How Long Is Recent List Stores In IPhone In Messages
Jun 23, 2014
How long is a recent list stores in an iPhone in messages? I deleted a contact almost a year ago and it still comes up as a name and number and when you click on the I button, it says "delete from recent list"
When you double tap the home screen and you see your recent contacts, how long are they recent? 1 hour ago, 1 day ago, etc, and if you have 3 people in your recent contacts , are they in order of most recent to last?
if I have say the whole Recent calls list full - actually just one page will do - then my iPhone will auto dial people randomly from this list. Just recently I got a call from a family member saying that I had just dialed them but nothing was said.. I checked my recent list and nothing out of the ordinary was on this list. I did NOT dial this family member at the time it was said I did.
I have begun clearing my recent list for each call just in case the phone auto dials again without me knowing. Could this be an operator issue(Telenor,DK)? I have just recently reset my iPhone and started fresh with no restored backup from iTunes. iPhone 3G 8GB with up-to-date firmware. Plenty of music and apps and about 400MB free disk space.
How do I add a number from my recentcall list to my contacts without having to write down the number then reenter it in contacts? Isn't there a way to just add the number to my contacts? I can delete them from my recent list, why can't I add them?
Another discovery about iPhone iOS.. You can't access the missed calls list or call log while your on an active phone call .. Example: you get a phone call from someone .. Then you hang up ... You call his manager and tell him, this someone called me .. The manager requests that someone's phone number .. You multi task iPhone while on the line to find the log list of recent calls Can't access the log list !!! Why??!! Because it's part of the "make a phone call" function and you can't access that because your already making a phone call .. Log list should also be part of the contacts or anywhere we can find the log while on a phone call with anyone !
Does anyone know of a way to get a list of recent notifications? There has been a few times when I will get rid of a notification, and then want to see what it said. I haven't been able to find an app to do this. I know, don't dismiss them, but some apps dismiss the notification automatically when you look at it.
Nokia E72 Keep getting a list of old devices (phones that have been paired before) every time I open Ovi Maps Have to click 'cancel' to close the pop up of recent devices before clicking 'drive' to search for destination. How do I remove the devices in the list or better still stop the list from popping up at all? Checked in my Bluetooth settings and only one device listed which is my car which doesnt appear in the list that pops up
I just upgraded to the Atrix 4G from the iphone. find the answers too. Is there a way to clear the recent calls list, and text msgs with one single command for each instead of clearing each call one at a time and doing the same for txt msg's
I upgraded from 3GS to 4S. Synced old phone first, then synced new phone. All my txt msgs transferred over except for the last 6 weeks worth. Repeated the process, restoring new phone, same problem. How do I get my most recent msgs onto new phone?
I have been facing this issue after upgrading to 2.1. I open th recent call list and click one of the recent calls but instead of dialing that contact my phone dials a different contact which is different altogather. Initially i thought that I have selected wrong contact but recently I noticed that the contact it actually called was way down in the list that it was not even visible.
My wife and I both have Motorola phones on Boost mobile. Mine's the i335, and hers is the i296. We both have an identical issue, which is that missed calls with no caller ID details aren't displayed in the recent calls list -- as soon as the popup showing a missed call has been acknowledged, it's effectively as if the call simply never happened. Every other phone I've ever owned -- including Motorolas -- has shown these calls as "Unknown" in the recent calls list.
Is there something we're missing (perhaps a setting that would fix this issue), or is this the standard behaviour for these models?
I have my mail set up to show last 50 messages, but as soon as I read a message, it disappears on my phone. I have my mail set up to fetch, should it be on push or manual or does it not matter? I'm out and need to access my email and it's no longer on my phone.
I would like to be able to document the calls made to particular clients. The info I want to document/save is shown on recent calls (newest iPhone). Is there a way to copy/paste or otherwise capture this information so it can be printed?
Facebook often freezes however the device is working properly and I have to clear it from the most recent apps list and open it again and it becomes alright.....however it happens frequently so I became annoyed
I am absolutely in love with this phone except for these three issues. First, I am constantly texting (the reason I got this phone. Sent messages are stored to the phone without any problem. However, all incoming messages are stored to the sim card. I can probably take 30 messages before it fills up completely.This gets annoying because I am constantly having to delete my inbox when I rather not be doing it.I checked all over the phone for some sort of option to change this but have had no luck.Any one know if it is possible? Another problem is that I plug the phone in every night to charge.When I wake up, it is fully charged. However, when I unplug it, it flashes "Low Battery" and powers down.I can turn it back on and the battery is full but this gets pretty annoying.Any hear of this before?Finally, is there any way to change the images that show up on the locked screen?They are nice but are annoying after some time.
I've had my Pearl 8120 for about a year or so and for the past 8 months or so it's been unexpectedly crashing, not so much at first, but it has gradually got worse to the point where the phone has become practically unusable, crashing almost every 5-10 mins. The crashing can happen at any time, whilst on a call, texting, emailing, web browsing, menu browsing etc.
Here's what happens:
The screen suddenly goes black, and the red light at the top lights up, then the screen lights up and I get a turning hourglass. This will remain on the screen for anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes, during which I cannot do anything (turn it off, even taking the battery out doesn't fix it, as it returns to doing it when I put the battery back in). When it's done doing this, my home screen appears, giving me a message reading "Verifying Security Software", a loading bar which loads up to 100%. After this, I can use the phone (until it crashes again!), but it doesn't have the memory of the previous call (in other words, it doesn't show up in my recent call list, nor does it remember who the last person I called was in my address book), and I lose whatever txt/email I was typing. I thought it might be a faulty battery so I bought a brand new battery but still the same problem.
This crashing seems to be entirely random and I know I'm not accidentally pressing anything to cause it. There are days where it happens every few hours, but there are some days where its every 5 mins!My phone seems to have moods!
I feel like throwing my phone against a wall and watching as it smashes into a million pieces does that explain how I feel?
I have just restored my iphone from last back up to retrieve vital messages that somehow disappeared. Now I have lost the most recent messages, calendar details and photos. How do I get them back?I have an iPhone 5S
I have an iphone 4 which is completely updated but daily i have an issue of it deleting some of my contacts from the contacts list. Why is this happening with some of the contacts?
I have only changed over toBalckberry last year and unfortunately the default setting was for old messages to be deleted after 30 days.I do backup by BB desktop manager once a week so can restore old messages but can they be merged with more recent messages that have been received between backups?
Why does my messages icon take me to a missed calls list and not my SMS messages? To get to SMS I have to "view folders". Please tell me there is a quicker way.
send an SMS message to someone in Hangouts then delete the message. Now open up the Contacts app (not Dialer) and find that same person. Under the person's details you will see a section called Recents. You will see the message you just sent and deleted with no options, at least that i know of, to delete this message. It will stay there for a few days and then will disappear. But those few days keeping a deleted message is not a good thing. I can just imagine the number of people who are cheating get caught because they didn't know their spouse, boyfriend or girl friend can see who and what recent messages they've been sending to someone, that they thought they had deleted or cleared, just by browsing thru the Contacts app. I think this needs to be changed so that if you delete your messages in Hangouts it will also delete the corresponding message in Contacts instantly.
i have a x10 mini and i can't seem to clear or delete my recent calls(received,called or missed) and also to clear or delete messages with this touch screen phone. How do i go about getting it right?