Xperia X10 Mini/pro :: Outgoing Call Time And Outgoing Sms?
Oct 9, 2010
i've just bought a xperia x10 mini pro... after reading the entire user guide, i still can't find the "counter" for total outgoing call time and outgoing sms. Anyone knows where to find this in the phone? previously when i was just W910i, this function was easily located.
I was facing the problem of contacts & call log after updating the 2.1(multitouch update). My call log doesn't record the incoming, outgoing and missed call. Sometimes it records and sometimes it doesn't.
whenever I sent text message I would get a notifaction ie balance and ringtone that was until last night now it doesnt say that text has been sent I have only had the phone a week or so
i have an xperia mini and it doesnot make any out going calls when the wifi is on but i can recieve calls but when i turn the wifi off i make calls normally what's the wifi is to do with making calls when the wifi is on it will not make calls and it keep saying connecting but there's no ring or answer but when the wifi is off it connects in secondsi live in egypt my carrier is etisalat my phone is updated to the lateset software ics :4.0.4
Basically I brought the phone the other the day and tried calling someone but when I ring I can hear them but they can't hear me! Not sure if its a fault with the phone or settings?
My call log only shows the latest call to/from a contact/number. (If I had a missed call from someone, it won't show up after I've called them back). Is there anyway to change that so it will show multiple calls / missed calls from the same number?
I just bought a new iPhone 4S and wonder where, if anywhere, there is an outgoing call counter. If there isn't, are there any good apps for this purpose.
I updated my firmware to 071.004 and my talk time is reset to "0". Previously I had like 64h of total talk time. How can I restore it? I do have nbu backup file, but I can't restore it
I am not able to make any outgoing call from my Nokia C7 with Vodafone Sim inside it. After sometime I put some other card and It started working fine. I thought the problem is with Sim hence I put my Vodafone Sim in other phone and It also worked fine.
Whenever I am trying to make call from Nokia C7 with old Vodafone Sim it gives error "NO ANSWER".
But I dont understand that why Nokia C7 is not working with Vodafone Sim which was inside it since I purchased the phone.
For the past week or so, I can not make an outgoing call to save my life. After about 30 tries, my outgoing call would get through. But usually it says "Congestion" and I'm not able to make a call. I did that Alt+L,G,L,G thing to clear the log and that isn't helping. I can do everything else on my phone like text, use the internet, BBM, and I can even receive calls! I just can't call out
I have a bold 9700 from at&t across the border, when I put the rogers sim card in, everything ok but can't make outgoing call. what should I do, do anyone know?
I try to call and the person receives the call but doesn't hear anything. What's happen in my phone is that after the call the window freezes and to turn it off I need to restart the phone. I am not receiving calls either.
I'm using Nokia Maps on my E6-00 smartphone. If I make or answer a call during the navigation, my phone will only show me the details of the call (phone number, duration, picture of person called and so on) but not the map. Audio information is reduced to some "beep" in the background which is quite okay for me. But not being able to see the map and the next turns is annoying to make "Nokia Maps" show the map instead of information about the call?
my issue is as described above. The phone has (as far as I can tell) allowed me to close the call but I cannot find a way to get rid of the icon other than by turning the phone off and then on again.
Since purchasing the Samsung i-780 in July 2008, I have had to change the motherboard three times and I am still having problems today. The phone is not stable and I frequently experience incoming/outgoing call failures and touchscreen failures. I do not even load my phone with any additional softwares and I do not use it for browsing internet, and yet the software and motherboard is not stable. The frequent malfunction of this phone has caused a lot of problems and inconveniences to my business trips. Also it is embarrassing when my business partners find out that my expensive phone is not working. This is my first and last Samsung phone.....
When I make a call, people can't hear me, or just barely if I speak very loudly. I can hear them perfectly. I have three bars or better. Did I reset some voice volume or something?
This problems appeared 2 weeks ago when I called my friend and he didn't answer my call - what usually happens is a loud short beep and the call is ended - but this time the phone continue beeping and I had to press "End call" to stop the beeping and that continued to happen since then. I tried to restart, remove the battery but the problem persists. I'm not ready to hard reset my phone or to reinstall the os to solve that problem.
After 18 months my BB Storm has decided to show call log-incoming or outgoing- calls in some random order, rather than most recent call first. How can I get it back to "last call first"?
How do I reset my phone so that when I press the call button it shows the list of calls made. All I get now is the keyboard showing. Also my charger fit into my phone is very loose.
My Droid Raxr HD Maxx has developed a very bad habit. Whenever I initiate a voice call, the microphone fails. The failure is exactly at the point of connection, which is to say that I can use the mic for voice dialing. Toggling the speaker button or adjusting the volume (which is set at high) remedies the problem, toggling the mute button does not. This occurs on outgoing calls only; incoming calls are normal.