in Action Center and Settings) reporting that networks are "available" but it can't connect to any. Even my own network to which I connect all the time.

I have discovered that after a Reboot everything is back to normal. Wi-Fi connects fine.

I seem to have isolated it to when you leave a premises still connected Wi-Fi and let it drop-off you get this behaviour.

But surely you shouldn't have to turn Wi-Fi off every time you leave a place!!!

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IPhone 5 :: Shows Full WiFi Signal Strength But Drops Internet Connection

Jun 17, 2014

I have been using my iphone 5 since the last 9 months. The wifi just worked fine at home when connecting with the wifi router. It also worked fine everywhere I went where there was a wifi zone. Since the last 7 days or so I am facing a sudden problem. When connecting to my home Wifi, it shows full signal strength, yet the internet connection drops. At times, even whatsapp does not work, cannot send images most of the times. Apple store, iTunes and emails stops working mostly. I have reset my wireless router recenty and still this problem persists. There does not seem to be any problem with the router because other devices like my laptop and other mobile phones are working fine with wifi.

iPhone 5

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Xperia Z3 :: Drops 3G / 4G After WiFi Connection

Jun 27, 2015

Every time that I have been connected to WiFi my phone drops 3G connection.

The only way to get it to reconnect is to restart the phone. After restart the 3G is working perfect for as long as i have been able to test it, but as soon as i connect to WiFi it stops again.

Model: D6633
Android: 5.0.2
Mobil operator/supplier: 3 Sweden

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Xperia Z5 :: Drops WiFi Constantly

Jan 12, 2012

My Z5P  drops WiFi constantly. Looses contact, everywhere. In 5min it can happen 3-5times.While no one else with for example Iphone looses.It also happens frequently in public wifi places, and its really annoying.

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LG G4 :: WiFi Calling Drops Frequently On Phone

Aug 8, 2015

What would cause my wifi calling to drop frequently on my new LGG4? It will post a notification that wifi calling cannot connect so I go to the setting bar, disable wifi calling and turn it back on. It will come back on and work fine for a day or so and then it randomly disconnects again. It will transition from home to work with no problems also, just randomly disconnects at either location every now and then??

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Nokia Lumia :: 920 Drops WiFi Connections?

Nov 16, 2012

I have a 920 that has given me fits since I got it a week ago. I have had this happen at several hotel, work and home locations.What happens is that at some point during the day, I want to connect to the Wi-Fi whereever I am at. So I turn on the screen, go into Settings/Wi-Fi and I am not able to connect to anything.The Wi-Fi option is turned ON but the toggle for it is grayed out and you cannot change it (to ON or OFF). Also, there is a progress bar scrolling across as it indicates "Searching". It will stay that way for HOURS if you wait that long.I also noticed that if I go to Bluetooth settings at this point, I cannot turn that On or Off either (although the toggle is not grayed out).The rest of the phone and app functions work normal at this point.The only way to get WiFi or BT working is to reboot the phone, then everything will work for a while and at some point in time, this will happen all over again.

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Motorola Droid 3 :: Wifi Drops After Update 5.7.906 On It?

Jun 8, 2012

We have 4 droid 3 phones here. The one I updated to 5.7.906 will now stop showing blue bars of wifi strength at the top of the screen after some time ( happens during inactivity but also during downloads ). The ones not updated ( 5.6.890 ) still continue to work flawlessly on wifi.In settings the updated phone still shows as connected to our network with bars of signal strength even though no bars highlighted are at the top of the screen.If I stop wifi on the phone and restart it it connects properly and gets the blue bars back at the top of screen and I can access the network. After some time though the blue bars will disapear and the phone will not be able to access the network ( even though in settings it will still show as connected with signal strength)I have checked battery saver options, gone through the process of forgetting settings on the phone and rebooting the router, removed all security from the router and done a factory reset of the phone ( which did not revert back to the old system version ). As the unupdated phones still work properly I am happy that the issues lies with the new update and as it still occurrs after a factory reset it suggests that the issue is not caused by a 3rd party app resident on the phone.Is there anyway I can undo the update on this phone so it will work properly again? Or is there any other way to get wifi working consistently again?

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BB Bold :: 9780 WiFi Connection Drops Every Minute Or 2

Aug 24, 2011

I have BB9780 (v6.0.0.285) when Im connected to wifi whether at home any where else it keeps disconnecting every minute or two even though its not in standby mode. I cannot download larger files or watch video stream most of the time because wifi connection dropping from my device, and if I download through carrier it will cost me a lot. I tried to reset network but no use.

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Xperia X10 :: WiFi Keeps Turning Off Then On Again When Mobile Signal Drops

Jun 13, 2010

my x10i keeps dropping its wifi connection. it is in an "excellent" signal strength area. i can now see that is related to my poor mobile network coverage at home. when the mobile network signal drops, then the wifi turns off and the turns on again, scans and reconnects. when the mobile network connects again (after a minute or two) the wifi turns off, then on again, scans and reconnects. this cycling is happening every minute or two. which leads to lots of frustrating network errors. exact issue described below with Internet clip: [url]. things improve if i turn off 3g and set network to gsm only.

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Xperia PLAY :: Drops Bluetooth On Wifi Connection?

Jul 5, 2012

I have an Xperia PLAY R800at with 2.3.3. Whenever I'm using my bluetooth device and reconnect to my wifi network, I lose bluetooth packets for 5-6 seconds. This does not happen when I compare against the Nexus S sitting right next to the Xperia PLAY.

This is a really bad problem, and is probably going to result in me not using my PLAY at all.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: 3g Drops Once Wifi Connected

Feb 22, 2012

Typically when I am connected to wireless the 3g still shows but in white. Now when connected to wireless the 3g drops and only comes on when I turn off the wireless. Any ideas if this is normal after the update?

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