I just got a new Blackberry Bold 9650. Since my old phone was so old, the contact list couldn't be transferred. I spent hours and hours putting all of my numbers in by hand and all was well. After I did that, I added my Yahoo email account to the phone. Now the phone numbers I hand puched are gone and all of the contacts are from the email account. My call log lists the names of the people who have called me, so I know the info is somewhere on the phone but I can't find it. I even deleted the email account, but the Yahoo cantacts are still there and the others are still not.
My contacts in my phone are just freakin' trashed, I have no idea how the hell it happened and im not sitting on my phone all night editing them, theres special characters in them, unnecessary numbers... how can I do it on my PC? Im not paying for Outlook, so thats out of the question...
I am no longer getting a "Voice Mail" notification in my message list. I get the VM icon at the top of the screen but it's so small sometimes I don't notice it. Is this an OS 5.0 issue? Is there a setting I need to change? I searched the forums and also the ? on the device.
I have a Bold 9650 with Verizon and I set everything up to sync with outlook 2007 properly and it only picks up 2 contacts. I am running windows XP with the latest version of desktop manager. It syncs calender, memo pad etc fine but will only do those same two contacts each time. I have played with all the different settings within BB desktop manager but did not want to play with settings in outlook.
brand new Bold 9650. Issue: I want one suggested "contact" to go away. Example: I have Dave Smith in my contact list, he's the only Dave. But one time I got a listserv email from Dave Adams, whom I do not know nor care about.Dave Adams not a contact, but my friend Dave Smith is.Now every time I begin composing an email to "Dav" the BB suggests Dave Adams first.How do I make this guy go away?
MS Outlook has a featured called "suggest names while completing the to: cc: bcc: fields..." where it does a similar thing. It will suggest any random name you've ever emailed, whether or not it's a contact. HOWEVER...you can delete that name right then and there.To me it seems similar to the predictive text input issue.I.e. one time computer was misspelled "comptuer" and now every time you type comp comptuer is suggested.It's not in the custom dictionary, and there doesn't seem to be a way to get rid of it.
I am an Executive Assistant and use Microsoft Outlook on a daily basis. I have up to 3 or more different calendars created for various things. This is the same case as with my Contacts. I have a separate contact list for my boss as I do for myself. And with regard to the calendars, I do this so I can print him off a calendar at any time without it being affected by anyone else's or my own appointments showing up.
I am very familiar with Blackberry's and my work has awesomely provided me with a new BB Bold 9650.THE ISSUE: My BB is syncing all calendars and contact lists. I DO NOT want to sync all these calendars and contact lists.I just want to sync certain calendars and only certain contact lists. My BB is a crazy ol' mess with contacts showing up 2 and sometimes 3 times and the one calendar I can view on my BB has my boss' appointments with my appointments and other crazy appointments.I swear I think my appointments even have appointments. LOL! (cheesy joke).WHAT I DO KNOW: My company is using a "BES" (?) server for wireless syncing. I have already tried going into options>advanced options>default services to change the calendar I am picking up. It's stuck and I do not have the ability to change it. I am guessing it's b/c my job has the phone "locked" with an IT policy.
I have searched and searched online to try and figure out how to get around this to no avail. I spoke with Verizon and they said to contact my IT Department. I contacted my IT Department and they said to contact Verizon. BTW, the pi$$-ant in I have to work with in IT is in a wrank mood today as most days. Always testy and I would just love if I could call him up and tell his know-it-all punk a$$ what he needs to do to fix the problem. If it's something I can do on my own, that would be even better.
I own a BB bold 9700 and last night I exchanged phones with a friend, the sim and memory card was removed and then reinserted back in, when i turn on the phone, I realised that all my contacts were gone. I don't know what happened? Those that has to do with a different sim card inserted into the phone? Is it some kinda BB security lockdown software? I'm using the Celcom-Vodafone (Malaysia) package. Please help, I really need to get this working.
I have BB9700 with OS 6 version which I installed a week ago.Since I installed this new version, I started to face a problem, if I am on the contact list, I can never edit or call any of my contacts, regardless whether I press the blackberry button or do the green key button.I am not able to do any calls to any of my contacts unless I go to the history and search the contact to call them.
My blackberry fell off my bed and now it will not turn on. I am ready to upgrade to another phone, but i would like to get my contact listing from my old phone.
Somehow when I sync my Bold 9700 to my Outlook for Mac (which is linked to my Google mail account), the contacts in my device are duplicated as part of a Contact List that I never created. What's even weirder is that the name of that contact list is named with another email address, which was once from one of my contacts. Confusing?
Anyway, I cannot find anywhere in Outlook or Google, or on my device, an option to remove the bogus contact list.
After I ran the latest update on my 9930 phone.. I lost one of my contact lists. I have three emails tied to the phone, and all three show up in emails and calendar. When I go into the Contact Options and view Contact Lists, the main one no longer appears. How can I get that one back? I have tried everything and it was there before the update.
I'm having an issue with custom alerts that are set with some people and the active profile setting. here's what's going on...i have custom ringers on a few family members and since some of the ringers are low in volume, i set the volume individually. today i had to go to a memorial service and i decided to make sure my phone was on silent so i don't have my phone going on in the middle of the service. i set my profile to silent, called myself using my dad's phone and what do i hear, his ringer! i did a battery pull...same thing. i tried to call myself using my dad's phone again, but this time using *67 and no ringtone, just showed that i had a call coming through. with no time on my hands before heading out the door, i just turned off my phone.
Now i found an alternative, but not quite a solution...i can have custom ringtones for people, but not change the volume and whatever profile is set will happen. is there a better way? did i receive a faulty device, although i think it's more a software issue.
How do i edit my contact list? when i got the phone, i put in the sim card it asked me if i wanted to import contacts and i said yes now i have duplicates.... (example: there would be a "John Smith", and then another one that says "Smith; John") i've been playing around with the bb key and options and everything.
This morning i got a message that my BB messenger should be updated.After the update and installation it gave a few errors (forget to make screenshots) but since then my contact list is gone.
Lateron when i logged in again it asked me to look for my ' old '' contacts. I waited a few minutes and nothing happened so i decided to reboot my BB. After that my contact list was still empty and now i dont have my friends pins saved somewhere.Anybody got an idea of how to get the old list back?
I followed the instruction to swith blackberry devices but not all of my contacts transferred over. I believe only the contact in the SIM card is available in my new blackberry. Is there anyway to transfer the rest of the contact over?
I have 2 contact lists on my 9900. Both with the same name, one will all my contacts in and one with only 36 in. I want to remove the small one as that is the one synching with Outlook, not the big one.
My BB bold experienced a "JVM error 517" problem so I had to reinstall my phone firmware however doing so erased everything on my contact list. Any body knows how to retrieve my contact list?
My entire contacts list has been wiped out as I changed my password and was unable to remember the new one. After 10 attempts, everything was wiped out. Is there any way, I can retrieve the conatct list data.
I would like to sync my MS Outlook contact list to my phone but to do this my computer tells me I need to turn of Wireless Syncronisation. I have followed all the steps a million times and searched my entire phone, there is no mention of wireless synchronization in any of the menus.
Checked for updates last night and woke up this morning with a notification that an OTA update is available for T-Mo. I went ahead and let the phone update this morning and it took about an hour. so i just went to send a text message just now and i type the person's name in that i want to send it to and notice there are duplicate entries in my phone book! What gives?! Can someone help me out here as to getting back single contact entries? NOTE: NOT ALL CONTACTS WERE DUPLICATED. NOTE: I was currently operating on the .586 OS now i'm at the most current version .7something
When go into my contacts list and the first thing is the "New Contact:" space. Right under that it says "*No Contacts*" And then there are like 5 empty spaces, and only then are the contacts. When I try to save a new contact, it occupies all the empty spaces, and I would have 5 straight contacts with the same name! help!!
I just got the 9700. Great phone, but I'm having a problem with my contacts. I came from an Android HTC, so my contacts were synched up online in my google account. However, my email account has always been yahoo. So for the blackberry, I set up yahoo email, and all the contacts came through to the contact app (and I couldn't find any way to undo that). Then, solely for the purpose of getting my contacts onto the blackberry, I set up gmail. The contacts came through successfully.
The problem is that both sets are now displayed in the contacts, but I only want those from google. The yahoo contacts are only email contacts, so I only want them to come through in the email app.
In contacts, I went to menu - select contact list - google. This solved the problem, but only until I exited the app. As soon as I entered next time, both lists were reselected (show all contact lists).
I have my 9700, which i love, I receive email both from my corporate exchange and now from my gmail account.How ever, I've asked for my contacts to be synced with google as well, and as result all my contacts are double now.I am willing to let go of my gmail contact, but can seem to find a way to delete the entire list, any advice?
my bb contact list just disappeared without no warning. my friends called me to say i have a new pic profile (some african looking dude with a profile message saying "atlas the great") on there phones. they gave me the pin for that profile but it was also diff. from the pin on my phone. i restored from my backup but the same pic and pin appeared on there phones again. after i re-invited everybody, my original profile pic appeared. i'm worried that this might happen again so i hope somebody can shed some light on this for me. phone. my service provider can't help me, when i called.