I've had my X10 for about 6 months and about a month ago my WiFi stopped working. At first it was just at home, it wouldn't see the connection. My laptop would connect fine, as would other peoples phones. And now, it doesn't pick up WiFi at all.
I mean the signal recieved by Z2 is very poor, I have to be very close to the router in order to get a good signal. When I get far from router - 4or5 meters - the signal becomes poor . I don't loose the signal but it becomes so poor. In comparison my wife had a samsung phone but the signal on her phone still strong. She even can access other WIFI signals using her phone, while I can't cause my phone doesen't even see the WIFI signals. Is there any method or any update to solve this?
Since i got my Z2 phone i've been having troubles with WiFi signal, but it doesn't matter to me... Last week I got a bluetooth gadget for my device and I am having issues with the bluetooth signal too, if something is obstructing between the router or bluetooth gadget and my cell phone, it present a huge loss of signal.I tested with my old phone (Xperia ION) and works great, so there's a trouble with the bluetooth / wifi receptor of my device... ¿How could I fix it? My warranty has expired, maybe an update? I'm running with 5.0.2 android version
Wifi connects but signal fades. disconnect and reconnect solves momentarily. This is very common. Read all the other posts. Reset entire phone to no avail. This is just a note for potential owners.
my x10i keeps dropping its wifi connection. it is in an "excellent" signal strength area. i can now see that is related to my poor mobile network coverage at home. when the mobile network signal drops, then the wifi turns off and the turns on again, scans and reconnects. when the mobile network connects again (after a minute or two) the wifi turns off, then on again, scans and reconnects. this cycling is happening every minute or two. which leads to lots of frustrating network errors. exact issue described below with Internet clip: [url]. things improve if i turn off 3g and set network to gsm only.
What do these Icons represent or mean, and the meaning when they change Colors from White to Blue (Status Icons). There was a GB 2.3.4 User Manual Posted on Moto's site, Unfortunately no information was included about these Items. What does it mean when all three are blue, Including the H+ icon having arrows beneath it at the same time? Is it also Possible to have the Intro Video Posted or embedded to this thread as well please.
I bought an Xperia Ray last Saturday because my HTC Salsa was struggling to connect and stay connected to my home wifi and also had internal memory problems (not enough internal memory)..Now I'm having different wifi problems with the Ray.It connects but the connection is very slow although nothing else is accessing the wifi and when my husband connects with his Samsung Galaxy it is fine and very fast. Every time the screen light goes out (set to every 10 mins at the moment) it seems to drop the wifi connection and when I "wake " it again it has just the mobile connection but starts to connect again straight away, unfortunately this is not fast.
Having issue on my D6633 since KitKat, now updated to LP 5.0.2 23.1.1.E.0.1 and still same. When I go in 5 meters from router behind 2 walls and signal strength decrease a bit download speed drops almost to Zero, but upload speed is ok.
Check below video, I have 46080 / 3072 kbps for download /upload... Tried all possible settings combinations without success. Stamina mode never used.. Â [URL] ...
When near router 2-3 m without any obstacles download speed is ok. Any other my phone (Samsunf S3 for ex.) have no such issue in same location...
Wifi on Lollipop 5.0.2 takes to much time to connect. It used to connect fast in KK.
When connected to Wifi it shows connected whereas the the Mobile data sign does not disappear unless as quick. Only after the Mobile data signal is disabled after 10 secs the connection starts working.
I recently uploaded a video from my phone onto my PC, yet when I unplugged my phone from my computer I had no signal and no wifi. I know that there is signal and wifi in the house as my sister also has a blackberry and hers is working fine. I have tried taking out the battery and completely restarting it, but nothing seems to work!
i have a blackberry curve 8520 and when i am at home it connects to my route but then it will drop the signal and then pick it up again and so on, it only seems to stay connected for about 2 mins at a time even if i am nearly sat on the route is my blackberry faulty?
I'm experiencing intermittent interruptions in my Wi-Fi signal with the G4, with it starting only in the past 3 days (I don't know what could have triggered this to happen). I have disabled IPV6, updated the router firmware, turned off NFC on my phone, cleared Google Play data, and removed/added my network. I still have the problem. I know it's pretty much a phone issue because my tablet is fine and while I can access my Plex LAN with my tablet, I can't with my phone. So short of a hard reset or waiting on Marshmallow (which may be for a long time, as I'm on Verizon).
When I walk out of range of a WiFi signal, the 3G does not start. I have to switch on airplane mode and then switch it off. Is there something wrong with my phone?
i have some problems with my iphone 3gs 8gb bought from UK, i Updated for 5.01 and since then i saw that i don`t have signal ,wi-fi ,bluetoth. now i tryed to restore to main software but i think something `cause it`s stuck on Itunes display (the drawing like you buy it from shop) and when i try to RESTOR I keep getting and ERROR (-1) .
I have a iPhone 3GS, and have had no problems with it whatsoever. However, recently whenever I am using an ap that is sending/receiving data (either through Wifi or 3G connection) my signal drops out every minute or so for several seconds, before searching and reconnecting, and resets my Wifi connection also. However, when simply texting or talking on the phone this doesnt occur. The problem seemed to have begun after installing iOS5, but since updating to iOS5.1, it still remains the same.
I have tried all the basics of reinserting my sim, restarting the unit, as well as trying a soft reset etc. It seems odd that the problem only primarily occurs with 3rd party aps, such as banking, chat and social networking including facebook.
i have had my iphone 4 for about 4 5 months as this was a replacement. but now i keep having this issue. i have had it for about a month. i connect to my internet and it works perfectly. surfing the web facebook all works. but soon as i go on to Internet and click on a video every 4 - 5 minutes the wifi signal drops and to get it back i have to ecit to the home screen and wait for a couple of seconds. then i go back onto the video and it happens again. this happens on alot of wifi connections not just my one what could be the issue?
My iPhone 5 has never had a problem with picking up a Wifi signal. I just moved to a new apartment a few weeks ago and my iPhone won't recognize any Wifi signal at all. My Xbox One recognizes multiple signals and connects with ease, same with my Macbook Pro. And my iPhone has no problem picking up Wifi networks at other locations (Work, Starbucks, etc.).Â
i have problem with my E72 and gps signal. Before it worked ok, now i dont know what is the problem. It looses "fix" every few seconds even in the open sky. I switch phone off and on. And it fixes for a few seconds, but it loses fix quickly. i dont know what is the problem. I use sports tracker and google maps, and the same thing in both programs. I have everyhing turned to on in "positioning methods" (exept external gps): A-gps, integrated gps, WiFi/Network, Network based..........
I restarted my router and restored my phone to factory settings and it still wont connect to my home wifi. It will connect at work and everywhere else but home. Every time i try to connect it tells me "Failed to connect to WiFi please check your network connection" or whatever. And when i click on our home WiFi name it says the signal strength is Excellent....
I flashed factory image of android 6 on the day of the release. I've had worse wifi signal than I had on 5.1.1, a very notable change. In my wife's nexus 5 I waited till the ota update, and that phone doesn't have the same issue. I've tried flashing the radio from 5.1.1,but didn't see any change. I also refreshed to stock 6.0,and performed factory reset.
I'm at like 60% signal when sitting next to the router.
I turn the WiFi off in the notification panel, but it keeps turning on and connecting to a WiFi signal I don't want it to. Even if I tell it to forget that network, it pops up again and connects to it.
My 3Gs is simply slower on WiFi signal vs 3G. I can go to a site with 3G and move faster and load quicker than when on WiFi. Now, I'm a goob when it comes to understanding things so, maybe the WiFi is slower due to people using it, etc.
But in typical fashion at the airport, restaurant, etc., 3G is what I usually use to search and do things on. Of course, at home, I cannot test it as we only have an Edge signal...
Any idea if I am correct in feeling the WiFi should be faster than the 3G signal?
Right now my iPhone 4s suddenly dropped the WiFi signal to my home network and is now unable to connect to the network.
Things I have tried:Turning phone on/off, this worked for about 10 minutes then it happened again.Restarting my router, did not work.Restoring router to factory default, did not work.Forgetting network, did not work.
I made sure my mac address is not being blocked.
I have been blocking a couple of mac addresses that have the host name "unknown" and IP "unknown" on my router, however this should not be affecting it since my phone shows up as "iPhone" on the device list. No other device is connected to my WiFi.
I have a Motorola SURFboard SBG6580 Docis 3.0 modem w/ built in wifi if it helps.
Info: iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1, Just synced to iTunes yesterday.
my phone is connecting with my wifi well without any problems but sometimes the signal shows only one bar, even when I am sitting with the phone in the next room, I compared it with my brothers HTC desire s when he came down today and his phone was showing full signal!