IPhone :: 3GS Cannot Be Restored - Unknown Error Occurring
Jun 27, 2012The IPhone could not be restored. An unknown error occurred (-1).
iPhone 3GS, iOS 4.2
The IPhone could not be restored. An unknown error occurred (-1).
iPhone 3GS, iOS 4.2
My phone is stuck in an endless cycle of failing to restore and update. Unknown error (1) keeps occurring. I have done everything on the recommended list.
iPhone 5s, iOS 8.1.2
i am trying restore iphone 3gs iso 5.1 i got error the iphone "iphone" could not be restored an unknown error occurred (-1)
iPhone 3GS
I am trying to restore an 3gs Iphone with the latest OS and all I keep getting is: The Iphone "Iphone" could not be restored. A unknown error occured (-1). The Iphone has not had Jailbreak so its not that.
iPhone 3GS, iOS 5
My two day old iPhone4s was frozen and so I tried to restore. Now iTunes says: the iPhone could not be retsored, unknown error 1644?
iPhone 4S
Stuck in recovery mode after trying to do 5.1.1. update
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
Tried restoring iPhone after latest update. Error Message read:
"The iPhone "iPhone" could not be restored. An unknown error occurred (1)."
I have my iPhone for just 2 month and never tried to jailbreak. The error occurred while attempting to instal Apple's software on iTunes.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
The iphone "iphone" could not be restored. An unknown error occurred (21).
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
me iphone could not be restored an unknown error occurred 23
iPhone 4
what does 'the iPhone could not be restored. an unknown error occurred (-1)' mean? what do I do? i cannot restore my phone. this message always comes out.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
The iphone could not be restored. An unknown error occurred (21) I'm using iphone 3GS.
iPhone 3GS
the iphone could not be restored an unknown error occurred
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
iphone could not be restored an unknown error occurred 23
iPhone 3G, iOS 3.0
"iPhone"could not be restored.an unknown error occurred(16)...
iPhone 5c, iOS 8.1.1
I can't restore or update my phone... When I try to restore or update, I get the error "The iPhone "iPhone" could not be restored. An unknown error occurred (9)". I've seen many people with this issue, but I have yet to find a fix.
iPhone 5s, iOS 8.1.1, Trying to update from 8.1 to 8.1.1
last night my 4 month iPhone 4s (SIM free) shut down . i pushed the 2 buttos while connnecting to the power and he restarted.It happened again this time i connected it to the computer and have been asked to upgrade the operting system to 5.1 and then to restore the phone. it worked for 12 houres and shut down again. this time while connect it to the computer iTune came with the message:"could not be restore, An unknown error(28).
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1, the phone have shut down during the
Have I just lost all my data? ..after syncing to 5.1 (from 4.3)
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1, Windows XP
I forgot passcode on my iphone5 and tried to restore it through itunes on my PC. However it gave me an error message saying that that my phone could't be restored due to an unknown error. Now my phone does't turn off and it doesn't sync with itunes.
iPhone 5, iOS 7.1.2
the iPhone could not be restored . An unknown error occurred (1015) .
iPhone 3G, iOS 4.3.3, 16GB
repair my iphone with error iphone could not be restored an unknown error occurred 23
iPhone 3G, iOS 3.0
While upgrading my iPhone 3GS to iOS 4.2 something went wrong and came up with the message "The iPhone could not be restored. An unknown error occurred [1015]" Now it will not start at all. It just stays on screen with USB and the iTune picture. What can I do to get it going again. I only tried to upgrade because I was prompted to up-grade and now I am helpless. I did a backup before starting the upgrade. The error message did not tell what to do next.
iPhone 3GS, iOS 4
My iPhone 3GS 16gb, is stuck in restore mode, downloaded and tried to do a restore multiple times. Keep getting an error The iPhone "iPhone" could not be restored. Unknown error occured (-1). Cannot get it out of restore mode, keeps rebooting!I have tried to hold the "home" and "power" button to reboot I have tried powering it off I have tried, to unplug the cable, hold the "home" button and then plug it in.Can't check the SN or warranty, cause it is stuck in restore mode.Is the hard drive gone? Should there be something replaced.
Info:iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1.1, OEM origional replacement.
what software can be use to update iphone 3g 4.2.1 to iOs 4.4.4 without any error occurring...?
iPhone 3G, iOS 4.2, want to upgrade my iphone3g 4.2.1
When I try to activate my FaceTime, I get an error msg that says, "An error occurred during activation. Try again." I have a good password (I used it to get here...); I'm on WiFi; I've toggled FT off and back on again but I cannot get past the error message and get activated.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have an error after downloading update of iOS 5.1 on my iPhone 4s over wi-fi connection, after it gets downloaded it says preparing updates then there comes error message saying, "error occuring while updating..." and yea my iPhone is jailbroken...
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
My iphone won't restore and I keep getting this message "the iphone "iphone" could not be restored. An unknown error occurred (-1)". I have tried the troubleshooting and updated all programs. Still won't work. Any recommendations?
iPhone 4S
My iphone cannot be restored. It says error 21.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
My iphone 4 will not complete restore as error message says unknown error(1).
iPhone 4
So I have a 3GS that had a broken screen. I paid my telco to have it replaced with a refurbished handset.The replacement was plugged into a Windows PC with iTunes & unbricked. No problems there.It didn't get used for about 3 months & when I tried to charge it, it was dead! Meanwhile, the 90 days warranty on the handset has lapsed & I can't get it replaced or anything without paying again.I have tried restoring the handset many times & I get different error messages depending on how I do it.If I just plug it into my PC (running Windows Vista) & do a normal restore in iTunes the error message is (-1).If I put it in DFU mode & then do a restore in iTunes I get error 1602.If I use iREB to put in DFU mode & then restore using a downloaded ipsw file I get error 3194.I have tried doing the above on two PC's running Windows Vista & still always getting errors.I am using the latest version of iTunes (updated yesterday - 30th March 2012)I am not sure what OS is on the handset. The latest thing to happen is that when it gets to "Restoring iPhone firmware..." it seems to just hang at the very last bit. Then after a long time just left sitting there plugged in, it eventually comes up with error 1002.
iPhone 3GS
when trying to restore my iPhone 5, i've got a message: the iPhone could not be restore. An error message 9
View 3 Replies View RelatedTried restoring iPhone after latest update. Error Message read:The iPhone "iPhone" could not be restored. An unknown error occurred (1).
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