Galaxy S6 :: Why Stock Email App Not Syncing And Not Accepting Automatic Push Notifications

Apr 21, 2015

I am using Microsoft Exchange with Active Sync through my email provider, Intermedia. The sync has been erratic at best. I have put all of the email settings to Auto; however, most of the time it only syncs when I push the email icon. I've tried calling Samsung and AT&T - even had a remote session with AT&T. They could find nothing set up improperly. I've deleted and re-installed the email app a few times. I got it to work over the weekend, but yesterday, it stopped syncing again. I would even delete specific emails from the phone and a few minutes later, they would show up as unread.

I've called my email provider and went through troubleshooting with them, to no avail. Everything was setup properly. I've wiped the system cache a few times. I just tried the following: deleted the exchange email setup from the phone (again for the 3rd time); went into application manager and cleared the data from every "email" app that was in there (email - there were two, email synch, email storage, etc). Then I shut down the phone and did another wipe of the system cache. Then I installed the email app again.

Now it seems to be working. I'm just afraid that, after a period of time, it will stop working. My 14 day period ends on Thursday. I'm thinking about exchanging this phone for another S6. However, what if it happens on that phone. I've asked AT&T and Samsung if they have any information in their database regarding this issue and they both said no. I even tried to use the Microsoft Outlook app. But it doesn't appear to be able to work with Active Sync (I can't put my email server parameters in there).

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Galaxy S6 :: Suddenly Started Getting Email PUSH Notifications

Aug 26, 2015

I certainly didn't change anything today - but after booting up as I usually do every morning, I am FINALLY getting email notification & my email is being pushed to my phone when it is sleeping !! This issue has been going on (for me) for over a month.

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Nokia N97 :: Automatic Retrieving Email Notifications?

Jan 6, 2010

I would need to get an alert when new emails arrive on my N97. I have tried to set the email programme to Automatic Retrieval > E-mail notifications/Auto-update - but even if I leave the email programme running, I don't get any notifications. What is wrong?

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Google Nexus 5 :: Stopped Receiving Email Notifications On Stock Email App?

May 29, 2014

I started having this issue yesterday--I have YMail, Hotmail and GMail accounts all in the stock e-mail app on my Nexus 5. I also use Lightflow for LED notifications and have had no problems. I noticed I was no longer receiving the taskbar icon notifications in the upper left for new e-mails, nor the Lightflow LED notifications. I still get Hangout/text notifications, not sure about missed calls.

1) Confirmed notifications set to On in the e-mail app for each of the e-mail accounts

2) Turned phone off and then back on

3) Cleared data and cleared cache in e-mail app -- didn't work

4) Uninstalled Lightflow app

5) Deleted all 3 accounts from the e-mail app, then added them back in; rebooted -- still no notifications

I don't use the stock GMail app for GMail since I prefer to just have one icon to use to keep track of all my e-mail accounts.

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Galaxy S5 :: Push Notifications From Facebook?

Jun 17, 2015

Anyway to change notifications so that when someone comments on a status or something i post i can have it pushed to my phone. It sometimes work but all the time I gotta keep going into facebook and see what the notifications are.

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LG G4 :: Stock Email App - Sent Folder Not Syncing With IMAP

Oct 22, 2015

I recently moved from iphone to Android and the G4 is my first android phone. My work email is IMAP and although everything is working, my sent folder on the phone seems local to the device. Google shows a couple of different options with the most reasonable one being "setting the IMAP path prefix" but the email app on the G4 has no such setting.

This is a pretty big deal for me as I have tons of email and need the Inbox and Sent folders to be synced with the server. (by the way, I have disabled automatic sync, but for a different reason, i.e. to not allow my gmail account to sync contacts on the phone. But the auto-sync is not something that affects the Sent folder)...

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Galaxy S5 :: How To Get Twitter Push Notifications Working

Jun 22, 2015

I have been having an issue with my twitter push notifications that is pretty maddening. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. For instance they always show in the twitter app when I get a new notification BUT the notification sound does not go off and it does not show in the phones notification bar like it used to (which is the most important part IMO). It does seem to work when certain people at me or DM me. Others it just does what I described above. I've tried revoking access, uninstall/reinstall, I have even tried resetting to the phone to factory settings.

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Galaxy S5 :: How To Stop App Optimization Push Notifications

Nov 18, 2015

On my Galaxy S5, every couple of days, I get a push notification called "App optimisation". "Save battery power by optimising the power usage of apps" ......

I don't want this notification, ever. Normally, the way to get rid of unwanted push notifications on Android is to long tap the notification which brings up the App Info, and then you untick "Show notifications". However, I cannot do that this time, as the "Show notifications" tickbox is ticked, but greyed out, so I cannot untick it.

How else can I get rid of this annoying, intrusive notification?

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Galaxy S6 :: Push Notifications Rarely Working

Apr 18, 2015

Almost every application that utilizes push notifications ? Sometimes a reboot temporarily fixes it, or connecting to wifi make them all come in in an explosion. It seems to be worse when I am on LTE. I know it has nothing to do with the connection because my connection is great regardless, I think it is applications not having been updated for compatibility with this phone. I have had two other lollipop devices that worked fine, but this phone refuses to be cooperative on this.

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Galaxy S6 :: Why Aren't Receiving Gmail Push Notifications

Apr 5, 2015

I've been enjoying my new Galaxy S6 for the past couple days but one thing I've noticed is that I'm not receiving any Gmail push notifications. I only ever notice new emails getting pulled in when I open the Gmail (or Inbox) app, and it executes a refresh now that the app is open. If I'm not using the app or my phone's screen is off -- nothing.

I've tried a number of different things, including making sure Power Saving mode is turned off and ensuring that auto sync is enabled for my Google account. I've also made sure that all the appropriate Gmail labels are set to notify me.

One thing I've noticed, in the process of discovery for my Gmail issues, is that when looking at my Google sync information on my phone, the "last synced at" time is usually very out of date.. sometimes it's a couple hours ago, sometimes it's a day ago. I'm wondering if my phone is for some reason just not polling on a regular, more reasonable interval.

FYI I'm getting push notifications from other apps (including Hangouts) as expected.

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Galaxy S6 :: Push Notifications Not Working On Certain WiFi Networks

May 21, 2015

Is it possible for certain wifi networks to affect push notifications? For example, my notifications from USAToday come through on my home wifi network, but not on my work wifi network. However, the notifications came through on both networks just fine using my GS4.

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Motorola Droid Razr HD :: Stock Email Client Not Syncing Consistently?

Nov 20, 2012

My phone doesn't consistently sync, even though I have push email enabled. Happens when I'm both connected to wifi and on 4G/3G. When it's not syncing, mail doesn't even sync when I open the app; I have to manually do it. Completely unacceptable, never had this problem on any other smartphone I've owned (which have all been HTCs). Maybe this is helpful, but the gmail widget and the email widget also do not consistently sync on my device. Maybe there's a trend here that points to a larger problem or solution. But I' m not worried about the widgets; I just want to be able to get my email onto my device, which should be happening with no issues.

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Samsung Galaxy S II :: Is There A Way Of Turning Off Stock Notifications (without Custom ROM)

Jan 29, 2013

just picked up an S2 from sprint as a replacement for HTC Evo.Great phone all around, however i`m having one issue. HTC Sense UI has an option to preview messages(2lines) and missed calls right(who and time) on lock screen. This is really handy option with small kids around you dont have to unlock your phone.Since S2 is missing that I've downloaded Notify App which works great.However - I cannot turn off stock notifications - they still show up - so at this time I have to clear notifications twice - once in App and once in Notifications Bar. Is there a way of turning off stock notifications (without custom ROM)? On all other phones i had - there was an option to go to Settings Privacy and uncheck the notifications. This is missing on S2 - all i can see under privacy is Reset to Factory.I really like the phone and how smooth it is. At this point i really dont want to do a custom ROM (`ill root it if need it)

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Xperia X10 :: Automatic Sync Of Email Accounts Doesn't Work - No Sync - No Notifications

Aug 31, 2010

From time to time, I experience that my Xperia X10 does not automatically sync e-mail accounts (using the supplied/standard e-mail application). I've set up a number of e-mail acocunts (6) with different update rates ranging from 15 to 60 minutes. I can go in to one of the accounts, whereby it syncs and I can see that I have received a number of new e-mails (for a period more than 6-12 hours, without receiving any type of notification.

This is really annoying since I miss important emails. What can be done to ensure that they sync automatically and that I receive notifications?

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Galaxy S5 :: How To Stop Email Notifications Without Stopping Text Message Notifications

Dec 24, 2014

I have a Galaxy S5 and would like to be able to stop the notification of receiving an e-mail without stopping the notification of text messages. Is there a way to differentiate? I was able to do this on older phones.

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Xperia Z5 :: Exchange Push Sync Not Automatic

Aug 29, 2013

Have set sync to push but on the summary screen it still tells me auto sync is off. And when accessing mail or calendar have to manually refresh...

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Samsung Galaxy S II :: Email (Push) Stopped Working?

Jun 21, 2011

I have a Galaxy S2 and about a week before my contract expired I bought the Galaxy, all was well and everything worked and I was getting all my emails (I am on Gmail) direct to my phone and could view them using the Gmail icon on the front of the Galaxy. A few days ago my contract expired and I am now SIM only and everything has gone downhill since, basically push email has stopped, I have rung my provider and it's obvious that they don't know what they are doing because I have received about four or five different bits of advice/guidance from them and none of the options work. The first option was to set up another email address using the email icon on the Galaxy, I did this (with the same Gmail address) and it does work...but it's intermittent (the social hub is now showing this email address).The problem with this method is that I am sure that the two emails are clashing and push Gmail is still not working although I can retrieve emails via the refresh button (in other words pull email). Another member of staff at my provider claimed that he was an Android expert and he said that any emails sent to my Gmail account should be received by the phone, he added that the SIM card is irrelevant and that I should not have to have extra email bundles etc (which is apparently what I have right now although I did not ask for them). I have checked the manage applications route and I can't select a default email, the box is greyed out so it appears that neither of my email facilities have been selected as a there a way to select default email? I reckon that I should delete the additional email account and try and get the push Gmail account working I said both the accounts have the same email address. In addition although I have synched my calender no dates are showing on my Google email account on my PC, the dates were showing last week but nothing now, I have not changed any of my settings on my phone and the PC since the SIM contract started, apart from setting up another email account. Lastly I can't see a way to back up my phone on Kies Air (via Wi-Fi)..

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Galaxy S6 :: Stock Email Sent Folder?

Oct 28, 2015

Everything seems to be working fine in stock email except one thing. When I send or reply to an email, it disappears. I know it sends, but there is no record of it in any of the sent folders. In the inbox, it shows that an email was responded to, but it doesn't exist on my device. It is not view-able in sent folder from any other device like my computer on IMAP either.

The email makes it to its destination so it's not the end of the world. However, I do like to have a record of what I send from my S6.

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Galaxy S6 :: Hide Stock Email App

Dec 13, 2015

I have a Samsung Galaxy S6 active running on 5.1.1. I was wondering if there was any way at all possible to hide the stock E-mail app from being seer, removing it or disabling it in any way. I have both yahoo mail and gmail downloaded via separate apps, so I'd like to remove from view the stock app. Also, does ping pong root would work with my phone?

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Galaxy S5 :: Email Folders Switching From Push To Manual Daily

Apr 1, 2015

My company has recently switched from iPhone to the S5. I received over 200 emails per day so my email is set up with an inbox and several folders. All of the folders are set to push mail from our server. After selecting all of the folders to push email it will work for about a day. When I wake in the morning only email in my inbox is showing. All of the emails in the folders are no longer showing and the settings are all changed to manual. It seems like the email settings are resetting themselves nightly. I have tried deleting and re-adding the account and turning off power save.

I am using an SG5 running Android 4.4.4

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Galaxy S5 :: Email Won't Push - Need To Restart Phone Or Do A Manual Sync

Mar 24, 2015

A few weeks back I started noticing that my e-mail (both the standard e-mail and my e-mail exchange) won't update for hours at a time. I either need to restart the phone or do a manual sync, and then it will check my e-mails again for a while. Then it goes back to not checking. I've gone into the settings on both accounts and made sure that I've selected PUSH and also that I have not selected to only check during peak times.

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Galaxy S5 :: Delete All Now Missing From Stock Email App?

Jun 26, 2015

My previous phone was an S5 and in the stock email app it had a dropdown menu which included the "Delete All" function. Got the S6, Lollipop 5.1.1, recently and that feature is now missing. Email cannot be deleted off of my work email server so when I added my work email to my phone all 6,000+ emails eventually came in. The only way I've figured to delete them is one at a time. Did I mention I had to return my first S6 for a defective battery and got a replacement? Yes, I've deleted 12,000+ emails individually in the past week.

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Galaxy S6 :: Stock Email Quick Reply Signature

Jun 7, 2015

I have an S6 on Verizon. I have been using the stock email app for corporate MS Exchange.

I've set up a custom signature in the account settings since I don't like to give Verizon free advertising via the "Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE Smartphone." However, when I use the quick Reply All in conversation view rather going directly into a message and replying from there, it adds the default Verizon signature.

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Galaxy S6 Edge :: Stock Email Battery Drain

May 15, 2015

Last night my fully charged S6 Edge was taken off the charger and left next to my bed. When I got up 7.5 hrs later I was very surprised to see that approx half my battery was gone and all due to the stock email sync. I have unlimited data and didn't bother changing the sync to longer intervals rather than push. I have obviously changed the sync interval.

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Galaxy S6 :: Stock Email App Does Not Save Attachments When Saving Emails

Jul 4, 2015

Just upgraded my wife's phone to the S6 from Verizon Wireless. She had an S4 previously. Problem is with the stock android email app on this phone: On the S4 when she would save an email it would save it to the "Saved email" folder. She could then open the saved emails in that folder and it would have any attachment saved with the email. She could then open the attachment if she wished.

The S6 email app allows her to save an email, but the options menu says it will save the email as a FILE. When accessing these saved emails she discovered only the text of the email was saved. The attachments are not saved with the emails.

This is a completely ridiculous and stupid change by Samsung or Google, whichever is the one who is responsible for that app. I am surprised other users have not complained about this, I did not see anything about this on the 'net when searching.

My wife uses this phone for business and needs to access the attachments in the emails her clients send her. I understand she can save the attachments to the phone, but they go into a location in the "My Files" on the phone. It is a lot easier to access an email from a client, be able to read what they sent, and then open the attachment from within that email. If she has to save the emails and attachments separately there is nothing to link the two together and she would have to do what I think is many unnecessary steps to access both things.

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Galaxy S6 Edge :: How To Get Rid Of Received Text Messages Sent To Stock Email

May 29, 2015

Not sure if I have accidentally pressed something to trigger this. I just got a TMobile 128gb.

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Samsung Galaxy S II :: How To View Sent Emails With Stock Email Client

Nov 2, 2011

I have a question, as above. I like to look back and check sometimes when I responded to an email but can find no way of checking sent mail. I have checked lots of forums, the settings on my phone, etc, without success.

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IPhone :: Stop Automatic Syncing Of Apps From One 4S To Another?

May 3, 2012

my daughter got a new iphone and all of her apps and contacts went to my phone and vice-versa how do we fix it that only my contacts are on my phone and her on her phone and apps will not be shared?

iPhone 4S

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Galaxy S5 :: Font Converted To Times New Roman When Replying In Stock Email App

Nov 5, 2014

I use my S5 to read / respond to corporate emails. At work we use MS Exchange server / Outlook which defaults the email font to 11pt Calibri for both new emails and replies. But whenever I respond to a work email using the stock S5 email app it uses 11pt Times New Roman for the response I type. Not only that but I noticed that it even converts prior messages in the thread to 11pt Times New Roman though they were originally 11pt Calibri. The interesting thing is that while it converts prior email message body content to 11pt Times New Roman it actually uses 10pt Tahoma font for the email header section (i.e. From:, Sent:, To:, etc.) which does actually look much more similar to Calibri than Times New Roman does.

This is all very unfortunate since I would like to use my phone as a seamless extension of my PC. I would like emails sent from my PC or phone to be indistinguishable from each other by the readers. By converting all body content to Times New Roman, it not only looks really bad / unprofessional but it immediately identifies that the email was composed on the phone. As I mentioned above the stock email sender does seem able to use Tahoma font... so as a compromise I would even accept that my replies would default to Tahoma font instead of Times New Roman.

This seems to be longstanding issue for many people using Samsung Galaxy phones and going back to the S3. I saw the "Change outgoing email font?" Though that post was for the S3 and highlighted the problem of changing the outgoing font... it did not call out that the problem is in fact deeper since the stock email system changes fonts of past emails in the thread!?

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IPhone :: No Push Notifications On IP 3G?

Jan 6, 2010

On my old unlocked (T-Mobile) iPhone, Push notifications worked, but after upgrading to an iPhone 3G, I don't receive Push notifications.

Is this a known issue and is there a fix?

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LG G4 :: Turn Off ALL Push Notifications

Oct 15, 2015

Is there a one button solution to turn off ALL the battery sucking push notifications?

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