IPhone 5c :: Why Do Received Calls Go Straight To Voicemail
Jun 3, 2014why do my received calls go straight to voicemail on iPhone 5c?
View 2 Replieswhy do my received calls go straight to voicemail on iPhone 5c?
View 2 Replieswhile on iphone 6 incoming calls go straight to voicemail
iPhone 6, iOS 8.1.1
My phone isn't ringing all my calls are just going straight to the voicemail no missed call or anything is coming up?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I get a call the following things are happening: My phone will NOT ring, it will not show up as a missed call in the call logs, and lastly the only way I even know I received the call is if the caller leaves a voicemail. This all started about 3 weeks ago and was not doing this when I first activated the phone in December 2014. This is unacceptable and cannot continue to happen because I use this phone for business and personal use.
I want to make it clear that this does not happen with every phone call I receive. What I can do to stop it.
can the S6 send calls straight to voicemail like blocking did on the S4? If not is there a good app, free or paid that can do this?
View 3 Replies View Relatednew experia mini phone 2 weeks and when incomming calls arrive they are going straight to voicemail.
View 6 Replies View RelatedIt took some time to upgrade to 2.1 and the process was not as straightforward as I had hoped but I eventually retrieved my contacts and re-installed my apps. Then I found a fundamental problem...I cannot answer any incoming calls!
When I swipe the bar across the screen to answer the phone it goes straight to voicemail. I have searched settings and cannot see why this is happening. Does anyone out there know what am doing or have done wrong?
I have an E72 on orange (a direct from Nokia model), firmware version 052.005. It is constantly sending my calls straight to voice mail without the call even ringing, I just get a voicemail notification, its not a signal thing I've checked this.
View 3 Replies View RelatedFrequently my verizon 4s goes straight to voicemail instead of ringing through?
View 1 Replies View RelatedSometimes when I get a call on my iphone4s it does not ring but goes straight to voice mail. And then again it may ring sometimes. What is the problem and how do I correct it.
iPhone 4S
Sometimes when my wife tries to call my phone will go straight to voicemail, more often than not.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
Checked settings. Ringer is on.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to get Straight Talk's voicemail to stop requiring me to input a password?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI know on Google phones, you have an option to be able send a particular contact str8 to voicemail when they call without it ringing, are you able to do such a thing with the BB curve?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have someone who is bugging me constantly and I do not want to pay for the parental controls plan where I can have the person blacklisted from contacting me, so I wanted to know how would go about setting a specific contact's calls to go straight to voice mail whenever they tried to call me?
View 8 Replies View Relatediphone calls voicemail when I tap voicemail icon
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy iphone 4s and am with ee and the have done checks and am still either getting phone going straight to voice mail or saying number not available ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I get a voicemail and I try to tap the "play" icon, nothing will happen. This has been happening for a few days consistently with every voicemail.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
I was in a meeting this am waiting for an important business call. The phone was sitting on the table. I got a text telling me people were trying to contact me and I didn't answer the phone! It didn't ring. I've had it set for CDME/LTE because I live/work in a saturated 4G area. For some reason the phone read 3G with 4bars lit.No call. After multiple text messages the call came through. I've had people complain before that they've called when I've had the phone sitting next to me at work and it hasn't rung, and at other times it rings just fine.
View 2 Replies View RelatedBeen told off 2 friends my bb is going straight 2 voicemail but according 2 my setup & coverage its showing 3g. I can still call out, recieve texts & emails.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI couple of days ago it shut itself off again. I took out the battery to reset it, but when it came back on the home button quit working, on both the front screen and the keyboard. Also, all of my calls are going straight to voicemail and the Happenings widget isn't working right. When there are no current happenings it says "keep up to date with friends in social networks". If you touch it, it says to setup a Motoblur account to use this service, but I already have one. I've tried just resetting the password on there, but that did nothing. And if I try to set it up, it comes up with a force close screen.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIncoming call go straight to voicemail.
iPhone 4S
My iPhone 4s unable to received phone calls and sms.
View 1 Replies View RelatedEverytime I end a call a screen will show up asking me to enter my voice mail password. If I click cancel it will show up again once more, another cancel, and it will go away. But if I enter something and click ok, it will just keep coming back.
Here's the thing though...I don't have a voice mail password.
My visual voice mail does not work and my phone will not tell me if I have a voice mail or not. I called my voice mail and went to the option to turn off my voice mail password, yet it didn't do anything.
I tried making a password then getting rid of it, hard reset, restore, everything and nothing seems to work. I was hoping iOS4 would do something to fix it but no luck.
Also, this screen will also show up if I have no service and then regain it. (It also tells me if I have a voice mail only if I have no service, which is pretty much never).
Any ideas?
Everything else is working fine but all day I've had issues texting and making/receiving calls. I've done a soft reset at least 10 times. Will let me then do about 2 texts, then it goes back to sending error. Every time I try to make a call it doesn't even ring, just goes to call fail.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
My wife's 3G is having problems that I don't have.
Dropped calls
Hears echos
Sounds Hollow
Sometimes she hears static
Her voicemail notifications wasn't coming up. She had to call her voicemail periodically to see if she had any voicemails.
She has 3.1.2 installed. The phone is also jailbroken. We both have AT&T. She called AT&T and and they did some troubleshooting and they fixed her voicemail, then said that they think that she needs a new SIM.
Why does my I 4 calls go to voice mail without indicating a missed call?
iPhone 4, iOS 7.1.2
After one ring, incoming calls go straight to voicemail How to reset it to ring a few times before going into voicemail
iPhone 5
this is a serious problem. my voicemail is not working, if somebody tries calling me, its rings, and i can answer, but if i dont answer, it goes to the busy tone instead of voicemail. please someone help this is really bad if someone needs to get in touch with me!
View 6 Replies View RelatedMy iPhone 5 suddenly stopped ringing and sends incoming calls right to voicemail. It doesn't happen on all calls but about 80% of the time.
iPhone 5c, iOS 8.1.1
When getting calls from overseas, correct no. is not displaying. Even the country code is wrong.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1