Before doing the latest update for my N97, applications and widgets ran problem free but since the update applications like Facebook and GameBuzz Widget keep freezing and failing to load both from the home screen and from the applications folder from the menu. I have tried un-installing the applications and re-installing them with no effect.
After I click on the Log in button an Error occured message appeared. It's saying "An unrecoverable error occurred. It might help to reboot your device" Im using a nokia C6-00 software version v 20.0.042.
what are other ways to talk using mobile data or mobile internet for free like Skype.On my Nokia 701 i have communicator and in connectivity-admin settings i have SIP.I don't know how to use them.
Does anyone know if t-mobile has somehow disabled some apps from being used on this phone - Specifically Vhome. I'm trying to use Vhome, I can get it installed, I can change the options/settings but when I actually "open" it (to replace my homescreen) to use, the app closes. I've tried downloading it from 2 different locations both with the same result...
Model 5230 software: 12.2.082 version date 16-04-10 custom version type: RM-593
I have tried several times to download and install teh Nokia Mobile VPN from the Nokia (OVI) store but the installation always fail. I have an N8 running Anna. I'm not sure where to start with getting this to work.
Bought 5800 which had mobile Facebook on the handset already. Added this as a homepage shortcut. Downloaded the OVI Facebook but didn't like it so removed it. A few months later I attemptedto download OVI Facebook App again but was advised I had to delete the Facebook install files from my handset.
Did this but have also accidentally deleted the mobile Facebook original App that was on the handset when purchased! Tried to re-download this from mobile Facebook site - but just get a blank screen? how to reinstall the original mobile Facebook App?
I have nokia c5-03. It has native facebook app l when i try to use it shows "an unrecoverableerror occured reboot might help" & so I amunable to use it.
It won't let you delete it by organising, and it won't let you delete it by App Manager > Installed Apps > Long Press > Unistall it just says 'Removing Cancelled' in both cases. I've removed the facebook installer but this makes no difference.
How can one make Opera mobile to be the phone's default browser so that it opens vs Nokia browser when clicked on a link in emails? Nokia web browser opens despite Opera is set as default?
I recently purchased a Nokia 5230 Nuron through T-mobile. I love using it for Facebook with the included app however I've noticed that there isn't an option to upload a picture with my status update. Is there a way to do this with this model phone?
All my friends who are using mobile phones (iphone) are visible through facebook website and i can speak to them from my PC. But why i cant see those friends online, when i use my phone (Lumia 610)? I only see friends who are using PC. When i try manually to find a friend from people hub and i know that he is online from mobile, the message says that this friend i not connected and urge me to send him SMS.
I am using nokia c2 01,and i download facebook app from ovi store,then it replaced over preloaded app of facebook in my phone.i deleted it. Then i din't found the application even i reset the mobile
i have nokia 701 and in nokia browser the facebook is not opening correctly.nor the page is displaying correctly niether the any other function can be used such as like,comment, share etc.any app which have all these functions of facebook.
I try to install Facebook chat from Ovi and don't work. I have nokia e5-00. I don't know way, I don't have an error message. My soft version is 081.004.
I can send my location into my facebook account, but the delivered map link does not work. The link is opened, but no map.If I take the map link as copy/paste in properties I can open the link.Same thing happens, if I send a point from ovimap in suite.
when the facebook widget is enabled, my Nokia C6 mantains an open 3G connection indefinitely. Is there a way to schedule a time-interval for the widget update, like the e-mail widget (15 min.-30 min. etc...)?
I am having a strange and irritating problem after upgrading Nokia E71 Symbian firmware to version 410..Nokia Web Browser displays broken images (the ones which are like icons, next to the user names in the news feed) on the Facebook Mobile website. Opera Mini Browser displays the page correctly. Nokia E61 Native Browser also displays the page correctly. Tried another web connection (i.e. different router etc) but problem persists.
First i've downloaded "Communities" app from OVI store. It works too slow. Then i found "Facebook" app on OVI store. It seems ok but some times it becomes unstable. can't click anything even close app. Needs to Force shut down.
I have downloaded the Faceboook chat application from the Ovi Store, when I try to log in, a very silly error pops up: "Login Failed: Login failed with current settings. Reason: Login Failed".
I've been using the Nokia Communities App for like a week, then I noticed that I typo-ed a Facebook status, also in Twitter. I couldn't edit it, and I couldn't find any option to delete it as well.
i have nokia 5230 it has native facebook app when i try it to open it it shows 'an uncoverable error occured reboot might help' it just showin this nothing ahead it i am unable to use fb through it.
I downloaded the Facebook app for my Nokia 5800XM so I could do some real time travel blogging on my Facebook and share the pictures I take with the Nokia. The Facebook app does offer such a upload functionality, however the thumbnails from the photo gallery is all blank so you do not have a chance to choose the picture you want.