BB Bold 9650 :: Getting Almost 25% Battery Drain Per Hour

Jun 18, 2010

Not seeing anything anywhere about this; I'm sure I'm over looking it, but starting today I seem to be getting almost 25% battery drain per hour. I've used my phone very little today, so I'm not over using it. This started this morning and I've had the phone since the 8th I believe(ordered online)

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BB Bold 9650 :: Rapid Battery Drain

Aug 12, 2010

Over the past 2 days my battery life is worse than ever, and I've had my Bold for a few months. I installed a few new apps - Xobni, PowerBoss, and the new version of BBM. I uninstalled Xobni and PowerBoss, so the only new app left on my phone is the new version of BBM. Anyone else experiencing recent battery issues or have any suggestions for me?

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Lumia 950 :: Battery Drain 25% Per Hour

Dec 21, 2015

Since yesterday (12/20/15) my 950 has been running very hot and the battery drain exceeds 25% per hour. It was fine after the .29 update a few days ago, this just stated happening. I've done all the normal things, turned off a number of background aps, location off, soft resets, no updates occurring that I can find, etc., phone is hot when not being used and very poor battery life.

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Lumia 1020 :: Battery Drain At 10% An Hour

Apr 19, 2014

Experiencing battery drain with the 1020? I downloaded a battery app and with light phone use it is telling me that my phone is discharging at 10% an hour! Is this normal for the 1020?

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Xperia Z2 :: Battery Drain 8% In 1 And A Half Hour With Constant Use

Jan 15, 2016

Is it normal to drain 18% in 1 and a half hour with constantly use (radio, messenger, and 1-2 more apps) lowest brightness .. Im always thinking its draining too fast.

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Lumia 1520 :: Phone Battery Drain About 10% In An Hour

Jul 24, 2015

I'm having a prob my battery drains about 10% in a hour in my 1520 ... When I was in w8 for the last month I had better backup after going to 8.1 latest I experience it.. Is it a software prob or my battery... Sometimes its normal sometimes it drains a bit..within 20 min from 100% it got now to 87% ....

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Lumia 950 XL :: Groove Music 20% Battery Drain In 1 Hour

Jan 4, 2016

I just went to the gym and had my phone playing Groove Music to my bluetooth earphones, 20 volume and screen off the whole time.
In one hour it went from 86% to 63%.

On my 1520 with W10 insider build, music on SD card and same earphones it is not as bad as this.

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IPhone :: IS A 15% Per Hour Drain In Standby Battery Normal

Apr 3, 2012

Since I installed IOS 5.1, my standby battery drain per hour has increased to 15%.That means at 3 hours, I have drained almost half my battery.I have turned off most location and mail push to concerve my battery, but it still drains.IS a 15% per hour drain in standby battery normal?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3), iPhone 4, 20" Cinema Display

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Galaxy S6 :: Standby Idle Drain Per Hour

May 15, 2015

I just got an S6 last week. So far I have tried almost all of the tweaks possible and still I find the idle drain a little too high for me.I disabled all google bloats except play service, store and gmail. Have fb, messenger, whatsapp. And have done the usual wifi search off, VoLTE disable, disable smart network switch etc. Also did a factory reset and cache wipe partition. I don't have high cell standby issue. However my battery drains at ~1.5% to 2% per hour idling with wifi. Just curious if this is the norm.

Also, my estimated battery life seem to show 14 hours at 100% charge. Even with power-saving, the estimate adds another 40minutes or so at most. I've seen some screenshots of people having ~18hours estimate. Is my battery defective?

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BB Bold :: Battery Icon With Red Cross And Hour Glass Symbol?

Dec 25, 2011

Just got a new bold 9900 today and when I put the battery in, the battery icon shows up with a red cros and an hour glass turning round and round? So frustrating, what does this mean? do I have a faulty battery?

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BB Bold 9700 :: 3G Battery Drain

Apr 17, 2010

I live in an area w/o 3G right now, so I'm just experiencing 3G on my 9700 on a weekend getaway. My battery drains MUCH faster now, with UberTwitter being the only app I have open. Are there any tips|tricks or anything in the settings I can tweak to reduce the drain, or is this just the price of the speed boost?

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BB Bold 9700 :: Sudden Battery Drain

Feb 14, 2010

went from 100% this morning (charged overnight) to 40% 2 hours later with no usage other than sending 2 emails! No new apps running - nothing. I normally get at least a day and a half of usage.

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BB Bold :: Battery Drain In 5 Hours - 9780

Oct 23, 2012

I have a BlackBerry Bold 9780 and since I got it, it keeps hanging and also my battery barely stay charged for 5-6 hours. I have OS 6.0

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BB Bold 9700 :: Themes And Apps Drain Battery

Jul 31, 2010

Use, themes and apps drain the battery and there are countless threads on why and what.I thought it may be a useful thread if you all posted what theme you used, what apps you have running over and above the standard 5, are you a heavy user and what your hourly battery drain is.Your theme will have a name.Your apps running is revealed by holding down your BB button and the 5 apps we all have running all the time are messages, browser, bbm, phone, and home.Your use is subjective - but let's say no browsing and answering a few bbm, texts and 1-2 calls is light, several hours of browsing, twittering, FBing, and bbming is moderate, and everal hours of calls is heavym.To start I am a moderate user, use precision modifcation theme currently and have remote printer and IM+ running as well as the 5 apps. My drain is 2.1% per hour over night.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Extremely Rapid Battery Drain

Mar 29, 2010

I have recently started experiencing rapid battery drain on my 9700. If I charge it to 100% and unplug it from the charger when I go to bed, when I wake up its on critical battery (no bars left). During the day it lasts from morning to about 4pm.I first tried a security wipe to get rid of all my apps. No luck.

I then updated my OS to the latest version (.545) and I'm still having the same problem.I have no apps running, apart from the default five. I only get about 10 emails a day and make 1 or 2 calls.So, is it the battery or the phone itself?

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BB Bold 9700 :: How To Drain Device Battery Life?

Jan 23, 2010

Ok, so you know how its recommended to completley drain your battery about once a month for calibration...Could you suggst somethings that will drain my bb`s battery very fast? i had no real trouble on my 8900, but the 9700 battery life is soo resistant a very good thing, but do any of you have any suggestions?

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BB Bold 9700 :: Recent Rapid Battery Drain

Apr 7, 2010

I've used my Bold 9700 every day since I got it back in November. I typically charge it every 2nd or 3rd night with the wall charger while I sleep and have been very happy with the battery life. Two days ago while in my office, I noticed the battery was very low, so I used the USB cable to charge it. It seemed to work well, but the charge didn't seem to last as it needed to be charged the very next day. I chalked it up to the possibility that it didn't fully charge from the USB connection, so I plugged it in to the wall charger last night as I typically do. This morning it was fully charged, although I did notice it was a little warmer than it usually is. Now, 6 hours later, with almost no use, the device is completely dead! At first I thought it had shut off, but I just plugged it in to to find the device boot up once power was supplied. I checked the device status and it says it has 2% power. Does anyone know what may have happened or have any advice for things I can check?

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BB Bold :: 9780 Won't Turn On After Full Battery Drain

Jul 13, 2012

I drained my battery and plugged it in. Every time I put the battery back in or plug it in, the red light stays on for about 10-20 seconds and then the charging symbol comes up on the screen, but it won't power on.Also, when I plug into computer it recognizes that a device is connected but I cant update software through the Blackberry desktop software.

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BB Bold :: 9900 Refuses To Charge After A Battery Drain

Apr 27, 2012

My bold refuses to charge after a battery drain. Tried two different chargers, even replaced(bought new) battery.

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BB Bold 9650 :: How To Get Battery Out?

Aug 26, 2010

I honestly cannot figure out how to get the battery out of the 9650 and neither can anyone I know.

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BB Bold 9000 :: Battery Life Drain And Extremely Warm Phone

Mar 8, 2010

Apps and free space File free before and after a battery remove/replace. (Go to Settings, then Options, then status): 46791728 Bytes before and 4721816 Bytes after Did a battery pull fix your issue?: No (What fixes it is plugging the phone into the charger after starting the restart process) Apps installed and their version if possible. (Go to Settings, then Options, then applications):Seesmic v 1.3.28, BB 4.6 Core Apps v 4.6, BB 4.6 System Software v 4.6, BB App World v, BB Attachment Service v 4.6.0, BB Maps v 4.6.0, BB MDS Runtime v, BB MDS Default Launcher v, BB Messenger v 4.6.0, BB S/MIME Support Package v 4.6.0, BB Visual Voice Mail v, Brickbreaker 4.6.0, Browser v 4.6.0, Documents to Go v 1.001.145, DOD Root Certificates v 4.6.0, Email Setup Application v 4.6.0, Engadget v 1.0.1, Enhanced Gmail(TM) Plug-in v, Facebook v 1.2.0, Help v 4.6.0, Kindle v, MemoPad v 4.6.0, Opera Mini v 4.2, Password Keeper v 4.6.0, Phone v 4.6.0, TTY Support v4.6.0, TagReaderBB v 2.1.75, Tasks v 4.6.0, Tetris v 4.41.37, WikiMobile v 1.33, Word Mole v 4.6.0

When writing your question Occasionally the phone's screen will turn white. What I've noticed as that it typically happens after the phone shuts itself off. I don't know how it turns off, and it doesn't happen often, but occasionally I'll pull my phone out of my pocket and find that it's completely off. When I turn it back on it will boot all the way to the home screen without issues and then the screen will fade to white and stay that way. Pulling the battery does not fix the issue. All it does is kill the battery more than having the screen being all white and full power. Most recently it happened while I was navigating the Store in the Amazon Kindle program. Looking around I've seen conversations stating that the screen's going bad (which I doubt), the OS needs to be reinstalled (which I attempted through the Desktop Manager and I think I did it how I'm supposed to without wiping it with a 3rd party program), or that the phone is defective. My dad got the phone in November of 2008, and I got it when he decided to get an iPhone. I'm definitely a BlackBerry noob, so any suggestions (or requests for more information), would be appreciated. I've have noticed that reloading the OS stops the problem for about a week or so.I noticed recently is that the battery life seemed to be draining faster than I thought reasonable. For instance, on 50% (or so) charge, the phone would die after being in a call for about 45 minutes. So I ordered a new battery. Today, the phone got extremely warm (in the holster) and the battery drained to the yellow bar in about 3 hours. No programs that connect to the network (Twitter, Web Browser, Opera, Kindle, etc.) were running and I was not noticing the up/down arrows. This was on a full charge. When I plugged it into the wall, the battery seemed to charge extremely fast. It's only been charging for about an hour or so and it's nearly at full charge. This is not typical. I am out of warranty, have no insurance, and am not able to get a discount price on a new phone until July. I'm ready to downgrade to my old dumbphone.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Is It Normal For Battery To Drain Quickly While Phone Is On Stand By Mode?

May 16, 2010

I recently purchased a new Bold 9700 and I noticed that the battery drains very quickly. It only lasts about 4 hours if the Mobile Network, WiFi and Blue Tooth are enabled. Also, I have recently installed the latest software updates.Is it normal for the battery to drain this quickly while the phone is on stand by mode?

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BB Bold 9700 :: Battery Life Went Down To Drain - Do Not Have WIFI Or Bluetooth On And Have Constant Good 3G Reception

Apr 20, 2010

I know there are multiple threads out there discussing this and I looked at most of them but this is different. My 9700 has gotten great battery life since day one, but this weekend I went out to the desert and didn't use my phone much because I only had EDGE but it was dropping in and out constantly, I had a full charge on Thursday morning and when I got home Saturday afternoon I had 20% which is pretty damn good I'm not complaining about that. When I got home I charged it fully and then on the middle of the day on Sunday my batter was almost dead. Same thing Monday and same thing today. I fully charged it yesterday afternoon and this morning it was at 25% and I hardly used my phone yesterday. SOMETHING has happened to my battery life, I'm running 5.0.0593 which hasn't ever gotten me fantastic battery life but its been okay but now its just shot.

I haven't changed anything on my BB for this to happen so I'm posting here for ideas of what could be causing this, I've looked at programs running closed everything I can and do not have WIFI or bluetooth on and Have constant good 3G reception.

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BB Bold 9650 :: How To Improve Battery Life?

Aug 5, 2010

Aside from the obvious route of getting a larger battery, does anyone have tips for maximizing their battery life? So far the ones I have seen include turning off wifi when it's not needed and making sure all apps are closed when finished with them. Has anyone found any good ones?

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BB Bold :: 9650 Battery Drains Way Too Fast?

Apr 25, 2011

Initially, my phone worked quite well; battery lasted very well; daily charging was sufficient. Then, something changed a few months ago that has vastly increased power usage. Battery charge does not last past three to four hours. I even replaced my battery -- to no avail. Challenge continues. I am close to discontinuing phone usage and replacing brand.

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BB Bold :: 9650 Short Battery Life?

Jul 14, 2012

Lately my battery drains within 6 hours after full recharge. The drain continues even when the phone is off. I tried switching off my apps not in use and it did not help.My phone is only 8 months old and am frustrated by the unreliability of the phone as I planned to keep it for at least 2 years.Is there a way of fixing this without replacing the battery?

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BB Bold 9650 :: How To Hide Original Battery Indicator

Aug 27, 2010

I downloaded an app that has a separate battery indicator with a % remaining, so my question is, is there a way to hide the original one?

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BB Bold 9650 :: Monopoly Not Pushed / Tried Battery Pull

Jul 16, 2010

I did a battery pull last night and monopoly didn't push through to my phone. Is this a bad thing? My kid likes the game so I wanted to check it out. Do you have to be subscribed to something to have it? I am on verizon. I did notice that social beat or something like that did apear recently. Just wondering.

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BB Bold :: 9650 Battery Life Suddenly Reduced

Feb 15, 2011

I am suddenly experiencing vastly reduced battery life on my Bold 9650. It sounded the low battery alert in the middle of the afternoon on Friday and at around 8:30 p.m. today. The phone was off all day Saturday and was plugged into the charger from Friday night until the middle of this afternoon. This makes no sense to me, because I barely used the phone Friday or today, and as recently as last week, it was showing a good charge when I'd plug it in at 11 p.m. after a fair amount of usage through the day. Even on days of heavy usage, I've been making it until bedtime without the low battery alert. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to track this down without buying a new battery?

One difference in the last few days is that I have been home (some kind of human virus) all day, but I live a block from the cell tower, and my wifi signal reaches throughout the house pretty well. I thought that Friday's problem might have been interference from a wifi tablet, but I have scrupulously kept them apart today. Bluetooth is on, but that's normally the case.The battery is relatvely new, bought within the last six months from a vendor on Amazon. It appeared to be identical to the factory-installed battery, which lasted about a year-and-a-half.

Background apps that have been running on both days have been Blackberry Messenger, Facebook, Password Manager, BHive Tasks, Google Maps, Google Search, and Evernote (which says it last synched on Nov. 27th). Nothing unusual.

Phone: Blackberry Bold 9650
Carrier: Verizon
OS version: 6.0 Bundle 3084 (v6.0.0.719, Platform
No Enterprise service

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BB Bold 9650 :: Will Verizon 9650 Trackpad Be Like The Sprints 9650?

Jun 3, 2010

Wondering if any of u have gotten ur verizon 9650? If so have u noticed ur trackpad left side being higher than right? I ask becuz as we all may know the sprint 9650 has that. Doesn't bother me...nor do I think its defect.

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Google Nexus 5 :: Battery Monitor Do Not Add Up To Total Battery Drain?

Nov 29, 2015

Nexus 5, 16GB, MRA58N (stock, not rooted). Sometimes the power percentages shown for each process in the battery monitor do not add up to the total battery drain? I am finding that sometimes they add up to within 1% of the total shown.... and sometimes they are WAY off with as much as 30% of the displayed battery drain unaccounted for. Since I don''t have access to the battery terminals, I can't determine independently whether the percentages shown are simply inaccurate, or whether there are missing processes (ie., processes not shown at all in the battery monitor).

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