BB Bold 9000 :: Exclamation Mark On Received SMS Messages?
Mar 24, 2010
So I upgraded my bold 9000 to OS today and noticed a weird thing. When I receive sms (text) messages, I get an exclamation mark (red) on the left hand side of the message. Any idea why is it there? Please get back to me as soon as anyone of you can, if it's a major problem, then I might just downgrade it to 4.6.
when i open the messages app, one of the contacts shows with a red exclamation mark. i have searched and it seems to be related with priority of the messages (high priority) but cant find on settings how to change it.
My HTC onem7 crashed toady mid lolipop update. Now everytime I try to boot it all I get is a red exclamation inside a red triangle. My phone is not rooted, the bootloader is not unlocked and USB debugging is not enabled. Have tried factory reset but still the same.
My Xperia Z5 quite often displays an exclamation mark next to the wifi symbol when I'm connected to my home broadband. I've googled this and it seems that this indicates that my phone is not connected to Google servers when it is displayed.
This seems to be the case as Gmail, for example, shows as no connection when the exclamation is displayed. To rectify I have to turn wifi off and back on again.
I have a fibre broadband connection so I can't understand why the phone does this when all other devices in the house work fine.
Cannot update 4.4.2 ... red exclamation after installing. So after I finished downlaoding new update ota it brings me straight the installation. I waited and waited until the installation part is done and something hits me in the heart. Red exclamation mark came up and I couldn't do anything.
I am using HTC One M7 unlock bootloader no root nothing s on is that the cause that makes my ota update error ?
I write a text (to anyone) and only text 2-3 people anyway. I write the text and when I hit send there is a red exclamation point. Receivers keep asking me what's the exclamation point about???They receive and read all of them. How do I get rid of it ?????
However ever since I got it my WiFi has had an exclamation mark next to it all the time, whether I'm hooked onto my home network, or my work network. The wireless works perfectly fine, extremely fast etc. However it's just a little annoyance as the exclamation mark is always there, even when mobile data is disabled?
I have a LG G4 I took some pictures with the camera app, seemed ok, saw the preview which was fine then when I tried to send the picture to a friend via what's app in the gallery app the picture has disappeared and a blue ! is in place of the picture. when I tap into the picture the screen is just blank.
Certain songs wont play in iTunes on my IPhone bit they play on itunes on pc. Have read all about the get info and find file and moving locations. The song info and location is perfect in iTunes on pc and will play. have synced everything and have made sure song is on both pc and phone but will not play on phone and i get the exclaimation mark while looking at the song on phone while in itunes and on itunes on phone the song will not even sho up..
I was trying to install the latest software via PC companion and it was taking welll over an hour. So I removed the phone to complete it later. Big mistake. My phone is now disabled and only shows an exclamation mark and and triangle.
I have a C5-03 which I regularly use to download and listen to podcasts.Recently, a very thick exclamation mark appeared next to one of the podcast series, on the main podcast screen (podcasting -> podcasts). The exclamation mark is well to the right of the podcast name, just to the left of where the tick would be if the podcast were marked, which is itself to the left of the slide bar.The exclamation mark has stayed there for a few days, during which I have downloaded, played and deleted several episodes. There is nothing about it in the user guide
I tried searching for this issue, but I only found problems relating to a black screen with a yellow triangle and exclamation mark inside the triangle. This does not appear to be my issue.My issue involves a small triangle with an exclamation mark inside it. The graphic is next to the battery icon on the status bar. Does anyone know what this is trying to tell me? I do notice that my battery is discharging quite rapidly, about 1% every 3 minutes. Is this a battery temperature/charge issue?My 3GS is not in the charger currently.
carrier: vodafone India (mumbai)Model info and OS version: v5.0.0.592 (Bundle 1096, Platform memory: 128.7 mb free Did a battery pull fix your issue? No Issue: I recd an sms from my friend which had an exclamation mark. When i tried to reply it gave me the following message "Requested facility not implemented" & i could not reply. (i have attached the screenshot..i have darkened the area as it was a personal message)Also i asked my friend did he set any priority, he said no as he had a basic nokia handset.So how is it possible to receive an sms with red exclamation (i understand that red exclamation means high priority)
I've had my bb torch 9800 for about 6m but today I have no sound its as if its on silent (it ain't). I've checked my profile settings everything is on loud! I can't play my music either when I click on a song I just get a exclamation mark!
I set up my phone yesterday and within a short period of time my free 500mb monthly data was gone and then my credit was going down being charged for any more data usage. I would like to figure this out soon or I'll be charged £1 per day for any data I use or use unknowingly.
I would like to restrict background data but when I select 'Restrict background data', within seconds I get a notification saying
"Background data restricted. Touch to remove restriction" ...
And an exclamation mark icon remains at the top left of my screen. Is this normal? Is there a way to clear the notification and the exclamation mark while also keeping 'Restrict background data' on? The only way I can clear the notification and get rid of the exclamation mark at the top of my screen is by tapping on the notification but then background data is no longer restricted. I cannot swipe the notification away and the clear all is not there either.
I have tried everything mentioned and I cannot get it to go away. It comes and goes at random too. I have yet to flash an older radio. I have completely factory reset my phone and it does not work. Rooted running PureNexus.
I have an exclamation mark (-!) on each call on my log list, I can't also check my balance I.e *144# isn't responding. What could be the cause of this? My device also looses network frequently...
I just bought the Xperia Z3 plus and tried connecting to my home wifi, what's happening is that it connects but with the exclamation mark next to the wifi icon and no internet activity. However, when I move about 2 rooms away the exclamation mark disappears, my wifi signal drops abit but I get activity. I had the Xperia ZR before this one and the was no connectivity issues...
Got up this morning and the battery was dead, put it on charge via usb through the laptop and when i powered it up i got the Samsung galaxy s2 writing with a yellow triangle with a exclamation mark below it.
I just bought my E52 yesterday and its a great phone, I love it . It came with FW version 021.013, but I've read online that this version might make some troubles. Cos' of that, I initiated the software updater within SoftWare updater, and updated to 031.012, but when it rebooted, after the update progress, firstly it showed "Update successful", and after I clicked OK it showed "System error" but still continued to function.
The phone now functions like a dream with no problems at all despite that "Sys err" message from before. Now, when I access the software updater, it shows an exclamation (!) mark beside the "Phone software" item. The "Phone software" item shows that its software version 031.012, but when I click Options > Star update (with "Phone software" marked) it does noting and returns to the list i.e. in Software updater.
This really bugs me out. Any clue to what might be cosing this and any idea about fixing it ?
My battery died yesterday, and when it finally recharged today, I couldn't see text that I've sent/ that I've received. If i go to messages > sms inbox, I can see the messages, but when I expand them, it turns to a blank conversation window.
When I text, I also have no confirmation whether I got it or not. I've tried restoring my data, but it still remained the same.
edit: when I turned the phone on for the first time, it displayed a 'integer error 7 >= 7 (or something like that)' message.