Galaxy S6 :: Why Does Screen Go White And Black After A Full Discharge
Jul 7, 2015
I bought galaxy s6 7 days ago.Last night it discharged upto 2 percent and the screen goes to black and white without turning on the power saving mode. Now after full charge also the screen stuck into that black and white mode. Tried everything including enable and disable the power saving mode and color control
I bought galaxy S6 7 days ago.Last night it discharged up to 2 percent and the screen goes to black and white without turning on the power saving mode. Now after full charge also the screen stuck into that black and white mode. Tried everything including enable and disable the power saving mode and color control but nothing works. I tried the cache partition and safe mode also but nothing changed. Don't want to Factory reset.
So I had my phone in my pocket all night, with a screen code lock so nothing could be pressed, and when I woke up and took it out everything was in black and white (apps, texts, entire interface). I know this is what happens when you turn on Ultra Power Save mode, but it wasn't enabled when I checked. I enabled and disabled that mode, cleared my cache partition, checked under Direct Access to make sure Grayscale wasn't on, rebooted, and I've restarted a couple of times. Nothing.
WHILE updating to android 5.0 my s5 starting getting problem,... when I turn on it, comes with a white screen and after it lock it became black and remain like that however everything works call. Watapps sound, etc.
I notice that when I do a full charge from a low battery once it hits 100% if I unplug the charger after i get 1% drain every 10 minutes in standby so I do a cache clean and reboot then it discharges normally after.
When I leave the phone plugged in lets say all night and it trickle charges for a few hours after being at 100% it will only discharge around 1% every hour on standby. Is there anything wrong?
I have a Blackberry Curve 8530. Several months ago, during daily use, the screen would all of a sudden go black. A battery pull would solve this problem for a while. Eventually this became more frequent. Symptoms progressed (it seemed that if I set the phone down too quickly it would reset) Finally, the phone would turn on, then go immediately to a white screen where it was undetectable by my computer. I contacted my service provider and they said the phone was toast and (amazingly enough) gave me a free loaner to use for the duration of my contract (all info transfered via an old backup, so nothing was lost) After my new phone was working I left my Curve plugged in at my office. Yesterday as I was leaving I looked at the phone again, and the screen was white and telling me to reload software 507.
I plugged it into my computer to begin the process and to my surprise the computer all of a sudden detected the phone and successfully upgraded the software. All looked great, I got past the password stage, and was just going to begin reloading my information when the screen faded to blank again. I still have the free loaner phone, so it's not a big deal, but it's bugging me as to what the problem could be. As of right now the computer can no longer detect the phone again
I was using my BB Bold 9700, just texting then all of a sudden my screen started to mess up. I tried a battery pull, then all of a sudden all i get is a black and white screen (white lines on the right side of my screen)
My phone was at my study table then after a while i pick it up, it turn black on white screen in a sudden, i tried to go to the setting --> accesibility -->black on white--> turn off, but it still the same, i din drop it or any, but just merely put on the table, and it turned out like what i said itself.
I was using my iphone to watch movies and programs the other night then my screen got lines coming half way across the screen at the bottom right hand corner. After they disapeared my phone screen went black and now it has white lines going side to side covering the screen. Every now and then the date and time pops up. I can still unlock my phone and use it but i cannot see anything, i can hear my messages coming through and i can answer the phone.Â
I have the S5 and installed a new update (my daughter did also) my back ground is now white it was black....My daughter's stayed do i either uninstall the new upgrade or get the back ground back to black.
i recently have readjusted my iphone 4s;) it is originally black and i have removed the front screen, but my question is 'if i bought a white digitizer + screen, would it be completely compatible with the black iphone 4s?'
My daughters phone has been going wrong for a couple of wks. i have had error 507 messages and have had to force the reboot twice. But today its something new... all the icons and applications are now just a black outline on a white screen, no colour or they are writting? Calls can b received but thats it.
Dropped my Torch 9800 this morning. It Reset after dropping and now screen will only display in black & white. Is there a setting to go back to color from black & white or did the drop permanently damage the phone?
I was downloading new software and after restarting my phone it got stuck on the black loading screen, and then turned into a white screen with plain font. None of the applications will open and it says "error starting "I tried to reinstall the software, but the desktop software will not let me.
My 20 month old son picked up my father's brand new (2 weeks old) iphone 5S, and 5 minutes later we see he has somehow turned the screen completely black and white. No color remains. It is not the grayscale or the invert color options. He had just upgraded to iOS 8.1.1. How this happened? And how to get the color back?
First off I have a Iphone 3gs that got water damage.Everything works now except the LCD screen. When the phone is on all i see is a blank white screen(no apple logo while turning it on), but i can slide to unlock the phone, play music, and hear the phone lock when the sleep button is pressed. I have replaced the LCD but am not sure that the new one was faulty or not. Also i placed the motherboard in 91% alcohol through out the night for any corrosion that i could not see. I am not sure if I should replace the LCD again or if it is connector 1 corroded or what.
I was in the process of downloading a couple of apps, and my iphone froze. I restarted it. Now, i'm stuck on the reboot black screen with the white apple logo. its been this way going on an hour or so.
I have no idea what just happend to my blackberry bold!Out of no where it stops working!!! I turn it on and it goes to a white screen with little black letters that sayJVM Error 517 reset!!How can I fix it?
My iPhone 5 was working fine until I put it on the charger then the display turned from my background to grey/black/white bars running vertially across my screen. I have held down the home and power button to reset the phone and still nothing. The phone will not go to sleep or respond in any way (including the silent button). I have had people call my phone and again, will not respond.Â
My husbands iphone 5 is acting up. First screen is black and white-tried switching toggle in Accessibility but didn't do anything. Second his contacts keep disappearing and third the battery is dying frequently.
I was updating my Iphone 5 to the new update and left it plugged in to finish the update. When I came back it was stuck on the white loading screen and a message on the computer said iTunes could not connect to the Iphone because it was locked with a passcode and wants me to enter the passcode. However I cannot enter the passcode because the phone won't let me. I cannot get the iphone to shut off or restart as my top button hasn't been very responsive lately.
I was using facebook and suddenly the screen went white and then it faded to black. Didn't drop it down, dint make it wet. Tried the lock and home button for 10 seconds too, did not work. The phone is just 2 weeks old.
the screen is all black and in the middle there is the white signal going clockwise.. its taking too long!! is it normal? this is my first time using the iphone..
I have a problem with my Blackberry Curve 9380 the screen is all black and white and the icons are shrimped and very tiny?I can't watch my video's I can't go on blackberry messenger, what can I do?Should I go to the shop that sold me the phone?
My 3 months old iphone 5c screen suddenly turns black with the white Apple logo for a few seconds then returns to normal almost everyday especially while playing game like Dead Trigger 2 or while using the camera and sometimes while browing the web and after disconnected the call. The problem started since last week the screen just shows a sign connect to itune, after several attempts i succeed to restore it. Since then this problem occurred, the first time it happened the screen just black and I tried to switch on the phone but it doesn't not on and when I pressed the home button and the power button then the phone switch on.