A simple Google search seems to indicate that the Lumia 810 supports wireless charging. So I got a hold of a Nokia charging plate. But nothing's happening.
So, does the phone support it? Or maybe the charger itself is defective...
My Lumia 950 doesn't charge well on the CR-201 in car charger. It connects and disconnects every 10 seconds or so, making usual chime, when it connects with monotonous regularity. That's makes a nuisance when bluetooth streaming as the chimes stream too. Flicking to ringer off stops that though.
It charges fine using the DT-910 desk standing charger. So I don't think it's a case issue, though I have a Mozo case on order.
I have tried using my Lumia 950XL on the Nokia Wireless charging plate (DC-50), however it appears to charge very slowly, is this correct?To put it into perspective, placed on charge when the phone was completely flat at 7pm, but 12:30am (5 1/2 hours later) the phone was only at 64.the phone was placed centrally on the wireless pad, not in a case, etc.
Has anyone had experience yet with wireless charging? I am hesitating to purchase a wireless plate as I have my phone within a leather safety case. Has anybody been able to charge their phone wirelessly while the phone is inside a case? Or will it only work in its original condition i.e. no case at all. If anyone has any info it would be great.
Today I received 2 Nokia wireless charger as part of the free charger with the new Lumia 920 on AT&T. When I tried to charge my phone it worked just fine, but when I tried to charge my wife phone it didn't charge, her was in battery save mode so I tried charging it with the usb cable until it got out of battery save mode and tried again with no luck.
I tried in both wireless charger devices both phones and had the same result, my phone charged and my wife's didn't. The light in the charger device does light up with no blinking hinting that the phone is charging but there's no notification on the phone side (no sound, battery icon don't change, battery keeps dropping).
The other difference between the two phones is that her's is high gloss red and mine is matte black.
I bought the 920 upon returning from vacation on 11/13. I bought the wireless charging stand as well. The first few days it worked flawlessly. I went away on a business trip and upon my return the phone would no longer charge wirelessly.
I went to ATT to have them look at it. I was given the run around and told I had to run across town (an hour away) to their service center where I also got a good run around. I asked them if they could open a charger to see if it was my charger or the phone. They assured me it was the charger based on literally no diagnosis. Extremely frustrating. They ordered a replacement which they assured me would be here in two days. Its been almost two weeks.
Anyway, today I finally received the wireless charging plate from the ATT promotion. I promptly opened the box to see if my phone would charge hoping it would. However it does not.
Now, with both the stand and the plate, they light comes on acknowledging the link, and on the stand the nfc app launcher works. Neither will charge the phone.
Is there anything that I can try? I have already don't a hard reset erasing all my data, multiple resets, scanned through all the settings, etc.
I have a lumia 920 and the wireless charging pad.My phone was able to charge wirelessly yesterday but now it does not work at all.My friend has a lumia 920 as well and he was able to place his phone on my pad and started charging right away.
Does the DT-900 work with the 822? Order one with my phone but it doesn't work. So not sure if its not compatible or something wrong with the phone or the charging plate.
I have a Nokia Lumia 920, which works perfectly fine. I haven't had some of the other issues reported here with freezing, apps, etc.I have a Nokia charging plate and I've found that no matter what I do the wireless charging plate absolutely does not work. I've turned off Bluetooth, Wifi, turned ON Battery Saver, disabled every background app, even hard reset my phone and tried charging it from stock. The wireless charging plate doesn't even maintain the current battery state - The battery slowly drains hour by hour. I've also tried placing the phone on the charging plate in different positions to ensure it's making good contact.
Just received two wrieless charing plates. Despite of the fact that their power adapters are white while they are black (Would be nice if Nokia could match their colors, it isn't so hard and would look much better) none of them seem to be working.Tried both of them with two different Lumia 920s and nothing happens, no lights or anything. Is there anything I'm missing or did Nokia just sent two deffective units? I find it hard that I was that unlucky.
If I were to purchase the 920 from Best Buy Wireless or directly from the online Microsoft Store, would I still be able to get the free wireless charging plate?
I have 920 and JBL PowerUp Wireless Charging Speaker for Nokia. When I play music with Bluetooth, I can hear periodic static and pop sounds. However, when I connect the phone directly with the speaker with wire, those static sound goes away.
I have been looking to buy a wireless charging shell (CC-3041) for my new Lumia 820.
According to this website [URL]... global/products/accessory/cc-3041/ there are SEVEN different colours including purple and grey. Yet every where I look the range on offer is only the FIVE colours except for purple and grey! Where are they?
Nokia shouldnt give out false pretences if the purples and greys aren't meant to be for sale. Anyone know where they have disappeared to? And if there are for sale, anyone know where to buy them.
I'm trying to download my music but WP8 uses the Windows Phone App client in Windows 8. Wll, when I tried connecting my phone, it says "Your phone is having troubles" error message. The instruction says to power off the phone. But no luck. Tried searching MS community but nothing there (but I won't rule out I didn't search well. Also, I posted the same question there and waiting for a response.)
It seems that the only Wireless Charging option available for my AT&T version of the LG G3 is the OEM Quick Circle Case and the only mat that will work is the Duracell Powermat? All the QI charging options whether they are actual back cover replacements or just the receiver stickers by themselves they all say not compatible for AT&T model. I have the aforementioned Quick Circle case and Powermat combo which works great but I want to be able to use some of my other cases as well and charge wirelessly..
Just got a Wireless Qi sticker from a china site. However, it doesn't seem to work.
1) Testing this on a Samsung Wireless Charger (the flat disc) and it doesn't work. My wife's Galaxy S6 works perfectly though. 2) NFC on the LG G4 works perfectly though.
I brought a Samsung wireless charger. The first few days, it worked flawlessly, but today when putting the phone on at 27%, when it hit around 85-90%, it started saying "Wireless charging have stopped" even tho it still charges. It's annoying, cause the screen light up, it vibrates and I get notification about it, but it starts charging right after?
Do you think this is a phone or wireless charger problem? Also, will this hurt my battery in any way? I mean if I leave it overnight, would it hurt the battery that the battery start charging, stopping again and then start again? This is around every sec or so.
Every night I leave my S6 on the wireless charger, in the morning its always around 90% full, and not charging. Does the wireless charging take it up to 100% then stop charging, not even doing a trickle charge?
I charge my phones overnight with the power off. My old phone,an HTC DNA, had to be precisely placed in the same counterintuitive position (up and to the left) for the Nokia DT-900 white charging light to blink and DNA green fully charged light to go off at 100%. The phone would no longer charge and therefore cool down.
Unfortunately, I now wake up with my S6 charging light on as well as the constant white charging light on the DT-900. Need exact alignment that allows for the charger and phone to stop charging at 100% and have the indicator lights work properly?
The S6 doesn't get nearly as hot as the DNA on constant charge. However, I figure it would be a little better if the charger just shut off when done.
I'm a big fan of wireless charging and after watching the PocketNow video on installing wireless on your G4 I went right over to Amazon and ordered the NeWisdom wireless sticker. I installed it and it worked perfectly. Monday night, I left my G4 on the charger overnight. In the morning it was fully charged as I expected but oddly enough, when I went to open an app (any app) it would black out the screen then go right back to the home screen.
The phone was still functional but I could not open any app, it would just bounce me back to the home screen. I restarted the phone and that fixed it. I thought nothing about it writing it off as an oddball glitch. Last night I put the phone on the charger again and this morning I had the same exact issue. No app opens, just a black screen and back to the home screen. I'm using a Nokia Qi wireless charging stand which has worked flawlessly up till now with my other phones.
Ping pong... Ping pong. All night! Only way to disable is to turn notification volume to 0 which I cannot do as I am on call via an app. Do not disturb doesn't work either.
On my Nexus 5 the wireless charging and NFC suddenly stopped working.. Everything worked properly until yesterday but suddenly my NFC tags have not been recognized and i just tried my wireless charging pad and it is also not working..
I expect a hardware problem because all the nfc-based apps are working if nfc is turned on and aren't working if nfc is turned off.. Is it a problem with the NFC/wireless charging pad or with the pcb? I guess i have to replace one of the parts but which - is there any way to find out which one? When i lay it onto the wireless charger the indication led of the charger doesn't change the color and also doesn't seem to recognize the phone, so i guess it's the charging pad which is located in the backcover?
Everything else is working properly.. Is there anything i can do about it or do i have to change any component?
I added the wireless charging antenna NeWisdom® from amazon and it worked well with my different qi chargers including Itian A6 Qi Three Coils Wireless Charging Pad with 5V from amazon for couple of months.
Last week i used the fast charger that comes with a nexus 6 and since then wireless charging stopped working for me ( i tried multiple wireless chargers CHOE UPGRADED Qi Wireless Charger Charging Pad from amazon). Even worse using the cable directly from the wireless charger i referred above does not work ( other charger cables i have seem to work ok when i plug them in).