BB Curve :: Battery Drained Shutting Down Handheld?
Mar 9, 2011
i have a curve 3g and recently it has come up with the message ''Battery drained, shutting down handlheld''.
this has only recently started happening. i checked the usage and i dont think it is anything to do with any applications, is it just a chance that the battery is worn, iv had it for about 18 months now.
I have a Bold 9780 and for some reason it pops up with a message saying "Battery drained. Shutting down handheld." even though my battery was 50% full. It has happened before. when it happens, I remove the battery and reboot the device. it gives me the same error except this time, the battery icon says that it is fully charged.
have had this problem for a while now it started a few months back and never got it fixed but its so annoying. i charge my phone everynight and only take it off when im about to leave, its fine and my blackberry works until it gets too two bars and a half and then shuts down saying battery drained shutting down handheld. ive tried buying another battery but its doing the same thing as before it didnt even work for a little bit so is it possible that its a fault with my blackberry or maybe my charger
I have a curve 9300, when I was using it, a message popped up saying that the battery was drained and it was shutting down. It was fully charged at the time and I haven't been able to turn it back on. I've tried taking the battery out many times and I've left it on charge all night.
I've been having trouble with my Storm 9530 over the past week. It's not been turning on; I've charged it and it's still just a black screen. Sometimes it turns on to the white charging screen with the little lightning bolt on it and ocassionally it charges up to where it fully turns on but after a while it says "Battery drained - turning handheld off" and it turns off. I've done some googling and saw that other people have had this problem URL...
i just bought a new 9700. its an unlocked orange 9700 operating V5 OS i am having a problem that whenever my battery gets below 50% the device shows me a message "battery drained, turning off handheld" and the phone shut down.and when i try to turn it on,it only shows the red blip at the LED and then it stops and nothing happened the phone didnt i charged the phone and it works.but still whenever the battery starts to fall below 50% power, the message show up and the device died. what happen to the phone?i am a fresh blackberry user.somebody please give me some advice. i have tried the power saving advice from /t5/BlackBerry- Community-Post/Power-Saving-Tips-for-your-BlackBe but the problem still persist.
I've had my BB Curve for about a year and a half now. Last night, I went to charge my BB after the battery had drained to find on the screen a drained battery icon with a red cross/line through it. I had reloaded the set up on my phone and it still does not work and it seems that the white loading bar under the icon still loads after it has appeared and stops at around 75%.Will a new battery fix this?As I have said, I have reloaded and wiped everything on my phone and I have also tried the 'take out the battery while it's charged, put it back in method', nothing happened.
my blackberry 9300 used to last me 2 days with low usage and 1 day with heavy usage. that's the way it has been for about a year and a half and i would always charge it all night anyway regardless of how much i use it. about a month ago, i was watching a video on Internet using the 3g network and suddenly it beeped and said "battery drained, shutting down handheld." there was no battery low warnings or anything, the battery said it was half full at the point. i didn't think much of it, i did a battery pull to get it to turn on again and it was fine for the rest of the kept doing the same thing though, everytime i would watch videos or listen to any type of music. i would literally take it off the charger after a full night of charging and then watch a video on the wifi, 2 minutes into the video or after only one song it would tell my the battery is drained and shuts the phone down even though i apparantly have full battery. the only way to get it to turn on again is if i did a battery pull.well then i thought, ok then, so it only does this with videos and music. it never used, but it does now. but as time progressed, even when i didn't touch vidoes or music and am doing normal non-battery taxing things like texting and phoning people it would do the same. many times i've been in the middle of a call and it would turn off and leave me stranded.sometimes when i reset it, it goes back to normal and it stays on for a while after and sometimes it just turns straight back off again.
Its been just 2 weeks since i purchased curve 9380 and suddenly after using it for 1-2 hrs the battery gets heated up to 40 there a problem with battery or this happens with every BB mobile?
am using 9360 curve. My cellfone battery was drained and i was out and couldn't able to charge it. at night when i tried recharging it .. i was not able to do that.... no red light... ... i m charging through USB only.. wat to do
only had the phone a few days but the above message has appeared twice and then the phone just shuts down.Now if the battery indicator was really low when this happen then no problems but the two times it has happened the battery indicator has been showing on or just below 50%!That's a huge drain on the battery, 50% to zero.I have ordered a new battery to see if this makes any diference but am concerned that if you are out and about a battery can die that quick!I do have a few things switched on that run in the background, social media, BBM, WiFi etc which I know causes the battery to run out quicker but I would not expect a big spike and total battery drain?This happened when using facebook on one occasion while out an about and the first time using sky sports soccer centre app connected to my wifi.These are the only times since having the phone that the battery has been on or just below 50%. I do not think it is App related. The battery usually runs down at a steady rate from full charge and at a rate which I would consider to be normal.Furthermore the battery is totally flat after the drain, the device cant be turned back on again even after removing the battery and when plugged into the mains the battery indicator is red and showing zero charge?I would like to understand if this could be associated with a hardware fault or more than likely just a faulty battery?I have not owned the phone from new but purchased it as a refurbished unit last week with new screen and casing. Everything seems to work fine on it
A few days later I noticed the battery was going from 100% to 0% in a few hours only, so I went in the first week to change the battery and did that and it used to work well until a few days ago where the battery goes from 100% to 0% in less than an hour. I do use the browser and twitter alot, but still I think the battery should stay more than that.
i got the curve 9320 2 months ago, the first phone was over heating and the battery only lasted 4 hours maximum, so vodafone replaced it, then the second one is now doing excatly the same thing, nothing is switched on, on the phone that would cause the battery to do this, fully charged this morning, not one call or text and the phone is red hot and dead 4 hours later, could this be a manufactoring fault?
i recently bought a curve 9360 about 5months ago. recently my battery drained and the phone shut down, when i plugged the charger in the red led stays on for about 10-20 secs then goes off. is my phone still charging but just wont turn on? or could there be a problem with my phone as my charger works in other phones
My BB has started giving issues since a few days. Whenever the phone is in standy, the battery is completely drained off. There are no additional apps running. I don't overcharge the battery either. There has been no change since it was working perfectly well. I also bought a new battery but the same issue.
My bb curve 8530 keeps rebooting until the battery is completly drained. I have already wiped it 3 times Ive only had it for a month. I also put a 16gb mem card and that didnt help.
Yesterday (18-05-2012) my battery drained and I had no chance of charging it back up, till today (19-05-2012). I got home and thought that maybe my charger had packed up, but then tried my brothers blackberry charger - its been on charge for about 3 hours and still hasn't worked.
Last night my 8900 turned off at its scheduled time and I went to bed. I woke up this morning a little ahead of my alarm clock and waited for the alarm on my phone. Nothing happened. I picked up the phone and there was nothing. I plugged it in and found the battery drained all the way. This has not happened before but I also need to note that I did have trouble yesterday which I seemed to have resolved. I cant post links yet but the email folders disappeared and I did a wipe and restored from the last known good backup. What is going on with this crazy phone ?
My Blackberry Curve 9300 is shutting down when the battery is charged. It can shut down at any time, and it is important for family contact reasons that my phone is available at all times. I can only restart the phone when the battery charger is plugged into the phone. It will not restart without it. Should I be replacing the battery with a new one?
I am using Xperia Ray and today I forgot to charge so it got shut down when it drained to 0%. I plug it into the usb charge but nothing happen, it won't boot....even the charging icon not showing on the screen. The LED notification is also red.
Yesterday I monitor the Xperia ray mobile to check the battery drainage problem again, at 5.30 PM the battery reached 72% battery level gets low and pop ups the power save mode. And then I put it into Charge in half an hour the battery gets fully charged. I don't understand how it possible. I am really fed up with this newly installed Android OS 4.0 ICS. I want to know when will be available the next update.
This has happened a couple times from ~30% or so but last night was the worst: I went to sleep with my HTC One (M8)'s battery saying 55%, and woke up 6 hours later and it had died. I almost missed my alarm! How I can prevent this happening?
I have Power Saver enabled to kick in at 15% battery, and Extreme Power Saving at 5%, but neither clearly made a difference. I've attached a screenshot from HTC's battery life monitoring:
In a little over three hours, the battery drained completely! The screen was off but the phone was, apparently, "awake" - and why?
My phone, it's currently using 69% of my phone's battery, while other's are below 10%e's battery has been drained mostly by cell standby according to my phone's battery usage. Is there a fix to this?
Last night my phone died, and I left it charging overnight. I'm not sure if it was even charging properly because when I woke up this morning there was no indicator light on. (green or red).
When I try to turn the phone on it just keeps booting to the htc splash then turning black, before repeating the process. I've tried recovery and factory reset from the bootloader but those did absolutely nothing.
Btw I've never rooted my phone or anything like that. It's 100% stock from when I got it.