Asha 30/40 Series :: Nokia 5230 Unable To Install Jad/jar Files?
Dec 21, 2011
i'm unable to install java applications or java games into e:/ memory card.. but i can only install them into phone memory and phone memory is full and phone memory is use when you open application to run.. so i need to put this jar/jad games & application to e:/ memory card.. but it only goes to 75% when installing then unable to install..please help.. many of application unable to run because phone memory is i need something like install properly the memory card to lock into phone or something?
I am using nokia 7210supernova mobile. I cannot open pdf and doc files..It shows "fomat not supported". So I have installed mobilepdf.jar and eZreader. But still the error persists. and whenever i try to open from these applications it shows error as "insufficeint resources to perform the operation" and "object not supported"
I want to install a collins dictionary .jar application in my nokia 2690 suite via bluetooth. It's around 8 mb big. However, an error occurs saying that the file is too big. First I used the ovi suite and then Windows explorer. It failed both the times. Should I try using a data cable instead?
it is a very good affordable phone. But i am not able to read pdf files(ebooks) on it. Is there any way to read ebooks on it such as pdf reader software??
I have downloaded update on my Nokia Asha 200, but I am unable to install it as free memory required is aroud 4MB but my phone has free memory of 2.9MB only.I have remove all the preinstalled games but cannot free the required 4MB.Can anyone let me know how can we delete the preinstalled apps on Nokia Asha 200.Or any other workaround to install the updates on my cell phone.
Today I updated my phone (model 5230) from firmware 40.??? to 50.0.001. I tried a couple of times by using the Ovi PC Suite, but it resulted each time in error 12014 (backup of phone succeeded, but update not). Then I switched to Nokia Software Updater (also on PC) which seemed to work great. However, now the media key is not working anymore.
I recently bought a 5230 and set a reminder for this morning - worked perfectly and went off when it should but I couldn't make it stop again - or silence it either. In the end, I had to wait until it ran out of steam so that I could access the memo and take the reminder alarm off. Am I missing something obvious?
I was wondering whether it's possible to send emails with attachments from a Nokia 5230, it's just I would like to be able to send emails with attachments without using a computer especially when I'm out on my journeys.
Ever since I updated my Nokia 5230 software from version to to and yesterday to, I'm have not been able to install any sis/sisx theme onto my mobile and have also checked the application installation settings. Its goes through the entire installation and finally reads "No Access Unable to Install" finally when i remove the memory card and put it onto my frnd's Nokia E71 / 72 and install it to the memory it goes through and i'm able to use the theme. I've downloaded these themes from non-Nokia sources but expect support as both my frnd and me updated software yesterday to 21.xxxx for my 5230 and for his E72. He able to install themes but i'm not. Enclosed is the snap shot of the same. Couldn't get better than this Pls help expecting and early reply
My phone has about 90mb of space by what I can see. I have installed a microSD card and that has 4gigs.
My problem is that I can't seem to install anything for want of space. My pictures are on the card, my music is on the card. Even so my card has about 1.65GB of free space yet I can figure out how to move applications to the card. I installed the Suite today for Windows and one of the things it does it bug me to update programs like Maps... sounds good in theory but my phone filled up half way thru the installation process. how I can offload everything to the memory card?
So, I was talking on my nokia 5250 and suddenly it turned off, it was charging, but now it just doesnt turn on at all. Plugged in it only shows the phone charging,but pressing the powerbutton still doesnt turn it on.
I updated my NOKIA 5230 to the newer version of firmware (New software releases (version 50.x.00x) are now available for Nokia 5230, 5235 and 5238 *) after updating my phone with this great update my phone's bluetooth stopped functioning totally.I first checked the visibility of bluetooth of my phone to other devices; It was ok.I Switched off the phone and put it on many times But there was no difference.Then I did reset the phone by doing *#7370# ; there was the same problem.I got fed up and reinstalled the update. But the problem is same.I surfed on the net and found that many people are facing the same problem with this new update, so I thought that let me inform you about your BETA UPDATE version 50.x.00x
I am updating my 5230 from software v.40.0.003 to v.50.0.001, via Ovi suite (latest version XP SP3 Computer tells me to restart to finish the update time after time, without the phone update being successful (I remain with older phone software version 40.0.003).After a while computer gives Nokia error code 17011and recommends to reinstall Ovi Suite.I have already installed newest OVI suite, and have also tried with the Nokia Software updater.No success however.
I just downloaded and started using Ovi Suite. My Nokia 5230 is running old software so I wanted to update it. My phone is completely working and a SIM card is inserted in it and I can call with it, but when I want to install the update then it says that there is no SIM card. I have tried ejecting the SIM card and inserting it again but it didn't work. Do you know anything that would help?And also somewhy I'm unable to install anything into the phone by USB cable.
I have Nokia 500 with symbian belle. I can't download any of setup files of any software or etc. E.g.: I tried to download opera mini from When click the download link it loads and after few minutes it say "page too large to load". And also I can't install or download anything OVI store. Always I tried to download something it says "installation error unable to download.
I got my 5230 updated to 20.0.005 last time, and actually it's a good update. The performance is better than before, but I encountered a problem that really annoying me.I love listening to music. It's everything for me. But now the music player can't detect new music files, even it's imported from a blue tooth connection. After I save it from the inbox, sometimes it said "General : System Error". The files is inside the memory card, but can't be detected by the music player although I refresh the music library. The same thing happened when I import some music files from the computer using Nokia PC Suite. In the library, there is the artist's name or the album's name, but after I clicked it, there isn't any music files inside. What happened actually with the music player?About the memory card, I got it from the phone package. It's 2 GB, and still has approx. 130 MB free. Is it the memory card or the update?
I have Asha 308 and trying to install WhatsApp but it can't. It said, that it don't compatible with my device. I've seen both 308 and 309 have similar spec just 309 got wifi but both is using 2G, so why only 309 can install WhatsApp and not 308?
hv a Nokia 9300i when i open the web browsers, and i connect at my wlan networkit saysInternet:Could not find specified Internet serverit can detect my wlan network and connect but cannot downloading the webpage...why.
I had no problem with sending sms till I sent MMS once and it didn't work. The symbol of moving envelope just came up in the upper part of display and it didn't disappeared since. From that moment I cant send any SMS or MMS, I can receive them but not send. I tried to reset phone, change my sim but the problem is still the same - I cant send sms or mms and the symbol of envelope is still there. My memory isn't full and everything seems to be fine.