Eseries / Communicators :: Accessing E63 Camera - Function Not Supported
Nov 7, 2011
im having a problem with my phones camera it says function not supported mt camera work fine before phone was send in for repairs . Im allso unable to activate my bluetooth?
I bought Nokia E71 and everything works perfect, but offlate when i try to open the camera it says: feature not supported and i have a friend that says his E71 have the same problem from the day he bought it.
when accessing the applications menu the touch screen will freeze for almost 5 Sec, then it will respond again, but if exit to phone home screen then i access the application menu the problem starts again freezing for 5 Sec.
I heard that someone had succeeded in synchronization between E7 and Lotus Notes using Bluetooth service PIM Synchro. I tried doing the same but the reply was that "Device does not support service PIM Synchronization". Does anyone know if this should really work? Can I automatically sync calendars between E90 and E7? I still have my E90 that is able to sync with Lotus Notus through PC Suite and I was thinking to use it as a gateway. I managed to do transfer calendar items once from PC->E90->E7 but then for some reason it says that some of the calendar items not copied and doesn't transfer any of them.I tried setting the Sync option in the E7 but basically ran out of knowledge to continue.
i recently bought nokia e5 and i also got headsets ,chargers along with it.After a few days when i plug in my headset 'wh-102 hs-125 stereo headset' into the mobile i get 'enhancement not supported'.I tried firmware upgrade and resetting factory settings but none appear to work.
I have a nokia E7, which for the most part have been good. Most of the issues i have had with it have been PICNIP's, but now, it's starting to bug me. Some time ago, when the phone was about 6 weeks old, it developed what i assumed to be a hardware bug. No matter what i plugged into the USB port, it told me "USB-device not supported. Remove the unit" and if I press ok it says "error in the USB connection, remove the cable" (I'm translating this from Danish, so this might not be the exact English error code). As the error persisted through a hard reset, i shipped the phone to repairs, where they changed the radio module, where the USB port is soldered to. Now, about a month after i got the phone back, the error has returned. As i doubt i have hit the statistical "faulty unit" lottery twice, i'm starting to wonder if this error is also a "problem in chair, not in phone", so have anyone encountered the same problem? And any ideas how to resolve it?
I have tried, and failed, to find this function, on previous Nokia models, it has been in the General part of settings under date and time, but not on the E5. There is a clock alarm tone setting and a snooze time setting, but no way, that I can see, of setting the alarm time
with my n82 i want to benefit from the shortcut to the "quick input langauge change", too.
on e-series:1. There's a shortcut... Hold shift and press the ctrl/chr key.
2. When on a input screen i.e. SMS, Web, email, etc. To Turn On/Off predictive text and/or Writing language select the Function(Bottom Left)+Space key combination.
i guess the only way for me doing this shortcut is by emulating these keys using magickey(see attachment (freeware)).could sb tell me the which number these keys have in magickey? all you have to do is install and open it uner keymap list you add a keymap.when you see "original key" press call-key (green) and the number should change to 999.then press function key and tell me what number the same with the other keys.
How can I turn off the keyboard lock function? If I don't want it to auto lock after 5 mins but stay active, can I turn the auto lock off completely? I've checked Control Panel - Settings - General - Security - Phone and SIM Card and there appears to the the option, but when you try and select 'off' it doesn't allow you to turn it off...
i have a new Nokia E7-00. I experience the calendar function to be VERY slow. It takes seconds to open, then more seconds to load the calender entries, then to move from one date to the other, even closing the function is slow. What can I do to make it respond faster?
Can the Menu button on the home screen be reconfigured for another function?It seems redundant to me to have this and a Home button that have the same function...
As we know it is not possible to use the E7 camera less than 1m distance, would it be possible to use the front camera? Especially for business cards and then scan it?
i just bought my nokia e7 just 45 days only. when i on the camera , device completely freeze there is no more process, i have to press the switch off button for few sec to shut, device is working well, but only when i switch on the camera it;s becae freeze. even i have done soft format and also hard formate , even i updated my device through online for Symbian anna. and also i have tested my camera with additional third party camera applications but at the time also i got negative result. even i restored my camera setting. .
I have just compared E-63 and 5233 both the phones have same 2 mega pixel camera and also have same resolution of 1600*1200 and there is a huge difference between in there pictures which are clicked at the same time and location when i m seeing in the PC.
I don't know why the camera on my E5 doesn't focus well. Cause when you usually point at something, the focus always starts to ... focus, but this doesn't.
fixing my camera of nokia E63 it opens but the screen doesn't show ne thing n after that the piece hangs n if i try switching off my cell it gets off but the screen light n pads light remains on then forcibly i have to remove my battery n this always happens i had hard reseted my mobile but still the same thing is going on?
I bought my e72 last May 2010. The last time I used the camera was mid June and took around 140 pics. I just noticed last night that my camera won't open. I tried already soft reset but still it doesn't work.
I am having a problem with my nokia e7-00 camera. When i try to use it, i see nothing on the screen and when i try to take a picture i just see processing image but nuthing to process but the secondary camera is working well
I have a great E72 and the camera does not open when the ket is touched. It was working fine last week and takes great pictures. Is there some switch that turns this camera function off? It starts to go into the camera mode then goes back on to the main screen.
Had my E7 since May but this problem has been around for most of that time. The phone can be sat there without anyone touching it when all of a sudden the light on the back (I assume the flash light) comes on of its own accord. It is very bright and I can't switch it off.I took the phone back to the store twice already and the second time the guy in the store could also see it happening but the repairers are failing to find the fault.Sometimes the light stays on and the screen lights up and then fades. Other times (like today) the light comes on and the unlock slide key on the left hand side of phone fails to work. Only unlocking the phone via screen will work.Have checked and no applications are running so not sure what is going wrong. Anyone else had any similar problems because I am baffled.
E72 used to support sending via email option immediately after capturing a picture by the camera. Now when I select 'send' option after capturing the picture, I do not see any option to send via email, only see,
Via message Via bluetooth Upload
If I select 'Message' its MMS option. Can some one confirm if this feature was changed after the recent Fw 052.005 ? Is it a bug with the new Email 3.09?My phone has both these updates( Fw05.005 & 3.09).
just bought a brand new e72 and I desperately need something which will make the camera take pictures faster. The autofocus seems fine, but after the image is clicked it seems like it takes forever for the processing part ... can this be improved? This really is a dealbreaker for me and I am planning on returning the device if this can't be fixed.
Since some couple of days i'm having a problem with my e72 video filming.while filming, each 5 seconds approximately, it freezes then it continues to film and this is causing big problem for me regarding the quality of the video.
I have been Facing Problem Since yesterday that My Nokia e5 Camera is not opening. Whenever I try to Open Camera It is not opening and retard me back to the previous screen where I have selected camera Icon.
its been like 10 days and my camera stopped working i have no clue what to do.. (and yes i have done the reset part of it..) but in vain. When i click on the camera icon it opens up a blank black screen .. that's it. If i try and take a picture just says processing or something and gets stuck forever...