Google Nexus 5 :: Why Getting Error When Updating From Android 5.0 To 5.0.1
Dec 17, 2014
I got error message when i update my nexus 5 to 5.0.1, my nexus downloading the update and restart, after that in the middle of the process, it suddenly says error
Probably it have something to do with i root my nexus 5?
I'm using Nexus Toolkit to root so can i use the Toolkit to unroot without losing data? After that will i be able to update OTA?
I use Toolkit to Flash stock + unroot and it worked and i didn't lose any data (Must go to option and check unwipe data). I first unroot using supersu but that didn't work, just want to share it.
I went into recovery and rebooted, still get the "no command" screen. Factory reset didn't fix it either.
I got into fastboot and ran the flash-all from an image I got from Google and got "'fastboot' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."
I have Google Nexus 6 mobile. For my smartphone I frequently getting android system update of 30.1 MB. When I try update, while updating it fails and shows error. This occurs for the same update for more than 30 times. after some time my mobile restarts.
I'm running Cataclysm ROM (the Sept. 10 beta), Franco kernel, and I'm rooted and use Xposed. I receive this error when I try to add a card in Android Pay: "Android Pay cannot be used: Google is unable to verify that your device of the software running on it is Android compatible". I tried disabling root entirely and using RootCloak (Xposed) to hide root from Android Pay and Google Wallet, but I still can't use Pay. Wallet still works as it always has.
Just wanted to upgrade my sisters phone which was running an old 5.1 version (custom rom, so the phone was unlocked and rooted already) to an android 6.0.1 custom rom. So I flashed newest twrp and flashed 6.0.1 bootloader and radio.img via fastboot using wugfresh tool and the files from the thread on here. now when trying to get into recovery, I am stuck at the google logo.
For the last two days my inbox isn't giving me notifications. Uninstall and reinstalled no luck. Other apps are notifying just fine. In order to know if a new Gmail I have to open the app. Worked fine until two days ago. Any thoughts? Nexus 6 stock t-mobile.
I have a flash usb memory I used all the time w/ my nexus 5, and ever since upgrading to 6.0, the os complains that the usb drive is corrupted. It offers to fix it by erase and formatting, however it fails, and the problem persists. Stickmount no longer works, and there's no way to access my usb. I believe the usb still works in recovery...
I just got a brand new N5. So far so good but theres a couple of things that are bothering me... mostly the fact that widgets dont seem to self update at ALL!! When I tap on them they still work, but the actual widget stays the same.
I purchased a Nexus 6 phone about 9 months ago and installed many widgets. My software is up-to-date and AT&T is my carrier.
Everything was working fine until approximately 5-6 weeks ago when the widgets began freezing multiple times per day requiring a reboot to reactivate. When the widgets freeze - everything else works fine. I have gone through several exercises trying to determine the cause to no avail. I've removed all of the widgets and reintroduced one at a time, but can't pinpoint any one widget as being the issue. I currently use the following widgets: Weather Channel, The Score, Google Now, Calendar, Gmail and Flipboard.
My nexus 5 was good with no problem before the update, and even 1 day after.
The problem started on yesterday, when suddenly the speaker didn't work. Tried to switch on and off the volume, and sometimes it does come back! But most of the time it silent.
I have two Nexus 5, one is running Lollipop 5.1.1, the other Marshmallow 6.0 (OTA upgrade).
USB Audio out works fine on the Lollipop Nexus 5: I can connect a USB DAC (iBasso D-zero MK2) using an OTG cable and play streaming music with Spotify, Google Play Music and local music files with Rocket Player. Connecting the same USB DAC with the same cable to the Marshmallow Nexus 5 fails: no sound when playing streaming music and local files using the same apps. (The USB Audio Player Pro app works fine on the Marshmallow Nexus 5, though, allowing to play local music files via USB.)
I tried the "Select USB Configuration" setting in Developers Options and set it to "Audio Source", with no success. Also, the "Disable USB audio routing" setting in Developers Options is disabled.
I flashed factory image of android 6 on the day of the release. I've had worse wifi signal than I had on 5.1.1, a very notable change. In my wife's nexus 5 I waited till the ota update, and that phone doesn't have the same issue. I've tried flashing the radio from 5.1.1,but didn't see any change. I also refreshed to stock 6.0,and performed factory reset.
I'm at like 60% signal when sitting next to the router.
so my Nexus 5 just showed a Update Message today saying that Android 6.0 was available. I accepted the terms and started downloading it.After finishing it asked me if i wanted to restart it, when i did nothing happened it just went back o the check for update dialog box. I tried restarting the phone but nothing happens, it does not detect android 6 again and it does not install the one that got downloaded.
Yesterday i have received Android 5.0 update on Nexus 5 and since then the mp3 ringtone that I had set isn't used for the calls. Instead, default ringtone is being used.
Okay so I've just received a refurbished Nexus 5 from Google as my old one had a hardware power button fail. Anyway I've decided this time round I'm not going to root and wanted the phone completely stock so thought I would do all the OTA updates it gives me before I start messing around with it but have a slight problem.
The phone came installed with 4.4.2 and did an over the air update to 4.4.4 it now wants to upgrade to 5.0.1 however whenever I download the update which is 479.5MB it downloads it and tries to 'verify' install and then I get a 'verification failed' every time and it doesn't install? (may I add I have literally not touched the phone it's come straight from Google, the only thing I've done is logged into my Google account and updated whatever stock apps needed updating in the play store)
I have updated to android m on my nexus 5. However when trying to root using instructions from: [URL] ...
I'm not able to install twrp with adb as well as one click recovery installer.bat as mentioned in the article.
I follow the steps and it shows it sent the recovery image and when reboot, it optimizes the apps as well ,however when i go to recovery, i get android dead icons with X.
I'm trying to use either my nexus 5 or nexus 7 as a webcam for my PC. I bought a webcam on amazon for around $20 and they were complete crap, i cant afford anything more right now and i have both these devices with great cameras already. is there a way to connect them through usb to my PC so i can use them as a webcam? I tried ip webcam but my internet suck and when i stream both the video and anything online it lags and i need lag free. I assumed connecting through usb would be better, but i cant find anything good on how to do that. i tried WO Webcam but it connects briefly and then just disconnects.
My nexus 5 worked perfectly with Android File Transfer, and suddenly, about a week ago it stopped working, nothing has changed in that week, except that AFT was behaving in an unexpected manner and I force quit it several times. The device shows charging but no connection. When I open AFT, it says plug in the Android device.
I did usual troubleshooting:
1) checked on the mac attached devices, my phone wasn't one of them 2) re-installed Android File Transfer, same issue 3) trying changing the settings on the device - turning off and on the USB debugging, changing type of connection with the computer from Media device to camera and back. 4) Restarted both devices and tried various cables, still nothing.
good app that can block calls or numbers like what is available on most phones except the nexus phones? I need one all the telemarketing numbers that i blocked when using my One M8 and iPhone 5s are now coming through on my nexus phone since they are no longer blocked.
I'm trying to post screen shots of several sections of my N5. Is there a way to post any pics or screen shots directly from this app? Can't seem to find the option.
My nexus 5 is caught in the bootloop on marshmallow and I dont know how to even begin to address the problem. Power button isn't stuck as far as I can tell and I can't get android file transfer to even detect it for obvious reasons. I presume I need to flash a new version of the OS to my phone but that has never been my area of expertise.
I'm using Titanium Backup and my backup folder used to be a USB-drive I mounted with Stickmount.
Now, with Android 6, Stickmount no longer works for me and the built-in USB-OTG mount takes over and mounts the USB drive to /mnt/media_rw/SOMEFOLDER.
But with Titanium Backup, I can't access this folder (folder chooser has no permission to move into this folder).
So, is there a possibility to access the USB drive in another way or do I have to do backups to the internal storage and move it to the USB drive manually?
I updated my rooted 32 gb nexus 5 to the latest 5.1.1. It was not easy and I ran into all sorts of hiccups that left me phoneless for a couple of days.My wife also has a rooted 32 gb nexus 5 and needs to upgrade. I don't want to go through all the headaches I had with mine, so, can I safely transfer my android to her sd card and just restore it on hers? Will that work? Or is there something that is unique in each nexus 5 phone and android?
It appears this is long-running problem plaguing N5's for some time. I saw sporadical "Can't connect to camera" on 5.0.1 but after update to 5.1 (I flashed the stock image) I literally cannot get the camera working for more than 1 unlock session.
I did have root but I thought it might be a problem so I unrooted and reflashed stock, but no dice. The only other thing I can imagine to do is factory reset, but I have a few security apps that will need some time to be setup again (mostly banking and 2 factor stuff), plus I am not sure if I can restore data w/o Titanium using Google's new 'Restore', so I'm keeping the factory reset as last option.
The only apps which *may* be accessing camera are Trusted face unlock, Whatsapp and Hangouts.
Yesterday I updated my Nexus 5 to android 6 via ota update notification. it seems it didn't download correctly. after a hour I power off my cellphone and after that it didnt boot again and still in page with android logo and ! red mark. I tried to install ota update file via adb sideload but I got status 7 error.
After that I tried to solve status 7 with flash system.img's factory image file but when I type fastboot flash system system.img it still on <<waiting for device>> screen. How can I solve this problem. My datas are very important for me and I dont want to lost theme.