IPhone :: 3G Is Not Switching On And Not Connecting To ITunes?
Apr 24, 2012
i hav a problem.. my iphone 3g 8gb is not switchin on..i was using it.. it suddely fell off my lap.. now it not even charging nor getting connected to itunes..i want to restore all my data including photos contacts and mesaages.. is there any way?
I followed the unlocked instruction from AT&T to restore my 3GS iPhone from factory settings. After completing restoring, follow the steps to set up the phone and stuck at activation screen. I inserted AT&T SIM card and connected to iTune but still failed to activate with following error message on iTune: "There is no SIM card installed in the iphone you are attempting to activate. Please disconnect and insert a SIM card in the iPhone." I have retry several times (including disconnect and reinsert the sim) but no luck.
Everytime I connect my phone to my PC via the USB cable, it launches PC companion, and then connects okay. But within a few seconds, the phone just switched itself off for no reason. Ive tried it on both my desktop and my laptop with the same results.
How do I restore my iphone to factory defaults. It keeps switching off during itunes sync. Especially while updating apps. I know the apps are out of sync now. All the ones on my computer are up to date, and some of them on my phone crash the iphone when I try to run them. So maybe this is a mismatch of apps problem.?
I just bought a Mac and I want to switch my iPhone and all of its music and photos and information over to my new computer, how do I switch everything to itunes on my new computer?
I am trying to connect my iPhone to iTunes to update it with my music, apps, etc. But, the iPhone won't connect with iTunes. My phone shows it charging, though.
my iphone is not recognized by itunes i have gone through all of the steps sudgested by apple, i do however hear a sound from my computer when i plig in my iphone
I tried to install IOS5 on my iPhone without connect it to iTunes because my computer is broken ... I installed and now, I need to connect it to iTunes. How can I use my phone without connecting it to iTunes?
Plugged my iPhone into the iMac today, and it wont bring up or connect to iTunes. This hasnt happened before. On my PC, same thing happened. Anyone have any ideas?
Update: Friday, Jan 22: I went into Time Machine and restored my machine a few days back, and presto....the computer now sees my iPhone and everything works fine. I still dont know what happened to cause the problem, and that bothers me.
Even though the box "Open iTunes when this iPhone is connected" is checked, iTunes does not open or wake up when I connect my iPhone. iPhoto does however
My computer is recognizing the my iphone is connected to it but it won't connect to itunes and it won't charge. I have reset and restored it and I still have this problem. What can I do?
When I go to the computer setting, I see an exclamation point next to the device, but it won't sync.
3. It charges extremely slowly when plugged into the wall but doesn't show it is charging in the battery logo. Only the percentage goes up.
The phone has never had a software update and I'm trying to get it set up to start backing up to iCloud because Apple is sending him a new phone and I don't want him to lose all his contacts. I don't think its ever been backed up so he would lose everything.
When I try to download an app, it asks me for my iTunes account, my email appears but once i type in my password, it leads me to "iTunes cannot connect" ...
I had a lot of problems today with my Iphone 4s with IO 5.1.1 to connect to Itunes. It was not possible to Itunes to recognize my phone.I am sure that there must bemore of users who had the same trouble. I reinstalled Itunes several times, but still keeps the same.Yesterday it worked fine. I am a Windows 7 and XP user.
iPhone 3GS disabled and states to connect to iTunes on phone, but iTunes states you need to input your phone passcode. The main problem with this scenario is that I can't get to the point where I am able to input the passcode. What do I do?
I can't connect my Iphone 3G to Itunes, I've installed the last version but it doesn't recognize the USB driver. I reinstalled the Itunes several times, but it doesn't work. I have a Sony Vaio with Windows XP which I had to restore due to a virus problem and since that I been unable to connect my Iphone.
my apple sacreen showing the icon connect with itune i.e the phone is on recovery mode but does not connect with computer means not recognized in iTunes.
ATT sent me the confirmation that confirmed that my iphone4 may be unlocked. But I can't complete the unlock processes because my phone won't connect to iTunes. I don't really need to back up my phone but want to be able to use it when I travel in different country. Is there any other ways to complete the unlocking processes without go through iTunes?
3. Doing the home button reset thing does not work
4. Obviously I can't do the sleep + home button reset.
5. It's been sitting in rice even though I didn't get it wet, maybe someone did.
6. Has been dropped, but that was about 6 months ago, back is shattered but I have a case.
7. Charging doesn't work.
8. Thought it might have done the "black screen" thing where it has to die until I can charge it, but flicking the ringer button doesn't make the phone vibrate like it's set to.