I am using BB Curve 8520, I use gprs which normally works fine. But gprs generally gets disconnected while I move up and down in my office using the lift. i.e. when the mobile network gets disconnected/connected, internet connection fails to work. It starts working fine again if I do a reboot of the BB, which generally takes minutes.
I have just taken possession of my very first blackberry, and the instructions are minimal. How do I disconnect from the internet? I have just been pressing and holding the escape button, is that all I do? Are there any icons on screen that show if you are still connected?
Yeah well I just got home. The mobile network has been going off on me for quite a while now. Gets annoying. I have to turn the connection on manually every 10 minutes! Any ideas on how to fix this or why it is happening? I had 2 bars of bettery left when this started.
I've recently bought a curve 8520 on vodafone, but I can't seem to get internet on it. Everytime it says'' Unable to connect,contact your service provider'.
Have BB Curve 8520 and having problems getting internet. Says requesting, then loading and page stays blank.
This is my 2nd handset, repairs could not fix first phone with same problem. 02 suggested change the sim card.Sim was changed and the same problem persists.
My daughter bought a Blackberry Curve 8520 from Carphone Warehouse with a Vodaphone PAYG Sim in it. She got BBM to work fine with me and a number of her friends. After a few weeks, I bought her a pay monthly SIM and got her original PAYG number transferred across to the Pay Monthly SIM. Since then, she hasn't been able to get BBM to work. All her friend requests are 'Pending Authorisation' and she cannot send or receive messages. The Internet is also not working, although she hadn't tried that until now, so I don't know whether it was working before. Text and voice calls are, and always have been, fine.
Battery pull Changing all permissions to allow for both core and add-on apps Deleting eaach other's contacts and trying to add them again Checking the vendor ID, which is showing as 301, which I gather is Carphone Warehouse (not sure whether this should be Vodaphone or Carphone Warehouse?)
i have a blackberry curve 8520 on pay as you go with vodaphone and i topeed up £5 and brought the blackberry internet service but i cant use the internet or blackberry appworld
My internet appears to have stopped working on my Curve 8520. My internet browser is not working, it takes ages to load, the blue bar at the bottom saying 'requesting' is there for ages and then comes up with the notification "Unable to connect to the internet, please try again later. If the problem persists please contact your service provider." None of the apps involving internet are working either - BBM, Facebook, Whats App etc. I have already done the whole resend service books thing and that hasn't helped.
i have a BB curve 8520, i bought it through Optus (it is unlocked now) but am connected through virgin australia Virgin has no settings for it and tell me to ring blackberry but i cannot find a number in australia to ring?how to connect it to get mms and to get onto the internet?
My internet has been completely cut off since the middle of last week. Nothing is working! This includes app world, browser, email, bbm... what do i do!? I have rebooted countless times. This is absolutely ridiculous since I use this phone for work emails.
Phone was working properly & connecting to wifi with BBM working ok until returning from a trip to Malta where it was connected to the internet.
On returning it won't now connect to the home wifi. Have tried turning it off & on + taking battery out.
In the top right hand corner it says EDGE
When trying to connect to the internet get "Unable to connect to internet. Please try again later. If the problem persists please contactr your service provider"
I m using Vodafone connection for my blackberry. My browsing speed is very slow, so sites are unable to open because of connection timeout & unable to download the songs from the sites(download failed)...
In the past 24 hours my internet browser is 'unable to connect to the internet', BBM has also ceased to load. It is not my data plan as I have topped up £10 and have my 300 texts and 100mb internet until Jan 27th 2012 until I have to top up again.My wifi says its connected as it is white but clearly does not work. I have not yet contacted Orange but want to try different solution.I have gone to Host Routing Table and 'registered now' but then it says I'm registered with my wireless.Taken the battery out for a while etc...
My phone not ringing when in BBM, email, etcit doesnt even show that an incoming call is coming in. I only know when a call has happened when I get the sms from my service provider
I have recently changed my blackberry plan to instant messages and email only and now i cannot access the internet over my home wifi. It connects but remains grayed out and no internet pages will load. I have hot rebooted several times and there is no problem with my wifi
I am currently unable to connection to my internet hub. Why is this as i have tried numerous different ways to resolve the problem, like attempting to restart the connection, reset my device, restarted my mobile connections, ect. to no good.
I have an orange Blackberry curve 8520 and i have now changed to 3. Since changing to 3 I am unable to get internet on the phone. I don't know what I need to do to set it up manually.
I bought an 8520 in Egypt a few weeks ago and used all internet services successfully with a provider there (Mobinil).
I had the PIN freed by Mobinil so I could register it with O2 in the UK, but I'm unable to access internet services although I'm on the correct data plan and my PIN is free to register. The handset works fine for calls and SMS via O2.
I have a Blackberry Curve 8520 with T-Mobile unlimited internet and Blackberry services. Until about 2/3 weeks ago I had the blackberry for about 2 months and was working perfectly, however now it's started to have some problems with internet services.The problem is that most of the time it just won't connect to the internet anymore. Things like Whatsapp, Googlemail, The Blackberry Store, Browser, just don't work. Yet sometimes they do. For example with whatsapp, it will suddenly stop sending/receiving messages and then receive them hours later. BBM seems to be fairly consistent however.. but is just really slow sometimes.
I'm trying to use my Curve 8520 to connect to the internet using my home Wi-Fi. I have not trouble connecting and downloading apps, or using web sites. The problem comes when I try to use one of the apps which needs and internet connection (Blackberry App World, Facebook, Google, etc.). All of these apps generate an error message saying that they are having trouble connecting to the internet and that I should verify my network connections. This leads me to believe I have a setting wrong somewhere.
I have a bb curve 8520, I currently connect to my home wifi an have been fine using that, all of a sudden its not working! It says I am connected so I try to browse the internet and it says Unable to Connect to Internet, Please try again later. I am very confused as it says I am successful connected to my wifi?
I have a blackberry curve 8520 so 5 When I try to use facebook twitter or blackberry application world on my wifi it doesnot and it give me a message that I am not connected to a wi-fi.
Changed my password on my work email but cannot access bb internet services to change it in on my phone. When I try to sign in, my user name is not recognised. I can access bb internet services online, and have changed my email password and internet services password there. But I am locked out of my phone, and work emails no longer arrive.
I bought a blackberry curve 8520 a few days ago and i am currently with optus/boost. when i connected my wifi and tried to conenct to the internet it wouldn't work. The message: 'Data connection refused to the wireless network and your BlackBerry cannot connect a data session to the WAP gateway'. appears on the screen. I have an unlimited data plan. The wifi symbol appears on my screen with the name of my wifi network however the symbol is in grey.
I have a bb 8520 but wifi not working, nor the internet. the carrier doesnt know what is the problem.i want to attempt reloading the os but I checked bb site and GT&T not listed. Digicel is listed wihch is the other carrier in the country. Would i encounter any problem if i used digicel os download on a phone with a GT&T sim?
I have the Blackberry curve 8520,Its all set up with the internet package,has been for 2 months. I topped up,the £5 has come out but the internet wont work?
This may be a stupid question, but I'm lost, I am trying to sign in to a website: URL... and while the arrow clearly knows that it's a link, when I click on the link nothing happens.
Also, I tried to complete a job search on monster.com. I could complete all of the fields, but when I clicked on the "search" button, nothing happens.
This is a personal blackberry with no security restrictions, so I'm not sure what I have to turn on that's not turned on.