IPhone :: Mail Push Notifications Stop Working On 4S?
Jun 30, 2012
So strange but ~2 weeks ago on my iPhone 4S stop working iCloud (@me.com) email push notifications. When I open Mail program it's start receiving all the mail. I checked all the settings and there is Push notifications turned on!
I'm gonna try to be clear with my problem. I have a Gmail Account working on Microsoft Exchange, for IM messaging I'm using Beejive IM with Push and I'm also using Whatsapp. Before Updating it to iOS 5.1.1 all Push notifications were working flawless, however, after I upgraded it to 5.1.1, I began having troubles. After 1 minute of having the Iphone locked, I don't get any push notification, nor on the email, nor on the Whatsapp, neither on the Beejive. If I unlock it and I re-open one of them, for ex, I go to check my contact list on Beejive, I get all the mails, and all the instant msgs that people had sent to me after I locked my iPhone; it's like, my iPhone was locked for 30 minutes. In those 30 minutes people sent me 4 msgs on whatsapp, 4 msgs on beejive and 4 mails. Once I unlock my iPhone and I go to one of the 3 apps (mail, whatsapp or beejive), I get the 12 items (4 msg from whatsapp, 4 msgs from beejive and 4 mails) at that exactly time. It's crazy, it's like, with this new update push notifications got disabled for every app or what happened to my iPhone on this upgrade? I really need help. WIthout Push, none of them apps works cool for me. I'm using Iphone 4 on a 3G network. I tried restoring it x3, I unistalled the apps, mail, etc and nothing worked.
On my Galaxy S5, every couple of days, I get a push notification called "App optimisation". "Save battery power by optimising the power usage of apps" ......
I don't want this notification, ever. Normally, the way to get rid of unwanted push notifications on Android is to long tap the notification which brings up the App Info, and then you untick "Show notifications". However, I cannot do that this time, as the "Show notifications" tickbox is ticked, but greyed out, so I cannot untick it.
How else can I get rid of this annoying, intrusive notification?
Anyone having trouble with Push notifications on the iPhone4?I've not been getting push's for Words With Friends and Facebook. Don't have any other push apps installed (besides Apple Store app - not sure what would be pushed for that tho).Yes my Notifications is set to ON. I called AT&T today and he reset something (which also cleared my voicemail settings - which I had to setup again).I also restored my phone. No pushes still.
I don't know why, but since yesterday morning I'm not getting notifications from apps installed on my iPhone 4 with iOS 5.1.Messages, iMessages, mails, calendar alerts, etc., works fine, but the rest of apps shows a message telling me that I must connect to iTunes to activate notifications.I'm connected to iTunes but I don't know what else must do.All notifications are activated. It's been working since before yesterday without problem. And I've never used any jailbreak software.
I'm gonna try to be clear with my problem. I have a Gmail Account working on Microsoft Exchange, for IM messaging I'm using Beejive IM with Push and I'm also using Whatsapp. Before Updating it to iOS 5.1.1 all Push notifications were working flawless,however, after I upgraded it to 5.1.1, I began having troubles. After 1 minute of having the Iphone locked,I don't get any push notification nor on the email, nor on the Whatsapp, neither on the Beejive. If I unlock it and I re-open one of them, for ex, I go to check my contact list on Beejive, I get all the mails, and all the instant msgs that people had sent to me after I locked my iPhone; it's like, my iPhone was locked for 30 minutes. In those 30 minutes people sent me 4 msgs on whatsapp, 4 msgs on beejive and 4 mails. Once I unlock my iPhone and I go to one of the 3 apps (mail, whatsapp or beejive), I get the 12 items (4 msg from whatsapp, 4 msgs from beejive and 4 mails) at that exactly time. It's crazy, it's like, with this new update push notifications got disabled for every app or what happened to my iPhone on this upgrade? I really need help. WIthout Push, none of them apps works cool for me. I'm using Iphone 4 on a 3G network.
Ps: I tried restoring it x3, I unistalled the apps, mail, etc and nothing worked.PS2: If someone is using whatsapp or beejive im with push on the new iOS 5.1.1 and push notifications are working good for them,it so I will know it's my iPhone hardware problem to bring it to technical
I had a locked AT&T iphone which I recently unlocked paying for it through Negri Electronics. I see that my notifications are enabled but they are not working at all. For example my Whatsapp is not receiving any messages unless I open it up.
FYI. My iPhone 4 is not jailbroken and has the latest update.
I had a locked AT&T iphone which I recently unlocked paying for it through Negri Electronics (Apple approved), this means that I can update my iphone through iTunes without any problems, which I did and now I'm using another carrier chip. I see that my notifications are enabled but they are not working at all. For example my Whatsapp is not receiving any messages unless I open it up. This happens with alot of other apps that use notifications. FYI. My iPhone 4 is not jailbroken and has the latest update.
I have got a 3GS, 3.1.2 (blackrain JB), 05.11.07, unlocked but on official carrier (O2 in the UK).but, my push notifications aren't working (push email is working, just not push notifications, facebook, ebay etc)what options do I have to try to get these working again? full restore from back up? (settings - Reset, then restore from back up)upgrade to 3.1.3 then use spirit JB?
ive just jailbroke my iphone 3gs on ios4 using the snowbreeze 1.6 all is good only my push notifications have stopped working on whatsapp and ping2 ive done the push fix through cydia which fixed my you tube not working and ive followed other guides to try and fix but no joy as of yet anyone else have a fix or idea how to fix.
Since I got my iPhone 4, my push notifications haven't been working even though I have them turned on. Sometimes I'll get alerts but when I have alerts turned off and just badges and sounds, I get neither.
Im using an iPhone 4S with iOS 5.1.1. Since yesterday, every time i restart my phone the push notifications stop working, So does iMessage. I've tried restoring many times. Even creating new apple id's.
Have noticed recently that my Mail is not pushing properly. I just opened my email and I newly received 2 emails from 8:50 over two hours ago. I have been using the phone off and on during this time, in fact about 10 mins in the App store for 10 mins prior surfing around.
Have it setup to my yahoo account, but it only refreshes when I actively open my mail. What am I missing here?
i have a serious problems with the push mail of yahoo.
the push not working The problem lasts since 2 or 3 weeks I have everything tries Reset the e-mail parameters of yahoo reset parameters of network... i have a icloud mail and alls is good with icloud
I'm not receiving any push notifications for Yahoo mail today. I've tried two different accounts with the same results. Push notifications for other apps work fine.
I have been having an issue with my twitter push notifications that is pretty maddening. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. For instance they always show in the twitter app when I get a new notification BUT the notification sound does not go off and it does not show in the phones notification bar like it used to (which is the most important part IMO). It does seem to work when certain people at me or DM me. Others it just does what I described above. I've tried revoking access, uninstall/reinstall, I have even tried resetting to the phone to factory settings.
Almost every application that utilizes push notifications ? Sometimes a reboot temporarily fixes it, or connecting to wifi make them all come in in an explosion. It seems to be worse when I am on LTE. I know it has nothing to do with the connection because my connection is great regardless, I think it is applications not having been updated for compatibility with this phone. I have had two other lollipop devices that worked fine, but this phone refuses to be cooperative on this.
Is it possible for certain wifi networks to affect push notifications? For example, my notifications from USAToday come through on my home wifi network, but not on my work wifi network. However, the notifications came through on both networks just fine using my GS4.
This is quite an old subject, but it seems to be a recurring problem across versions of Windows Live Messenger handheld client software and Blackberry Internet Service server software. For some time, I used to have no issues with Live Messenger and Push Mail from Hotmail. Now, once again, I am having a huge delay, of several hours, when logged on as "Online" to Windows Live Messenger.
What makes me believe that it is not a Windows Live limitation, by design, due to protocols and notification mechanisms in use, is the fact that I can receive both push mail and instant message notifications, immediately, as long as I am logged on to Windows Live Messenger as "Busy" or "Away". If the protocols in place allowed notifications to only a single service at a time, I believe it should not work regardless of the status on Windows Live Messenger.
I have been using Hotmail for quite a while and most of my friends use Windows Live Messenger, so I would like to keep both working in my BlackBerry. I understand BlackBerry has a commitment to offering broad compatibility, great stability, and better integration than other solutions on the market that appeals to fancy user interfaces and forget about objectivity. Having a mobile platform that can keep both the corporate and consumer world happy is definitely a great advantage. There are several loyal users that would like to keep sharing the proficiency on a common user interface for business and personal use.
I do not often post messages to online forums, but this is an issue that has been annoying me for quite some time and I am really looking forward to a solution. Is anyone experiencing the same behavior with Windows Live Messenger lately? Is RIM looking for a solution?
Our facility uses Exchange Server 2003, and I have not had problems with my Corporate Sync e-mail since receiving Froyo back in September. If I was sitting at my desk, I would consistently get a push notification on my phone a few seconds before I saw a new e-mail pop up on the Web Access client on my PC. It was great.All of a sudden, I am getting nothing. I missed several important e-mails over the weekend, and my phone will not show new messages unless I open the E-mail client and manually Refresh.
I have removed/re-added the Account a couple of times, but that doesn't seem to do any good. I have a colleague who has an Incredible, and his work e-mails are working just fine, so I wouldn't think it would be a problem with the Exchange server. The login/password aren't wrong, since I can Refresh and receive my new messages, but why would the push e-mail just halt? Are there known problems on the Blur servers? If so, is there a way we can find out about that without having to just miss a bunch of e-mails?
So ever since I got my i4 my push notifications do not come in on WWF at all. Before when I updated to iOS4 on my 3G I would get them all the time. But on my i4, I do not. Is anyone else having the same problems?
I'm using the free app and never had this problem til I used this game on my i4.
I noticed that the push notifications weren't working after I downloaded the app 'Draw Something'. Not blaming the app at all, btw. My wife gets notified when it's her turn and I don't. My wife also has a 4S and we have notifications set the same. So I upgraded to 5.1 last night and still no push notifications. I set espn and tvguide to give me a lot of notifications and have not got anything. I downloaded ipusher app and it's not working either. I'll assume the app is working and my phone isn't.
I've got MLB At Bat installed on my iPhone 4, and have yet to receive any push notifications for when my selected favorite team start and finish their games (Marlins, if you must know!)
I've reselected the teams in the MLB app, but I've gotta wait until 7 tonight to see if it did the trick.
Also, I'm not even getting push notifications for Facebook or MSNBC anymore either.
I was wondering how could I get push notifications to work again on my iPhone 3gs that has a 3.1.3 firmware.I tried installing Push Doctor (http://cmdshft.ipwn.me/apt/), but it always gets stuck in "Downloading Packages" and just stays there.Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
I remember a couple of months ago when fb push notifications went live on the facebook app...only to be plagued with extreme unreliabilty with no sound or vibrate...an ailment that still exists within the app today. i recently installed boxcar because of the great things and reliabilty i have heard it has...only to be disappointed again. and when i say disappointed, i mean the product didnt work AT ALL. i mean not one single push notification from facebook has been received. seriously...whats the deal...is it that hard to support push notifications for facebook?