My phone died two days ago. When I pluged it in to charge, a screen came up that prompted me to connect to itunes ( a picture of the usb cord connecting to "itunes" ). My phone will power down, but when you turn back on, it returns to this screen. It will not do anything else. Nothing! I connected to my itunes,and it did say that my iphone needed to be "restored" I did this, and nothing has changed.
I am trying to restore my iphone to it's original 3.1.2 firmware. But, iTunes keeps promting me to update to the new firmware. Is there a way around having to do this?
I updated my phone and restored it at the apple store (it had a bug apparently) and now it prompts me to sign in with [url]... It pops up every few minutes now, even when I'm not doing anything with my phone. That's not my email address and I haven't bought music from the iplus4u site. My friend may have, and we share music, but how can i figure out if/which songs are from that site to delete them?
My IPhone keeps prompting me for the Apple ID password. It seems to randomly happen, however it is pretty frequent. Is there some program or something that keeps tripping it? I looked under my settings, but haven't found anything that looks amiss. I am using the Apple 4.
when i connect my iphone to my pc i get "itunes could not connect to this iphone. An unknown error occurred (0xE8000012) i have the correct itunes i also tried to reset my phone, i did this before i went to bed and it was still trying to reset when i woke the next day should it take this long?
I dont know how to connect to my itunes on my other pc, as it does not have itunes installed on it. I dont know how to untether my iphone so that I can use my personal hotspot
My iphone has no ringtone, text tone, no working speaker, and will not connect to itunes. I have reset everything in my power to try and fix this problem, but i can not fully reset the phone, because it will not connect to itunes! Everything is up to date and current.
like title says whenever i turn my phone on it has picture of usb cord and says connect to itunes with itunes picture this happened when i was trying to update the phone.will not connect to itunes or do anything idk what to do
I tried updating my 4s to 5.1 but it told me there was an error, after that my phone only showed that i should connect to itunes but it isn't showing up on there. Ive tried hard booting it but the same screen keeps appearing.
My X6 continues to prompt me to setup my email. I don't want to set it up, I have no use for it. How can I stop it from prompting for it? It's very annoying.
i restored my iphone4 to factory settings because it was running slow and some apps werent working. My phone is now stuck in repair mode and is continually rebooting itself. I know the usual solution would be to restore via itunes but itunes will not allow me to do anything as i get the error "itunes cannot find disk"
My iphone4s does not turn on,when I connect to power ,it shows the message "connect to itunes" but when I connect to iTunes,my pc does not detect my phone,so iTunes does not detect my iPhone.
I have two mailboxes on my tour and on one of them it prompts me when I delete messages ie. "Handheld and mailbox, device only" but on the other it doesn't prompt me and it just deletes from the handheld itself. The settings are consistent between the two; both are set to not prompt and delete from the handheld only. But one "rogue mailbox" chooses not to follow this policy and continues to prompt me anyways. Anyone have a solution or a fix?
I bought a Bold 9700 about a month ago and everything was fine un til I had to call T-Mobile to get an exchange about a week ago. I got my new Blackberry 9700 but the only problem is, when I set my password and enable it, the phone doesn't prompt me to enter the password whenever I unlock the phone. It only asks if I go to settings>password lock or when I reboot the phone. I'm new here, and I apologize if this has been posted before.
My E72 is no longer connecting to the NM service, it just keeps prompting for passwords for all the accounts and drops the connection.On going to and logging in with my account details I now just get:"We are unable to process your request at this time. Try again later."I've been getting this for several days now.
When you want to delete an email, you usually get the 'Delete From Handheld & Mailbox', 'Delete From Handheld', or Cancel. All I get now is Delete or Cancel. My email reconciliation is set to delete on prompt, wireless reconcile is on, and on conflicts is set to mailbox wins. However, I am not being prompted. What is confusing is that on some emails it asks and on others it is not asking. I tried battery pulls, deleting and readding the email address. I only have a personal email and not business.
After spending the multiple hours required to simply restore my iPhone from a backup, I ejected the phone from iTunes and unlocked the phone with the slider, at which time I was asked whether I would like to set up the iPhone as a new phone or restore it from a backup (cloud or computer-located). I found it odd that I would be asked this question following completion of a restoration from a backup, but I went ahead and told the iPhone I would like it to do what it had already just done, at which time the display told me "connect to iTunes". After connecting to iTunes, my music, app configuration and preferences were visible in iTunes, and I could play music directly from the iPhone. I could also make changes and sync them to the iPhone.
However, the iPhone itself displayed the "connect to iTunes" message throughout, and when I ejected the phone from iTunes this remained. Turning on and off the phone produced no different result. I've started the restore again from scratch now, this time going to the phone and running through the wifi/restore choice options before choosing "restore from backup" in iTunes itself (this is not something that is indicated as required by iTunes or the iPhone at this stage). So I've got a couple hours to burn before I find out if that was the magic combination.Also, open letter to Apple: I don't mean to be unkind, but every single experience I've had trying to back up or restore my iPhone has been an exercise in frustration resulting from the process simply not working as it is described and as it should work. Get your house in order.
i just got a brand new iphone 4s, and this is the first time I've ever connected it to my computer. i plugged it into my computer (mac), and it started charging. my computer automatically brought up itunes and iphoto, and iphoto recognized it, but itunes did not. i clicked on my finder but it didn't list my iphone there either.
I have tried everything I can think of checked blogs, reset,re-entered payment info, changed password, checked conncetions and my 4s iphone will not connect to itunes when I try to update and/or download in the app store. Music has not been a problem.
I have installed iTunes version The operation system of my notebook is Windows XP Professional service pack 2. I have an IPhone 4 Iiso 5.0 version. And I connect to pc it shows an unknown error -42408.
In the last week or so, my iPhone 4s won't connect to iTunes App on my phone, won't surf the web and is receiving, but not sending text messages. Anyone else having this problem or have suggestion for solution. Reception and 4G is working fine. Looked for software update and did not find one.
it says to connect to itunes but when i connect it it says iphone cannot be connected to itunes there is a passwordon it when it tells me to connect to itunes?
nothing (texts, safari, app store, etc) refuses to work unless I am on wifi - even though I'm connected to 3G & have full bars for my network. I've already reset network settings & plan to visit my carrier about this over the weekend.
iTunes will not connect even on wifi. I've tried enabling/disabling restrictions and logging out/in - neither work! just keeps saying "cannot connect to iTunes".