HTC :: Possible To Flash Sprint Hero To Work On PagePlus Service

Jan 25, 2010

Is it possible to flash the Sprint HTC Hero to work on PagePlus service and have everything to work on it including internet? If so I would love the help.

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HTC :: Hero To Work With Cricket Service

Apr 23, 2010

Im new to this and I seen post around but I dont understand the terms being used. I have/ had my HTC hero with sprint and port my number over to cricket but I want my Hero back so baaaadddd, but my sprint bills were to high can someone please walk me through the process.

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HTC :: Got Otter-box Commuter Case For Sprint Hero Today

Feb 16, 2010

I must say, I like this case a lot. I paid $34.95 directly at Otterbox. It fits perfectly. It comes with a screen protector but I will not be using it as I prefer InvisibleShields.I would highly recommend this case.

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HTC Hero :: Internet Sharing/Phone As Modem With Sprint

Aug 1, 2010

I have a rooted HTC Hero and I've previously used my phone's internet sharing mode succesfully but now it won't work. I called Sprint and they said they no longer support phone as modem but I luckily spoke to a tech that told me it is possibly and told me to ask around about how to get it to work.

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HTC Hero :: Why Different IMEI After Service

Nov 4, 2010

I had a problem with the HTC Hero (T-mobile G2) touch screen and sent it back to T-mobile to be serviced. ( Problem: The touch screen would lock and no matter where I tapped on the screen, it would only react at the bottom)I have sent my HTC Hero to be serviced through T-Mobile. They gave me a website that I could check the status of the service and it is now "Dispatched".There is not much information on what they did to the handset - or what the actual problem was, but I can see that they have assigned a different IMEI number. The serial number is the same though.Can anybody deduce what might have happened to my handset?I assume, since the serial number is the same, I will not be getting a new phone. What are the possible scenarios for changing an IMEI on a handset?

- Firmware update? ( I had the latest firmware from T-mobile installed)
- new PCB?
- new touch screen?

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HTC Hero :: Suddenly Restarts And Then Says No Service?

Apr 28, 2010

THis is my second Hero. It suddenly restarts and then says no service and apps start failing left and right.

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Motorola :: Want To Flash V9m Razr From USC To Sprint

Feb 4, 2010

As the title suggests, I have a US Cellular branded Razr V9m that I want to flash to use the Sprint Firmware. I got a copy of the sprint monster firmware (decrypted).I also found the Mark_Venture guide detailing how to flash the VZW Monster firmware to this model.However, I see that there are a few Verizion-specific things that need to be done in order to make this go...I assume that some of these may not be necessary to make mine work on the sprint network.

So, I was hoping that someone else out there may have done this successfully and could give me a few pointers so as to help me avoid bricking a phone I just started working with.Once flashed with the Sprint FW, I should be able to contact them and have service switched to the new phone, right?

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RIM :: How To Flash A Sprint To Use On Verizon Network

Aug 20, 2011

how would i flash a sprint blackberry to use on the verizon network seeing how they are both the same operating system cdma?

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Samsung :: Full Flash Software For Sprint Instinc S30

Jan 29, 2010

im looking to get the full flash software for the sprint instinc s30 can some one help out with some info or point me to the right direction.

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RIM :: Sprint Flash Blackberry Curve 8530 To Boost

Sep 21, 2010

I am new to phone flashing i'd like to know if a sprint blackberry curve 8530 can be flashed to boost mobile.I was on the boost threads but i have not gotten any replies so maybe i can get answers here.Although i saw some instructions for other sprint blackberry phones but for the blackberry curve 8530 are very hard to flash.

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IPhone :: Can I Flash A Sprint Phone To A Metro Pcs Provider

Apr 7, 2012

can i flash a sprint phone to a metro pcs provider

iPhone 4, iOS 4.3

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BB Bold 9650 :: How Is Sprint 3G Service?

Jun 21, 2010

Looking to make a switch how is sprint 3G service overall. I'm currently with T Mobile.

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HTC :: Sprint TouchPro 2 No Service Tone?

Feb 28, 2010

This is the first phone I've had that didn't notify me that I've lost (or regained) service. Is there any way to get it to make a sound when this happens?

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Samsung :: Sprint Instinct SPH-M800 Flash To Cricket Network

Jun 22, 2010

I have been using google and this forum's seach feature to try to get the answer to my question, but I've read different things and ended up confused.First of all, I have unlocked my Spring Samsung and uploaded the 01040 Cricket PRL and it seems to be working because when I dial 611 I get a message from Cricket. Over the air programming doesn't seem to work when dialing *228, and from reading threads I am guessing I will have to do it manually.I am confused as to at what step do I call Cricket Customer service to get some info I need. Plus, from reading another topic someone said I need to get the min#, mdn#, and sid# from Cricket CS, is this correct? Or what info do I need to ask Cricket CS in order to continue to QPST configuration?

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Samsung :: Flash Sprint Instinct M800 (original) To MetroPCS?

Jun 28, 2010

I am assisting a good friend of mine with flashing his Instinct to Metro. His Instinct went down and he bought another on ebay. I am trying to save him a few dollars as he has a lot on his plate with his mortgage and all. I owned an Instinct at one time so I am familiar with the "debug menu" etc. I am also pretty tech savvy and am always tweaking my devices...however have never flashed a phone. I understand I may need QTSP...If you have a link for download it would be appreciated. If you have a link to a step by step or could pass on instructions it would be greatly appreciated.

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IPhone :: Flash Doesn't Work With Apps Like Flash Light Or Heart Rate But Works Fine With Camera

May 10, 2012

The flash works fine with the camera but doesn't work with any other app using the flash like flashlight or heart rate monitor. I tried downloading different apps or deleting the app and reinstalling rebooting the phone each time but the problem persists. Any suggestions? I upgraded to 5.1.1. The same

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Will The Sprint 4S Work On ATT

May 25, 2012

Will the Sprint iPhone 4S work on ATT?

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1, Sprint

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HTC Hero :: GPRS Works On Web Browser, Doesn't Work On MAIL / GMAIL / Market / Stocks

Jan 21, 2010

I am using HTC Hero with Vodafone in India.When I am on WIFI, everything works fine. However, when i am on GPRS. Only the web browser works.

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: Sprint Tv Won't Work

Jul 9, 2010

Checked properties and it says unavailable. Just a black screen with sprint logo appears.Any clue how to update this app?Is there a better app out there for tv?

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HTC :: Getting Data To Work With Sprint Diamond On Page Plus

Mar 21, 2010

Recently I had my Spring HTC Touch Diamond modified and programmed to work with the Page Plus Cellular carrier, which uses the Verizon network. I believe the guy who did this for me used these programs to do so. Anyway, the problem I'm having is that although my phone is active on the network and I have a data plan active, I can't actually use it for some reason. I've entered the correct username/password (from what I've researched) and it still hasn't worked. I've tried to fix it myself for a few months to no avail (I came across the link about during my research and that's how I concluded that these were the programs installed on my phone). If anyone could help me with alternatives or maybe show me something I might be overlooking.

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BB Curve 8900 :: Tmobile Through Work Lg Louts From Sprint

Feb 16, 2010

I recently acquired a curve 8900 (Tmobile) through work. I currently have an LG Lotus from Sprint, with all of my contacts in it. It's in the neighborhood of 500 or so, so I obviously don't want to transfer them by hand individually. What is my best bet to get them from my lotus to my new blackberry? I normally have it done at the store, but I didn't know if they would be cooperative in doing that since it's two different carriers.

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IPhone :: Get An IPAD 2 To Work With A Sprint 3G/4G Mobil Hotspot?

May 20, 2012

Is it possible to get an IPAD2 to work with a Sprint 3G/4G Mobil Hotspot?

iPad 2

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IPhone :: Why Doesn't The Unlocked 4S Work With Sprint Or Verizon

Jun 14, 2012

but yet even Googling this yields no real answers to the question--just conjecture by fake "news" sites that regurgitate facts from Endgadget. If the iPhone 4S truly works with either/or; why can you not use it with either/or?

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LG :: How To Flash 8300 To CricKet Service?

May 6, 2010

I have a LG 8300 and I need to know how to flash it so it works on CricKet service. Please step by step guide would be much appreciate it.

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HTC :: How To Set Data For Touch To Pageplus?

Jan 28, 2010

I would like to provision my htc touch for pageplus for mms and web

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LG :: Vx8500 On Telus Need On Pageplus / Verizon

May 4, 2010

I got a bunch of lg vx8500 black and white from telus and I'm having a real hard time putting it on pageplus, i need to know what the process is to make the phone recieve pictures and web, so far I program the phone for talk and text but no luck with pic messaging and web, I have lg download and all the cdma softwares but need some guidance I'm afraid I have downloaded too many solutions and files and now I'm really confused, if you need to be paid for your help I'm willing to discuss it since I really need a solution asap.

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Samsung :: Galaxy S - Flashing 4G To Use PagePlus?

Aug 1, 2010

I want a state of the art android phone with a physical keyboard, that a poor college student can afford the plan for. (I'm on PagePlus using the $30/month for 1200 min, 1200 texts, and 50mb data.) That leaves me choosing between the Droid 2 and the Samsung Epic 4G. I prefer the Epic because of the super 16gb micro SD. My current phone is a Samsung, and it's served me well for about 2 years now despite being dropped all the time

Question: Can I flash a Galaxy S Sprint Epic 4G onto Verizon to use PagePlus? I know Sprint uses CDMA, which leads me to believe the Epic could work on Verizon's network (which PagePlus uses), but beyond that I'm clueless. Can anyone tell me if this is possible or not, and if so, where to look for more information?

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LG :: Alltel Scoop (Rumor) On Pageplus / Getting MMS And WAP Working

Mar 7, 2010

I am using an Alltel Scoop (AX260) on PPC. Voice and text work well but not MMS or Browser. Found the Data menu via ##data# . My question is: is it possible get MMS and Browser functional by just changing some of these settings? The sub-menus under "DATA" are: 1)Data set. 2) SMS 3) MMS 4)WAP Set. 5)AXCESS
Fields under MMS are: Retry number, Gateway, MMSC Center, User Agent, MMSC Post URL, Upload Address, MMSC Post CGI, Authorization.Mostly want to be able to send media, Browser would be nice but is of minor concern. Also..."Gateway" is currently set as:, but when I try to edit it only allows input of numeric characters?Can connect to BitPim but only able to access "Filesystem" section.

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RIM :: Sprint How To Enable Tethering Again On Sprint Without Tether App?

Feb 26, 2010

after arguing with sprint for hours and trying to "legally" get PAM added to my account with no avail, i got tired of arguing and hung up and decided to see if i could get around it on a BB while still having a decent plan.well you can.

These instructions are at your own risk, and while i was able to do it to both a curve and a pearl, and im assuming since all BB's are about the same it should work on the tour and 8830, it's at your own risk.

I am not posting this from my normal username, as it's a little risky for me to do so so please know that i've had plenty of posts on here and been around since '04 Ok so here goes.Step 1: Install QPST 2.7 build 215 (this is very important, no other one will work, find it yourself )

Step 2: Obtain your MSL/SPC from Sprint (if you dont already have it)Step 3: Get your PowerVision Username (if you dont know it, you can do ##xxxxxx and press call from the homescreen x=msl/spc, it's the [URL] in the list)Step 4: Start BBDM and QPST Configuration at the same time, then once you add the port to QPST, selct "Service Programming" from the drop down menu.

Step 5: Select your phone in the list, dont worry it will act like it doesnt know the chipset model, select SURF6300 BB from the list and say OK

Step 6: go to the MIP tab Step 7: Create a new MIP profile that looks just like this (except in the NAI and Tethered NAI, you'll enter your PV username) -- once you're done you will have two profiles, the first one im assuming is for provisioning and i wouldnt mess with it.

Step 8: click "OK" then "write to phone", it will give an error about the model changing on com X, do you want to close the connection?, say NO it will write anyway, then you will get another error about the phone not responding.. that's because it rebooted.Step 9: once the phone reboots, create a manual DUN connection (i assume if you're on here and understand how to use PST you can make a DUN connection ) with the connection as follows:

Phone number: #777 Username/password fields are blank..

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HTC Hero :: Video Format Is Best For Internet Video On Hero?

Apr 22, 2010

I'm about to compress a lot of short videos for mobile phones that will be online.
First i compressed as .mp4 (H.264/AAC) which worked fine on iPhone, worked ok on a SE-X1 (needed to load whole movie before it could play), the Hero couldn't recognize the file at all.

The info page for Hero says it handles mpeg-4 (H.263 and H.264) and MP3/AAC.Is it just the .mp4 container that the Hero doesn't like?Does anyone know what format that would be best for video on the net to work on most phones?

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BB Bold :: Camera Flash Won't Work Properly

Oct 7, 2011

I have a blackberry bold 9700 and my camera flash works once than it doesn't work anymore unless I reboot the phone than it works once and then it not working.

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