IPhone :: 3GS 32GB - Restart When Low Network?

May 27, 2012

I am having serious issue with my iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.0.1 (9A405) When I am at place where network is poor and make or receive call, It works but after few minutes it restarts automatically. I have searched on the internet but no luck. I thought that it was os problem, so, I have upgraded from 4.0.1 to 5.0.1, But still problems persists.

iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.0.1

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IPhone :: 4 32gb Black Can't Find Any Wifi Network

May 9, 2012

Me and my friends are traveling aborad now. My iphone's wifi was working even yesterday. but from today my iphone can't find any wifi from the same network i was using in this hotel yesterday. My friend got the same iphone 4 and his wifi is working properly. i did reset my network seetings, updated to IOS 5.1.1 and restored my Iphone but result is still the same.It can't find any wifi.

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: 4 32GB Stores 20% + Less Audio Than 3GS 32GB?

Jun 28, 2010

It is an undisputed fact that I can store a LOT more audio on my 3.2GB 3GS (on O/S 3.1.3) than I can on my new iPhone 4 32GB. I mean a LOT less - like 20%.

I loaded the EXACT same settings, apps and songs into the iPhone 4 using a 3GS backup. Absolutely no difference. When I tried to syncronize the first time, it loaded the settings fine until it started to copy the songs over. I got an error message saying there was not enough room. I was going to be 3GB short! Yes, I lost 3GB of available audio storage on my iPhone 4 32GB vs 3GS 32GB.

I cancelled this operation and looked at the total "available" capacity of each device. The iPhone 4 was at 29.1GB and the 3GS was at 29.3 - the iPhone 4 obviously reserves slightly more for OS 4, but not significant enough to account for the 3GB less music storage.

I thought the error message might be a fluke, so I loaded my audio in little chunks until I reached capacity, and sure enough, I could load about 20% less songs than in my 3GS.

So what's up here? It makes no sense to me. One thing to note is that I'm using the on-the-fly 128 kbps conversion option (checkbox on the "summary" page when syncing). Since I copied over most songs on my 3GS when I was using iTunes 9.1 and OS 3.1.3, it could be that iTunes 9.2 (maybe in combination with OS 4) has a less efficient conversion routine when converting a 256 kpbs song to 128 kpbs. Or maybe OS 4 is reserving more space per song for some reason.

Has anyone else experienced this? This is a MAJOR deal for me since I already was VERY disappointed that their was no 64GB phone, and now it's even WORSE because I have to unload ANOTHER 20% on my music!

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IPhone :: 4 16GB Or 32GB: Do I Need The 32GB? 16GB Or 32GB

Jun 11, 2010

Im not one who feels they need to put their entire music/iTunes collection on their phone. I will probably have no more than 1GB worth of music at any one time. If Im feeling conflicted maybe another 1GB but doubtful. As far as videos I wont have more than a few on there. Maybe another 1GB or 2. As far as apps, I highly doubt I would ever get more than 100 apps at once and from what I understand, outside of GPS apps, they are all pretty much 10MB or less. So at a 100 apps maybe another 1GB there. Lets say I buy a GPS app that takes up 2GB. So Ive got 1GB in music, 1GB of videos, 1GB of Apps and a 2GB GPS app. Ive used 5GB and I would have somewhere between 10GB and 11GB left.

Now lets talk about photos. I wont really load anything more than some wallpapers but when I start taking photos (and videos) I wont let them pile up for too long without moving them to my MacBook. So if I have several hundred photos on the iPhone at any one time, lets say 1GB to 2GB used.

Would I be fine in this scenario? Or should I go for 32GB? So I may get down to 8GB free, maybe less if I let stuff build up more. Would you find this acceptable for your use?

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HTC Incredible S :: Have To Restart Every Time To Connect To 3G Network

Oct 22, 2011

I am using Incredible S and every time when I have to connect to 3G network, I have to restart my phone. Earlier it used to connect automatically when there is no active WiFi connection but after some time I had to disable Mobile Network and enable once again.

Later this workaround stopped working and I had to use Enable WiFi Hotspot but now only option is to restart the phone. After restarting it works perfectly fine but once it gets disconnected I have to restart once again.

I remember one of my friend is also facing the same problem. how to get this fixed or is it a problem with Android 2.3?

One thing which may help in debugging when I disable or enable Mobile network, it happens in a fraction of second. I do not get a message "Turning on..." or "Turning off..."

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Motorola Xoom :: Connecting To Data Network Requires Restart?

Dec 13, 2011

Ever since I got my Xoom back from the 4G upgrade I have a problem with no internet access and generally a restart seems to wake it up. is anyone else experiencing thisIt might be my routine combined with geographic locations at specific times (e.g., commutting.)

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Xperia Z2 :: Phone Doesn't Search Network Automatically - Fine On Restart

Apr 8, 2015

Sometimes my phone doesn't search network automatically and needs to be restarted. Is this normal?

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IPhone :: 4 - 16GB Vs 32GB?

Jun 8, 2010

I currently own a 16GB 3GS and have the following memory breakdown:
1.25 GB Audio
600 MB Video
400 MB Photos
6.25 GB Apps
8 GB Free

I was originally thinking that I'd just get a 16 GB IPhone 4 but then I got to wondering whether, with the higher resolution display, the video & apps would be significantly larger size files. For instance, will TomTom be 2.5GB instead of 1.25GB? And HD videos?

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IPhone :: Need 32GB Or Will 16GB Be Enough

Jun 14, 2010

I currently have a 32 GB 3Gs. Honestly if it wasn't for the 14 movies I have on it, I would barely top out 5 GB. I'm thinking since I have a 32 GB iPad, I should be okay. If I want to watch movies portable, I'll bring my iPad. It's easier on the eyes than watching on an iPhone, especially when you're riding in the back of the car and the road is bumping that little screen up and down. Am I crazy for thinking this way? Economy is bad, money's tight, 16GB is all the wife will allow me right now.

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IPhone :: 16gb Vs 32gb Which Did You Get?

Jun 15, 2010

what did you guys order and why?

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IPhone :: Which Are You Getting 16GB Or 32GB?

Jun 22, 2010

Which iPhone are you getting?

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IPhone :: Do I Need A 16GB Or 32GB?

Jun 23, 2010

I have both reserved, but am unsure if I should go for the bigger capacity or not? I currently have a 3GS of which there is about 8.2gb free. Thing is, with the iPhone having HD videos, 5mp photos and probably apps that will take a bit more memory. Should I opt for the 32gb or will 16gb be more than enough for my usage?

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IPhone :: Can I Get A 32GB If I Have A 16GB

Jul 27, 2010

I only have 4GB left on my 16GB can I go into the apple store and get a 32GB and pay the difference? Thanks

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IPhone :: Where To Get 32Gb Because Only 16GB There

Aug 17, 2010

I called 5 different places and they only have 32GB. I wanted the IPhone 4 16Gb but I don't want to wait anymore. Its only $100 more. Did anybody else just get the 32Gb cause they where all out of 16's?

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How Come IPhone 5s 32gb Gets Hot While Charging

Jun 19, 2014

i want to know why does my iPhone 5s 32 GB get really hot while charging .

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IPhone :: 4 - 16GB Or 32GB / Which One Is Good?

Jun 7, 2010

I am using IPhone 8GB (First gen) and am getting IPhone 4. I was almost decided on 16GB till my friends told me that 5 megapixel photos will be much larger than 2 megapixel ones. Also HD video will be large. I am only using 5GB out of my 8GB phone now. I have 3GB of music and about 600 pictures on my phone. And yes about 150 applications. I don't need movies or TV shows. So just for Higher resolution pics and video, do I need 32GB over 16GB?

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IPhone :: 16GB Vs 32GB Thickness?

Jun 8, 2010

When I compare my 16gb 3G vs a 32gb 3GS, the 3GS is much thicker then my 3G, so that begs the question; will the 32GB iPhone 4 be thicker than the 16GB?

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IPhone :: 4 - 16GB Or 32GB / Which One Is More Valuable?

Jun 9, 2010

I'm currently using a 3g 8gb iPhone however, I was hoping for a 64gb iPhone to fully replace my iPod as a external drive. However, 64gb do not exist and it's likely I'll probably get an iPhone 4gs / 5 next June. So, should I save probably £100 and just get the 16gb iPhone and use smart playlists? Or should I get a 32gb and hope that I can get some of the value back on the resale?

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IPhone :: Deciding Between 16GB And 32GB

Jun 10, 2010

I am still using an iPhone 3G, but plan to upgrade to the iPhone 4 on launch day. I currently use only about 1GB of space on my iPhone 3G (8GB). That said, I don't have HD video on my 3G or a 5mp camera (and I take a decent amount of photos with my phone and I can expect I'll take even more since the camera is much improved on the iP4). For the average user that is a little "snap happy" with photos and plans to take HD video clips here and there. Do you guys think 16GB will be enough? I probably will store very little music on there since I use my iPod Nano for all of my music.

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IPhone :: Can I Swap My 16GB For 32GB

Jun 14, 2010

Say I find its just not enough space. Can I swap my 16gb and pay for a 32 without a penalty?

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IPhone :: Having Second Thoughts On 16GB Over 32GB

Jun 29, 2010

I think I am going to return my 16gb IP4 for the 32gb. I figured if I am going to be stuck with another 2 years (or 1.5yrs). I might as well have the max I can get now. Will it be a problem to exchange?

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IPhone :: Returning 32GB For 16GB

Jul 14, 2010

If I grabbed a 32gb from best buy, would I later be able to return it for a 16?

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IPhone :: Should I Exchange 16GB For 32GB?

Aug 7, 2010

I've been an iP4 owner for a little while now. I heard that there is a 30 day return policy regardless of minutes used on the phone (I know usually it's 30 minutes or 30 days). I was wondering since I'd like to take a lot of pictures and maybe record some video (not a lot I suppose) should I swap out for the 32GB before my 30 days comes up? The extra $100 is kinda keeping me from doing it.

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IPhone :: 3GS 32GB Jailbreak & DFU Mode?

Jul 6, 2010

Ive been trying to get this phone of my friends into DFU mode so I can check the boot on it, but it wont seem to go. Also, once your in that mode, can you get back out and use the phone as normal? I tried it on my 16GB model and it worked. He just bought it, its running same modem firmware, OS, everything as mine. But I cant figure out what JB option to go with for him.

I use the RC3, but donno if it will work for him. I have a serial # and was wondering if that would help in finding out this info because I know some dates of phones will still work. This does NOT require an unlock to work.

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IPhone :: 3gs 32GB / BlackRaIn Icon Not Visible

Apr 6, 2010

I have an iPhone 3GS 32GB.
Version: 3.1(7C144).
Modem Firmware: 05.11.07.

As per different threads I used BlackRaIn and performed the JailBreak Process. I was able to see GeoHot logo and I got a message saying, the jailbreak process will be done once its rebooted. After Rebooting, I don't see a BlackRaIn icon at all. I ran this process again and same thing, I don't see BlackRaIn icon.

I didn't get any errors and everything went smooth. Now in order for me to unlock, I wanted to install Snow but since I dont see the BlackRaIn icon I dont know how to proceed. Did I perform the correct steps and did I use the correct software(BlackRaIn). Appreciate if some one could shed some light for unlocking my device further.

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IPhone :: How Much 720p Video Can 32GB Hold

Jun 9, 2010

Just curious how much footage my iPhone is going to be able to hold?

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IPhone :: Purchased IP4 32GB From Radio Shack

Aug 9, 2010

I just purchased my iPhone 4 32GB from the Radio shack around the corner from my house. I had previously owned a 32GB 3GS up until 15 minutes ago. As soon as I got there, I asked if they had any iPhone 4's and they told me they had ONE (!!!) 32GB, perfect I thought. I asked about the trade in process with the 3GS and they told me that I could trade in my 3GS (perfect condition) with cable and brick for 200$, so I put in an extra 100$ (This was my plan the whole time) and After a few signatures, they activated my 4 and I walked out with a new iPhone.Really a great purchasing experience, for my first brand new iPhone, all of my others have been second hand. Radio shack rocks!

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IPhone :: 4s 32GB Dying At 20% Battery Life?

May 8, 2012

I have currently been through 4 iPhone 4s's and all 4 have had the same problem. they have all been find for about 2 weeks and then they all started staying at 100% for anywhere from 2 hours to up 8 hours before going down. Then they would start dying at like 13-14% battery life, as each day pasts it gets worst and my phone starts dying sooner and sooner. One of my phone got as bad as dying at 38% battery life. They all do the same thing, they hit a certain point then it goes from whatever % it is at to 1% then just shuts off.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Push Only Works On WiFi - IOS 5.1.1 On 3GS 32GB?

Jun 29, 2012

I recently went back to my old iPhone after much frustration with another smartphone product that I wont mention here. I updated the phone to 5.1.1 as reccomended by iTunes and started setting up mail etc and everything worked as expected. But then I noticed that push was not working whenever I have 2G/3G data enabled. If I have WiFi only enabled, push comes in fast and works great. If I have 2G/3G data only, or 2G/3G data + WiFi, I never receive push notifications, not even if I go into the individual apps first as some people suggest.

It just so happens that I work for a major Canadian Wireless carrier and I have access to some pretty cool tools that enable me to see packet data coming from the device going towards the internet. What I can see here is that the device does NOT initiate any connection to the nn-courier.push.apple.com servers on port 5223, ie. this is some kind of device issue. There isnt even a DNS request or anything to indicate the device is interested in making the connection at all. On my WiFi network, a DNS request and the connection to the push server is made immediately when WiFi comes up.

iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1.1, Carrier settings: Rogers 12.0

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Possible To Increase IPhone 5s Storage From 16GB To 32GB?

Aug 21, 2014

Can I change I phone 5 storage from 16 GB to 32 GB?

iPhone 5s, iOS 7.1.2

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IPhone :: Why Did Apple Leave Of 16GB Or 32GB Off Back

Jun 14, 2010

Why did apple leave of the 16GB or 32GB off the back of the iPhone?

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